THANK YOU VETERANS Saluting Our Veterans: In today’s edition is a special six-page section honoring local veterans of U.S. military service of all generations Hermiston Herald WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2015 $1.00 ONE OF THE LUCKY ONES Commissioners seek more oversight of EOTEC finances STAFF PHOTO BY SEAN HART :RUOG:DU,,YHWHUDQ5D\0RUJDQ8PDWLOODJUDEVDÁDJWKDWRQFHÁHZRYHUWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV&DSLWROZKLFKKHUHFHLYHGGXULQJDQ+RQRU )OLJKWLQ6HSWHPEHUWR:DVKLQJWRQ'& WWII-era vet describes duty, training and the guilt of coming home By SEAN HART Staff Writer U matilla resident Ray Morgan said it was his duty to en- list in the Army when he graduated from high school in 1943 during World War II. He trained on a bomber crew for two years. He earned the rank of second lieutenant by the age of 19. His unit was scheduled to depart for Saipan, an island about 120 miles north of Guam, for operations in the Paci¿c Theater. But Before Morgan was able to join the battle, the histor- See MORGAN, A18 STAFF PHOTO BY SEAN HART 8PDWLOODUHVLGHQW5D\0RUJDQVKRZVKLV:DU'HSDUWPHQW LGHQWLÀFDWLRQFDUGZKHQKHZDVLQWKH86$UP\DLUFRUSVGXULQJ :RUOG:DU,, Pot ordinance stalls again Council can’t get fifth vote to send issue to residents By JADE McDOWELL Staff Writer JOSHUA BESSEX/EO MEDIA GROUP -DUVRIPDULMXDQDVLWRQVKHOYHVDW6ZHHW5HOLHI1DWXUDO0HGLFLQH DPHGLFDOPDULMXDQDGLVSHQVDU\LQ$VWRULD ABOUT TOWN Hermiston City Council will have to take an- other run at sending a marijuana dispensary ban to the voters. Councilors thought they had passed the or- dinance putting dispensaries on the ballot after a 4-2 vote Monday but were reminded that at least ¿ve councilors must vote for an ordinance for it to pass. $n ordinance that doesn’t receive ¿ve votes in either direction will automatically appear on See POT, A18 Umatilla County Board of Commissioners is mov- ing to have more input and Fontrol over the ¿nanF- es of the Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center. Commissioners vot- ed last week to have the county give $600,000 to the ongoing creation of the Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center in Hermis- ton. County commissioners this week discussed hav- ing the county Eudget of¿- cer Robert Pahl serve as a non-voting member on the EOTEC board and as its treasurer. Pahl said he used to handle the EOTEC books for about a year. Commis- ioner Larry Givens said the county would gain some “internal policy standing.” Givens and Port of Umatilla general manager Kim Puzey would remain as the county’s voting members on the board. Commission chairman George Murdock said he would like to see the coun- ty budget of¿cer serve as a voting member if there was an opening, and he wanted a county policy specifying a sitting com- missioner must serve on the board. Givens also said the county wants EOTEC to provide a comprehensive business plan, and Mur- dock added that should in- clude a rainy day fund. Commissioner Bill Elfering said the EOTEC would be self-sustain- ing and a rainy day fund would be good business. Murdock said the issue is EOTEC has nothing in writing to establish such fund. County counsel Doug Olsen said he would draft proposals for commission- ers to consider. — PHIL WRIGHT Agape House hosts parking lot sale Bargain hunters can ¿nd furniture, clothing, knick-knacks and more at the Agape House parking lot sale. Winter coats are free, other clothing is priced at three items for $1, fur- niture is as marked and knick-knacks are you name the price. The sale is Saturday from 8:30-11 a.m. at 500 Harper Road, Hermiston. Donations are accepted through Friday. Agape House serves the needs of low-income residents in the communi- ty. For more information, call 541-567-8774.