A6 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 2015 RECORDS COURT REPORTS Sentences PENDLETON — The fol- lowing sentences have been imposed in Umatilla County courts: FELONY ‡&KULVWRSKHU:D\QH/\RQV 8PDWLOOD SOHDGHG QR FRQ- test to Assault III; sentenced to 15 months Oregon Dept. of &RUUHFWLRQV\HDUVSRVWSULV- RQ VXSHUYLVLRQ ¿QH DQG XQLWDU\DVVHVVPHQW ‡'DQLHO 5XELR 6WDQ- ¿HOG SOHDGHG JXLOW\ WR $JJUD- vated Harassment; sentenced WR\HDUVSUREDWLRQVDQF- WLRQ XQLWV PD[LPXP MDLO XQLWV ¿QH XQLWDU\ assessment and $700 attor- ney fees-suspended; pleaded guilty to Resisting Arrest; sen- WHQFHG WR GD\V MDLOVXV- SHQGHG \HDUV SUREDWLRQ KRXUV FRPPXQLW\ VHUYLFH ¿QHDQG¿QHVXV- SHQGHGEHQFKSUREDWLRQ DVVHVVPHQW DQG XQLWDU\ assessment. ‡(ULN2OLYDV+HUPLVWRQ pleaded guilty to Possession of Methamphetamine; sentenced WR\HDUVSUREDWLRQVDQF- WLRQ XQLWV PD[LPXP MDLO XQLWV ¿QH DQG ¿QHVXVSHQGHG XQLWDU\ DVVHVVPHQW DWWRUQH\ IHHVVXVSHQGHGDQGPRQWKV driver’s license suspension; pleaded guilty to Assault IV-do- mestic violence; sentenced to ¿QH ZDV IRXQG LQ &RQ- WHPSWRI&RXUWFRXQWVVHQ- WHQFHG WR ¿QH IRU HDFK count. ‡$XVWHQ&RQDQW+HUP- LVWRQ SOHDGHG JXLOW\ WR 2Q- line Sexual Corruption of a &KLOG VHQWHQFHG WR ¿QH DQG XQLWDU\ DVVHVVPHQW pleaded guilty to Encouraging Child Sex Abuse; sentenced WR ¿QH DQG XQLWDU\ assessment; pleaded guilty to two counts of Sexual Abuse III; VHQWHQFHGWR¿QHDQG unitary assessment for each count. ‡5XE\ $QQ 6DQGHUV +HUPLVWRQ SOHDGHG JXLOW\ to Delivery of Methamphet- amine-commercial drug of- fense/persistent involvement; sentenced to 50 months Or- HJRQ 'HSW RI &RUUHFWLRQV 3 years post-prison supervi- VLRQ ¿QH XQLWDU\ DVVHVVPHQW DWWRUQH\ IHHVZDLYHG DQG PRQWKV driver’s license suspension; pleaded guilty to Possession of Methamphetamine-persistent LQYROYHPHQW VHQWHQFHG WR months Oregon Dept. of Cor- UHFWLRQV \HDU SRVWSULVRQ VXSHUYLVLRQ ¿QH XQLWDU\ DVVHVVPHQW DWWRUQH\ IHHVZDLYHG DQG months driver’s license sus- pension. MISDEMEANOR ‡5DIDHO0DWLDV5DPLUH] +HUPLVWRQ SOHDGHG JXLOW\ WR Assault IV-domestic violence; sentenced to 10 days jail and GD\V MDLOVXVSHQGHG \HDUV SUREDWLRQ ¿QH DQG ¿QHVXVSHQGHG EHQFK SUREDWLRQ DVVHVVPHQW XQLWDU\ DVVHVVPHQW DQG $750 attorney fees-waived. ‡5RJHOLR &DVWLOOD &KDYH] 8PDWLOOD SOHDGHG JXLOW\ to Driving While Suspended; VHQWHQFHGWRGD\VMDLOVXV- SHQGHG \HDUV SUREDWLRQ KRXUV FRPPXQLW\ VHUYLFH ¿QH EHQFK SUR- EDWLRQDVVHVVPHQWXQLWDU\ assessment and $350 attor- ney fees; pleaded guilty to a second count of Driving While 6XVSHQGHG VHQWHQFHG WR GD\V MDLOVXVSHQGHG \HDUV SUREDWLRQKRXUVFRPPXQLW\ VHUYLFH ¿QH DQG ¿QHVXVSHQGHG EHQFK SUREDWLRQ DVVHVVPHQW unitary assessment and $175 attorney fees. ‡5RVHQGR $UHOODQR 0RQWHV +HUPLVWRQSOHDGHGJXLOW\WR Failure to Carry/Present Opera- tor’s License; sentenced to 15 GD\VMDLOVXVSHQGHGPRQWKV SUREDWLRQKRXUVFRPPXQLW\ VHUYLFH ¿QH DQG ¿QHVXVSHQGHG EHQFK