SPORTS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 Nyssa Bulldogs bite Vikings Umatilla hangs for two sets, but Nyssa too much By SAM BARBEE Staff Writer ,QKHU¿UVW\HDUDWWKHKHOPRI8PD- tilla’s volleyball program, Sonia Bor- ders doesn’t care about results. The count on the scoreboard isn’t important. :KDWVKHZDQWVWRIRFXVRQLVEXLOGLQJ WUXVWEHWZHHQSOD\HUVDQGPDLQWDLQLQJ positivity throughout matches. 7KDW ZLOO EH D WHDFKLQJ SRLQW DIWHU the Vikings’ 3-1 (25-16, 20-15, 25-6, 25-12) home loss to Nyssa Saturday night. The Vikings played Vale at noon, DQGWKRVH9LNLQJVVZHSW8PDWLOOD (25-10, 25-6, 25-12) in a match Borders said Umatilla “played a little scared.” ³+RQHVWO\ZH¶UHWU\LQJWRIRFXVRQ a team aspect more than anything,” Borders said. “But there’s great things WKDW KDSSHQHG WR QLJKW DQG ZH IHOO apart in some aspects tonight. Overall, ,¶PWU\LQJWR¿[WKHSRVLWLYHFRPSR- VXUHSLHFHRQP\FRXUW5LJKWQRZ, don’t really care about the points.” ,Q WHUPV RI SRLQWV 8PDWLOOD ZDVULJKWZLWKWKH%XOOGRJV IRUWKH¿UVWWZRJDPHV8PDWLOOD OHGE\DWRQHSRLQWLQWKDW¿UVWVHW before a 5-0 Nyssa run put the Bull- dogs up for good. The Vikings made a run, cutting the lead to three at 17-14 and four at 20-16, but Nyssa held on. 6HW ZDV EDFNDQGIRUWK DV ZHOO 1\VVD VFRUHG IRXU RI WKH ¿UVW ¿YH SRLQWVEXW8PDWLOODUHVSRQGHGZLWKD UXQWRSXVKWKHFRXQWWR,WZDV HYHQ IURP WKHUH XQWLO 8PDWLOOD GRZQ ZHQWRQDUXQWRWDNHD OHDGDOHDGWKH\ZRXOGQRWUHOLQTXLVK HQ URXWH WR D VHW ZLQ 8PDWLO- la’s Jeira Carrillo came alive in the set, ROUNDUP continued from Page A10 TXLFNO\LQWKH¿UVWTXDUWHUDV /HZLVWRQWDOOLHGSRLQWV² including three total touch- GRZQVIURPWDOHQWHGTXDUWHU- back Colton Richardson. Richardson had a strong night overall, completing RIKLVSDVVHVIRU \DUGVDQG¿YHWRXFKGRZQV The scoreboard even- tually read 35-0 before the Bulldogs got the of- IHQVH JRLQJ ZKHQ 0LWFK- HOO %URZQ VFDPSHUHG \DUGVWRWKHHQG]RQHWRJHW Hermiston on the board. The Bulldogs found the end ]RQH DJDLQ LQ WKH VHFRQG TXDUWHU ZKHQ TXDUWHUEDFN 'D\VKDZQ1HDOSXQFKHGLW LQIURP¿YH\DUGVRXWWRFXW the halftime score to 42-14. Neal had perhaps his best statistical game of the season, running for 125 \DUGVRQFDUULHVDVZHOO DV FRPSOHWLQJ SDVV- HV IRU \DUGV DQG WZR WRXFKGRZQV 7KH ¿UVW WRXFKGRZQ pass came early in the third TXDUWHUZKHQKHKRRNHGXS ZLWK1DWKDQ+XQVDNHUIRUD \DUGWRXFKGRZQ The Bulldogs found the HQG]RQHWZLFHPRUHLQWKH IRXUWK TXDUWHU RQ D WRXFK- GRZQUXQE\-RQDWKDQ+LQ- NOH DQG D VKRUW WRXFKGRZQ pass from Neal to Jerry 5DPLUH] -RVH 5RGULJXH] DOVR DGGHG D \DUG ¿HOG goal. +HUPLVWRQ ZLOO ORRN IRU ZLQ 1R )ULGD\ ZKHQ they host Coeur d’Alene at 