Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 1994-current, November 18, 2015, Page A5, Image 5

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Gladys Evelyn Marks
Michael R. Snyder Jr.
June 6, 1936-November 10, 2015
Gladys Evelyn Marks,
79, of Hermiston died on
Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015, at
the Good Shepherd Med-
ical Center. She was born
on June 6, 1936, in
Great Falls, Mon-
tana, to parents
Frank and Mildred
Graves Miller. She
married Ross A.
Marks on October
27, 1956, in Living-
ston, Montana.
Gladys and Ross
moved to Hermiston in
1976 from Bozeman, Mon-
tana. She worked as a wait-
ress at the Buff & Brew
restaurant in Hermiston for
22 years. She was a for-
mer member of the Eagles
Lodge. Some of her hob-
bies included sewing and
knitting. Gladys had a love
for animals.
She was proceeded
in death by her husband
Ross A. Marks; grandson
Matthew Ross Marks; and
parents Frank and Mildred
She is survived by son
William Ross Marks and
daughter Barbara Jean
Waelty, both of Hermis-
ton, Ore.; brothers Thomas
Miller of Ennis, Mont., Da-
vid and Trudy Miller
of Townsend, Mont.,
Dennis and Bev
Miller of Hermiston,
Ore., Larry and Col-
leen Miller of Union,
Ore., and Richard
and Brenda Miller
of Caddo Gap, Ark.;
sister Mrs. Edwin
(Nora) Kubin of Montrose,
Colo.; grandchildren Tye
Taylor, Travis Ross McIn-
tyre, Lindsey Dickens, Kel-
ly Dickens and MiKayla
Marks; and 22 nieces and
Disposition was by cre-
mation. A private family
memorial will be held at a
later date.
Please sign the guest
book at burnsmortuary-
Burns Mortuary of
Hermiston is in care of ar-
H. Joy Marks
December 2, 1921-November 13, 2015
Joy was born Dec. 2,
1921, in Tangent, Oregon,
and passed from this life
Nov. 13, 2015. She was
the third child of Dela-
ware and Emma
(Vollstedt) Faulk-
ner. Joy was named
Henrybelle at birth,
the combination of
the names of Del’s
and Emma’s moth-
er’s, both of whom Marks
passed shortly be-
fore Joy’s birth. She grew
up being known as “Hen-
ry” or “Hank,” and it was
only during her last year
of college she changed to
using her middle name.
Del was a mechanic by
trade, though during the
Great Depression there
was little trade to work on.
Emma, with the two girls,
worked cannery and ¿ eld
work to make ends meet.
Joy graduated from Alba-
ny schools and then as a
member of Alpha Xi Del-
ta sorority earned a bach-
elor’s degree at Oregon
State. She then worked in
the Ag/Econ department at
OSU before being intro-
duced to her husband on
a blind date by a sorority
sister. She and Gayle were
married in 1948.
With husband Gayle,
after he completed his de-
gree at OSU, she moved
to Hermiston, or as her
boss the department chair
at OSU, put it, “from the
land of ever rain to the
land of never rain.” While
embracing the sand and
sagebrush of Eastern Or-
egon, she never lost her
love of the greenery of the
Willamette Valley.
Hermiston at the time
(1949) was booming, with
Umatilla Ordinance De-
pot, Hinkle rail yard and
the building of McNary
Dam all happening. Find-
ing a residence was a chal-
lenge, though the couple
found a rental on Beebe
Street. They considered
themselves fortunate as
many (with good jobs)
were forced to live in tar
paper shacks or houses
hastily thrown together
out of empty ammunition
They bought a house on
East Ridgeway where sons
Tom and Rodney joined
their lives. In 1964 built
the home they were to
live in for the rest of their
lives, on a bluff overlook-
ing the Umatilla River.
Joy was a “stay at
home” mom until the sons
were out of the house,
though even then, always
involved in charity work
and various clubs around
town. She was an
avid and keen card
player, with a spirit
of competitiveness
that could be truly
amazing. She be-
longed to the same
bridge group for
over 60 years, was
a past president of
Chapter DR of P.E.O. and
a decades long volunteer
with the Good Shepherd
Hospital Auxiliary. She
was a longtime member of
the First Christian Church.
Joy was an accom-
plished seamstress, con-
stantly knitting, crochet-
ing and creating. Her
upbeat attitude to life and
her sense of humor even
in dif¿ cult times were a
blessing to all.
