WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2015 LOCAL NEWS HERMISTONHERALD.COM • A3 EOTEC announces key project leadership changes *URXS DV WKH QHZ SURMHFW PDQDJHU Hermiston City Manager Todd Nelson, executive Byron Smith will become YLFH SUHVLGHQW RI )UHZ the new chair of the Eastern 'HYHORSPHQW *URXS VDLG Oregon Trade and Event Gary Winsand, the former Center authority in January RQVLWH SURMHFW PDQDJHU DIWHUWKHERDUGRI¿FLDOO\DS- was no longer with the FRPSDQ\ 1R IXUWKHU H[- SRLQWHGKLP)ULGD\ 7KH SURMHFW ZLOO DOVR EH SODQDWLRQZDVJLYHQ Dreier, most recently of XQGHU QHZ PDQDJHPHQW Rob Dreier was introduced /DNH2VZHJRLVWKH)UHZ *URXS¶V E\ )UHZ 'HYHORSPHQW 'HYHORSPHQW By JADE McDOWELL Staff Writer YLFH SUHVLGHQW RI WKH 3D- FL¿F 1RUWKZHVW GLYLVLRQ He will oversee the com- SDQ\¶V GHYHORSPHQW RI EOTEC and of the Blue Mountain Community &ROOHJH ERQG SURMHFW +H said after the meeting that he would hire additional KHOSDVQHHGHG ³,¶P MXVW WU\LQJ WR EH- come immersed in the SURMHFW´KHVDLG Hermiston again the fastest growing city Pendleton adds residents after previous year’s decline By SEAN HART Staff Writer 3RSXODWLRQJURZWKUDWHV have accelerated in Herm- LVWRQ3HQGOHWRQDQG8PD- WLOOD&RXQW\ %HWZHHQ-XO\DQG -XO\8PDWLOOD&RXQ- W\ DGGHG UHVLGHQWV D SHUFHQW LQFUHDVH WR DFFRUGLQJ WR SUH- OLPLQDU\ SRSXODWLRQ HVWL- PDWHVIURP3RUWODQG6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ The data show the county grew more than the SUHYLRXV\HDUZKLFKKDGD SHUFHQWLQFUHDVH0RVW RIWKHJURZWK²UHVL- dents — occurred outside RILQFRUSRUDWHGFLWLHV )RU WKH FLWLHV +HUP- iston added the most res- LGHQWV ZLWK D SHU- cent growth rate to a total SRSXODWLRQ RI ,Q WKHSUHYLRXV\HDUWKHFLW\ DGGHGUHVLGHQWVZLWKD SHUFHQWUDWH Assistant City Manager Mark Morgan said he was SOHDVHGWRVHHWKHJURZWK ZKLFKLVEHQH¿FLDOWREXVL- nesses because it increases GHPDQG “The biggest thing to take away from this is it really continues to show Hermiston is in a virtuous cycle (where growth leads WRPRUHJURZWK´KHVDLG ³,W¶V PXFK EHWWHU WR EH LQ a virtuous cycle than a GHDWKVSLUDO,I\RX¶UHORV- LQJ SRSXODWLRQ LW GRHVQ¶W make sense for businesses WRRSHQLQWKHDUHD´ $FFRUGLQJWR86&HQ- sus data, Hermiston has JURZQ E\ SHUFHQW UHVLGHQWV VLQFH ²LQFOXGLQJUHV- LGHQWVVLQFH 3HQGOHWRQ ² ZKLFK KDV RQO\ JURZQ E\ SHU- FHQW VLQFH ² DGGHG UHVLGHQWV WKLV \HDU D SHUFHQW LQFUHDVH WR D WRWDO RI 7KH SUH- vious year, the city lost 80 UHVLGHQWV ZLWK D SHU- FHQWGHFUHDVH $W SHUFHQW$WKHQD Population growth According to Portland State University’s population