7 p.m. The Bulldogs’ only ORVV LQ ZDV WR WKH Coeur d’Alene Vikings on the road, the only blemish on their state championship ZLQQLQJVHDVRQ scoring four kills. )URPWKHUHWKRXJKLWZDVDOO1\V- sa. Tall middle blocker Kassidy Hasha- gen pounded kill after kill in a set that VDZ1\VVDVFRUHWKH¿UVWSRLQWVLQ front of server Asu Trujillo. Hashagen KDGVL[NLOOVDQGDEORFNLQWKHVHWZLQ $QG*DPHZDVWKHVDPH1\VVDZDV KHOG WR MXVW WKH ¿UVW VHYHQ SRLQWV WKLV time, and Umatilla made a brief run to SXOOZLWKLQVL[DWEXW1\VVDZDV too much. Borders, though, didn’t think Nys- VD¶V VL]H RU WDOHQW KDG DQ\WKLQJ WR GR ZLWKWKHEORZRXWVLQ6HWVDQG “We fell apart as a team,” she said. ³,GRQ¶WWKLQNLWKDGDQ\WKLQJWRGRZLWK VL]HRUWKHPEHLQJDEHWWHUWHDPRUQRW DEHWWHUWHDP2QHSLHFHRIRXUSX]]OH started to slip and the rest of us slipped. $QGWKDW¶VZKDW,¶PWU\LQJWR¿[´ But despite the slippage, Borders is VWLOOKDSS\ZLWKWKHSURJUHVVRIKHUSUR- JUDP ,Q D PRQWK %RUGHUV VDLG VKH¶V received all sorts of compliments from RI¿FLDOV RSSRVLQJ FRDFKHV IDQV DQG administrators about the improved atti- WXGHDQGTXDOLW\RIKHUYROOH\EDOOWHDP %XWWKHUH¶VVWLOODZD\VWRJRVKHVDLG ³,W¶VDZKROHQHZIDFDGH´VKHVDLG ³(YHU\WLPH,ZDONRXWWKHGRRUWKH\ VD\ µ:RZ WKLV ORRNV VR PXFK EHW- WHU¶,¶YHKDGFRPSOLPHQWVDOOWKHZD\ DURXQG ,W¶V ZRUNLQJ LW¶V MXVW D VORZ VORZ SURFHVV ,W¶V JRQQD WDNH D IHZ years to have them get used to my coaching style, too. “We’re still getting used to having the heart to just the next girl, having the heart to trust the next girl standing next WR XV :H¶UH VWLOO QRW TXLWH WKHUH ZLWK WKDW\HW%XWZHGRQ¶WKDYHDJDPH¶WLO next Thursday so that gives us some WLPHWRZRUNRQLW´ That Thursday match is at Riverside ZLWKDSPVWDUW a dislocated left knee in the WKLUG TXDUWHU +H LV OLNHO\ out for the season. With Jenson under cen- ter, Echo (2-2) moved the EDOO ZHOO DJDLQVW :DOORZD EXW KDG WURXEOH ¿Q- ishing drives. Head coach 5LFN 7KHZ WKRXJKW KLV WHDP VXUSULVHG :DOORZD D OLWWOHZLWKLWVVRXQGRIIHQVH EXW WKH ZLQG ZDV WDNHQ IURPWKHVDLOVZLWK-HQVRQ¶V serious injury. He said he didn’t blame his players for ORVLQJ D ELW RI VWHDP ZLWK heart and soul Jenson on the sideline. Before his injury, Jenson 190 yards on 34 carries and D WRXFKGRZQ 'HYDQ &UDLJ had 69 yards on 10n carries, and Damien Curiel had 37 yards on six carries and a WRXFKGRZQ DQG DOVR UH- turned a kickoff for a score. “We played our hearts RXW´ 7KHZ VDLG ³,¶P KDSS\ ZLWK KRZ WKH ER\V played and stepped up to the challenge. They let GRZQDELWZKHQ.OD\ZHQW GRZQ ² KH¶V WKH KHDUW RI HERMISTONHERALD.COM • A11 IN BRIEF Bulldogs looking to offset tournament costs The Hermiston