B USINESS Hermiston A4 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2015 Chamber plans events Aug. 25 7Ke +erPLVton CKaP ber of CoPPerFe wLOO KoVt two eYentV $Xg $ VXSSO\ FKaLn oSSor tXnLtLeV FonferenFe wLOO taNe SOaFe froP aP to SP at tKe +erPLVton ConferenFe Center 6 +LgKwa\ 7Ke eYent LV GeVLgneG to KeOS PanXfaFtXrerV gen erate new oSSortXnLtLeV SartnerVKLSV anG aware neVV aboXt VXSSOLerV anG FXVtoPerV Ln tKe 1ortK weVt 7Ke FonferenFe wLOO featXre SreVentatLonV froP Oarge PanXfaFtXrerV anG roXnGtabOe GLVFXVVLonV .err\ %aVV froP 3aFL¿ F 1: 1atLonaO Laborator\ anG -oVK %XrnV froP :aO 0art 'LVtrLbXtLon Center wLOO VSeaN at tKe eYent 7Ke FonferenFe LV a FoOOaboratLon between tKe FKaPber %XVLneVV 2regon tKe 3enGOeton CKaPber of CoPPerFe anG tKe 3aFL¿ F 1ortKweVt 'efenVe CoaOL tLon 31'C anG FKaPber PePberV Fan regLVter for b\ $Xg or af ter 1onPePberV Fan reg LVter for b\ $Xg or after 7Ke FoVt LnFOXGeV breaNfaVt anG OXnFK at tKe %XVLneVV to %XVLneVV OXn FKeon tKat foOOowV )or Pore LnforPatLon or to reg LVter YLVLt wwwSnGFXV or FaOO 31'C 3eoSOe wKo Go not wLVK to attenG tKe entLre Fon ferenFe Fan attenG onO\ tKe %XVLneVV to %XVLneVV OXnFKeon wKLFK begLnV at aP 7Ke OXn FKeon FoVtV for FKaP ber PePberV or for nonPePberV )or Pore LnforPatLon or to regLVter FaOO HERMISTONHERALD.COM Craft brewer started with root beer Beer dude looks for ingredients that play well together By KATHY ANEY Staff Writer Craft brewer Logan 0a\¿ eOG got KLV Vtart aV a bo\ Ln KLV faPLO\ NLtFKen ³, VtarteG wKen , waV eLgKt or nLne wLtK P\ GaG +e PaGe KoPePaGe root beer´ Ke VaLG ³,f , KeOSeG oXt , FoXOG GrLnN aV PXFK aV , wanteG´ 0a\¿ eOG LV KeaG brew er at 2rGnanFe %rewLng Ln %oarGPan wLtK an Xn of¿ FLaO tLtOe of ³tKe brew GXGe´ 7Ke beer PaNer oYerVeeV KLV FoOOeFtLon of ferPentLng tanNV PaVK tXnV anG wooGen VoXr bar reOV +e VSenGV FoXntOeVV KoXrV tKere VeSaratLng wort froP VSent graLn boLOLng aGGLng KoSV anG tranVfer rLng tKe OLTXLG to ferPen terV ² a FoPSOe[ SroFeVV tKat aOOowV for SOent\ of LnYentLYeneVV 0a\¿ eOG Vo far VtLFNV to traGLtLonaO LngreGLentV bXt aGGV KLV own SerVon aO twLVtV anG tweaNV Ln a TXeVt to ¿ nG beer nLrYana 7Ke brewer LV a Ser VonabOe \earoOG wKo GrLYeV a rXVteG 7o\ota SLFNXS wLtK a FrooNeG OL FenVe SOate anG a bXPSer VtLFNer tKat Va\V ³%e NLnG to anLPaOV ² NLVV a rXg b\ SOa\er´ $V a teenager Ke waVKeG GLVKeV at tKe 6tanGLng 6tone %rew SXb Ln $VKOanG anG Oat er OearneG to brew tKere aV an Lntern +e VNLSSeG FoOOege for a trLS aroXnG tKe worOG tKat LntroGXFeG KLP to brewLng Vt\OeV on GLfferent FontLnentV +e roGe a 5XVVLan PotorF\ FOe tKat Ke FoXOG ¿ [ wLtK ³a forN anG a SaSerFOLS´ +e tXrneG Ln *erPa n\ wLtK a bLerVteLn Ln KLV KanG 0a\¿ eOG tooN a VLS of 5; anG SonGereG 7Ke OLfe of a brewer Ke VaLG LV Sre GLFtabOe Ln onO\ one wa\ ³7Kere¶V neYer a t\SLFaO Ga\´ Ke VaLG 6XSSO\ anG GePanG of ten GLFtateV KLV VFKeGXOe 5eFentO\ a boLOer went Gown Ln tKe PLGGOe of a batFK 0a\¿ eOG aYerteG GLVaVter b\ VXbVtLtXtLng an oOG *erPan SroFeVV FaOOeG NettOe VoXr +e ¿ naOO\ PaGe Lt to beG at aP 0a\¿ eOG¶V beerV are VtartLng to get notLFeG )XOO 0etaO -aFNet an (n gOLVK ,3$ got %eVt %eer at tKe %eere[ )eVt Ln )ebrX ar\ 2regon %eer *rowOer 0aga]Lne naPeG :Keat YLOOe anG 5; 3aOe $Oe aV ³3erfeFt 3LntV´ +e OoYeV tr\Lng new teFKnLTXeV $t tKe PoPent Ke KaV wKat Ke FaOOV ³tKe VoXr SroMeFt´ 6oXr beer LV Pore tart anG aFLGLF tKan traGLtLonaO beer anG ageV Ln oaN barreOV for PontKV OettLng tKe PLFro 6T$)) 3H2T2 %< .