Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 1994-current, April 26, 2017, Page A5, Image 5

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Violet Mae Abercrombie
Robert L. ‘Bob’ Miller
Walter J. Frederiks
February 13, 1931-April 13, 2017
April 18, 2017
Violet Mae Abercrombie, ins; the Caribbean; and Alas-
86, died peacefully at her ka. She went to Asiago, Italy,
home in Hermiston, Oregon, Rome and England with her
on Thursday, April 13, 2017. daughter Lenda and son-in-
Violet was born Friday, law Jeffery Rothleutner. She
loved to share her ad-
February 13, 1931,
ventures and photos
at her grandparent
of the many places
she visited with who-
on Weeding Lane
ever came over to the
in Blackfoot, Idaho,
daughter of Anglo
Violet was a very
Moore Saxton and
talented woman, al-
Ethel Harbaugh Sax-
ton. For the first 19 Abercrombie though she claimed
she didn’t have a tal-
years of her life she
lived on a small family farm ented bone in her body. Her
just down the road from hobbies were quilting, paint-
where she was born. Violet ing ceramics and shirts, mac-
graduated from Black Foot ramé, dancing, singing, fish-
High School in 1949; during ing, traveling, crocheting,
those high school years she embroidery, making clothes
lettered in the Glee Club. for her children and grand-
After graduation, her first job children, canning and pre-
was for King Five & Dime serving foods and her flower
gardens, to name a few.
store in Blackfoot, Idaho.
If anyone was in need of
Violet had read and
dreamed of one day visiting anything, even if it was just
the Yakima Valley in Wash- to listen or to give a hug, she
ington state. One day her was there, no matter the time
sister Vilate introduced her of day or night. She based
to a young man just out of her life on the words of she
the Army. This young man her favorite hymn, “Have I
was John David Abercrom- Done Any Good in the World
bie from Yakima, Wash. Today.”
Violet is survived by her
They fell in love and married
November 10, 1950, at her two brothers, Anglo Elias
parents’ home in Blackfoot, Saxton of Pingree, Idaho, and
Thomas Harbaugh Saxton of
John milked cows and Blackfoot, Idaho; daughter
worked on farms in Utah, Ethel Lenda Rothleutner and
California, Oregon and husband Jeffery A. Roth-
Washington. Violet started leutner of Mesquite, Neva-
working as a grocery cashier da, and grandchildren Gary
for Corno’s bulk food and Troy Hill Jr. of Spanaway,
produce market in Portland, Washington, Ryan A. Roth-
Oregon, in 1960. After a few leutner, Landon A. Rothleut-
years, she began working for ner and Haley R. Rothleut-
Safeway as a cashier. After a ner of Mesquite, Nevada,
few additional moves (from and Lindsey Rothleutner of
Portland, Oregon to Idaho Denver, Colorado; daughter
Falls, Idaho; Kent, Washing- Valerie Jean Crosby and hus-
ton; New Plymouth, Idaho; band Verlyn Eugene (Geno)
and Ontario, Oregon) she Crosby of Hermiston, Or-
finally settled in Stanfield in egon, and grandchildren
1978. In 2003 she moved to Timothy Anglo Crosby of
her current home in Hermis- Umatilla, Oregon, and Ed-
ton. She continued working die Eugene Crosby of North
for Safeway, retiring from Pole, Alaska; son John Da-
the Hermiston store in 1994. vid Abercrombie II and wife
Violet was an active Elizabeth Abercrombie of
member of the Church of Bonnie Lake, Washington,
Jesus Christ of Latter-day and granddaughters There-
Saints and she was a mem- asa Rasmussen of Weiser,
ber of the Daughters of the Idaho, Patrice Mae La-
Utah Pioneers. She was in- voy-Worrell of Fayetteville,
strumental in starting a chap- North Carolina, Rebecca Ab-
ter of the Daughters of the ercrombie-Otis of Puyallup,
Utah Pioneers in Hermiston: Washington, Saadia Obrovac
“The Meadow Lark Camp.” of Bonney Lake, Washing-
Violet held many ward and ton, and Jessica Abercrom-
stake callings in the church bie of Puyallup, Washington;
from Young Women lead- three stepgrandchildren, Jo-
er, Cub Scout den mother, seph Francis Beckman II of
Relief Society home visitor, Tumtum, Washington, Ange-
Stake Relief Society secre- la Cosson of Coeur d’Alene,
tary, stake single adult rep., Idaho, and Rachel Middleton
stake librarian and ward bul- of Malden, Washington; 39
letin editor, to name a few. great-grandchildren and five
The calling she loved most great-great-grandchildren.
