FARM-CITY PRO RODEO PAGE 10 • HERMISTON HERALD/EAST OREGONIAN WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 2015 From page 9 STAFF PHOTO BY GARY L. WEST 7KH)DUP&LW\3UR5RGHRDUHQDZDVIUHVKO\JURRPHG7KXUVGD\QLJKWLQSUHSDUDWLRQIRUWKH)DUP&LW\3UR5RGHR/DGLHVÀQDOUHKHDUVDO 9ROXQWHHUVDQGURGHRGLUHFWRUVKDYHEHHQPDNLQJÀQDOSUHSDUDWLRQVRQWKHDUHQDDQGJURXQGVDWWKHIDLUJURXQGVLQSUHSDUDWLRQIRUWKH URGHR nostalgia about the last rodeo in the old arena, but people are also look- ing forward to the challenge of fill- ing a bigger space outside of town. “There is excitement for the new arena,” she said. “There will be a new feel, a new look. We’ll have to create our own atmosphere out there.” She said her first time riding into that arena made her feel like she was a part of something big. Since then she has enjoyed watching the rodeo grow. Bothum has enjoyed watching the rodeo grow, too. Earlier this year the Farm-City Pro Rodeo was given the Remuda Award, meaning cowboys across the country voted the rodeo’s stock as the best in the nation. More contestants are regis- tered to compete in this year’s rodeo than ever before. He said none of that would be pos- sible without the hundreds of com- munity members who have pitched in over the years to help with every- thing from painting to landscaping to keep the arena rodeo-ready. “It’s going to be hard to see this one torn down,” he said. “It’s been a labor of love.”