Bulldogs girls basketball team is raising money to play in the Nike tournament of Champions in mid-December in Phoenix. To offset travel costs, such as airfare, lodging, food and other transportation, the Bull- GRJVDUHKROGLQJDUDIÀHDQG have started a GoFundMe. com page. 5DIÀHSUL]HVDUHDTXLOWGR- QDWHGE\'H]L0DWWKHZVFRP- prised of Hermiston Bulldogs memorabilia and a spray-on EHGOLQHUGRQDWHGE\-HII*ULW] and Brian Moss of Keystone Custom Coatings. 5DIÀHWLFNHWVPD\EHSXU- chased at Hermiston’s home volleyball and football games in the month of October. Tickets are $5 or three for $10. Echo Sage Trail Run deadline Friday The Echo Sage Trail Run, comprised of a 10k, 25k and NLVTXLFNO\DSSURDFKLQJ /DLGRXWDFURVVODQGRZQHG by Lloyd and Lois Piercy, the (FKR6DJH7UDLOUXQZHDYHV around the ridges and vine- \DUGVXVHGWRFUHDWHZLQHIRU Sno Road Winery. The registration deadline is Oct. 2, and you can register at The 10k, starting at 9 a.m., FRVWVWKHNZLWKDQ a.m. start, costs $30; the 50k, starting at 7 a.m., runs at $50. For more information con- tact race coordinators Greg and Linda Spike at (541) 521- 4793 or (541) 554-2517, or by email at echosagetrailrun@ Bulldogs blow past The Dalles By SAM BARBEE Staff Writer :LWK D ZHHN XQWLO +HUPLVWRQ WDNHV RQ GH- fending state champion Hood River Valley, Hermiston boys soccer coach Rich Harshberger ZDVKRSLQJIRUVRPHWKLQJEHWWHU7XHVGD\QLJKW against The Dalles. )UHGG\ 5RGULJXH] VFRUHG WZR JRDOV DQG +HUPLVWRQZRQLQLWV&ROXPELD5LYHU&RQ- ference opener, but Harshberger said that if the %XOOGRJVZDQWWRDYRLGODVW\HDU¶VGH- EDFOHVDWWKHKDQGVRIWKH(DJOHVWKH\ZLOOKDYH to play better than they did Tuesday night. ³:H GH¿QLWHO\ KDYH WR JR LQ IRFXVHG DQG ready to play against Hood River,” he said. ³$QGLIZHGRQ¶WZH¶OOEHLQWURXEOH:LQQLQJ VWUHDNVDUHDOZD\VJRRGEXWWKH\FDQEHWURXEOH When you come back to Earth, you come back SUHWW\ KDUG ² DQG +RRG 5LYHU KDV D KDELW RI doing that to us.” 7KHPDWFKVWDUWHGZHOOHQRXJKIRUWKH%XOO- GRJV-RKQ0HMLDJRWDVKRWLQWKH¿UVWPLQXWH and his brother, Mark, had a shot saved in the WKLUGPLQXWH+HUPLVWRQJRWLWV¿UVWJRDOLQWKH VL[WKZKHQRIIDORQJEDOO-RKQIRXQG(GZLQ Rosales on a one-touch drop-off that Rosales buried. After nine Hermiston shots to just three IURP 7KH 'DOOHV )UHGG\ 5RGULJXH] JRW KLV WKH WHDP ² DQG , GRQ¶W over Century on Tuesday. blame them.” No details from the JDPHZHUHUHSRUWHG 80$7,//$ 6:$1 Hermiston (5-1-1) next /$.( ²8PDWLOOD JRW host Roosevelt on Thursday EDFN RQ WKH ZLQQLQJ WUDFN at 5:30 p.m. ZLWKDZLQRYHU6ZDQ Lake (WA) Friday night in 0$&+,80$7,//$ Umatilla. 