A8 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM COMMENTARY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2015 Help appreciated in this season of Thanksgiving I ¿ nd a house and has helped my care for my yard by trimming trees for me and loaning me tools. Gary When I L. West couldn’t get SHADES OF GRAY my car to start, Joe Thompson at Eastside Market let me leave it in his parking lot for a while until I could re- trieve it. A farmer friend of my father’s who stopped at the market took time out of his day to try to help me get it running again. My dad loaned me his car for a day, while mine was in the shop. When I got sick a few weeks ago, my mom, friends and coworkers of- used to be a holiday procrastinator. But now, with Thanksgiving still more than a week away, I know what I am thankful for this year. Simply stated, I am glad to be home. 0ore speci¿ cally, I am glad to be able to regularly spend time with family and friends and be making new friends. There is a real family feeling to this communi- ty, which I had forgotten about in my years away. It is amazing to me how many offers of help I’ve received since moving back to town. Family, friends, neighbors and coworkers have been generous with their assis- tance and offers of support. A good friend helped me fered to bring me soup and supplies. A high school class- mate’s mom gave me a din- ing table for my kitchen, rebuf¿ ng my offer to pay her for it. When my lawn mower was making funny noises, a neighbor brought over some fuel additive to help make the small motor run better. It’s been humbling how helpful people have been. These are but a few of the offers of generosity that tell me I am truly home again. Last week I met with three people who have volunteered to share a bit of their time and perspec- tive in our bid to make the Hermiston Herald a more valuable resource to the community. Dave Wright, Clara Be- as-Fitzgerald and Karen Hutchinson-Talaski have generously agreed to be the inaugural members of an advisory group to talk about the things they like, or don’t like, about the Her- ald and help us ¿ nd ways to make it a better information source for the community. Wright is retired from Oregon State Parks and Recreation, where he was the assistant director of op- erations. Beas-Fitzgerald is a member of the Hermiston City Council and serves on the city’s Hispanic Advi- sory Committee. She also worked for the East Orego- nian at one time. Hutchin- son-Talaski is the executive director of the Umatilla ELECTED OFFICIALS Chamber of Commerce. She is also a former reporter for the Hermiston Herald. Their reasons for volun- teering to be advisors vary. But they all care deeply about this community and the people who live here. They have all lived and spent part of their careers elsewhere and now choose to live here. We are looking for a few more people to join our group. Our next meeting will be at 4:30 p.m. Thurs- day, Dec.17. We plan to meet about once a month to talk about ways the Herald might be able to better serve the community as a news and information source. If you would like to join us, send me an email message at gwest@hermistonherald. com. You don’t have to be a subscriber to participate. Send me an email with a bit of information about yourself and a short de- scription of why you are interested in serving as an advisor to the Hermiston Herald. Thanks, in advance to all who have, or will, volun- teer to participate. And to all, have a happy and safe Thanksgiving and a joyful holiday season. Gary L. West is editor of the Hermiston Herald and Hermiston editor for the East Oregonian. Reach him at gwest@hermiston- herald.com or follow him on Twitter @GaryLWest or on Facebook at www. facebook.com/journalist. glwest. LETTERS POLICY STATE District 58: Rep. Greg Barreto, R-Cove; 900 Court St. N.E., H-384, Salem, OR 97301, 503-986-1458. E-mail: rep. gregbarreto@state.or.us District 57: Rep. Greg Smith, R-Morrow, 900 Court St. N.E., H-280, Salem, OR 97301, 503-986-1457. P.O. Box 215, Heppner, OR 97836, (541) 676-5154. E-mail: smith.g.rep@state. or.us. District 29: Sen. Bill Hansell, R-Umatilla Co., 900 Court St. N.E., S-423, Salem, OR 97301, 503-986-1729. 101 S.W. Third St., Pendleton, OR 97801 (541) 278-1396. E-mail: ssen.billhansell@ state.or.us. District 30: Sen. Ted Ferrioli, R-John Day; 900 Court St. N.E., S-223 Salem, OR 97301, 503-986-1950. 750 W. Main, John Day, OR 97845, (541) 575-2321. E-mail: ferrioli.sen@state. or.us. FEDERAL U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden Sac Annex Building, 105 Fir St., No. 201, La MEDICAL DIRECTORY Grande, OR 97850; (541) 962-7691. E-mail: kathleen_cathey@wyden. senate.gov; (Kathleen Cathey, community representative); 717 Hart Building, Washington, D.C. 20510, (202) 224-5244. U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley One World Trade Center, 121 SW Salmon Street, Suite 1250, Portland, OR 97204; (503) 326-3386; Dirksen Senate Offi ce Building, SDB-40B, Washington, D.C. 20510. (202) 224-3753. U.S. Rep. Greg Walden (2nd District) 843 E. Main St., Suite 400, Medford, OR 97504, (541) 776-4646, (800) 533-3303; 2352 Rayburn House Offi ce Building, Washington, D.C. 20515, (202) 225-6730 The Hermiston Herald welcomes original letters for publication on public issues and public policies. Submitted letters must be signed by the author and include the city of residence and a daytime phone number. Phone numbers will not be published. Letters may be mailed to the Hermiston Herald, 333 E. Main, Hermiston, OR, 97838; or emailed to editor@ hermistonherald.com Visit us online at HermistonHerald.com We treat all of you. PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Call Today! 541-289-5433 1060 W. 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