SPORTS/CLASSIFIEDS A12 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 SCOREBOARD Football standings: Week 5 For the second straight week, we start in the 2A Columbia Basin Conference. With league play starting this week, one of the three undefeated teams — Irrigon, Heppner, Stanfield — could lose this week, potentially shaking up the conference standings for the first time this season. The Tigers host 3-1 and hot Weston-McEwen this week in a matchup of Wing-T offenses. Stanfield’s players have been looking forward to this one after a wild 53-42 TigerScot in last year’s CBC opener. Umatilla (3-1) hasn’t been spectacular this sea- son, but the Vikings have been sound on their way to a winning record and positive point differ- ential through the first month of the season. This week, the blue-and-orange clad Norsemen get Tri-Cities Prep, who has played a number of local teams already this season without any success. In two games against two CBC opponents (Stanfield and Heppner), the Jaguars lost 55-17 and 59-13, respectively. The Vikings have one more tune-up, against King’s Way of Vancouver, Washington before they travel to Nyssa for the start of Eastern Oregon League play. Improvement is obvious with the Hermiston Bulldogs (0-4). Against a Lewiston team that had been playing well, you just wish the Bulldogs had gotten going before the scoreboard read 35-0. Dayshawn Neal appears to be growing comfortable, and Nathan Hunsaker is starting to contribute elsewhere other than as a back-up quarterback. After a slow start to its season, Coeur d’Alene (4-1) has reeled off four straight wins, including a 27-3 thwacking of Idaho power Highland. Hermiston is looking to avenge its only loss from last year, a 31-27 win in Coeur d’Alene. Echo suffered a devastating blow last Friday STANFIELD: continued from Page A10 LWVRSHQHUXQGHU7-%DLOH\ LQ KHDUWEUHDNLQJ IDVKLRQ WKH 7LJHU6FRWV KDYH UHHOHG RII WKUHH VWUDLJKW ZLQV RI DW OHDVW SRLQWV LQFOXGLQJ D SPORTS CALENDAR against Wallowa. The blue-and-golf clad Cou- gars lost to the black-and-gold clad Cougars 66-22, but Echo quarterback, and heart and soul of the team — was likely lost for the season with a dislocated left knee. It will be tough sledding for the Cougars now in a tough Special District 1. With four games left, Echo still has to play Powder Valley (3-1, 1-0), Joseph (1-1, 1-0), and Pine Eagle (3-1), and hosts the Badgers this week, its first game without Jenson at quarterback in two years. 