At age 85, in response to
the urging of family, who
thought all the memories
she had needed recording,
she tackled learning word
processing on a computer.
Although a lifetime touch
typist, to her the com-
puter was quite a foreign
animal. Yet she began the
writing of her life story.
This unpublished book
¿ nally ran to 180-plus
pages and is eye-opening
in the details of a life that
spanned 93-plus years, the
Great Depression, a World
War, raising two sons and
life in Hermiston from the
town’s formative years to
Joy was preceded in
death by both parents, her
husband Gayle; son Rod-
ney and his wife Jeannie;
her brother Marion; and
her sister Katherine (and
all Katherine’s family).
She is survived by son
Tom; grandsons Jacob
(Meghan), Derek (¿ ancp
Sarah) and Devon; grand-
daughters Amy Runion
and Katelyn Marks; and
two great-grandsons, Ben-
jamin (from Jake) and
Noah (from Derek).
Memorial services will
be at the First Christian
Church at 11 a.m. on Fri-
day the 20th. The family
asks in lieu of À owers,
contributions go to Agape
Please sign the guest
book at burnsmortuary-
Burns Mortuary of
Hermiston is in care of ar-
Jan. 4, 1971-Nov. 13, 2015
Michael R. Snyder Jr., 44, of Irrigon died Friday, Nov.
13, 2015, at his home. He was born Jan. 4, 1971, in Uma-
tilla. Services are pending. Burns Mortuary of Hermiston
is in care of arrangements. Sign the online guest book at
Charles Edward Cook
Nov. 19, 1935-Nov. 13, 2015
Charles Edward Cook, 79, of Hermiston died Friday, Nov.
13, 2015. He was born Nov. 19, 1935, in Welch, West Virgin-
ia. A private family burial will take place at Hermiston Ceme-
tery. Burns Mortuary of Hermiston is in care of arrangements.
Corrine Ann Rodriguez
Sept. 29, 1946-Nov. 13, 2015
Corrine Ann Rodriguez, 69, of Boardman died Friday,
Nov. 13, 2015, in Hermiston. She was born Sept. 29, 1946,
in Richmond, Calif. Burns Mortuary of Hermiston is in
care of arrangements. Sign the guest book at burnsmortu-
Susanne F. Seggerman
Oct. 7, 1940-Nov. 10, 2015
Susanne F. Seggerman, 75, of Irrigon died Tuesday,
Nov. 10, 2015, in Hermiston. She was born Oct. 7, 1940, in
New York City, N.Y. Disposition was by cremation. Burns
Mortuary of Hermiston is in care of arrangements
Douglas L. Moyer
Feb. 2, 1938-Nov. 10, 2015
Douglas L. Moyer, 77, of Hermiston died Tuesday,
Nov. 10, 2015, at his home. He was born Feb. 2, 1938,
in Emmett, Idaho. Services are pending. Burns Mortuary
of Hermiston is in care of arrangements. Sign the online
guest book at burnsmortuaryhermiston.com.
Alice M. Ployhar
Oct. 2, 1939-Nov. 15, 2015
Alice M. Ployhar, 76, of Heppner died Sunday, Nov. 15,
2015, in Hermiston. She was born Oct. 2, 1939, in Hep-
pner. Funeral arrangements are pending at Burns Mortuary
of Hermiston.
Rodney D. Cox
Nov. 26, 1950-Nov. 16, 2015
Former Stan¿ eld resident Rodney D. Cox, 64, of Mea-
cham died Monday, Nov. 16, 2015, at his home. He was
born Nov. 26, 1950. A graveside service will be held Sat-
urday, Nov. 21 at 2 p.m. at Pleasant View Cemetery, Stan-
¿ eld. A luncheon will follow at Crossroads Community
Church, 350 N. Sherman St., Stan¿ eld. Burns Mortuary of
Hermiston is in care of arrangements.
Suits Filed
plus interest, costs and fees.
The following suits have been fi led
in Umatilla County courts:
•JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A. vs.
John Dana Kroeger and parties in
possession; seeks $132,188.57 plus in-
terest, costs and fees.
•Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC
vs. June Hills; judgment for $2,164.43
plus interest, costs and fees.
•CSO Financial Inc. vs. Cassidy Su-
zanne Edeler Nunnally; seeks $1,099.32
plus interest, costs and fees.
•Capital One Bank vs. Kathleen A.