She is preceded in death
was as the Hermiston Stake
Genealogy Extraction coor- by her parents, Anglo Moore
dinator, which she faithfully and Ethel Saxton; sisters Ma-
fulfilled for over 15 years. rie Saxton, Hellen Stevens
Violet loved visiting temples and Vilate Sauls; husband
John David Abercrombie;
and doing temple work.
Violet volunteered often daughter Saadia Irene Aber-
for the Umatilla-Morrow crombie; son Anglo Thom-
County Head Start. She as Abercrombie; and two
volunteered reading with great-granddaughters, Lil-
elementary school students, lian and Angela.
Memorial services were
Hospice in-home care and
was a coordinator for the lo- held on April 19, 2017, at
cal Red Cross blood drives. The Church of Jesus Christ
She was always happy to of Latter-day Saints in
volunteer her time and en- Hermiston, Oregon, with
ergy in the community and interment at Pleasant View
Cemetery, Stanfield, Ore-
She loved to travel and gon.
Arrangements were under
after she retired went on sev-
eral cruises: Puerto Vallarta, the direction of Burns Mor-
Mexico; Belize; Mayan ru- tuary, Hermiston, Oregon.
Good Shepherd Medical Center, Hermiston
APRIL 13, 2017
EZELL — Elizabeth Dykkesten and Trent Ezell of
Hermiston: a boy, Silas Milroy Ezell.
POTTER — Curstin M. Potter and Blake M. Potter of
Umatilla: a boy, Easton Alan Potter.
APRIL 15, 2017
EDWARDS — Natalie Edwards and Jonathan Edwards
of Hermiston: a boy, Jacob Lee Edwards.
EVANS — Stephanie M. Bates and Johnny L. Evans Jr.
of Hermiston: a boy, Jaqzen Cedar Evans.
Photo, Left to right:
Verna Taylor, HAS
Ric Jones, BC-HIS
Forrest Cahill, HAS
541-567-4063 • 405 N. 1st St., Suite #107, Hermiston
541-215-1888 • 246 SW Dorion, Pendleton
Robert L
(Bob) Miller,
at home on
Born in Yakima,
was adopted by
Clarence and Au-
drey Miller of Spo-
kane. Bob grew up
in Spokane, grad- Miller
uating from high
school before enlisting in
the Army where he was
stationed in Germany and
joined the boxing team.
Returning from his service,
Bob worked as a draftsman
while completing night
classes to earn his profes-
sional land surveyor’s title.
Striking out on his own,
Bob’s surveying business
connected him with the
Port of Morrow, where he
was hired on as operations
manager and eventually
promoted to director. Bob
went on to become the ex-
ecutive director at the Port
of Astoria, before moving
to Arizona to assist with a
family business. He was
recently honored for his ac-
complishments in the port
In 2008, Bob returned to
Eastern Oregon to be closer
to family. Some years later,
with a change to the adop-
tion record laws, Bob was
able to find his birth family
— which included four sis-
ters and over 20 nieces and
November 18, 1943-March 18, 2017
his discovery came
after the pass-
ing of his birth
parents, Bill
and Marion
McCardell of
Bob is survived
by his wife, Patri-
cia; daughters Tami,
Laura, Holly and
Jody; stepsons, Troy
and Darin; grand-
children Ali, Adam,
Cody, Jacob, Noah,
Austin, Robin and Jesse;
and great-granddaughters
Rhi and Evie.
Bob is also survived by
his brother, Richard, and
sisters Cindy, Donnie and
Debbie. He is preceded in
death by his parents, Clar-
ence and Audrey Miller,
and sisters Twyla and Patsy.
