A10 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2015 SPORTS GONZALES: TIGERS: continued from page A9 continued from page A9 ²²² SAM BARBEE PHOTO day, Gonzales retired all 15 batters she faced and struck out 10. 7KH RWKHU ¿YH RXWV though, came on hard-hit balls sprayed around the diamond. She didn’t realize RYHUWKHFRXUVHRIWKHJDPH what was happening. “I was just going pitch- by-pitch, batter-by-batter,” she said. So when she recorded WKH ¿QDO RXW ² ¿WWLQJO\ D VWULNHRXW²%DLOH\JUHHWHG her outside of the dugout and asked, “Do you know what you just did?” She didn’t. 7KRXJK *RQ]DOHV UHFHLYHG WKH RI¿FLDO FUHGLW IRU WKH effort, she understands she ZDVQ¶WDORQHLQWKHYLFWRU\ “I looked at (shortstop) %DLOH\ 6URIH DIWHU WKH game) and was like, ‘It wasn’t just me. You guys SAM BARBEE PHOTO ODFW STANFIELD 17, PLEASANT HILL 3 After the top of the ¿UVWLQQLQJDQLQQLQJWKDW saw Pleasant Hill score a run and threaten to plate more, it looked like the %LOOLHV ZRXOG WDNH FRQWURO early and force the eighth- UDQNHG KRVW 6WDQ¿HOG 7L- gers to play from behind IURPVHYHQLQQLQJV That didn’t happen. 6WDQ¿HOG H[SORGHG IRU UXQVLQWKHERWWRPRIWKH¿UVW DQGWDFNHGRQVHYHQPRUHLQ WKH QH[W VL[ LQQLQJV WR KDQ- dle the ninth-ranked Pleasant +LOO %LOOLHV LQ WKH ¿UVW round of the 3A Oregon state playoffs Wednesday in Stan- ¿HOG “We just came out of the gates and Thyler (Monkus) got us going, set the tone,” -RKQVRQ VDLG RI WKH ¿UVW LQQLQJ H[SORVLRQ ³7RQ\ )ORUHV DQG 5\DQ %DLOH\ ULSV RQH ² HYHU\WKLQJ ZDV just going our way. We just came out crushing the ball.” 7KH ZLQ JDYH 6WDQ¿HOG some redemption after last season, when the Tigers blew a late lead at home to +DUULVEXUJLQWKH¿UVWURXQG at home. “We were talking about it all week,” Grogan said. “We just wanted to make it past WKH¿UVWURXQG´ The Tigers did in a big way. 6WDQ¿HOG SODWHG UXQV LQ WKDW PDVVLYH ¿UVW LQQLQJ DQG VL[ UXQV LQ WKH IRXUWK The Tigers batted around in WKRVH WZR LQQLQJV JLYLQJ starting pitcher Flores all the cushion he needed. Monkus ZDVIRUZLWKWKUHH5%,V two doubles and four runs scored to pace the Tigers of- IHQVLYHO\ DQG 5\DQ %DLOH\ was 3-for-5 with a double, WULSOH DQG D ZKRSSLQJ ¿YH UXQV GULYHQ LQ )ORUHV KDG WZR 5%,V WR KHOS KLPVHOI and Klay Jenson added a FRXSOH RI KLWV DQG DQ 5%, 6WDQÀHOGVRSKRPRUH7RQ\)ORUHVGHOLYHUVDSLWFKWREDWWHU\ PDWH7K\OHU0RQNXVGXULQJWKH7LJHUV·ÀUVWURXQGZLQ RYHU3OHDVDQW+LOORQ:HGQHVGD\LQ6WDQÀHOG On the mound, Flores was OLJKWV RXW IRU MXVW RYHU WZR LQQLQJV7KH¿UVWVHYHQRXWV RIWKHJDPHFDPHE\YLUWXH RI VWULNHRXWV DQG KH ¿Q- LVKHG ZLWK HLJKW RYHU innings, allowing four hits, WZR UXQV ² RQH HDUQHG ² and walked four. He was re- OLHYHGLQWKHIRXUWKZKHQKH allowed back-to-back dou- bles and a walk to load the bases with two outs. Hunter %DUQHVFDPHLQDQGFRD[HG DOD]\À\RXWWR-HQVRQLQOHIW to end the threat. 