WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 HERMISTONHERALD.COM • A11 SPORTS Bulldogs lack bite Cross Country season starts with local success Hermiston can’t sustain fast start against Falcons By SAM BARBEE By SAM BARBEE Staff Writer Hermiston’s season started off Zith a bang, but its opening game against Hanford ended in a ¿ ]]le. 'ayshaZn Neal found 9aemu Ena on just the Bulldogs’ second play from scrimmage for a 55-yard touchdoZn and a - lead, but the Falcons roared past the Bulldogs Zith a big second quarter to Zin its ¿ rst game in tZo years - in a non-league football game Friday night at Kennison Field. “I think Ze needed this,” senior tight end/defensive end Bob Cole- man said. “I mean, you gotta have something to call you back to real- ity after coming off a state run like that...People either have to buckle doZn and say, ‘We’ve had enough of this,’ or the season keeps going. I think Ze’ll just use this as a mo- tivator.” But the biggest loss of the night Zasn’t the score. It Zas senior Zide receiver/return ace Ethan SnoZ, Zho left the game in the ¿ rst half Zith Zhat the trainer thought Zas a broken collarbone. He put the time- table to return at si[ Zeeks at the earliest. A light rain began to fall shortly before kickoff, and it lasted through the third quarter. Balls Zere slick and Neal had a tough time complet- ing passes in the second half. But the rain had nothing to do Zith the numerous false start and pass inter- ference penalties Hermiston racked up, either killing their oZn drives or e[tending Hanford’s. “5ain has nothing to do Zith it,” ¿ rst-year head coach 'avid Faae- teete said. “We just dropped tZo Zhat someone could say sure in- terceptions by young safeties Zho have never played before.” Everything looked like it Zas going Hermiston’s Zay after Ena’s long score. Hermiston - had just forced Hanford into a three-and-out on their ¿ rst offensive drive, and the quick - lead Zas reminiscent of last season Zhen Hermiston put aZay teams early. But Hanford - Zas never out of it. Junior Falcons quarterback 'esmond Samples found Josiah 5ichardson on Hanford’s ne[t drive to come Zithin a point at - after a missed PAT. The Falcons then forced a Hermiston three-and-out, and scored tZo plays later Zhen senior running back ElZood 'avis broke through cleanly on an inside hand- off and raced yards untouched to give Hanford its ¿ rst lead at -. Samples ¿ nished of for yards and three scores, and also rushed for 5 yards on carries and a score. 'avis had 5 yards on carries and the touchdoZn, and Kevon Skinner had four catches for yards and a touchdoZn. Neal ¿ nished of through the air for yards and a score, and also rushed for yards on carries in his ¿ rst varsity start, and Nathan Hunsaker, Zho played most of the fourth quarter, Zas for for yards and a touchdoZn. Staff Writer STAFF PHOTO BY KATHY ANEY Hermiston quarterback Dayshawn Neal runs on a keeper during Friday’s game with Hanford High School at Kennison Field. STAFF PHOTO BY KATHY ANEY Bulldawg Tucker Salinas (13) attempts to evade a tackle during Friday’s game with Hanford High School at Kennison Field. Hermiston responded Zith a seven-play drive that ended Zith Omar *arcia ploZing into the end ]one from three yards out to knot the score at Zith a minute and change remaining in the ¿ rst period. It Zould be the closest Hermis- ton ever Zas again. 