A lifelong motorcycling
enthusiast, Bob’s life and
love of the road, along with
his military service, were
celebrated on Saturday,
April 22, at 4 p.m. at First
Christian Church, 775 W.
Highland Ave., Hermis-
ton. A brief graveside ser-
vice was held on Saturday,
April 22, 2017 at 1 p.m. at
the Riverview Cemetery,
Boardman, Oregon.
In lieu of flowers, me-
morials can be made to
Cove Christian Camp of
Cove, Oregon.
Please sign the online
condolence book at burns-
Burns Mortuary of
Hermiston, Oregon, is in
care of arrangements.
Meghan C. Rahm
February 27, 1975-April 20, 2017
Meghan C. Rahm, of
Umatilla, Oregon, was
born February 27, 1975, in
Tampa, Florida, the daugh-
ter of Daniel and Maureen
(McCarthy) Devine.
She died on April 20,
2017, in Hermiston,
Oregon, at the age of
42 years.
She lived in Flor-
ida and Virginia as
a child. After high
school, she attended Rahm
college and received
her bachelor’s degree in
psychology and her mas-
ter’s degree in school coun-
seling from Liberty Univer-
Meghan married Mat-
tias Rahm in Nyköping,
Sweden, on April 1, 1999.
She has lived in Oregon
for the past 12 years; 10
years in Roseburg and the
past two years in Hermis-
ton until recently moving to
Umatilla. She worked as a
school counselor at Desert
View Elementary School in
She loved her family
dearly and enjoyed go-
ing for trips to explore the
beautiful scenery of Ore-
She is survived by
her husband Mattias;
eight children: Hay-
lie, Maja, Andreas,
Liam, Saoirse, Jo-
hannes, Evelina and
Daniel and Mau-
reen Devine; broth-
ers Kevin and Eric Devine;
sister Rebecca Devine; and
many nieces, nephews and
distant family members.
Viewing was held on
Monday, April 24, 2017,
from 4 to 7 p.m. at the
Burns Mortuary in Herm-
Online memorial con-
dolences can be sent to the
family at www.burnsmortu-
Burns Mortuary of
Hermiston, Oregon, is in
care of arrangements.
The following sentences have
been imposed in Umatilla County
• Jason Walter Rhorer, 35, Uma-
tilla, pleaded guilty to Possession of
Methamphetamine: sentenced to con-
ditional discharge.
• Francisco Dominique Jauregui,
24, Irrigon, pleaded guilty to Driving
While Suspended/Revoked: sentenced
to 3 years probation, 180 sanction unit,
90 maximum jail units, 120 hours com-
munity service, $2,000 fine and $1,000
fine-suspended, pluss court costs and
• Sarah Ann English, 27, Umatil-
la, pleaded guilty to Possession of
Controlled Substance-Schedule II:
sentenced to 18 months probation, 90
sanction units, 30 maximum jail units,
80 hours community service, $200 fine
and $1,800 fine-suspended, plus court
costs and fees (conditional discharge).
• Sonia Garza Garcia, 47, Hermis-
ton, pleaded no contest to Possession
of Methamphetamine: sentenced to
18 months probation, 90 sanction
units, 30 maximum jail units, 80 hours
community service, $500 fine, $1,000
fine-suspended and 6 months driver’s
license suspension, plus court costs
and fees.
• Jaime Castillo Guerrero, 36, Herm-
iston, pleaded guilty to Possession of
Methamphetamine: sentenced to 18
months probation, 90 sanction units, 30
maximum jail units, 40 hours commu-
nity service, $200 fine, $1,550 fine-sus-
pended and 6 months driver’s license
suspension (conditional discharge).
• Joshua Charles Donley, 48,
Hermiston, pleaded guilty to DUII:
sentenced to 180 days jail-suspend-
ed, 2 years probation, 180 hours
community service, $255 fine, $2,000
fine-suspended and 1 year driver’s li-
cense suspension, plus court costs and
fees; pleaded guilty to Driving While
Suspended/Revoked and Disorderly
Conduct II: sentenced to $100 fine for
each count.
