PREP FOOTBALL DISTINGUISHED GRAD DISTRICT RECOGNIZES FORMER BULLDOG STUART ALLEN FAAETEETE AT HOME IN HERMISTON PAGE A3 SPORTS PAGE A8 SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2015 Hermiston man charged with assault, vehicle theft EO MEDIA GROUP A Hermiston man was arrested Thursday morning after a crime spree that in- cluded two sto- len cars and an assault. Cody Ste- phen Stack- Stackhouse house, 26, was taken into custody on charges of fourth-degree assault, attempted robbery, two counts of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and DW OHDVW ¿YH FRXQWV RI KLW and run. Hermiston Police Chief Jason Edmiston said in an email that the investigation was ongoing and not all of the victims had been inter- viewed, but it appeared the suspect had stolen a car in the county’s jurisdiction Thurs- day morning, abandoned it, stole a second one and then drove it into the city. Edmiston said Stack- house then crashed into several vehicles within the city limits, coming to a stop at the intersection of North- east Seventh Street and Catherine Avenue. YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER HERMISTONHERALD.COM 6WDQ¿HOG3'VWD\LQJFRPSHWLWLYH Public safety fee generates almost $45,000 for offi cer salaries BY SEAN HART HERMISTON HERALD 6WDQ¿HOG3ROLFH'HSDUWPHQWLVXSWR full staff after the city implemented a public safety fee a year ago to provide KLJKHURI¿FHUVDODULHV Lt. Monty Toombs said the $5 month- ly fee charged on all residential and busi- ness utility bills in the city has helped the department offer more competitive wages. “The public safety fee was just some- thing to help us better provide for the FRPPXQLW\ RI 6WDQ¿HOG DQG WR KHOS XV UHWDLQRI¿FHUV´KHVDLG³7KDWZDVNLQG of the problem, even before I came here, that everyone else was paying so much PRUHWKDQZHZHUHSD\LQJ´ Before the salary increase, raw re- cruits earned $28,200 per year, compared SPD Statistics Stanfi eld Police De- partment has been more active this year at full staff after two offi cers completed fi eld training. Following is a comparison of incidents from August through October 2014, when the new offi cers were away at the police academy, and from February through April of this year, when the new offi cers were actively patrolling: • Total incidents increased from 579 to 1,160. • Offi cer-initiated incidents increased from 352 to 908. • Traffi c stops increased from 229 to 703. • Total offi cer reports increased from 42 to 69. • Total arrests increased from 14 to 24. • Total citations increased from 101 to 106. SEE STANFIELD/A6 McBride served on security detail for presidential helicopter Last day in Marines spent ‘hanging out’ with George W. Bush BY SEAN HART HERMISTON HERALD In his previous police expe- ULHQFH 6WDQ¿HOG RI¿FHU 5\DQ McBride served on the security detail for the United States pres- SEAN HART PHOTO ident’s Marine One helicopter. McBride, 35, said he joined 6WDQÀHOGSROLFHRIÀFHU5\DQ the Marine Corps after high McBride traveled to 15 coun- WULHVZLWKWKHSUHVLGHQWRIWKH United States. SEE MCBRIDE/A6 A place to SHINE Local Special Olympics athletes excel in sports, life SEE STACKHOUSE/A6 BY JESSICA KELLER TODAY’S WEATHER HERMISTON HERALD Partly cloudy High: 76º Low: 50º OUTLOOK • SUNDAY Showers early High: 74º Low: 49º • MONDAY Mix of sun and clouds High: 78º Low: 52º A complete weather forecast is featured on page A2. Find the Hermiston Herald on Facebook and Twitter and join the conversation. FOR LOCAL BREAKING NEWS JESSICA KELLER PHOTO 6SHFLDO2O\PSLFVDWKOHWH/\DOO$UH\WRVVHVWKHERFFHEDOOGXULQJDSUDFWLFHUHFHQWO\%RFFHLVRQHRIWKUHH 6SHFLDO2O\PSLFVVSRUWVLQZKLFK$UH\FRPSHWHVDQGKHWDNHVSOHDVXUHLQERWKWKHFRPSHWLWLRQDQGWKH FRPSDQ\RIKLVIULHQGV Hermiston’s Lyall Arey is like many 22-year-olds — he has a job, does some volunteer work, enjoys movies, spending time with friends and playing sports — in fact, he’s a three-sport athlete. Arey’s experience with athletics, how- ever, differs from those of other athletes, even that of his Hermiston/Pendleton Spe- cial Olympics team peers. Because Arey has autism, he has trouble communicating, and he actually does not speak much at all. :KHQ$UH\LVSOD\LQJERFFHEDVNHWEDOO or bowling, however, his challenges and those of his teammates do not matter, which is what, coach Kristi Smalley said, makes Special Olympics so, well, special. She said, at its core, Special Olympics is a training and athletic competition program for people with mental or developmental disabilities, but the organization is really much more than that. “I think it really allows the opportuni- ty to celebrate the uniqueness, the talents RI RXU SRSXODWLRQ´ .ULVWL 6PDOOH\$UH\¶V coach, said of the organization. Instead of focusing on what people with mental or developmental disabilities can’t do, Special Olympics shines the spotlight on what the athletes can and do accomplish, she said. “Special Olympics gives this population the opportunity to show they can handle much PRUHWKDQZHWKLQNWKH\FDQ´6PDOOH\VDLG ,Q WKH ¿YH \HDUV WKDW$UH\ KDV SDUWLFL pated in Special Olympics, Smalley said he has really excelled, both as an athlete and socially. SEE ATHLETES/A16 (OHPHQWDU\VWXGHQWVOHDUQDERXWPRGHODYLDWLRQ Hermiston-area club flies remote-controlled planes for STEM education BY SEAN HART HERMISTON HERALD Hermiston Herald $1.00 © 2015 EO Media Group Local elementary students excitedly watched and cheered as Hermiston-area model air- plane club members demon- strated remote-controlled avi- ation Friday. The presentation, hosted by the Columbia Aeromod- elers club, not only intro- duced the students to the world of radio-controlled airplanes, it was also a learn- ing experience for many. 7LQD 5LGLQJV FRRUGLQDWRU of the McNary Heights af- ter-school Science, Technol- ogy, Engineering and Math program, said the model air- plane demonstration, which all of the students enjoyed, was a way to expose the students to just another application of STEM education. “A lot of people associate (STEM) only with robotics, and it’s not — it’s so much PRUH´ VKH VDLG ³:H WU\ WR open and engage these kids in a lot of different things. Because so many things are focused on computers and technology nowadays, some kids get it, some kids don’t. They can un- derstand that this is another av- enue that they can experience that will still expand their learn- ing but not be so intense that it SEE RC PLANES/A16 SEAN HART PHOTO &ROXPELD$HURPRGHOHUVPHPEHU-LPP\&UHDVRQSUHSDUHVWR Á\DUDGLRFRQWUROOHGPRGHODLUSODQH)ULGD\QHDU0F1DU\'DP