WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 2015 HERMISTON HERALD/EAST OREGONIAN • PAGE 15 rodeo unfolds. Griggs said there is no age limit on being a grand entry rider — some of this year’s participants are teenagers and others are married with children. Turnover is low, and Griggs said out of nine riders she usually only has to replace one or two a year. The Farm-City Ladies are all experienced cowgirls and always provide their own horses. Of course, working with live animals is never predict- able, so Griggs said they do have “malfunctions of pattern” in the show every once in a while but there haven’t been any major mishaps. “Everyone is on horses enough they know what to do,” she said. The group usually has eight to 10 practices a year in the month or so lead- ing up to the rodeo. Next year the rodeo is set to move into a new arena at the Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center, which may require some adjustments, but *ULJJVVDLGVKHZRQ¶WKDYHWR¿JXUHWKDWRXW6KHSODQV on stepping down after the 2015 rodeo to pass the grand entry on to new blood. -DPL(UZHUWRI6WDQ¿HOGZLOOWDNHRYHUIRU*ULJJVDIWHUWKLV year’s rodeo. STAFF PHOTO BY GARY L. WEST 7RUULH*ULJJVULJKWDQG-DPL(UZHUWZDWFKWKHÀQDO UHKHDUVDOE\WKH)DUP&LW\3UR5RGHR/DGLHVZKRZLOO SHUIRUPDQLJKWO\JUDQGHQWU\DQGFDUU\VSRQVRUÁDJV GXULQJWKHURGHR(UZHUWZLOOWDNHRYHUIRU*ULJJVLQ DVGLUHFWRURIWKH)DUP&LW\/DGLHV FARM-CITY PRO RODEO From page 13