Silver Bells... November 25 & 28, 2015 | Holiday Supplement 3 ŽŠ­3­œ¦¡3’œ˜Ž3œ¡3’œ—“Š­3‘¦Ž£¤£ by Metro Creative Connection item s m ay be needed to accom m odate forg etfu l g u ests. T Provide creatu re com forts G u ests w on’t be u sed to the room s in you r hou se, so be su re that you offer a lig ht for a nig htstand and an alarm clock . N ig htlig hts placed in the bathroom or hallw ay can illu m inate u nfam iliar su rrou nding s. K eep a fan on hand so that g u ests can adju st the tem peratu re in their room s and also if they need a little w hite noise w hile they sleep. A tray w ith book s, m ag azines and the W i-F i code also m ay be appreciated. he song m ay say, “there’s no place lik e hom e for the holidays,” yet m any people find their holidays are ju st as w ell spent in som eone else’s abode. T he popu lar m otor clu b federation A A A says that m ore than 90 m illion A m ericans jou rney 50 m iles or m ore from hom e du ring the year-end holiday season, and each year the nu m ber of travelers increases. W hen opening their hom es to loved ones and friends, hosts w ant to m ak e their g u ests feel w elcom e. F ortu nately, there are m any w ays to do ju st that. E stab lish a cozy n ook D eterm ine w here you r g u ests w ill be sleeping . D o not w orry if you do not have a separate g u est room . T here are other thing s you can do, su ch as g iving u p you r ow n bedroom for the du ration of their stay. O therw ise, tu rn another spot into a g u est area. A den or living room w ith a pu llou t sofa also m ig ht w ork . C hildren’s room s also are another idea. L et you ng children cam p ou t in the living room or the basem ent w hile you tu rn their room s into spots for you r g u ests. T he k ids w ill appreciate the novelty of setting u p sleeping bag s, and g u ests w ill g et som e m easu re of privacy. H ave separate gu est am en ities Invest in som e lu sh tow els and w ash cloths reserved for g u ests. A lso, have com fortable sheets on hand. B e su re all linens are freshly w ashed, and have a draw er or tw o available in case g u ests w ant to u npack their su itcases. K eep som e toiletries stock ed as w ell. A few extra toothbru shes, m ou thw ash, soap, and other personal Separate b athroom facilities If possible, devote one bathroom in the hou se for g u ests’ u se. T his w ay they w ill have all the privacy they need. A sk if there are any special produ cts they lik e to u se in the bathroom , helping to cu t dow n on the item s g u ests need to bring w ith them . Inside find: Travel safely this holiday season Shop Locally Baby’s first Christmas How to pick your Christmas Tree Stock favorite foods M ak e a list of the foods that you r g u ests enjoy and plan a shopping trip to stock u p on these item s. E ncou rag e g u ests to have free reig n of the k itchen, helping them selves to snack s or w hatever is desired. R em em ber to ask abou t any dietary restrictions, inclu ding allerg ies. D eep clean you r hom e C lear aw ay u nnecessary clu tter and g ive floors a fresh w ash or vacu u m ing , especially if you have pets. Pay special attention to show ers and the bathroom itself. You don’t w ant g u ests tripping over you r belong ing s. A few special and sim ple tou ches can qu ick ly prepare a hom e for holiday hosting and entertaining . Home for the Holidays Look inside for great holiday recipes C hristm as tree varieties an d care the m ore popu lar trees com e C hristm astim e. • E astern R edcedar: Branches of the tree are com pact and form a pyram id-shaped crow n. T he trees shou ld be a dark , shiny g reen color. T he eastern red - cedar is not a tru e cedar tree, bu t a m em ber of the ju niper fam ily. T his tree can m ak e a g reat cu t tree w ith a hom e - spu n look and a pu ng ent fra - g rance. • L eylan d C ypress: T his cypress is one of the m ore popu lar C hristm as trees in the sou theastern U nited States. T he tree w ill be very dark g reen to alm ost g ray in color. It has little arom a. Som e people choose the L eyland becau se it does not produ ce sap, w hich is g reat w ere decorated w ith edibles, N ational C hristm as Tree for those w ith sap allerg ies. by Metro Creative su ch as nu ts and fru its. T hey A ssociation says m ore than Connection • C olorado B lu e Spru ce: w ere later decorated w ith 33 m illion real trees are pu r - A n attractive blu e-g reen foli - A n everg reen tree deck ed candles and eventu ally chased each year, m ak ing the ag e and a g ood sym m etrical tree bu siness a billion-dollar form is w hat attracts m any ou t in lig hts and ornam ents lig hts. T hrou g h the centu ries, indu stry. W hile there are people to the blu e spru ce. is one of the u niversal sym - bols of the holiday season. people have trek k ed to for - scores of everg reen varieties, T he C olorado Blu e Spru ce T he C hristm as tree tradition ests, C hristm as tree farm s certain tree types are m ore has an excellent natu ral is believed to have orig inated and com m ercial lots to pick popu lar than others and thu s shape and requ ires little in G erm any in the 15th or the perfect trees for their m ore available for pu rchase. pru ning to look lik e the per - displays. T he T he follow ing are som e of fect C hristm as tree. It’s not 16th centu ries, w hen trees holiday very frag rant, bu t the tree needles m ay g ive off an u npleasant odor w hen cru shed. • Scotch Pin e: A classic conical shape and very g ood needle retention help m ak e the Scotch pine a popu lar tree to cu t for the holidays. Scotch pines also are qu ite prevalent thank s to the tree’s adaptability to a w ide rang e of clim ates. • E astern W hite Pin e: A delicate g reen color and long needles are fou nd on this tree. A nother popu lar pine, the rich frag rance of the w hite pine m ay m ak e it pref - erable to those w ho lik e their hom es to sm ell of everg reen. • D ou g las Fir: T he D ou g las fir is one of the forem ost C hristm as tree spe - cies in the U nited States. It has soft needles that are dark g reen in color. T hose nee - dles radiate in all directions from the branches to g ive the tree a fu ll look . T he nee - dles, w hen cru shed, have a sw eet frag rance. D ou g las firs tend to live long w hen cu t. • Fraser Fir: A nother popu lar fir for C hristm as is the F raser fir. T he needles are bicolored, w ith dark g reen on top and silver on the bottom . M ore frag rant than its cou sin, the D ou g las, the F raser also boasts a slen - der profile, w hich m ak es it su itable for sm aller room s. C hristm as tree m ain - ten an ce: N othing can g u ar - antee the health and appear - ance of a tree after it is brou g ht into a hom e. Bu t choosing a recently cu t tree that has g ood needle reten - tion can help. H ere are other tips for a long -lasting tree. • U se a sharp saw to cu t an inch off of the tru nk base to rem ove the sappy cov - ering that form s from cu t - ting . T his w ill im prove w ater intak e. • F ill a tree stand reservoir w ith w arm w ater. E xpect the tree to drink heavily in the beg inning . • K eep the reservoir filled every day and check to see how m u ch w ater the tree is u sing . • Place the tree far from heaters or other drying sou rces.