$TH< $1(< organLVPV Go tKeLr worN ³6oXr beer LV beFoPLng /RJDQ0D\ÀHOGKHDGEUHZHUDW2UGQDQFH%UHZLQJLQ%RDUGPDQJRWKLVVWDUWPDNLQJKRPHPDGH reaOO\ SoSXOar on tKe weVt URRWEHHUZLWKKLVGDG VLGe of tKe CaVFaGeV´ Ke 5eFentO\ 0a\¿ eOG Vat bor 'XGeV 7aS +oXVe neLgKbor 0arN 0FLeoG VaLG ³+oSefXOO\ Lt aS SeaOV to OoFaOV Voon´ on a VtooO at a tabOe PaGe Ln +erPLVton 7Ke FXr 0FLeoG KaV VLnFe GLeG 2rGnanFe FXrrentO\ a froP a KXge wooGen VSooO rent beer OLVt offerV VoPe ³:e breweG oXr ¿ rVt tKat onFe KeOG wLre 7Ke KeaG\ FKoLFeV of OagerV batFK on +aOOoween of OaVt VeYenbarreO brewer\ wLOO Voon e[SanG Lnto a bar tabOe waV one of foXr VFat wKeat beer a raLnbow of \ear´ 0a\¿ eOG VaLG tereG aroXnG tKe brew aOeV SaOe goOGen reG anG 7Ke Fraft brewer\ getV reO brew KoXVe LnFreaVLng er\¶V taVtLng area wKLFK brown Sorter .oOVFK LtV naPe froP a gKoVt FaSaFLt\ froP to VLtV Ln a Forner of tKe (ngOLVK bLtter LPSerLaO town between %oarG gaOOonV CoOePan KaV watFKeG VTXarefoot VSaFe VtoXt anG LnYentLYe naPeV Pan anG +erPLVton onFe 2nto tKe tabOetoS YLVLtorV VXFK aV +arr\ tKe 3orter SoSXOateG b\ tKoVe wKo anG taVteG 0a\¿ eOG¶V KaG XVeG SerPanent ParN anG 2f CKLPSan]eeV worNeG at tKe nowFOoVeG worN wLtK LnFreaVLng aS erV to Sen PeVVageV VXFK 7Ke Ne\ to brewLng 8PatLOOa CKePLFaO 'eSot SroYaO ³:e got reaOO\ OXFN\´ aV ³$aaK beer´ anG ³+aS e[FeOOent beer 0a\¿ eOG wKLFK waV Nnown Ln LtV S\ ferPentLng´ 0a\¿ eOG VaLG ³LV OearnLng Kow earOLer OLfe aV tKe 8PatLOOa Ke VaLG ³6oPeGa\ Lf Ke VtLFNV wLtK Lt Ke¶OO be one VLSSeG one of KLV faYorLte GLfferent LngreGLentV SOa\ 2rGnanFe 'eSot FreatLonV 5; 3aOe $Oe a togetKer´ ,n 5; VKort 0a\¿ eOG VaLG Ke KaV of tKe oOG gra\ KaLrV Ln tKe VtrawFoOoreG brew featXr for 5\e ([tra Ke foXnG bonGeG wLtK %oarGPan bXVLneVV tKat eYer\one Lng a OLngerLng KoSSLneVV a baOanFe between r\e anG 2ne SOXV Ke VaLG LV tKe OooNV XS to´ 7Ke brewer\ at 1 anG a VSLFLneVV born of an KoSV OaFN of traf¿ F enFoXnter wLtK r\e PaOt 0a\¿ eOG PoYeG to ³, Go KorrLbO\ wLtK traf 2OVon 5oaG Ln %oarGPan +LV otKer faYorLte LV 2OG %oarGPan froP a CoOora ¿ F OLgKtV´ Ke VaLG wLtK a FeOebrateG LtV granG oSen CraLg an (ngOLVK Vtrong Go brewer\ wKen offereG VOow grLn ³0orrow CoXn Lng on $Xg Learn Pore aboXt tKe aOe naPeG after CraLg tKe 2rGnanFe KeaG brewer t\ GoeVn¶t KaYe a VLngOe brewer\ on LtV webVLte at CoOePan wKo LV one of SoVLtLon b\ CoOePan wKo one´ VL[ ownerV of 2rGnanFe OaXnFKeG tKe brewer\ Ln $VNeG to GeVFrLbe a wwworGnanFebrewLng anG tKe aVVoFLateG 1eLgK wLtK KLV frLenG anG t\SLFaO Ga\ at tKe brewer\ FoP “Summer Days & Country Ways” August 19-23, 2015 VOLUME 109 ɿ NUMBER 46 RODEO: www.morrowcountyoregon.com/fair/rodeo FAIR: www.morrowcountyoregon.com/fair Wednesday, Aug. 19th Exotic Animals Mechanical Bull Kid Fun Zone Animal Weigh-In 4-H Food Contest FFA Tractor Driving Pet Show for public 4-H Fashion Revue 4-H/FFA Livestock Judging Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest RDO Tractor Pull To contact the Hermiston Herald for news, advertising or subscription information: • call 541-567-6457 • e-mail info@hermistonherald.com • stop b\ our of¿ ces at (. 