5A: Columbia River Conference School Record PF PA Pendleton 2-2 (0-0) 88 125 Hood River 2-2 (0-0) 130 119 The Dalles 1-3 (0-0) 89 107 Hermiston 0-3 (0-0) 83 203 3A: Eastern Oregon League School Record PF PA Vale 3-1 (0-0) 137 98 Umatilla 3-1 (0-0) 81 62 Nyssa 3-1 (0-0) 82 54 Riverside 1-3 (0-0) 69 132 2A: Columbia Basin Conference School Record PF PA Irrigon 4-0 (0-0) 187 32 Heppner 4-0 (0-0) 197 53 Stanfield 4-0 (0-0) 176 59 Weston-McEwen 2-1 (0-0) 148 67 Culver 2-2 (0-0) 123 153 Pilot Rock/Nixyaawii 0-3 (0-0) 54 132 1A: Special District 1 School Record PF PA Adrian 3-0 (1-0) 128 86 Wallowa 3-1 (1-0) 196 96 Powder Valley 3-1 (1-0) 208 165 Jordan Valley 2-2 (1-0) 192 160 Joseph 1-1 (1-0) 90 64 SRLQWZLQRYHU,PEOHUDQG DSRLQWYLFWRU\RYHU0DF +L WKLV SDVW )ULGD\ %HKLQG UXQQLQJ EDFN (WKDQ 5HJHU DQGTXDUWHUEDFN%UHWW6SHHG :HVWRQ0F(ZHQ KDV D SR WHQW :LQJ7 RIIHQVH VLPLODU WR 6WDQ¿HOG¶V WULFN\ VFKHPH WKDWLVVXUHWRFUHDWHPDVVHVRI TIGERS: continued from Page A10 ¿UVW\HDU 6WDQ¿HOG FRDFK VDLG RI ,PEOHU³:HJRWDOLWWOHVXUSULVHG :KHQ \RX EX\ LQ WR HYHU\WKLQJ DURXQG\RX\RXGRQ¶WWKLQN\RX KDYH WR WUDLQ DV KDUG \RX GRQ¶W KDYH WR SUDFWLFH DV KDUG WKLQJV OLNHWKDW%XWOLNH,VDLGWKLVZDV JRRG ,¶P KDSS\ WKLV KDSSHQHG ,¶PJODGP\NLGVJRWDZDNHXS FDOO LQ WKH EHJLQQLQJ RI WKH VHD VRQQRWPLGVHDVRQ´ ,W GLGQ¶W WDNH ORQJ IRU 6WDQ ¿HOG WR ZDNH XS WKRXJK $QG ZKHQLWGLGLWVKRZHGZK\LW¶VD FRQWHQGHULQWKH&ROXPELD%DVLQ &RQIHUHQFH-XQLRUUXQQLQJEDFN 7K\OHU 0RQNXV UXVKHG IRU \DUGV RQ FDUULHV DQG VFRUHG ¿YH WRXFKGRZQV ZLWK DQRWKHU FRPLQJWKURXJKWKHDLU,WZDVKLV VHFRQGVWUDLJKW \DUG JDPH DQGKLVWKLUGRIWKHVHDVRQ %XW)LW]SDWULFN¶VLQWHUFHSWLRQ RQ WKH QHDU VLGHOLQH LQ WKH ¿UVW Prairie City/Burnt R. 1-3 (1-0) Pine Eagle 3-1 (0-0) Crane 3-1 (0-0) Echo 2-2 (0-1) Monument/Dayville 1-3 (0-1) Harper/Huntington 0-4 (0-1) 80 144 206 176 80 74 172 134 72 130 171 258 Volleyball standings: Week 5 5A: Columbia River Conference School Record S W The Dalles 13-1 (3-0) 33 Hood River Valley 4-3 (2-1) 11 Pendleton 4-4 (1-2) 12 Hermiston 3-5 (0-3) 8 S L 2 10 12 14 3A: Eastern Oregon League School Record S W S L Vale 15-1 (1-0) 38 6 Nyssa 11-6 (2-0) 34 22 Riverside 6-6 (0-2) 21 23 Umatilla 4-11 (0-2) 13 34 2A: Columbia Basin Conference School Record S W S L Culver 16-2 (2-0) 40 7 Weston-McEwen 14-6 (2-0) 41 20 Heppner 8-7 (1-1) 17 18 Pilot Rock 7-7 (1-1) 21 25 Stanfield 4-6 (0-2) 18 20 Irrigon 3-8 (0-1) 9 24 1A: Old Oregon League School Record S W S L Griswold 