A14 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM JUST LIKE CATS & DOGS XX PAGE TITLE XX Dave T. Phipps R.F.D by Mike Marland WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2016 SALOME’S STARS HOROSCOPE ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Single Lambs looking for ro- mance could fi nd Cupid especially accommodating this week. Paired partners also fi nd their relation- ships benefi ting from the chubby cherub’s attention. by Dave T. Phipps AMBER WAVES GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Your early enthusiasm for a project might have been somewhat pre- mature. Although you feel positive about it, you might need more information in order to make an informed decision. by Jeff Pickering THE SPATS LAFF-A-DAY TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Keep your keen Bull’s eye focused on your target, and shake off any attempt to turn your attention else- where. You should get some news later in the week that might answer some questions. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Taking on a new responsibility might seem like the politically correct thing to do. But even with the promise of support, was it the wisest? Consider reassessing your upcoming decision. FLASHBACK SUPER CROSSWORD: KID-LIT QUACK by Mick Harper 1. Name the group whose debut single was “New York Min- ing Disaster 1941.” 2. Which Jackson Browne song was added to the collec- tor’s edition of the 2001 soundtrack for the 1994 fi lm “For- rest Gump”? 3. Name the group that released “From the Beginning.” 4. What was the name of the single hit by the Th e O’Kays- ions? 5. Name the song that contains this lyric: “I’d have thought that with time thoughts of her would leave my head, I was wrong and I fi nd just one thing makes me forget.” CRYPTOQUIP VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) A business agreement from the past might need to be looked at again. Use this unexpected devel- opment to check out other matters related to it. A weekend venture proves to be rewarding. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Don’t ignore that uneasy feeling about making a commitment. It could be a case of understandably cold feet, or a warning that some- thing isn’t as right as it should be. SCORPIO (October 23 to No- vember 21) A colleague could be more supporting of one of your eff orts. But it’s up to you to make the case for it, and that could mean opening up a secret or two, which might be a problem for you. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Expect some good news about a relative you’ve been worried about. But don’t expect the full story to be told -- at least not yet. ANSWERS 1. Th e Bee Gees, in 1967. Th ey were inspired to write the song while sitting in a stairway during a pow- er outage. A mining catastrophe in Wales in 1966 was fresh in their minds, when 144 people were killed. 2. “Running on Empty,” which Browne released in 1977. 3. Emerson, Lake & Palmer, in 1972 on their “Trilogy” album. 4. “Girl Watcher,” in 1968. Th ey were originally known as Th e Kays. 5. “Red, Red Wine,” fi rst recorded by singer-songwriter Neil Diamond in 1967. UB40 released a reggae version in 1983. Th e group saw “Diamond” as a writer credit, unaware that it was Neil Diamond who’d written the song. SUDOKU DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK  Obituary Policy The Hermiston Herald publishes paid obituaries. The RELWXDU\FDQLQFOXGHVPDOOSKRWRVDQGIRUYHWHUDQVDÀDJ V\PERODWQRFKDUJH ([SDQGHGGHDWKQRWLFHVZLOOEHSXEOLVKHGDWQRFKDUJH These include information about services. 2ELWXDULHVPD\EHHGLWHGIRUVSHOOLQJSURSHU punctuation and style. Obituaries and notices may be submitted online at www.hermistonherald.com/obituaryform, by email to obits@hermistonherald.com, by fax to 541-276-8314, placed via the funeral home or in person at the Hermiston +HUDOGRU(DVW2UHJRQLDQRI¿FHV For more information, call 541-966-0818 or 1-800-522- 0255, x221. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Despite some anxious moments, you could have good reason to be pleased with how things are turning out. An end- of-the-week call might hold some interesting information. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A long-overdue expression of appreciation could be off ered soon. But admit it: You never really expected it would hap- pen, right? Meanwhile, keep your weekend options open. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) It’s a good time to dive right into a new challenge, whether it’s learning a computer app, or how to drive a stick shift , or making a new friend. Whatever it is, good luck. BORN THIS WEEK: You see the wisdom in honesty, and you help others appreciate your vision. Corrections It is the policy of the Hermiston Herald to correct errors as soon as they are discovered. Incorrect LQIRUPDWLRQZLOOEHFRUUHFWHGRQ3DJH$(UURUV FRPPLWHGRQWKH2SLQLRQSDJHZLOOEHFRUUHFWHGRQ WKDWSDJH&RUUHFWLRQVDOVRDUHQRWHGLQWKHRQOLQH versions of our stories. Please contact the editor at editor@hermistonherald.com or call (541) 564-4533 with issues about this policy or to report errors. Visit us online at Hermistonherald.com C. HOLT REAL ESTATE 256 Hurlburt • PO Box 908 • Hermiston, OR 97838 UNIVERSAL REALTY 541-567-8249 OUT OF TOWN BUYERS 1-800-788-2915 Email: cholt@eotnet.net BRING YOUR OWN BUILDER FOR YOUR DREAM HOME OR WE CAN DESIGN AND BUILD A CUSTOM HOME TO MEET YOUR NEEDS. Serving the World of Real Estate Since 1964 985 N. First Street Hermiston, OR 97838 Office: 541-567-8303 universalrealty@eotnet.net • Homes • Farms • Commercial • Build to Suit LEO (July 23 to August 22) Apply yourself to completing your task despite all the distractions that might be interfering with your work. Th en reward yourself with a weekend of fun shared with people who are close to you. Come be a part of the Neighborhood! Either way, each home design will be reviewed in order to ensure that the sustainability and design vision for Sunset Estates is preserved. Located near future elementary school. 2 homes currently under construction. Additional lots available. 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