0ain 6t. • visit us online at: www.hermistonherald.com ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier and mail Wednesdays ,nside 8matilla0orrow counties ......................................................................................... $42.65 2utside 8matilla0orrow counties ...................................................................................... $5. The Hermiston Herald 8636 24222, ,661 75-472 is published weeNly at Hermiston Herald, (. 0ain 6t., Hermiston, 25 7, 541 567-6457, )$; 541 567-1764. 3eriodical postage paid at Hermiston, 25. 3ostmaster, send address changes to Hermiston Herald, 3rinted on (. 0ain 6t., Hermiston, 25 7. recycled $ member of the (2 0edia *roup &opyright ‹215 newsprint Join us as we host a lecture series to increase safety awareness on fall prevention, common home injuries and provide solutions to keep you and your loved one safe! Friday, Aug. 21st Exotic Animals Mechanical Bull Kid Fun Zone 4-H/FFA Showmanship Master Showmanship Youth Dance 4-H sponsored OTPR/NPRA Rodeo After Rodeo Band Michele Drey & Branded THANK YOU TO ALL OUR SPONSORS! McKay Creek Estates presents: SAFETY Thursday, Aug. 20th Exotic Animals Mechanical Bull Kid Fun Zone Ice Cream Social Talent Show Old Time Fiddlers FFA Floral Design OTPR/NPRA Slack Murray's Wine Tasting Featuring: Joe Lindsay Luke Basil S FIRST Saturday, Aug. 22nd Exotic Animals Mechanical Bull Kid Fun Zone Parade FFA Awards Buyers Luncheon Livestock Auction OTPR/NPRA Rodeo After Rodeo Band Michele Drey & Branded Sunday, Aug. 23rd All Exhibits Released Morrow Country Rodeo www.facebook.com/oregontrailprorodeo www.facebook.com/morrowcountyfairheppneroregon AUGUST 11-15, 2015 SafetyMan says “Always be Safe to Ensure an Active & Independent Lifestyle” Tues. Aug. 11 • 9pm Wed. Aug. 12 • 9pm JOHN MICHAEL MONTGOMERY DUSTIN LYNCH The Truth Behind Senior Moments Thurs. Aug. 13 TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 3:30 PM 7pm Learn what’s normal and what is not when it comes to short-term memory loss. Learn the early signs of Alzheimer’s and other related dementias. We will discuss tips on brain health and keeping your memory sharp. ANTIFAZ 9pm MAR-K DE TIERRA CALIENTE Staying Active to Prevent Falls TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 3:30 PM Staying active reduces your risk of a fall and improves your overall health and wellbeing. Learn what activities are best, how to improve your strength and balance and simple exercises to implement at home today. Don’t Let the Blues Get You Down TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 3:30 PM Learn how to identify and manage depression. Life’s changes can have adverse effects. Proper planning and coping skills can help ease these stressors. Making simple lifestyle changes can boost your mood and help alleviate many of your symptoms. Fri. Aug. 14 • 9pm HINDER Sat. Aug. 15 • 9pm WARRANT In the Watering Hole: LIVE MUSIC: Tues & Wed - Brady Goss; Fri & Sat - Blue Tattoo For more information or to RSVP, call us at (541) 276-1987 or visit us today! McKay Creek Estates 1601 Southgate Place Pendleton, Oregon 97801 Call or stop by the Fair office 515 W. Orchard, Hermiston 800-700-FAIR (3247) • www.umatillacounty.net/fair Visa & Mastercard gladly accepted www.PrestigeCare.com RESERVED TICKETS ON SALE NOW! not include $12 (does admission) CARNIVAL $30 after WRISTBANDS fair starts $23 (until August 10)