10-2 (4-0) 29 9 Echo 10-3 (3-0) 32 15 Powder Valley 12-5 (2-0) 30 14 UXVKLQJ\DUGVWKLV)ULGD\ ³7KH\ GR D ORW RI WUDSV´ 6DODVVDLG³6R\RXJRWWDVWD\ GLVFLSOLQHG,IHYHU\RQHVWD\V KRPHDQGGRHVWKHLUMREZH¶OO EHMXVW¿QH´ 6DODV WKLQNV WKH HYHQ PDWFKXS ZLOO FRPH GRZQ WR PLVWDNHV DQG KLV UXQ GH TXDUWHU ZDV ZKDW ÀLSSHG WKH PRPHQWXP EDFN WR WKH 7LJHUV¶ VLGHOLQH ³,W ZDVQ¶W MXVW P\ LQWHU FHSWLRQ WKDW WXUQHG WKH JDPH DURXQG´ )LW]SDWULFN FRQFHGHG ³:HKDGVRPHKXJHSOD\V'H IHQVLYH WDFNOH -DUHG :DUUHQ IRU H[DPSOH KDG D EXQFK RI KXJH SOD\V :H VRPH RWKHU ELJ OLQHPHQ ZKR PDGH VRPH JUHDW SOD\V,ILWZDVQ¶WIRUWKRVHOLQH PHQ , GRQ¶W WKLQN , ZRXOG¶YH JRWWKDWLQWHUFHSWLRQ´ )URP WKHUH 6WDQ¿HOG PDUFKHG \DUGV DQG *URJDQ KLW0RQNXVIRUWKHRQO\SDVVLQJ WRXFKGRZQ IRU 6WDQ¿HOG DQG D GH¿FLW 7KHQ DIWHU DQ ,P EOHU WKUHHDQGRXW 6WDQ¿HOG DJDLQ PDUFKHG ULJKW GRZQ WKH ¿HOG RQ 0RQNXV¶ EDFN DQG KH GRYH LQ IURP WKUHH\DUGV RXW WR SXOOZLWKLQRQHDW$QRWK HU0RQNXV\DUGHUULJKWEHIRUH WKH KDOI SXW 6WDQ¿HOG XS EXW,PEOHUGLGQ¶WJRDZD\ 7KH3DQWKHUVJRWWKHEDOOZLWK Joseph Wallowa Pine Eagle Nixyaawii 4-5 (1-2) 1-11 (1-2) 5-9-1 (1-4) 2-8 (0-4) 13 3 18 6 14 31 27 22 Boys soccer standings: Week 5 5A: Columbia River Conference School Record GF GA Hood River Valley 6-0-2 (0-0-0) 16 3 Hermiston 6-1-1 (0-0-0) 21 10 Pendleton 3-3-1 (0-0-0) 12 16 The Dalles 1-6-0 (0-0-0) 7 21 3A/2A/1A: Special District 4 School Record GF GA Riverside 5-1-0 (3-0-0) 29 4 Umatilla 3-4-0 (2-1-0) 19 11 Irrigon 1-2-1 (1-1-1) 6 14 Culver 2-5-1 (1-3-0) 15 37 City Christian 2-3-2 (0-2-1) 18 17 Girls soccer standings: Week 5 5A: Columbia River Conference School Record GF GA Pendleton 3-3-0 (0-0-0) 7 18 Hood River 3-4-1 (0-0-0) 9 15 The Dalles 3-4-0 (0-0-0) 10 17 Hermiston 2-3-2 (0-0-0) 6 13 3A/2A/1A: Special District 2 School Record GF GA PDX Adventist 2-0-2 (0-0-0) 8 1 Horizon (Tualatin) 2-1-0 (0-0-0) 7 10 PDX/Columbia 1-2-0 (0-0-0) 1 13 Umatilla 1-3-0 (0-0-0) 7 13 De La Salle N. 0-3-0 (0-0-0) 2 13 Riverside 0-4-0 (0-0-0) 1 16 IHQVH7KH7LJHUVKDYHWDNHQ FDUHRIWKHEDOODQGVDYHDQ LQWHUFHSWLRQODVWZHHNZRXOG KDYHEHHQFOHDQLQWKDWUHJDUG DJDLQVW,PEOHU7KH3DQWKHUV WKRXJKKDGDVLPSOHUUXQQLQJ DWWDFNWKDQ6WDQ¿HOGZLOOVHH IURP WKH 7LJHU6FRWV 6DODV VDLGWKH\ZLOOKDYHWRFRQWURO STAFF PHOTO BY SAM BARBEE 6WDQÀHOG·V7K\OHU0RQNXV FDUULHVWKURXJKWKH,PEOHUGHIHQVH GXULQJWKH7LJHUV·ZLQ )ULGD\QLJKWLQ6WDQÀHOG0RQNXV ÀQLVKHGZLWK\DUGVDQGÀYH WRXFKGRZQV VHFRQGVOHIWDQG7DQG\EURNH IUHH IRU D \DUG VFRUH WR WLH WKLQJVDWDSLHFH7KHQ,PEOHU UHFRYHUHG DQ RQVLGH NLFN