A12 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM KOPACZ: continued from Page A10 til you play with real talent you don’t know.” She said she dreamed of perhaps playing in Eugene at the University of Oregon, but realized realistic think- ing may be a better route. “Everyone wants to go somewhere big,” she said. “I thought playing at U of O would be cool, but that’s a big dream. That’s a chasing dream.” When it came time to WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2016 SPORTS/CLASSIFIEDS choose a college, Kopacz received some quality ad- vice from her eldest brother, Chance, redshirted two years at Walla Walla Communi- ty College, transferred to Campbellsville University in Kentucky, then once again transferred to Concordia Uni- versity, Irvine. Kopacz other brother, Austin, played two years at Walla Walla CC, as well. Chance, she said, ad- vised to go somewhere where you wouldn’t redshirt, or sit out a year to save eligibility. Kopacz said she’s nervous about having a starting spot VRHDUO\EXWLVDOVRFRQ¿GHQW LQKHUDELOLWLHVWR¿OOWKHUROH She isn’t sure yet if she’ll stay the full two seasons or if she’ll transfer to a four-year school early. “My coach really assured me that he’s going to push me somewhere else,” she said. “He gave me a lot of scenarios. The school I was looking at in North Carolina, if they’re shortstop blew out a knee something, Todd, the coach there, could call Adrian STAFF PHOTO BY SAM BARBEE and ship me right out. He’s going to get me somewhere Mikayla Kopacz (center) of Hermiston smiles with her parents Kristi (left) and Marek after the else.” senior signed her National Letter of Intent to play softball at Columbia Basin College in Pasco. Local AAU tournament draws massive crowd By SAM BARBEE Staff Writer 0RUH WKDQ $$8 basketball players from across the region from 3rd-8th grade descended on Hermiston last weekend for the Best of the West basketball tournament hosted by Hermiston Basket- ball Club. Best of the West is quick- ly becoming one of the most popular youth basketball tournaments in the region. Coming from the Tri-Cities, Moses Lake, Walla Walla, Yakima, Lewiston, Tacoma, %RLVH DQG PRUH WHDPV FRPSULVHG RI SOD\HUV participated. To compensate, the club used gymnasium facilities at Hermiston High School, Armand Larive Mid- dle School, Sandstone Middle School, Desert View Elemen- tary, West Park Elementary, 6WDQ¿HOG+LJK6WDQ¿HOG(OH- mentary and Columbia Court &OXE,QWRWDOWKHUHZHUH PHOTO COURTESY HERMISTON BASKETBALL CLUB The Moses Lake Chiefs pose after winning the 8th grade girls division bracket at the Best of the West, a large AAU tournament hosted by Hermiston Basketball Club. FRXUWV JRLQJ DW GLIIHUHQW sites. In addition to the size, the amenities offered by the club have set it apart from other tournaments in the area. HBC announces play- ers pre-game, with dimmed lights included. Games are livestreamed through ALMS TV, a mobile app with all per- tinent information, coaches gifts, and an All-Star game for one division where the top two players from each team are selected to play in an ex- hibition game. “This tournament is good for the club and great for the community,” Traci Gammell, HBC treasurer, tournament director and registrar said in an email. “We hear time and time again that motels are sold out each weekend, restaurants are swamped and gas stations are busy. Hermiston Basket- ball Club is very proud of the hundreds of hours of volun- WHHUZRUNZHGRWREHQH¿WWKH club and the community!” HBC’s next tournament is WKH)RUWKH/RYHRIWKH*DPH WRXUQDPHQW)HE Champions: Boys — 3rd grade: GW Hoops. 