Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 1994-current, November 18, 2015, Page A6, Image 6

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SAGE Center to show
animated movie
Movie night returns to the
SAGE Center.
“Inside Out” is the ani-
mated story of Riley, a hap-
py, hockey-loving 11-year-
old Midwestern girl. But her
world is turned upside-down
when her family moves to
San Francisco.
The screenings are Friday
at 7:15 p.m. and Saturday at
2:15 p.m. at 101 Olson Road,
Boardman. Admission is $5
for adults or $3 for children
and seniors. Movie-goers get
a free bag of popcorn. Water
is available for purchase.
The SAGE Center is an
interactive visitor center that
highlights sustainable agri-
culture and energy. It’s open
Monday through Saturdays
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For more information, call
541-481-7243 or visit www.
Recreation department
sets food drive
Hermiston Parks & Recre-
ation is collecting non-perish-
able food items for communi-
ty residents in need.
Donations can be dropped
off Monday through Fridays
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the
of¿ce, located in the lower
level of Hermiston City Hall,
180 N.E. Second St. Food
will be accepted through Nov.
In addition, people plan-
ning to attend the depart-
ment’s youth drama pro-
duction of “Little Town of
Christmas” can get a dis-
counted ticket by making a
food donation.
The audience will be intro-
duced to 12 yuletide sketches
in the little town of Christ-
mas. They’ll meet Skeezix
and Sylvester, an elf comedy
team and Mrs. Claus, the real
boss of the out¿t.
The performances are
Dec. 10-11 at 6:30 p.m. at Ar-
mand Larive Middle School,
1497 S.W. Ninth St. Tickets
are $2 in advance, $3 at the
door or $1 with a non-perish-
able food donation.
Civil War raffle benefits
BMCC scholarships
Money for Blue Mountain
Community College student
scholarships will be raised
through a Civil War Rival
RafÀe, which includes a pair
of tickets to the Ducks-Bea-
vers game.
This year’s Civil War
game is Friday, Nov. 27 at
12:30 p.m. at Autzen Stadium
in Eugene.
Winners don’t have to
be present for the drawing,
which is Thursday at 2 p.m.
in the Student Union Building
at BMCC, 2411 N.W. Carden
Ave., Pendleton.
The prizes also includes
Tailgate Party in a Bag, which
features bags handmade by
Debbie Merrill (Beavers) and
Jan Keough (Ducks). Items
in the bags include a variety
of food, which is perfect for
tailgating, a 50-quart cooler,
team cups, car stickers, a $10
gas card, Oregon State and
University of Oregon team
apparel, team logo items and
more. Additional rafÀe items
feature College Community
Theatre tickets, Pendleton
Round-Up tickets and other
Round-Up and Oregon State
logo items.
Tickets are $5 each or six
for $25. They can be pur-
chased at BMCC of¿ces in
Hermiston (975 S.E. Colum-
bia Drive), Boardman (300
Front St., N.E.), Pendleton,
Milton-Freewater and Baker
For more information,
contact Janet Koch at 541-
278-5877 or jkoch@bluecc.
Library display features
native beadwork
In recognition of Native
American Heritage Month,
American Indian beadwork
is featured at the Hermiston
Public Library.
Hermiston resident Ken
May has provided nine pieces
that are on display during the
month of November.
Library assistant Jodi Han-
sen said the beadwork is dis-
played along with a number
of books highlighting Amer-
ican Indian heritage.
The library is open Mon-
day through Thursdays from
11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Friday
and Saturdays from 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m. It’s located at 235 E.
Gladys Ave.
For more information, call
Friday, Nov. 20 th • Starts at 5pm
Saturday, Nov. 21 st • Starts at 9am
Workshop teaches dulcimer strumming
Community Editor
Nationally touring folk
musicians Bob Webb and
Heidi Muller will return to
Hermiston this weekend to
present a dulcimer workshop
and perform a concert.
Calling Joseph home
these days, the couple recent-
ly was in the area to provide
an introduction to the Appa-
lachian dulcimer. An Amer-
ican instrument with three
strings, the dulcimer can be
placed on a table top or lap
and is strummed or picked.
The couple enjoys shar-
ing their love for the simple
instrument, which is easy to
learn, Muller said. People
don’t need prior experience
with the instrument to partic-
ipate in the workshops.
The beginner workshops
are taught by Webb, while
the intermediate sessions
are led by Muller. Both class
levels are taught Saturday
from 11-12:30 p.m. and/or
2-3:30 p.m. at the First Unit-
ed Methodist Church, 191 E.
Gladys, Hermiston. People
are invited to bring a sack
lunch and participate in both
the morning and afternoon
Bob Webb and Heidi Muller will offer Appalachian dulcimer
workshops this weekend in Hermiston, In addition, the
Joseph couple will perform a concert Sunday at the First
United Methodist Church, Hermiston.
sessions. The cost is $25 for
one session or $45 for both.