Our broth-
He held a special
er Walt lost
bond with ani-
mals and spe-
cifically hors-
es. He won
March 18,
many cutting
horse futurity
awards over
November 18, 1943,
the years and was
to Evert and Elis-
happiest around his
abeth Frederiks in
horses and meeting
Voorst, The Neth-
the people who had
erlands. The fam-
the same passion.
ily immigrated to
We will miss
the United States in
Walt’s sense of hu-
mor and ability to
Walt graduated
see positive in every
from North Marion High situation. During his life’s
School in 1962. He enlisted journey he touched many
in the U.S. Army and was hearts, both people and an-
stationed at Fort Benning, imals. One of his most en-
Georgia. After serving in dearing qualities was that
the Army he traveled ex- he championed those less
tensively in Europe. He fortunate by giving them a
returned to Oregon and ob- helping hand. To the very
tained his bachelor’s degree end of his life he always
from Portland State Univer- ended his emails, and con-
sity before pursuing a mas- versations with “Life is
ter’s program in hydrology Good.”
and climatology at South-
Walt is survived by his
ern Illinois University.
siblings Fred, Evert (Vil-
Walter was an entrepre- ma), Johanna Samson
neur, owning several busi- (Dennis) and Lis Farm
nesses associated with cat- (Jeff), and numerous neph-
tle, horses, cars, trucks and ews and nieces.
trailers. Walt was a resident
In remembrances of
in Hermiston until Sep- Walt’s life, we ask that you
tember of 2016 and owned contribute to any horse res-
a business in Hermiston, cue organization or local
America West Trailer Sales. Humane Society.
Robert J. ‘Bob’ Picthall
April 3, 1929-April 22, 2017
Former Boardman resident Robert J. “Bob” Picthall,
88, of Umatilla died Saturday, April 22, 2017, in Herm-
iston. He was born April 3, 1929, in Aurora, Nebraska. A
graveside service with military honors will be held Satur-
day, April 29, at 1 p.m. at the Hermiston Cemetery. Burns
Mortuary of Hermiston is in care of arrangements. Sign
the online condolence book at burnsmortuaryhermiston.
Norma Lou Quick
Nov. 9, 1920-April 21, 2017
Norma Lou Quick, 96, of Hermiston died Friday, April
21, 2017, at her home. She was born Nov. 9, 1920, in Gret-
na, Nebraska. A celebration of life service is pending.
Burns Mortuary of Hermiston is in care of arrange-
ments. Sign the online condolence book at burnsmortua-
Calvin Roberson
Springfield, Ore.
Aug. 14, 1925-April 16, 2017
Former Hermiston resident Calvin Roberson, 91, of
Springfield, Oregon, died April 16, 2017, in Springfield.
He was born August 14, 1925, in Savanna, Oklahoma. A
memorial gathering for family will be held in August for
Calvin and wife Virginia on the Oregon coast.
Ralph B. Cota
Feb. 6, 1958-April 16, 2017
Ralph B. Cota, 59, of Boardman died Sunday, April
16, 2017, at his home. He was born Feb. 6, 1958, in Casa
Grande, Arizona. A celebration of life service was held
Thursday, April 20, at 5 p.m. at Burns Mortuary chapel,
Hermiston. Burns Mortuary of Hermiston is in care of
arrangements. Sign the online condolence book at burns-
Ramon ‘Ray’ Juarez
April 5, 1922-April 24, 2017
Ramon “Ray” Juarez, 95, of Irrigon died Monday, April
24, 2017, in Richland, Washington. He was born April 5,
1922, in Big Wells, Texas. Arrangements are pending with
Burns Mortuary of Hermiston. Sign the online condolence
book at burnsmortuaryhermiston.com.
12:08 a.m. - A customer threat-
ened a bouncer at a business on East
Main Street, Hermiston.
12:14 p.m. - A male was harassing
some people at West Joseph Avenue,
2:30 p.m. - A possible drunk bicy-
clist was reported at Southeast 10th
and East Main streets, Hermiston.
9:54 p.m. - A woman was report-
ed to be on foot, talking incoherently
and out of control near Sandstone
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