4th grade: Baker Bulldogs. 5th grade: Kennewick Lions. 6th grade: 509 Ballerz. 7th grade: ML Warriors. Girls — 4th grade: NW Heat. 5th grade: Wildcats 5. 6th grade: Pasco. 7th grade: HD Basketball. 8th grade: Moses Lake Chiefs. Runners-up: Boys — 3rd grade: Hermiston Heat. 4th grade: Richland Gunners — Praino. 5th grade: Cayuse Young Chiefs. 6th grade: LC Elite. 7th grade: Richland Gunners. 8th grade: TC Firehawks. Girls — 4th grade: Hoop Dreams Blue. 5th grade: Underdogs Elite. 6th grade: White Swan. 7th grade: Lady Braves. 8th grade: Grandview Wildhounds. City to make offer on property for new skate park By JADE McDOWELL Staff Writer The city of Hermiston is planning to purchase proper- ty for a new skate park across the street from the police sta- tion. On Monday the city coun- cil authorized staff to make an offer of $40,000 for a triangu- lar-shaped piece of property GLUHFWO\ DFURVV 6RXWK )LUVW Street from the Hermiston Safety Center, which houses WKH SROLFH ¿UH GHSDUWPHQW and municipal court. )RUWKHFLW\KDG EXGJHWHGIRUODQGDF- quisition for a skate park and DQRWKHU IRU FDSLWDO improvements. City Manager Byron Smith said preliminary discussions with Pendleton Grain Growers, which owns the property, indicate that the co-op will accept an offer of $40,000. Mayor David Drotzmann DSSODXGHG VWDII IRU ¿QGLQJ D SLHFH RI ODQG WKDW ¿WV WKH needs of a new skate park, which has been a goal for the city council for years. “What an exciting oppor- tunity for the city of Hermis- ton,” he said. On Monday the coun- cil also approved a contract amendment for C&E Trench- ing, moving forward a crucial piece of the project to certify the Port of Umatilla’s water right and increase irrigation to local farmland. “This is the best birthday present I could ever ask for,” Northeast Oregon Water As- sociation director J.R. Cook told the council. C&E Trenching has been under contract with the city to extend the Regional Water System to the Hermiston Ag- ricultural Research and Ex- WHQVLRQ&HQWHU7KH contract extension approved Monday hires the company to install an additional pump at the Regional Water System’s river intake station and create DÀXVKV\VWHP Cook said the project should be ready for testing in March. Prior to the regular city council meeting, city council- ors, staff and budget commit- tee members attended a work session titled “City Budgeting ´WRGLVFXVVWKHODZVDQG policies surrounding city bud- gets. &LW\¿QDQFHGLUHFWRU$P\ Palmer said budget requests from department heads are due March 4 and the budget should be completed by April ZLWK EXGJHW FRPPLWWHH PHHWLQJVRQ0D\DQGD SXEOLFKHDULQJ-XQH STAFF PHOTO BY SAM BARBEE Echo’s Hannah McCarty (14) rises for a layup in front of Griswold’s Bethany Newtson (24) and Sadie Wilson during the Grizzlies’ 33-30 win Saturday in Echo. ECHO: Swanson sees improve- ment, but Saturday’s loss was “a heartbreaker.” continued from Page A10 “This was a heartbreak- ging, and the Cougars had er, for everybody,” Swan- to foul to stop the clock. son said. “We were right Junior point guard Mac- on a two-game winning ey Tullis made both free streak and we were play- throws with 7.8 seconds ing together and playing left, and Echo couldn’t get tough. We gave them ev- a good shot at the buzzer erything we had and just to tie. fell short.” With the win, Helix ——— GHS (13-4, 6-1) 5 8 6 14 — 33 stays in sole possession of EHS (9-10, 2-5) 9 13 5 3 — 30 GRISWOLD — M. Mize P. Fler- second place in the OOL, schinger 9, S. Wilson 9, E. 9, Fehrenbacker a game back of Nixyaawii 4, M. Tullis 2, H. Christman, A. Krol, A. C. Bennett, B. Newtson, M. Espy, IRU¿UVWSODFH)OHUVFKLQJHU Wood, K. Mize. ECHO — H. McCarty 10, K. Ranger 8, VDLG KH ZDV VDWLV¿HG ZLWK T. Swaggert 5, E. Parks 4, L. Cox 3, D. the win in Echo, as, in his Tarvin, S. Stone, L. Wiggins, B. Milbrodt. 