0idZay through the second quar- ter, Hanford got its ¿ rst big break that proved to be the turning point. After the Falcons forced Hermiston into a three-and-out at its oZn yard line, the snap to the punter Coleman Zent over his head and into the end ]one. Instead of covering it up or booting it out of the end ]one for a safety, he tried to scoop it up and punt it, but he mishandled it and Hanford recovered for a special teams touch- doZn and all the momentum. It Zas the ¿ rst of unansZered Falcons points that ultimately put the game out of reach. “It’s hard because those kids have never been in that situation before,” Faaeteete said of a big de¿ - cit. “And they tired to battle back but things just kept going Zrong: false start penalties, defensive pass interferences, missed assignments. Things didn’t go our Zay.” Senior back-up quarterback Na- than Hunsaker engineered Hermis- ton’s longest drive of the night, a - play affair that ended Zhen Tucker Salinas had a nice ball knocked out of his hands in the end ]one on fourth doZn. But Hermiston got the ball right back after Hanford’s sec- ond fumble, and Hunsaker found Coleman over the middle on the en- suing play from yards out. Coleman said spirits are up, and hard Zork is going to be the motto going forZard. “I think luck is Zhere prepara- tion means hard Zork,” Coleman said. “We gotta get those three Zorking together Zith us. I think this Zas good out here. It sucks tak- ing a loss, but it’s hard. You can only tell someone so much before (you make e[perience be the speaker.” Hermiston travels to Kenne- Zick, Washington, Friday, Sept. , for a date Zith the Kamiakin Braves at p.m. Han (1-0) Herm (0-1) 13 14 13 0 0 0 14 — 41 7 — 20 RUSHING — Hanford: 23-102. D. Samples 11-45, TD; E. Davis 11-57, TD; M. Valdez 1-0. Hermiston: 47-170. D. Neal 19-106; M. Brown 8-52; O. Garcia 7-18, TD; N. Hunsaker 2-(-)6; A. Horn 1-6, H. Simon 3-5, B. Coleman 1-(-)13, A. Faaeteete 5-5, K. Mendez 1-(-)3. PASSING — Hanford: 14-27, 221 yards, 3 TD. Hermiston — 10-25, 144 yards 2 TD. D. Neal (HERM) — 7-19, 113, TD. N. Hunsaker — 3-6, 29 yards, TD. TOTAL OFFENSE — Hanford: 323 yards. Hermiston: 312 yards. The ¿ rst cross country meet of the season isn’t generally for posting fast times or Zinning. 0ost teams had tough Zeeks leading up to the 5un- ner Soul XC Fest at Sandstone Mid- dle School in Hermiston, but many local teams still had impressive out- ings. Without No. boy and last year’s Runner Soul champ Hayden Earl because of a funeral, Hermiston ran aZay Zith the boys team title. The Bulldogs racked up points, and second-place Southridge Zas far behind Zith . Pendleton ¿ nished seventh Zith 5, 8matilla Zas ninth Zith and Stan¿ eld Zas th Zith . On the girls side, Oregon City took the team title Zith 5 points, edging 8nion (5. Pendleton ( ¿ nished in a distance third just ahead of The 'alles (. Hermiston ¿ n- ished th Zith points. 8matilla’s Fabian Cardenas took the boys indi- vidual title in minutes, . sec- onds ² nearly seconds fast than Oregon City’s James SZyter ² and Pendleton’s 'elaney Clem took the girls title, ¿ nishing in :.. Hermiston seniors Josiah Nie- derZerfer (:. and 'onnell Rome (:5.5 led the Zay for the Bulldogs, placing si[th and seventh, respectively. Sophomore Melany So- lario (:5. ¿ nished th on the girls side. For coach Troy Blackburn and Hermiston, it Zas good to see the young girls team, Zith just one up- perclassmen, to run together as they aim to pull themselves from the bot- tom of the Columbia River Confer- ence. “They ran as a team, and it Zas great seeing them as a team catching people and pushing,” the second-year coach said. “I think the girls need to get into better shape, but if Ze keep on Zorking as a team and improving, Ze’ll do Zell. It’s just that team unity. I really love it. The guys already have it, and Ze just need to take it a step further (Zith the girls.” Cardenas is trying to repeat as A/A/A state champion, and Sat- urday’s start Zas a good one. He grabbed the lead from Pendleton’s Nolan Bylenga on the back stretch at the fast Sandstone Middle School course and never looked back. But Cardenas Zasn’t interested in talking about his oZn race afterZards. He said the goal of his 9ikings team is to be the ¿ rst 8matilla boys team to go to state, and he thinks they have the group to do it. “I think this is the year for our team,” he said. “We’ve been train- ing hard and Ze have a good group of guys...That Zould be sZeet if Ze could get our team, this year, to state.” 