Murphy; judgment for $2,384.22 plus
interest, costs and fees.
•Midland Funding LLC vs. Edigas
Morales; seeks $2,750.38 plus interest,
costs and fees.
•Midland Funding LLC vs. Andrea
Crane; judgment for $855.57 plus in-
terest, costs and fees.
•Wells Fargo Bank N.A. vs. John
Okaly, Lorna Marie Etter, Timothy A.
Okaly and persons or parties unknown
claiming right, title, lien or interest;
seeks $185,092.46 plus interest, costs
and fees.
•Credits Inc. vs. Ernest W. and Lle-
ana M. Erickson; judgment for $3,187.91
plus interest, costs and fees.
•Ivan and Colleen Cook vs. Ste-
phen Walker; seeks $26,400 plus costs
and fees.
Velocity Investments LLC vs. Bar-
tolo Gutierrez; seeks $561.35 plus in-
terest, costs and fees.
•Jeff erson Capital Systems LLC vs.
Julia Perez; seeks $4,330.52 plus inter-
est, costs and fees.
•Erla Nakano vs. Wal-Mart Stores
Inc.; seeks $400,000 plus costs and
•Howard M. and Theresa M. Hunter
vs. City of Pendleton; seeks $200,000
plus costs and fees.
The following judgments have
been rendered in Umatilla County
•Capital One Bank vs. Gene Hem-
bre; judgment for $3,696.36 plus inter-
est, costs and fees.
•Jeff erson Capital Systems vs.
Anita L. Hughs; judgment for $4,567.23
•Absolute Resolutions Corp. vs.
Crystal L. Hart; judgment for $934.85
plus interest, costs and fees.
The following sentences have been
imposed in Umatilla County courts:
•Nicholas Brandon Zook, 34,
Boardman, pleaded guilty to two
counts of Theft I; sentenced to 30
months Oregon Dept. of Corrections, 1
year post-prison supervision, $140 fi ne
and court assessment for each count,
plus $2,365.73 restitution; pleaded
guilty to Failure to Report as Felony
Sex Off ender; sentenced to 8 months
Oregon Dept. of Corrections, 2 years
post-prison supervision and $140 fi ne,
plus court assessment; pleaded guilty
to Theft II; sentenced to $40 fi ne and
$525.58 restitution, plus court assess-
•Jesus Esparza Garcia, 33, Herm-
iston, pleaded guilty to Driving While
Suspended (felony); sentenced to 5
years probation, 120 sanction units,
60 maximum jail units, $1,440 fi ne
and $1,500 fi ne-suspended, plus court
costs and fees.
•Douglas Carter Robertson, 44,
Umatilla, pleaded guilty to Failure to
Report as Sex Off ender; sentenced to
4 days jail, 180 days jail-suspended, 18
months probation and $140 fi ne, plus
court costs and fees.
•Shilo Nichole Fay, 22, Hermiston,
pleaded guilty to Unlawfully Applying
Graffi ti; sentenced to $40 fi ne plus
court assessment; pleaded guilty to
Criminal Trespass II; sentenced to 7
days jail-suspended, 1 year probation,
20 hours community service, $40 fi ne
and $100 fi ne-suspended, plus court
costs and fees.
•Juan Luis Ayala Garduno, 34,
Boardman, pleaded guilty to Failure
to Appear II; sentenced to 180 days
jail-suspended, 1 year probation, 60
hours community service, $440 fi ne
and $1,000 fi ne-suspended, plus court
costs and fees.
•Edgar Eduardo Pablo Martin, 22,
Hermiston, pleaded guilty to Driving
While Suspended; sentenced to 180
days jail-suspended, 2 years proba-
tion, 80 hours community service,
$690 fi ne and $1,000 fi ne-suspended,
plus court costs and fees.
•Auston Dunham, 18, Hermiston,
pleaded guilty to Assault IV; sen-
tenced to 180 days jail-suspended, 2
years probation, 80 hours community
service, $440 fi ne and $1,250 fi ne-sus-
pended, plus court costs and fees;
pleaded guilty to Disorderly Conduct
II; sentenced to 90 days jail-suspend-
ed, 2 years probation, 20 hours com-
munity service and $40 fi ne, plus court
•Andrea Guardado Arias, 19, Ir-
rigon, pleaded guilty to Disorderly
Conduct II; sentenced to 90 days
jail-suspended, 18 months probation,
40 hours community service, $40 fi ne
and $900 fi ne-suspended, plus court
costs and fees.