Student dulcimers are
provided to those needing
an instrument. Also, some
instruments will be available
for purchase.
The couple will perform
a concert Sunday at 3 p.m.,
also at the Methodist church.
Admission is $10 for adults,
$8 for seniors and $5 for
youths 12 and under.
Each a talented musician
in their own right — in con-
cert, Muller and Webb, who
have performed together
since 2003, play a mix of
original songs and traditional
tunes. They blend each oth-
er’s inÀuences — stretching
from the Paci¿c Northwest
to the Appalachian Moun-
tains — featuring dulcimers,
guitars, mandolin and elec-
tric cello. The couple has
released three CDs. In addi-
tion, Muller has a handful of
solo albums.
Settling in West Virginia
in the 1970s, Webb toured
with the folk-rock group
Stark Raven. The group
became the house band for
National Public Radio’s
Mountain Stage, a live radio
show. Webb backed many
top folk and blues musicians,
including Odetta, Arlo Guth-
rie, Shawn Colvin and Tom
Making her name as a Se-
attle recording artist between
the 1980s and 1990s, Muller’s
song “Good Road” is still
heard on Northwest Public
Radio as the theme song for
the Inland Folk show.
In addition to teaching,
performing and recording,
the couple hosts Dulcimer
Week in the Wallowas each
summer. The high country
musical experience is unfor-
gettable, Muller said.
Those planning to attend a
workshop are asked to regis-
ter in advance by contacting
Muller at 304-382-9422 or
com. For more information,
visit www.heidimuller.com.
First quarter honor roll
lists have been released by
Stan¿eld Secondary School
grades 7-12 for the 2015-16
academic year. Earning a
place on the list:
4.0 gpa: Melissa Ban-
deras, Amree Braithwaite,
Jesus Carrillo, Yazzmin
Chavez, Brianna Cornejo,
Laura Cornejo, Lydia Hurty,
Kaitlyn Lemmon, Savannah
Sharp, Justin Snyder, Chantz
Vernon, Caleb Walker; 3.50-
3.99 gpa: Ryan Bailey, Da-
kota Brooks, Amanda Car-
rillo, Aileen Galarza, Josie
Goodrich, Makiah Hampton,
McKenzie Leggett, Brianna
Lopez, Cora McCann, Thy-
ler Monkus, James Strad-
ley, Shyanne Connell, Anna
Lemmon, Emma Sanders,
Dillon Dunlap, Madeline
Grif¿n, Coralia Rojas-Her-
nandez, Annalese Barnes,
Brittin Braithwaite, Mack-
enzie Cook, Jason Fitzpat-
rick, Jose Galarza Banderas,
Jennifer Garcia, Mackenzie
Gonzales, Nathan Hurty,
Brook Lopez, Kaisa Tynki-
la, Monica Villalobos, La-
rissa Castellanos, Guitzell
Chavez, McKenzie Lan-
german, Alicia Madrigal,
Alexander Nunez, Shyanne
Smith, Yorcely Reyes-Gar-
cia, Trinity Bishop, Ricar-
do Carrillo, Allison Clark,
Elias Esquivel, Dylan Gro-
gan, Noel Montes, Isiah
Purnell, Trevor Shockman,
Dillon Aylett, Mikenzie
Hampton-Blankenship, Si-
say Hurty; 3.00-3.49 gpa:
Uriel Carrillo, Katy Cook,
Kendall Cooper, Daniel
Forbes, Carlos Hernandez,
Rebecca Reynolds, Paola
Rodriguez, Angelica Rojas,
Emily Walker, Luis Moreno,
Jamie Christopher, Cynthia
Curiel, Uber Hernandez,
Enrique Arellano, Hunter
Barnes, Abbygail Bautis-
ta, Kaitlyn Burns, Denisse
Carrillo, Abraham Gomez,
Kendra Hart, Mia Keeney,
Madison Poulson, Adrian
Renner, Amaya Renner, Na-
tividad Sanchez, Ruando
Velasco, Lanessa Bautis-
ta, Mayra Cardona, Austin
James, Bailey Watson, Na-
talia Esquivel, Carlos Flores,
Jose Garcia, Allison Grif¿n,
Cody Grif¿n, Justin Keeney,
Chelsy Lemmon, Rachelle
Nycz, Bradley Sample, Noe
Sanchez, Fernando Ramirez,
Enoel Angel, Isabel Baros,
Raychel Campana, Morgen
Collinsworth, Gracie Ha-
thaway, Brenna Holt, Cas-
sidy Hopper, Nayeli Ibarra,
Brenna MacPherson, Ciara
Neasham, Mario Sanchez,
Katherine Soto, Chelsea
Soto, Jared Warren.
