HOME IMPROVEMENT & CAR CARE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2015 HERMISTON HERALD/EAST OREGONIAN • PAGE 3 (QHUJ\HI¿FLHQF\LQFHQWLYHVPDNH VDYLQJPRQH\RQXWLOLWLHVHYHQFKHDSHU Free audits, rebates, tax credits available for local energy customers By SEAN HART Staff Writer With cold temperatures on the horizon, now may be the time to upgrade \RXU KRPH¶V HQHUJ\ HI¿- ciency, and there are even incentives available to help reduce the cost. Not only does increased HQHUJ\ HI¿FLHQF\ GHFUHDVH the cost to heat a home, different projects may also qualify for federal and state tax credits and even cash incentives. Locally, customers who heat their homes with elec- tricity or natural gas from Umatilla Electric Cooper- ative, Hermiston Energy 6HUYLFHV 3DFL¿F 3RZHU RU Cascade Natural Gas may be eligible to receive re- bates on a variety of differ- ent projects. PHOTO COURTESY UMATILLA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE *HUDUGR9LOOHJDVHIÀFLHQF\UHSUHVHQWDWLYHIRU8PDWLOOD (OHFWULF&RRSHUDWLYHVHWVXSEORZHUGRRUWHVWHTXLSPHQW GXULQJDQHQHUJ\DXGLW on actual energy savings achieved. Rebates are also Umatilla Electric DYDLODEOH IRU HQHUJ\HI¿- cient water heaters, heat Cooperative and pumps and appliances. Hermiston Energy Moore said Umatilla Elec- For Umatilla Electric tric also allows customers and Hermiston Energy cus- WRFKRRVH¿QDQFLQJLQVWHDG tomers who use electricity of a rebate, but Hermiston IRU KHDW (QHUJ\ (I¿FLHQ- Energy only offers rebates. cy Program Coordinator For more information .DWK\0RRUHVDLGWKH¿UVW and energy-saving tips, step is to schedule a free visit umatillaelectric.com/ energy audit. Umatilla programs/conservation. Electric coordinates the audits for both agencies, Pacific Power electric and she said, and appointments Cascade Natural Gas can be scheduled, usually Customers who heat within a few days, by call- WKHLU KRPHV ZLWK 3DFL¿F ing 541-564-4378. “When the representa- Power electricity or natural tive gets to the home, he gas are eligible for incen- would identify all the doors tives through Energy Trust and windows and their lo- of Oregon. Eastern Oregon Out- cation,” she said. “Then he does several different tests reach Manager Susan GHSHQGLQJ RQ WKH FRQ¿JX- Badger-Jones said the or- ganization does not offer ration of the home.” Moore said someone free on-site energy audits, must be available at the but customers can quickly home to provide access to complete a free home en- the attic and any crawl- ergy review online at en- space areas. The tests usu- ergytrust.org/residential. ally take a couple hours, Customers can, however, she said, but vary based on pay to receive a compre- what tests are necessary. A hensive home performance duct system test may not DVVHVVPHQWIURPDFHUWL¿HG be required on a two-story professional. home if the ducts are in- Energy Trust offers a side the conditioned space, variety of rebates on insu- she said, but a larger home ODWLRQ ZLQGRZV JDV ¿UH- may require more time to places and heaters, heat check more windows and pumps, water heaters, so- doors during the standard lar panels, appliances and blower door test. more. The organization “It’s a piece of equip- will also send customers ment he sets up and puts a free energy-saving kits for big fan in frame in a door their homes. and then blows air out,” Badger-Jones said the she said of the test. “Then utility companies Energy he walks through and iden- Trust works with have ef- WL¿HV ZKHUH DLU PD\ EH ¿FLHQF\ WDUJHWV WKDW WKHVH LQ¿OWUDWLQJ RU OHDNLQJ LQWR programs help meet. the home. This helps iden- ³,I WKH\ FDQ ¿QG ZD\V tify what folks could do to for people to do the many better seal up their home.” things they need to do but Some of the improve- using less electricity or ments are simple, such as natural gas to do them, it weather stripping around a door or caulking around a window. Others are more GLI¿FXOW VKH VDLG DQG customers can solicit bids from a list of approved technicians who can com- plete the upgrades. Rebates are available for insulation and win- dow upgrades through the weatherization program, and the amount is based means that their infrastruc- ture can go further, yet they can continue to accom- modate the additional de- mand of growth,” she said. “People save two ways. If I add insulation to low- er my heating bill, I have saved money, but I’ve also helped other people save money because that (ener- gy company) infrastructure lasts longer, so it’s kind of a win-win.” For more information, call 1-866-368-7878 or visit energytrust.org. State and federal tax incentives In addition to energy bill savings and rebates, many HQHUJ\HI¿FLHQW XSJUDGHV qualify for tax credits. According to the Or- egon Department of En- ergy’s 2015 Residential Energy Tax Credit Rates, credits are available for FHUWDLQ HQHUJ\HI¿FLHQW water heaters, furnaces, ¿UHSODFHV KHDW SXPSV duct sealing, geothermal systems, whole house ven- tilation systems, stoves, solar and wind power sys- tems and more. Federal tax credits are also available for geother- mal heat pumps, small wind turbines, solar ener- gy systems and fuel cells, according to ENERGY STAR. For more information about state tax credits, contact the Oregon Depart- ment of Energy at 1-800- 221-8035 or visit oregon. gov/energy/cons. For more information about federal tax credits, contact the Internal Reve- nue Service at 1-800-829- 1040 or visit energystar. gov/about/federal_tax_ credits. PHOTO COURTESY UMATILLA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE *HUDUGR9LOOHJDVRI8PDWLOOD(OHFWULF&RRSHUDWLYHSUHSDUHGWRFRQGXFWDEORZHUGRRUWHVWDV SDUWRIDQHQHUJ\DXGLWWRGHWHUPLQHZKHUHGUDIWVPD\H[LVWLQDKRPH RECYCLE Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Scotchguarding & Deodorizing Janitorial, Windows & Tile 541-289-1441 www.hermistoncleaningservices.com Insured & Bonded 1. Hermiston: 220 W. Harper Rd. 2. Stanfield: W. Wood (by Grange Hall) 3. Echo: Across from park (at City Hall) 4. Umatilla: Hwy. 730 (next to Columbia Harvest Foods) 5. Umatilla Co: Hwy 395 N. (next to Transfer Station) 6. Irrigon: 198 W. Columbia Lane 7. Boardman: S.E. Front Street SANITARY DISPOSAL Hermiston/McNary Highway, Hermiston • 567-8842 We encourage all area residents to take their glass, bottles, jars, tin, aluminum, newspapers, magazines and cardboard to these depots for recycling. PENDLETON 850 SOUTHGATE RD. (541) 276-0102