estimates, Oregon surpassed 4 million people in 2015. Here’s how Eastern Oregon grew between July 2014 and July 2015. Growth Population Umatilla County 815 79,155 Hermiston 175 17,520 Pendleton 145 16,845 Milton-Freewater 10 7,070 Umatilla 10 7,060 Stanfield 10 2,125 Pilot Rock NA 1,505 Athena 15 1,140 Echo NA 705 Weston NA 685 Adams NA 370 Ukiah NA 245 Helix NA 195 Morrow County 105 11,630 Boardman 60 3,505 Irrigon 45 1,930 Heppner NA 1,290 Ione NA 330 Lexington NA 255 had the largest growth rate LQ 8PDWLOOD &RXQW\ DGG- LQJUHVLGHQWVIRUDWRWDO RI 0LOWRQ)UHH- ZDWHU DQG 8PDWLOOD HDFK added 10 residents with D SHUFHQW LQFUHDVH to 7,070 and 7,060, re- VSHFWLYHO\ 6WDQ¿HOG DOVR added 10 residents with a SHUFHQWJURZWKUDWHWR :KLOH0LOWRQ)UHH- ZDWHU¶VUDWHLQFUHDVHGIURP WKHSUHYLRXV\HDUZKHQQR new residents were added, WKH UDWHV IRU 8PDWLOOD DQG 6WDQ¿HOG ERWK GHFUHDVHG IURPWKHSUHYLRXV\HDU Morrow County main- WDLQHG LWV SHUFHQW growth rate for a second consecutive year, adding UHVLGHQWVWRDWRWDORI ,UULJRQDQG%RDUG- man accounted for all of WKHJURZWK Irrigon had the largest JURZWK UDWH DW SHU- FHQW DGGLQJ UHVLGHQWV IRU D WRWDO RI 7KH FLW\ DGGHG UHVLGHQWV WKH SUHYLRXV \HDU ² D SHUFHQWJURZWKUDWH² and City Manager Aaron 3DOPTXLVWVDLGWKHJURZWK ZLOO LPSURYH WKH FRPPX- QLW\¶V OLYDELOLW\ FXOWXUH DQGVWDELOLW\LQWKHIXWXUH “I know that as we see LQDOODUHDV²ZKHWKHULW¶V RXU SROLFH DQG ¿UH RU RXU VFKRROV DQ\ W\SH RI VHU- vice which cities are — there are going to be some increases on the demand for services, but overall I WKLQNLW¶VJRLQJWREHSRV- LWLYH´KHVDLG³,WKLQNZH KDYH VRPH JUHDW RSSRUWX- QLWLHV WKDW ZH¶UH JRLQJ WR VHH KDSSHQ RYHU WKH QH[W ¿YH WR \HDUV DQG ,¶P ORRNLQJIRUZDUGWRWKDW´ Boardman added 60 residents to a total of ZLWK D SHUFHQW growth rate — higher than WKHSUHYLRXV\HDU¶VUDWHRI SHUFHQW 6LQFH WKHFLW\KDVJURZQE\ SHUFHQW DGGLQJ UHVL- GHQWV 6WDWHZLGH UHV- idents were added since WKHSUHYLRXV\HDUDQGWKH SHUFHQW JURZWK UDWH carried Oregon beyond the four-million milestone to WRWDO UHVLGHQWV 6LQFH WKH VWDWH KDV JURZQ E\ SHUFHQW DGGLQJUHVLGHQWV 8PDWLOOD &RXQW\ KDV JURZQE\SHUFHQW² 8,607 residents — since DQG0RUURZ&RXQW\ KDV JURZQ E\ SHUFHQW ²UHVLGHQWV )ULGD\¶V PHHWLQJ LQ- FOXGHG D EULHI ¿QDQFLDO UHSRUW E\ FLW\ ¿QDQFH GL- UHFWRU $P\ 3DOPHU ZKR QRWHG WKDW 7RXULVP 3UR- motion Assessment rev- HQXHV ZHUH SHUFHQW KLJKHU WKDQ LQLWLDO SURMHF- WLRQV 6KH VDLG (27(& ZRXOG SUREDEO\ UHFHLYH WKH SOHGJHG E\ WKHFLW\LQ0DUFK 7KH PRQWK¶V FRQVWUXF- WLRQ XSGDWH ZDV JLYHQ E\ Nelson, who noted things ZHUH ³JRLQJ ZHOO´ RQ WKH site and that design for the rodeo arena was on sched- XOH WR EH FRPSOHWHG E\ )HEUXDU\ &RQVWUXF- tion of the event exhibitor center, currently under- ZD\ LV H[SHFWHG WR ZUDS XSLQ0DUFK Board member Dan Dorran said he wanted to take a moment to thank )UHZ'HYHORSPHQW*URXS IRU LWV KHOS LQ GHYHORSLQJ documents, brochures and SUHVHQWDWLRQV WR KHOS WKH (27(& ERDUG LQ LWV SXVK WRUDLVHDQDGGLWLRQDO PLOOLRQ ³, ZRXOG MXVW OLNH WR SRLQWRXWWKDW)UHZKDVUH- DOO\KHOSHGXVRXWZLWKWKH DGGLWLRQDO IXQGUDLVLQJ´ KHVDLG Labs dedicated to late OSU agronomist Building to carry on researcher Don Horneck’s legacy By GEORGE PLAVEN Staff Writer 6SDFH ZDV D OLWWOH FUDPSHG:HGQHVGD\LQWKH newly dedicated Don Hor- neck Memorial Building at the Hermiston Agricultur- al Research and Extension &HQWHU DV QHDUO\ SHR- SOH JDWKHUHG WR FHOHEUDWH their late friend and col- OHDJXH No doubt Horneck him- self would have found the whole thing ridiculous, said KLVZLGRZ9LFNL+RUQHFN “He would have never DOORZHG LW WR KDSSHQ´ VKH VDLGZLWKDFKXFNOH :KDW KH ZRXOGQ¶W ¿QG ridiculous is how much QHZ UHVHDUFK FDQ KDSSHQ LQ WKH VTXDUHIRRW building, which houses an DJURQRP\ ODE SODQW WLVVXH culture room and three in- sect rearing rooms — all in WKH QDPH RI KHOSLQJ IDUP- ers grow healthier, more QXWULWLRXV ¿HOG FURSV DQG YHJHWDEOHV The building was named DIWHU +RUQHFN ZKR VSHQW \HDUVZLWK2UHJRQ6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ DV D SURIHV- sor and agronomist at the +HUPLVWRQVWDWLRQ+RUQHFN died suddenly and unex- SHFWHGO\RQ6HSW DW WKH DJH RI ,W LV WKH only building at HAREC to EHQDPHGIRUDQLQGLYLGXDO “It means a lot to my- VHOI DQG P\ IDPLO\´ 9LFNL +RUQHFN VDLG ³%XW , WKLQN LWPHDQVMXVWDVPXFKWRWKH VWDWLRQKHUH´ 2QH RI +RUQHFN¶V WRS SURMHFWV DW WKH UHVHDUFK VWD- WLRQZDVSUHVHUYLQJQLWUDWHVLQ soil to save farmers money on IHUWLOL]HUDQGLQFUHDVHSURGXF- WLRQ RI WKH UHJLRQ¶V LUULJDWHG FURSVHVSHFLDOO\SRWDWRHV,Q the community, Horneck was an avid rock hound, member of the Hermiston Lions Club, church leader and youth soc- FHUUHIHUHH “Anything he was in- volved in, he gave his heart DQG VRXO´ 9LFNL +RUQHFN VDLG³,WKLQNWKDW¶VZKDWSHR- SOHORYHGDERXWKLP+HZDVD YHU\JLYLQJSHUVRQ´ Now, the community is JLYLQJ EDFN WR +RUQHFN¶V 2015 Christmas Spirit Award Do you know someone who exemplifies the spirit of Christmas by giving of themselves to others all year? The Good Shepherd Community Health Foundation invites you to nominate that person for our twentieth annual “Christmas Spirit Award” . Nominations may