8matilla coach Josh Ego Zas sat- is¿ ed Zith hoZ both Cardenas and the team, both boys and girls, ran as a Zhole. “It Zas a pretty good start,” he said. “Four of our guys on varsity 6tan¿ elG 8Patilla (cho start seasons with wins Vikings break winless streak, Stanfield blows out Enterprise STANFIELD 42, EN- TERPRISE 0 — At En- terprise, a rain-soaked ¿ eld forced the Stan¿ eld Tigers to change their gameplan but couldn’t derail their opener under ¿ rst-year head coach 'avy Salas on Friday. “The Zeather Zasn’t very favorable. Both teams had trouble holding on to the ball but for the most part Ze Zere able to keep it aZay from the edges and go up the middle three or four yards at a time,” Salas said. “The running backs had trouble keeping their feet so Ze tried to keep it as sim- RACING continued from Page A10 ture, requires a support sys- tem. Brock and Paul most cer- tainly received it from in be- ginning in racing. )rom tKe ¿ rst feZ Zeeks of Brock’s karting career to recent happenings at HSO, ple as possible. Our players did a very good job of adapt- ing to Zhat Zas given us and our blockers Zere able to open holes for our running backs.” Thyler Monkus led the Zay Zith 5 yards and tZo touchdoZns, and quarter- back 'ylan *rogan added rushing yards and tZo touch- doZns to his passing stats of for 5 for yards. Justin Keeney added yards and touchdoZns, and Salas said the defense had tZo goal-line stands to pre- serve the shutout. Stan¿ eld (- Zill play on the road Friday at Tri-Cities Prep in Pasco, Washington. Kickoff is at p.m. book being ruined in the rain. The 9ikings Zill rest up and hit the practice ¿ eld again ne[t Zeek before traveling to Pilot Rock (- on Sept. to try and add another check mark in the Zin column. “(The teams’ spirits are really high right noZ,” said Mosher, “noZ let’s see if Ze can Zork on some little things and carry it over to ne[t Zeek.” 8matilla is at Pilot Rock Friday at p.m. UMATILLA 7, UNION/ COVE 6 —— After an - season in , the 8matilla 9ikings did not Zant to Zait any longer to get into the Zin column, as they doZned 8nion/Cove -. “I’m proud of Zhat I saZ,” said 9ikings coach Mike Mosher. “The kids kept their heads up Zhen things didn’t go right. 8nion Zas really tough, just like last year, and Ze pulled through.” Wet and sloppy ¿ eld con- ditions did not deter the 9i- kings (-, Zho trailed - at halftime before a late second half touchdoZn vaulted them into the lead and eventually the victory. “It Zas really Zeird play- ing the ¿ rst game of the sea- son in 5 degree Zeather and seeing everyone bundled up in sZeats,” said Mosher. No statistics Zere avail- able due to the 9ikings’ stat Paul and Brock have never been alone. “We’ve had the help from tZo /egends drivers Bill Kik and Jose Zamudio,” Paul said. “Which I personally feel that’s a sponsorship. Without their help, Ze Zouldn’t be Zhere Ze are.” (ven Zhen 'alton gave Brock the opportunity to race his car, Zhich Zas re- cently purchased by the 0c'ounoughs, 'alton Zas afraid he Zouldn’t be in- volved in any Zay. Paul as- sured 'alton that Zouldn’t happen, that 'alton’s e[- pertise and e[perience Zere needed Zith a couple of green racers. “I’m like, ‘No, I need your help. I need your knoZl- edge,’” Paul said. “‘You can help us and you knoZ Zhat to do and Zhat not to do.’ It’s been bene¿ cial to us to have all the support from the track, all the racers out there. Not Must Zith our /egends group but everyone else Zho’s out there. Brock and the other driv- ers become competitors on the track, but afterZards ev- eryone meets up at a barbe- ECHO 58, SOUTH WASCO COUNTY 14 — In the midst of a culture change, Rick TheZ and the Echo Cou- gars started things off right, clobbering the South Wasco Redsides, 5-, for its ¿ rst home Zin in tZo seasons. Echo (- is at Ione Fri- day at p.m. STAFF PHOTO BY SAM BARBEE Southridge’s Trevor Jones (859) and Jesse Brinson-Wagner pass Hermiston’s Graydon Fritz at the line during the Runner Soul XC Fest Saturday in Hermiston. Fritz popped a rib out during the race and struggled to À nish. have never run before, so it Zas their ¿ rst 5K that Zasn’t a time trial...It’s e[citing for us. It Zas a good learn- ing e[perience.” According to Stan¿ eld coach Eric Jensen, the runners Zeren’t happy Zith hoZ they run. But the Tigers Zere essentially Zithout their top tZo girls. Anna /emmon had a stiff back and Bailey Watson has bron- chitis. /emmon ran, but beloZ her standards and Watson sat out. Anna’s sister, Chelsey, surprised Jensen by being Stan¿ eld’s top girl ¿ nisher in her sister and Watson’s stead. “The Zay she’s been running, it Zas looking like she Zas gon- na be our No. or No. ,” he said. “Chelsey ran a great race. She didn’t feel all that good. I thought some- thing Zas Zrong because she doesn’t usually run that poorly. But Chelsey ran a great race. It Zas a big surprise. I Zas e[pecting something maybe a minute sloZer than Zhat she did.” Clem said she Zas surprised Zith her strong she Zas considering the tough Zorkouts coach Nicole SteZ- art put the Bucks through this Zeek. “I didn’t have a good season last year, so it’s good to come back and already have a good start, and my team, too,” Clem said. Hermiston and 8matilla both head to Tillamook ne[t Zeek for the 8ltimook race through a hydrangea ¿ eld. Stan¿ eld and Pendleton Zill both run the Catherine Creek Scam- per in 8nion. Both races involve lots of mud, so times aren’t that import- ant. For Blackburn and the Bulldogs, the main focus is mental toughness. “We’re trying to teach them, ‘Hey, you still gotta go race,’” he said. “Ev- erybody has the e[act same course, you just have to be tougher. You have to be more focused on you’re gonna beat the person you’re Zith. You’re gonna grind them and you’re gonna beat them. We’re not gonna be beat, Ze’re gonna do the beating.” Team Results: Boys: Hermiston 63, Southridge 96, Union 99, Oregon City 138, La Grande 146, The Dalles 151, Pendleton 158, Auburn Mountain View 199, Umatilla 212, Redmond 225, Othello 6WDQ¿HOG+HSSQHU(OJLQ Girls: Oregon City 50. Union 56, Pendleton 91, The Dalles 94, Redmond 125, Enterprise 131, Hermiston 137, McLoughlin 212, Othello 247. SPORTS CALENDAR Thursday, September 10 BOYS SOCCER Hermiston vs. Mac-Hi, 8 p.m. VOLLEYBALL Umatilla @ Mac-Hi, 7 p.m. Stanfield @ Riverside, 6:30 p.m. Echo @ Ione, 5 p.m. GIRLS SOCCER Hermiston vs. Mac-Hi/Weston- McEwen, 6 p.m. Cross Country Invitational, noon Stanfield @ Ultimook Race Cross Country Invitational, noon BOYS SOCCER Umatilla @ Culver, 1:30 p.m. VOLLEYBALL Echo vs. Irrigon, 10 a.m. Echo vs. Pine Eagle, 1 p.m. Sunday, September 13 Friday, September 11 No events scheduled FOOTBALL Hermiston @ Kamiakin, 7 p.m. Umatilla @ Pilot Rock, 7 p.m. Stanfield @ Tri City Prep, 7 p.m. Echo @ Ione, 7 p.m. CROSS COUNTRY Stanfield @ 39th Annual Catherine Creek Scamper, TBD Saturday, September 12 Monday, September 14 No events scheduled Tuesday, September 15 GIRLS SOCCER Hermiston vs. David Douglas, 4 p.m. Umatilla vs. Baker/Powder Valley, 5 p.m. BOYS SOCCER Hermiston @ Ultimook Race Hermiston @ La Salle Prep, 4:15 p.m. cue to laugh and remember the race. It’s often said that if you come to the races to race, then you’ve come for the Zrong reasons. “You should come to the race for the barbecue at the end of the night,” Paul said. “Because that’s Zhat it’s all about: having the friends and the family at the track Zith you; getting that support from them. Coming to the race is Must a bene¿ t to race. It’s the barbecue at the end you Zant to look forZard to. Because if you don’t race right, you’re not gonna make that barbe- cue at the end. It’s de¿ nitely an important thing to have the respect and be able to do that, to be able to make it to that ¿ - nal destination.” CROSS COUNTRY