EXW FRXOGQ¶WVFRUHEHIRUHWKHKDOIDQG KDOIWLPHEHJXQZLWKDWLHJDPH %XW WKDW ZDV DV FORVH DV ,P EOHU ZRXOG DJDLQ FRPH -XVWLQ Thursday, October 1 VOLLEYBALL VOLLEYBALL Hermiston vs. TBD @ Westview Tournament, 8 a.m. Echo vs. Nixyaawii @ Pendleton High School, 5 p.m. Hermiston vs. Hood River Valley, 7 p.m. Umatilla @ Riverside, 7 p.m. Stanfield @ Culver, 7 p.m. BOYS SOCCER Umatilla vs. Irrigon, 1 p.m. CROSS COUNTRY Umatilla @ Pasco Invite, 1:15 p.m. Friday, October 2 Tuesday, October 6 FOOTBALL VOLLEYBALL Hermiston vs. Coeur d’Alene, 7 p.m. Umatilla vs. Tri-Cities Prep, 7 p.m. Stanfield vs. Weston-McEwen, 7 p.m. Echo vs. Powder Valley, 7 p.m. Hermiston vs. Pendleton, 7 p.m. Umatilla vs. Imbler, 5:30 p.m. Echo vs. Wallowa, 5 p.m. BOYS SOCCER Hermiston vs. Hood River Valley @ Westside Elementary, 4 p.m. CROSS COUNTRY GIRLS SOCCER Umatilla @ Oxford Classic (Bend), 2 p.m. Echo vs. Pine Eagle, 4 p.m. Hermiston vs. Hood River Valley @ Kennison Stadium, 5:30 p.m. Saturday, October 3 Umatilla vs. De La Salle North, 4:15 p.m. D7LJHU6FRWRIIHQVHDYHUDJLQJ SRLQWVWKLVVHDVRQ ³, NQRZ ZH KDYHQ¶W JLY HQ XS WKDW PDQ\ SRLQWV EXW , QHHG P\ WHDP WR EX\ LQWR GHIHQVH´ 6DODV VDLG IURP SUDFWLFH³,QHHGP\WHDPWR XQGHUVWDQGWKDW,GRQ¶WZDQW VKRRWRXWV,GRQ¶WZDQWWREH NQRZQIRURIIHQVH6WDQ¿HOG¶V EHHQNQRZQIRUSXWWLQJXSD ORW RI SRLQWV VLQFH ,¶YH EHHQ KHUHIRXU\HDUV,ZDQWWREH DWHDPWKDWZKHQ\RXJHWRQ WKH¿HOGZLWKXV\RXXQGHU VWDQGWKDWWHDPKLWVWKDWWHDP LVKDUGWRVFRUHRQ7KDW¶VWKH PHQWDOLW\,ZDQWWRKDYH´ VOLLEYBALL .HHQH\EURNHIUHHIRUD\DUG UXQ DQG ,PEOHU DQVZHUHG ZLWK D \DUG WRXFKGRZQ SDVV WR %UDQGRQ0F*LOYDU\WRPDNHWKH VFRUH %XW WKLV LV ZKHUH 6WDQ¿HOG SXOOHG DZD\ $IWHU *URJDQ EXVWHG D \DUG 7' VFDPSHU,PEOHUIXPEOHGWKHHQ VXLQJNLFNRIIDQG0RQNXVWRRN WKH ¿UVW KDQGRII RI WKH GULYH DQG ZHQW \DUGV IRU D WRXFK GRZQ -XVW OLNH WKDW 6WDQ¿HOG ZDVXSDQG¿UPO\LQFRQ WURO0RQNXVDGGHGD\DUGHU LQ WKH IRXUWK TXDUWHU WR HQVXUH WKHUHVXOW 1RZ ZLWK QRQOHDJXH SOD\ ¿QLVKHG 6WDQ¿HOG KRVWV :HVWRQ0F(ZHQQH[W)ULGD\,Q DZLOGEDFNDQGIRUWKJDPHODVW \HDU LQ $WKHQD :HVWRQ0F( ZHQ WRRN LW )LW]SDWULFN VD\V LW¶V D JDPH WKH\¶YH EHHQ ZDLWLQJIRU ³7KH\ DUH RQH RI RXU WRS FRPSHWLWRUV IRU VXUH´ KH VDLG ³7KH\ SXW XS D ELJ ¿JKW HYHU\ \HDUZKHWKHUZHZLQE\RQHRU ORVHE\RQHRUWZR7KH\¶UHVWLOO DJUHDWWHDPWRJRDJDLQVW1RZ ZH JRWWD IRFXV DKHDG DQG UHDO O\ VWHS XS WKLV ZKROH ZHHN DQG VKRZXSDWSUDFWLFHHYHU\GD\´ ——— Stanfield 46, Imbler 26 14 6 6 0 — 26 6 14 19 7 — 46 First Quarter Imbler — T. Tandy 10-yard run (2-point No Good), 7:56 Imbler — B. McGilvary 20-yard pass from J. Walker (2-point Good), 4:24 Stanfield — T. Monkus 21-yard pass from D. Grogan (Extra Point No Good), 1:25 Second Quarter Stanfield — T. Monkus 3-yard run (2-point No Good), 11:57 Stanfield — T. Monkus 3-yard run (2-point Good), 0:44 Imbler — T. Tandy 39-yard run (2-point No Good), 0:18 Third Quarter Stanfield — J. Keeney 55-yard run (Extra Point Good), 8:19 Imbler — B. McGilvary 15-yard pass from J. Walker (2-point No Good), 6:21 Stanfield — D. Grogan 47-yard run (Extra Point No Good), 2:10 Stanfield — T. Monkus 49-yard run (Extra Point No Good), 1:49 Fourth Quarter Stanfield — T. Monkus 50-yard run (Extra Point Good), 10:27 IHS (1-3) SHS (4-0) Statistics RUSHING — STANFIELD (50-451, 6 TD): T. Monkus 21-235, 5 TD; D. Grogan 16-136, TD; J. Keeney 7-100, TD; M. Blankenship 3-11; A. Gomez 2-2; E. Angel 1-18. PASSING — STANFIELD (7-10-1, 136 yards, 1 TD): D. Grogan 7-10-1, 136 yards, TD. CLASSIFIED M ARK ETPL A C E Pla ce cla ssified a d s on lin e a t w w w.ea storeg on m a rketp la or ca ll 5 4 1-278-26 78 C O N TAC T US EDITIO N S DEADLIN ES 24 HO UR S ERVIC E 333 E. M a in Herm isto n , O rego n 97838 Cla ssified : 1-800-962-2819 Fa x: (541) 567-1764 Cla ssified em a il: cla ssified s@ herm isto n hera ld .co m W ed n esd a y Sa tu rd a y 3 p.m . M o n d a y 3 p.m . Thu rsd a y Cla ssified : 1-800-962-2819 Fa x: (541) 278-2680 • (541) 567-1764 Circu la tio n a n d m a in sw itchbo a rd : 1-800-522-0255 cla ssified s@ ea sto rego n ia n .co m Lea ve u s a m essa ge a n d w e w ill co n firm yo u r a d the n ext w o rk in g d a y. To ll Free in O rego n : 1-800-522-0255 211 S.E. Byers • Pen d leto n , O rego n 97801 Cla ssified : 1-800-962-2819 Fa x: (541) 278-2680 Dea d lin es fo r a d vertisem en ts to a ppea r in the Herm isto n Hera ld fo r a ll cla ssified lin e a d s. 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Very nice inside & out. MLS# 15397349 Rocky Mikesell Blue Jeans Realty (541-379-8690) Hermiston Rentals 205 Hermiston Rentals 205 HERMISTON MAIN ST. OFFICE RENTAL 825 sq.ft. with large reception area and two offices in attractive brick building. Carpet, large windows, storage closet. Space for your signage out front; two parking spaces behind building. $725 per month with a one-year lease. 333 Main St. Suite A. Come by the EO/Hermiston Herald office during weekday business hours to see the space, or call 541-567-6211 x241 for more information.