SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2015 HERMISTONHERALD.COM • A3 COMMUNITY Hermiston and Stanfield fire crews extinguish small blaze on Hermiston Butte No structures threatened, no injuries reported Boardman man arrested in hoax BY SEAN HART HERMISTON HERALD No structures were dam- DJHG GXULQJ D VPDOO ¿UH RQ the Hermiston Butte just after midnight. Hermiston Fire & Emer- gency Services Lt. Dennis McClure said the agency was dispatched at 12:12 a.m. to a UHSRUWRIYLVLEOHÀDPHVE\WKH swimming pool on the north- west side of the butte. He said three Hermiston XQLWVDQGWZRIURP6WDQ¿HOG responded and worked to quickly extinguish the blaze. ³7KH¿UHZDVLQVWHHSWHU- rain on the butte in the area behind the swimming pool,” he said. “It was controlled at 7KDW¶V ZKHQ WKH ¿UH was out, and they started to mop up. At 12:55, all the hot spots were put out, and they cleared the scene.” Although he was not at the ¿UH0F&OXUHVDLGWKHUHSRUW indicates approximately one acre of grass was burned, but no structures were threatened. +HVDLGWKHFDXVHRIWKH¿UH is undetermined, but with no signs of arson reported, fur- ther investigation is unlikely. False report of shooting locks down hospital JADE MCDOWELL PHOTO +HUPLVWRQDQG6WDQÀHOGÀUHÀJKWHUVZRUNWRH[WLQJXLVKD VPDOOJUDVVÀUHRQWKHQRUWKZHVWVLGHRIWKH+HUPLVWRQ%XWWH MXVWDIWHUPLGQLJKW)ULGD\ “Typically, for small grass ¿UHVOLNHWKLVZHZRQ¶WJRLQ any farther,” he said. “Some- times, (we are) really just un- DEOHWR¿QGWKHVRXUFH´ A controlled burn planned at the butte at 5 p.m. June 25 will probably still occur if the weather conditions are appro- priate, McClure said, because only a small portion of the butte was burned in the un- SODQQHG ¿UH 7KH FRQWUROOHG burn was planned to reduce WKHULVNRI¿UHGXULQJWKH-XO\ ¿UHZRUNVVKRZ McClure said people should be mindful of the dry conditions this time of year. “Conditions are really dry all over the county,” he said. “People should be careful of where they burn and what they do. They should just be careful and cautious of their activities in dry areas.” Umatilla County Sheriff’s 2I¿FH ZHUH GLVSDWFKHG WR *RRG6KHSKHUGVKRUWO\EH- fore noon after Rizo called 9-1-1 and claimed he had BY JADE MCDOWELL shot someone at the hospi- EO MEDIA GROUP WDO:KHQRI¿FHUVDUULYHG A reported shooting they determined that no that turned out to be a hoax one had been shot, locat- EULHÀ\ORFNHGGRZQ*RRG ed Rizo and took him into Shepherd Medical Center custody without incident. on Thursday. Hermiston Police Chief -RVH *XDGDOXSH 5L]R Jason Edmiston said it 24, of Boardman, was appeared “alcohol and/or lodged at the Umatilla other potential mental is- County Jail on charges sues were at play.” RI ¿UVWGHJUHH GLVRUGHUO\ The incident may have conduct, making a false caused some public incon- report and misuse of 9-1-1 venience and alarm, but it following the incident. did provide an opportunity 2I¿FHUV IURP +HUP- to put emergency proce- iston Police Department, dures at the hospital into Oregon State Police and practice. “In the past, we have participated in tabletop discussions with members of the hospital so it is nice to see a relatively seamless ÀRZ EHWZHHQ WKH SROLFH response and the hospital policy and procedures,” Edmiston said. *RRG6KHSKHUGVSRNHV- man Kelly Sanders said Rizo also appeared to have SXOOHG D ¿UH DODUP EHIRUH being taken into custody. He said the medical center was grateful for the quick response by police, even if it turned out no one was injured. “There was nothing really to it, except it was good practice for a situa- tion like that,” he said. iPhone 6 on U.S. Cellular. ® Together, you can do more. Now get $100 off iPhone 6. A great deal on a great network that covers you in the Middle of Anywhere.™ Echo community dedicates official city tree most of their lives and were heavily involved in the com- EO MEDIA GROUP munity, hosting all of the Judges from the national class reunions and serving as America in Bloom competi- a gathering place for alumni tion got a feel for the commu- at all times of the year. nity of Echo Thursday while “Whenever people re- attending a dedication cere- turned to Echo, they knew PRQ\ IRU WKH WRZQ¶V RI¿FLDO they could get a warm wel- city tree. come from Fred and Mil- Bruce Riggs, a judge from dred,” she said. New York, said he had want- The tree was chosen and ed to visit Echo for a while named through a communi- and was not disappointed. ty-wide vote that included Echo has won in the national surveys at the school and EHDXWL¿FDWLRQ FRQWHVW¶V VPDOO polls on Facebook. cities category three times Anita Dorn, daughter- since 2006, and Riggs said it in-law to Fred and Mildred, is impressive how much city represented the family at the manager Diane Berry does to ceremony. She said it was an cultivate the Eastern Oregon honor to have the couple be oasis. memorialized with a plaque “I’ve been involved in below the tree. America in Bloom since it “I was real proud, because was created, about 11 years they were proud of this little ago, and Diane is a legend,” town, and I know how they he said. would feel about it,” she said The tree that was being after the ceremony. dedicated Thursday, a red After the tree was dedicat- horse chestnut at Fort Henri- ed, city staff also dedicated etta Park, was christened the the new picnic shelter, kitch- Dorn Tree in honor of Fred en, playground and restrooms and Mildred Dorn. DW WKH SDUN ZKLFK ZHUH ¿Q- Berry said the Dorns lived ished recently using a combi- across from Echo School for nation of grants. BY JADE MCDOWELL JADE MCDOWELL PHOTO (FKRFLW\PDQDJHU'LDQH%HUU\OHIWLQWURGXFHV$PHULFDLQ %ORRPMXGJH/HVOLH3LWWHQJHUULJKWLQIURQWRIWKHQHZO\FKULV WHQHG'RUQ7UHHDW)RUW+HQULHWWD3DUN Class of ‘80 reunion next month The Hermiston High School Class of 1980 is hosting its 35th class re- union Friday, July 18 and Saturday, July 19 in Herm- iston. Friday’s event is an 1980s theme night for socializing and bowling at Desert Lanes Bowling Alley in Hermis- ton. Festivities begin at 7 p.m. Saturday will feature a golf tournament at Big Riv- HU*ROI&RXUVH,WEHJLQVDW 8 a.m. and costs $40 for 18 holes and a cart. At 9 a.m. on Saturday, a walk at Riv- erfront part in Hermiston VWDUWV 7KH ¿QDO HYHQW 6DW- urday is dinner and dancing at Stetson’s Steakhouse in Hermiston. The social hour begins at 6 p.m. and runs for an hour. At 6:30 p.m. is a class picture, and dinner be- gins at 7 p.m. with a choice of prime rib or chicken buf- fet. During dinner are a me- morial and awards presenta- tion, and after is dancing. The registration deadline is July 7. The cost, exclud- ing golf, is $40 per person for $20 person without din- ner. Checks may be mailed to Di Fordice, 29723 Min- nehaha Road, Hermiston, or people can register on- line at www.debbiaioa. com. iPhone 6 isn’t just bigger — it’s better in every way. Larger, yet thinner. 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