be made by calling the Foundation at 667-3419 to receive a nomination form, or online at Please send completed nomination forms by December 7, 2015 to Good Shepherd Community Health Foundation, 610 NW 11 th St, Hermiston, OR 97838. Nominations may also be submitted via email to STAFF PHOTO BY E.J. HARRIS Guests enter the new Don Horneck Memorial Building at HAREC after a dedication ceremony Wednesday outside of Hermiston. PHPRU\ :KLOH WKH 268 College of Agricultural Sci- HQFHV SURYLGHG IRU the new $300,000 building, the rest came out of donations from local farms, businesses, WUDGH JURXSV DQG WKH VWDWLRQ UHVHDUFKHUVWKHPVHOYHV $ PHPRULDO VFKRODUVKLS fund has also been estab- OLVKHG LQ +RUQHFN¶V QDPH for students studying agron- RP\DQGVRLOVFLHQFHV “Everybody has done so many things to memorialize KLP´ 9LFNL +RUQHFN VDLG ³7KRVH SHRSOH ZKR GLGQ¶W know him will be able to see ZKDWKHPHDQWWRDOORIXV´ 3KLO +DPP VWDWLRQ director, said the Don Horneck building is a much-welcomed addition WR WKH +$5(& FDPSXV ZKLFK FRQWLQXHV WR JURZ 7KHDFUHSURSHUW\DGG- HGDSDLURIQHZJUHHQKRXV- HVLQWKHVSULQJDQGSODQVWR EXLOGIRXUQHZRI¿FHVQHDU WKHFXUUHQWRI¿FHEXLOGLQJ Of course, Hamm said they are excited to break ground in late winter or ear- O\ VSULQJ RQ WKH QHZ PLOOLRQ SUHFLVLRQ LUULJDWLRQ FHQWHUDSSURYHGLQWKH%OXH Mountain Community Col- OHJHERQG7KHSURMHFWLVQRW RQO\DJUHDWRSSRUWXQLW\IRU students, Hamm said, but a FKDQFHWRVSXUFROODERUDWLRQ EHWZHHQ268DQG%0&& $OO WKHVH GHYHORS- ments will allow HAREC researchers to do things WKH\¶YH QHYHU EHHQ DEOH WR GREHIRUH+DPPVDLG ³,GRQ¶WZDQWRXUIDFXOW\ WREHOLPLWHGE\IDFLOLWLHV´ KHVDLG³,IWKH\¶UHVXFFHVV- ful, our growers will be VXFFHVVIXO´ Nobody understood that better than Horneck, Hamm VDLG7KHWZRZRUNHGFORVH- ly together over the years DQGEHFDPHIDVWIULHQGV “Don meant a lot to us, DQGDORWWRWKLVH[SHULPHQW VWDWLRQ´ +DPP VDLG ³,I \RX GLGQ¶W NQRZ 'RQ \RX PLVVHGRXW´ Bryan Wolfe, chairman of the HAREC advisory committee, said the build- LQJ ZLOO KHOS WR FDUU\ RQ +RUQHFN¶VOHJDF\ “What Don advanced DQG EURXJKW WR RXU RSHUD- WLRQV FDQ¶W EH PHDVXUHG´ said Wolfe, a Hermiston IDUPHU ³+H ZDV DOZD\V WKLQNLQJRXWVLGHWKHER[´ 'DQ $US GHDQ RI WKH 268&ROOHJHRI$JULFXOWXU- DO 6FLHQFHV DOVR VSRNH DW the ceremony and thanked the donors who made the SURMHFWKDSSHQ 7KRXJK $US VDLG KH GLGQ¶W NQRZ +RUQHFN DV well as others, he did get a chance to take a tour of the research station with Horneck during one of the VLWH¶V¿HOGGD\V ³+H H[XGHG SULGH DQG enthusiasm for this sta- WLRQ´$USVDLG³