Page 10 • East Oregonian/Hermiston Herald August 2016 LOCAL FAMILIES ‘ADOPT’ CONTESTANTS DURING VISITS The Tullis family driveway some- times looks like a horse and travel trailer lot during the summers months as the Tullis family plays host to contenstants traveling between rodeos. PHOTOS COURTE S Y SHARO N TULLIS an- and Hunter Herrin and e Calf ropers Ryan Jarrett on g rin du ily fam lis the Tul other man stack hay for n. of their stops in Hermisto By JADE McDOWELL Staff Writer When rodeo season rolls around each summer, many cowboys who hail IURPRXWVLGHWKH3DFL¿F1RUWKZHVWXVH Umatilla County as their home base. Farm-City Pro Rodeo board member Jon Gill said Hermiston in particular is centrally located to several rodeos in Oregon, Washington and ,GDKR 7KHUH¶V QR RI¿FLDO SURJUDP WR put up rodeo cowboys and their horses in Hermiston during rodeo season, but Gill said a variety of competitors have made friends with locals who give them “a place to hang their hat” each summer on days they’re not riding bulls or roping steer in an arena. Gill said those cowboys in turn shop at local stores and eat at local restau- rants as they use Hermiston as a home base for a couple of months. “A lot of spin-off business is created by the rodeos,” he said. Sharon Tullis is one of the locals who hosts rodeo cowboys and cowgirls on her property for about six weeks each summer. “You’ll see encampments all over if you just drive around the rural roads,” she said. Tullis said there used to be