7KH ¿UVW LQQLQJ ZDV D parade of Tigers. Monkus JRW KLV ¿UVW RI IRXU KLWV RQ an 0-2 pitch, and then Flores doubled to score Monkus, who had stolen second. %DLOH\ VKRW RQH LQWR WKH left-center gap but stumbled DV KH DSSURDFKHG ¿UVW EDVH and only got a single out of it, although Flores scored for a 2-1 lead. Grogan was beaned, and then Jenson doubled for a 3-1 lead. The QH[W VL[ 7LJHUV UHDFKHG on walks, errors or hit-by- pitches, creating another HLJKW UXQV ,Q DOO 6WDQ¿HOG sent 14 batters to the plate and got those 10 runs on just IRXU KLWV 6WDQ¿HOG VFRUHG eight runs without an out DQGFKDVHGWKH%LOOLHVVWDUW- er after facing 10 batters and no outs. It was, by far, the most UXQV WKH7LJHUV KDYH VFRUHG LQWKH¿UVWLQQLQJDOO\HDUDQG 6WDQÀHOGFDWFKHU7K\OHU 0RQNXVURXQGVVHFRQG EDVHDIWHUVWHDOLQJVWDQGLQJ XSGXULQJWKH7LJHUV· ÀUVWURXQGVWDWHZLQRYHUWKH 3OHDVDQW+LOO%LOOLHV:HGQHV GD\LQ6WDQÀHOG0RQNXV KDGIRXUKLWVLQFOXGLQJWZR GRXEOHVVFRUHGIRXUUXQV DQGGURYHLQWKUHH the most runs scored in a sin- gle inning all year. ³:H KDYHQ¶W KDG D ¿UVW inning like that all year,” Johnson said. “We’re a slow-staring team all year. We were kinda like, ‘Who are you guys?’ It was just a fun day.” ²²² STANFIELD 17, PLEASANT HILL 3 PHB 100 101 0 — 3 7 4 SHS 1001 600 X — 17 12 2 E. Richey, T. Callahan, N. Casarez, J. Putnam and K. Miller. T. Flores, H. Barnes, D. Grogan and T. Monkus. 2B: S. Jones (PHB), T. Flores (SHS), K. Jenson (SHS), T. Monkus 2 (SHS). 3B: J. Putnam (PHB), R. Bailey (SHS). continued from page A9 miles may be closed due to construction, please call or check the website ahead of time. Black Bear The warm and dry winter has left much more country snow free than usual. Green up has begun to appear in the lower elevations. The mild weather will have bears out and more active in the early part of the season. Look for bears close to timber stringers feeding on open ridges. Successful hunters need to remember to check in their bear within ten days of harvest. It cannot be frozen and propping open the mouth will help in aiding tooth collection later. Turkey season is here. Look for spring turkeys to be moving from wintering grounds to their nest- ing areas. Listen for males to be calling early and late in the evenings to help locate gobblers. With snow levels higher than normal expect turkeys to be at slightly higher elevations this year. Cougars can be found throughout Baker County but hunters should target areas with high con- centrations of deer and elk. Setting up on a fresh kill or using distress calls can all be productive techniques. Hunters are required to check in the hide of any cougar taken, with skull and proof of sex attached. Remember to pick up a 2015 tag. Coyote numbers are good throughout the district. Try calling in early morning and late afternoon. Remember to ask for permission before hunting on private properties. GRANT COUNTY The P.W. Schneider Wildlife area is closed February 1st through April 14th. Herbicide application to stop spread of invasive annual grasses is happening on the wildlife area, more information. BLACK BEAR: Most of our snow is gone from mid and low elevation areas of the district, roads can be easily accessed. The best strategy for ¿QGLQJEHDUVWKLVWLPHRI\HDULVWRVLWRQDVSRW with a good view of open canyon sides and use binoculars or a spotting scope to locate GLGHYHU\WKLQJ