1 ²7KH0DF+LER\VVRF- The Vikings (3-1) host FHUWHDPHQGHGDWZRJDPH Tri-Cities Prep next Friday VNLG ZLWK D ZLQ RYHU at 7 p.m. ¿UVWRIWKHQLJKWLQWKHVWZKHQKHMXVWVRIWO\ WDSSHGLWZLWKWKHRXWVLGHRIKLVULJKWIRRWLQWR the vacated back corner of the net. +HUPLVWRQDGGHGLWVWKLUGZKHQKHKHDGHGD pass from John past the back-up keeper for a 3-0 lead in the 57th minute. For the next 10 minutes +HUPLVWRQ SHOWHG WKH QHW ZLWK VKRWV ² PDQ\ FRPLQJIURPKHDGHUV²EXWQRQHFRXOG¿QGLWV PDUN:KLOHPRVWRIWKHVHFRQGKDOIZDVSOD\HG LQ WKH 5LYHUKDZNV¶ HQG WKH\ VWDUWHG WR PDNH more and longer forays into the Hermiston end 7KH\ ¿QDOO\ EURNH WKURXJK LQ WKH WK ZKHQ $EUDKDP*DULED\ZLWKGHIHQGHUVRQHLWKHUKLS chipped one over Hermiston keeper Antonio Campos’ head and into the top far corner. Harshberger said his side “let off” a bit in the sec- ond half, a far cry from the intense pressure applied E\WKH%XOOGRJVIURPWKH¿UVWPLQXWHVRUVR ³,WKLQNHDUO\RQZHIHOWZHKDGWKHJDPHLQ KDQGDQGWKHUHZDVDORWQHUYHVDORWRIDQ[- LRXVQHVVLQWKH¿UVWKDOI´KHVDLG³7KHQLQWKH VHFRQG KDOI ZH MXVW NLQGD OHW RII , MXVW IHOW OLNHWKHUHZDVDODFNRIGHVLUH ³/XFNLO\ZHJRWVRPHWLPHEHIRUHRXUQH[W game,” Harshberger said. The top-ranked Hood River Eagles host the third-ranked Bulldogs next Tuesday at 4 p.m. at Westside Elementary in Hood River. Umatilla in a non-league match on Wednesday. ,WZDVMXVWWKHIRXUWKJDPH of the season for the Pioneers ZKLFKKDGWKHLUKLJKHVW goal output as they head into Greater Oregon League play at La Grande. Mac-Hi plays at La Grande on Saturday at noon. Girls Soccer 0$',621 +(50- ,6721 ² $W 0DGLVRQ +HUPLVWRQ ZDVQ¶W DEOH WR cultivate much offense in the 1-0 loss. Hermiston (2-3-2) next plays at The Dalles on Tuesday at 4 p.m. for the ¿UVW &5& PDWFKXS RI WKH season. Boys Soccer +(50,6721 522- 6(9(/7 ² $W +HUPLV- ton, the Bulldogs shutout Roosevelt in the last non- league game of the season. The Bulldogs (5-1-1) VFRUHG WZR JRDOV LQ HDFK half to secure the victory. 1R RWKHU GHWDLOV ZHUH UH- ported. Hermiston next hosts The Dalles on Tuesday at 4 p.m. PENDLETON • 850 SOUTHGATE RD. • (541) 276-0102 Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2015 +(50,6721 &(1- 785< ² $W +LOOVERUR the Hermiston Bulldogs VWD\HGRQDUROOZLWKDZLQ Make Your Best Deal On DeWalt Tools With Factory Reps On Hand From 9 AM - 3 PM WALLOWA 66, ECHO ² 7KH (FKR &RXJDUV lost doubly Friday after- QRRQDJDLQVW:DOORZD 7KH KRPH :DOORZD &RXJDUV SXOOHG DZD\ IURP the visting Echo Cougars 66-22 in a rare 2 p.m. start, but Echo lost its starting TXDUWHUEDFN.OD\-HQVRQWR Ask The Factory Representatives About DeWALT BUCK$ COUPONS For EXTRA SAVINGS During The 6-Hour Event Pendleton