Additionally, the follow-
ing students earned Perfect
Attendance recognition:
Enoel Angel, Makayla
Worship Service 10:30 AM
Sunday School 9:00 AM
Pastor J.C. Barnett
Children's Church
& Nursery Available
700 West Orchard Avenue
P.O. Box 933
Hermiston, Oregon
Bailey, Melissa Banderas,
Trinity Bishop, Dakota
Brooks, Amanda Carrillo,
Jesus Carrillo, Uriel Carril-
lo, Nikolas Fisher, Aileen
Galarza, Jennifer Garcia,
Liset Garcia, Miah Goff,
Abraham Gomez, Frank-
lin Gomez, Haily Gonza-
lez-Ibarra, Cody Grif¿n,
Brenna Holt, Lydia Hurty,
Gemini Kaneaster, Mcken-
zie Leggett, Anna Lemmon,
Brianna Lopez, Joshua Mc-
Bean, Hunter McCanch,
Cora McCann, Ashley Mc-
Neil, Thyler Monkus, Noel
Montes, Eduardo Nunez,
Madison Poulson, Yorcely
Reyes-Garcia, Paola Rodri-
guez, Bradley Sample, Na-
tividad Sanchez, Noe San-
chez, Rene Sanchez-lamas,
Savannah Sharp, Carson
Shotts, Ruano Velasco, Ca-
leb Walker, Emily Walker,
Brody Woods.
Echo Community
21 N Bonanza Street
Echo, OR
Phone: (541) 376-8108
Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 am
Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:45 am
Children’s Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:15 am
Potluck & Communion ~
First Sunday of the Month
N ovice/Youth/Intermediate
Will shoot against people of like ability!
Adventist Church
$5 per shoot with $15 cash payout for each 5 shooters.
Win cash to buy your Thanksgiving Turkey and Dinner.
Sabbath School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m.
Worship Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00 a.m.
s h i
W o r
p w i t h u s !
1255 Hwy. 395 S. • 567-5834
Worship 10:00 AM
"come as you are"
The Full Gospel
Home Church
235 SW 3rd
Phone 567-7678
Dr. Robert Johnson is pleased to
announce Dr. Graham McEntire
will be joining his practice.
Rev. Ed Baker - Rev. Nina Baker
Sunday: Sunday School . . . . . 10:00 am
Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00 am
Evening Service . . . . . . 7:00 pm
Wednesday Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 pm
Dr. Graham
Dr. McEntire specializes in general dentistry
for patients of all ages and will be
extending our services to include oral
surgery and dental implants. 
We will continue to provide the same great
dental care. New patients and same day
emergencies are always welcome.
809 SW Court Ave. • Pendleton
Rev. Dr. James T. Pierce, Pastor
Open Hearts, Open minds,
Open doors
"Casting all your care upon him;
for he careth for you."
1 Pet. 5:7
191 E. Gladys Ave.
Sunday Worship at 11am
(541) 567-3002
Our Lady of Angels
Catholic Church
Grace Baptist Church
Dr. Robert
First United
Church Of
DAILY MASS: Monday-Friday
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . English 7:00 am
THURSDAY . . . . . . . . . Spanish 6:00 pm
SATURDAY: . . . . . . . . . English 5:00 pm
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spanish 7:00 pm
SUNDAY: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . English 9:00 am
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bilingual 11:00 am
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spanish 1:00 pm
OFFICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567-5812
1350 S. Highway 395, Hermiston
Sunday Worship Services
English- Pastor Dave Andrus
9:00 & 10:45 am
Spanish- Pastor Genaro Loredo
9:00 & 10:15 am
Classes for kids during all services
For more information call
First Christian
"Proclaiming the Message of
Hope, Living the Gospel of Love"
Nursery Provided
775 W. Highland Ave., Hermiston
Nursery provided for all services

All People
Are Welcome
Scripture, Tradition
and Reason
Family service 9am Sunday
Gladys Ave & 7th Hermiston
Fr. Dan Lediard, Priest. PH: 567-6672
125 E. Beech Ave. • 567-3232
Pastor David Dever
Sun. Bible Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00am
Sun. Worship Service . . . . . . . . . . 11:00am
Sun. Evening Worship . . . . . . . . . . 6:00pm
Wed. Prayer & Bible Study . . . 6:00pm
Pastor James Becker
32742 Diagonal RD
Hermiston OR 97838
Sunday School 10 am
Worship 7 am
Evening Service 7 pm
Bible Study Wednesdays 7 pm
Firestarter Youth Ministry
(Ages 12-17)
Monday @ 6 pm
St. Johns
Episcopal Church
555 SW 11th, Hermiston
Sunday School - 9:30 AM
Worship - 10:45 AM
6:00 pm
Wed Prayer & Worship - 7:00 PM
“Proclaiming God’s word,
growing in God’s grace”
855 W. Highland • Hermiston
Sunday AM Service 10:30 AM
Sunday PM Service 3:30 PM
Thursday Bible Class 6:00 PM
224 E Main Street, Hermiston, OR
(541) 701-9055
To share your
worship times
Amanda Jacobs