•Vanessa Aimee Rodriguez, 21,
Hermiston, pleaded guilty to Theft II;
sentenced to 180 days jail-suspend-
ed, 2 years probation, 20 hours com-
munity service, $40 fi ne and $1,650
fi ne-suspended, plus court costs and
•James Richard Sawyer, 54,
Hermiston, pleaded guilty to Disor-
derly Conduct II; sentenced to 90 days
jail-suspended, 1 year probation, $40
fi ne and $900 fi ne-suspended, plus
court costs and fees.
Divorce decrees were signed in
Umatilla County Courts for:
David Sanchez and Savanah R.
Sanchez; Floyd Lee Davis and Tammy
Sue Davis; Kimberly Ann Stewart and
Timothy Floyd Stewart Jr.; Maria Kath-
erine Winebarger and Andrew Dean
Winebarger; Megan R. Sands and Ryan
E. Emery; Tamera Kayleen Brown and
Scott William Brown; Adrienne L. Ber-
ry and Robert P. Berry; Brent A. Daum
and Falon L. Partlow; Cindy Lou Porter
and Nathan Clark Williams; Laura Kay
Fishel and David Ross Fishel; Steve
Peter Chadek and Barbara Jo Chadek.
Marriage licenses have been regis-
tered in Umatilla County for:
Juan Rodolfo Jimenez Ortiz Jr., 32,
and Sasha Marie Harrison, 27, both of
James Luis Medrano, 32, and Bran-
dy Ann Billman, 35, both of Hermiston.
Martin Alonso Paredes Garcia, 48,
and Olgalibia Rosales Rivera, 46, both
of Boardman.
Anthony Thomas Toombs, 27, and
Whitney Rose Smith, 24, both of Herm-
• Antonio Reco Reaves, 31: driving
while license suspended or revoked.
• James Manuel Trujillo, 45: failure
to appear.
• Davin Michael Prewitt, 22: driv-
ing under the infl uence of intoxicants,
careless driving.
• Jorge Moras Nava, 24: failure to
present license, driving while license
suspended or revoked, failure to obey
traffi c control device.
• Glenn Eric Knudsen, 54: failure
to appear, driving while license
suspended or revoked.
• Bradley John Bettencourt, 27:
• Juan Manuel Maldonado Ornelas,
55: driving while license suspended
or revoked.
• Amador Osiel Ramirez, 20: fail-
ure to pay fi nes, driving while license
suspended or revoked.
• Matthew James Way, 25: proba-
tion violation, failure to appear.
• Theodore Londale Williams, 31:
failure to appear, fugitive.
• Brian Ayala, 20: failure to pay
fi nes.
• Jenessa Lee Ann Munoz, 22:
failure to pay fi nes.
• Carlos Valenzuela, 24: failure to
pay fi nes.
• Benford Lee Cameron, 59:
driving while license suspended or
• Ethan Alan Pinkham, 31:
possession of methamphetamine,
possession of drug paraphernalia.
• Buddy Lyn Waggoner, 27:
probation violation.
• Marion Ivan Taylor III, 55: failure
Good Shepherd Medical
Center, Hermiston
NOV 3, 2015
CLARK — Ashlee
Clark and Justin Clark of
Hermiston; a boy, Jase
Coleman Clark.
LENDEZ — Yessica Mar-
tinez Melendez and Jovanny
Calderon Cisneros of Herm-
iston; a boy, Jovanny Chris-
tian Calderon Melendez.
to appear.
• Latisha Sue Rodriguez, 33:
fi rst-degree criminal trespass,
second-degree theft, carrying of
concealed weapons.
• Jenifer Lee Foster, 28: sec-
ond-degree theft.
• Gunnar Mykal Fraser, 21: Hermis-
ton Municipal Court warrant — failure
to pay fi nes.
• Florencio Garcia Quezada,
24: fi rst-degree theft, fi rst-degree
criminal trespass.
• Daniel Troy Coombs, 53: driving
while license suspended or revoked,
driving uninsured, Hermiston
Municipal Court warrant — failure to
pay fi nes.
• Juan Antonio Sanchez, 43:
failure to report as a sex off ender,
possession of methamphetamine,
failure to appear.
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A hundred years from now it will not matter what My bank account
was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove... but the
world may be different because I was important in the Life of a Child.