3-pointers — GHS 0, EHS 3. Free experience, it’s always a throws — GHS 5-11, EHS 3-18. Fouls — GHS 16, EHS 15. Fouled out — P. tough gym to win in. Flerschinger (GHS), H. McCarty (EHS). )RU (FKR PHDQZKLOH Technical fouls — Helix bench. CLASSIFIED M ARK ETPL A C E Pla ce cla ssified a d s on lin e a t w w w.ea storeg on m a rketp la ce.com or ca ll 5 4 1-278-26 78 C O N TAC T US EDITIO N S DEADLIN ES 24 HO UR S ERVIC E 333 E. M a in Herm isto n , O rego n 97838 Cla ssified : 1-800-962-2819 Fa x: (541) 567-1764 Cla ssified em a il: cla ssified s@ herm isto n hera ld .co m W ed n esd a y Sa tu rd a y 3 p.m . M o n d a y 3 p.m . Thu rsd a y Cla ssified : 1-800-962-2819 Fa x: (541) 278-2680 • (541) 567-1764 Circu la tio n a n d m a in sw itchbo a rd : 1-800-522-0255 cla ssified s@ ea sto rego n ia n .co m Lea ve u s a m essa ge a n d w e w ill co n firm yo u r a d the n ext w o rk in g d a y. Dea d lin es fo r a d vertisem en ts to a ppea r in the Herm isto n Hera ld fo r a ll cla ssified lin e a d s. W e Accept To ll Free in O rego n : 1-800-522-0255 211 S.E. Byers • Pen d leto n , O rego n 97801 Cla ssified : 1-800-962-2819 Fa x: (541) 278-2680 Lost & Found 5 FOUND NEAR Echo. Female dog, blonde, short hair. 35 lbs. Aprox 1 year old. Call to claim. 541-720-9280 Travel 12 Travel RELIABLE LADIES travel companion for safe organized book- ings and travel -- Turn Here for the Trip of a lifetime! Group Escorted tours to Australia. TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL (541) 377-6855 CALL CLASSIFIEDS 1-800-962-2819 Special Notices 10 Travel 12 TURN HERE for the Trip of a lifetime- Group Escorted tours to Australia- Reliable ladies travel companion for safe organized book- ings and travel 541-377-6855 TURN HERE REALTY & TRAVEL (541) 377-6855 You Can Find Your Dream Home Check out our Real Estate listings in Classified! 1-800-962-2819 Special Notices 10 NOTICE TO FORMER CLIENTS OF Jackie Downie LCSW My locked office and locked files were broken into 11/27/2015. Initial inspection did not appear client files were missing. On 1/18/2015 I was notified that insurance and billing files were found when alleged perpetrators were arrested. PLEASE be aware your financial information may be at risk. Any questions about continuing investigation, contact Travis Lanning 307-367-4378, Sublette County Deputy Sheriff. Herm iston Hera ld Ea st O reg on ia n Blu e M ou n ta in Ea g le W a llow a C ou n ty C hiefta in Homes for Sale, Pendleton 100 Homes for Sale, Pendleton 100 Homes for Sale, Pendleton 100 Homes for Sale, Pendleton 100 Homes for Sale, Pendleton 100 Homes for Sale, Pendleton 100 Homes for Sale, Pendleton 100 $485,000 - COUN- TRY Living! Gor- geous 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath Custom home on 8.9 Acres 20 miles South of Pendleton. Huge Ga- rage and 40x60 Shop. 2 ponds. Amazing property. RMLS# 13340891 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty (541-379-8690) Pendleton $177,900 - GREAT LOCATION!! 4 bed- rooms, 3 bath lo- cated near new hos- pital, lab, school & restaurants. Hard- wood floors, dining area, large carpeted family room addition. Newer roof, AC etc. Covered patio, fenced yard. Walk to park! Must see inside to appreciate! 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