SUREDWLRQ DVVHVVPHQW unitary assessment and $175 attorney fees-waived. ‡-DYLHU 5RTXH 5RTXH 8PDWLOOD SOHDGHG JXLOW\ WR Physical Harassment; sen- tenced to 90 days jail-suspend- HG KRXUV FRPPXQLW\ VHU- YLFH ¿QHVXVSHQGHG UHVWLWXWLRQ DQG bench probation assessment; was found in Contempt of Court-violation of restraining order; sentenced to 90 days MDLOVXVSHQGHGPRQWKVSUR- EDWLRQ KRXUV FRPPXQLW\ VHUYLFH DQG ¿QHVXV- pended. ‡$QGUHZ .HQQHWK 7KRUVRQ 8PDWLOOD SOHDGHG JXLOW\ WR Driving While Suspended; sen- WHQFHGWRGD\VMDLO¿QH DQGXQLWDU\DVVHVVPHQW ‡0DULD ,VDEHO &DVWLOOR 8PDWLOOD SOHDGHG JXLOW\ WR 7KHIW,,VHQWHQFHGWRGD\V MDLOVXVSHQGHG \HDUV SUR- EDWLRQ KRXUV FRPPXQLW\ VHUYLFH ¿QH DQG ¿QHVXVSHQGHG UHV- WLWXWLRQ EHQFK SUREDWLRQ DVVHVVPHQW XQLWDU\ DV- sessment and $175 attorney fees. ‡5RQ &ODUN )DUPHU 6WDQ¿HOG SOHDGHG JXLOW\ WR$V- DEATH NOTICES sault IV-domestic violence; sen- WHQFHGWRGD\VMDLODQG GD\V MDLOVXVSHQGHG \HDUV SUREDWLRQ¿QHEHQFK SUREDWLRQDVVHVVPHQWXQL- tary assessment and $300 at- torney fees-suspended. ‡-HVXV 5XELR 0HVLQD 6WDQ¿HOG SOHDGHG JXLOW\ WR Resisting Arrest; sentenced to ¿QH DQG XQLWDU\ DV- sessment; pleaded guilty to Interfering With Peace/Parole/ 3UREDWLRQ 2I¿FHU VHQWHQFHG WR GD\V MDLOVXVSHQGHG \HDUVSUREDWLRQKRXUVFRP- PXQLW\ VHUYLFH ¿QH DQG ¿QHVXVSHQGHG EHQFK SUREDWLRQ DVVHVVPHQW XQLWDU\ DVVHVVPHQW DQG $175 attorney fees. ‡-RVKXD -DFN =DEUDQVN\ +HUPLVWRQ SOHDGHG JXLOW\ to Custodial Interference II; VHQWHQFHGWRGD\VMDLOVXV- SHQGHG \HDU SUREDWLRQ KRXUVFRPPXQLW\VHUYLFH ¿QH DQG ¿QHVXVSHQG- HG EHQFK SUREDWLRQ DV- VHVVPHQW DQG XQLWDU\ DV- sessment. ‡0DUN 6KDQH (QULJKW (FKR SOHDGHG JXLOW\ WR 7HOH- phonic Harassment; sentenced WR GD\V MDLOVXVSHQGHG PRQWKV SUREDWLRQ KRXUV FRPPXQLW\ VHUYLFH ¿QH $100 bench probation assess- PHQW XQLWDU\ DVVHVVPHQW and $350 attorney fees. ‡-RKQDWKDQ 0DUXIIR *DUFLD +HUPLVWRQSOHDGHGJXLOW\WR two counts of Physical Harass- ment; sentenced to 90 days MDLOVXVSHQGHG PRQWKV SUREDWLRQ KRXUV FRPPX- QLW\ VHUYLFH ¿QH DQG ¿QHVXVSHQGHG DQG unitary assessment for each FRXQW EHQFK SUREDWLRQ assessment and $300 attorney fees-waived. ‡-DPHV /HRQ 0DFN +HUPLVWRQSOHDGHGJXLOW\WRWZR counts of Driving While Sus- pended; sentenced to 10 days MDLO DQG GD\V MDLOVXVSHQG- HG \HDUV SUREDWLRQ ¿QHEHQFKSUREDWLRQDV- VHVVPHQW DQG XQLWDU\ DV- sessment for each count. Divorces PENDLETON — Divorce decrees were signed in Uma- tilla County Courts for: K. Amanda Sanchez and Fernando Miguel Sanchez; -HVXV(OR\&DUUHUDDQG6DUDK -ROHQH &DUUHUD$OED /RPEHUD and David Salazar. Marriages PENDLETON — Marriage licenses have been regis- tered in Umatilla County for: Luis Manuel Martinez &DEUHUD DQG 5RVD (OH- QD 0HQGR]D 5XL] ERWK RI Hermiston. %ODNH0DUWLQ3RWWHUDQG &XUVWLQ0DULH*HUUDUGERWK of Umatilla. 5REHUW :LOOLDP 7XUQLQJ -U DQG/DFH\$OLFLD+HLG both of Hermiston. M. Marjorie Crow Hermiston Dec. 22, 1920-April 22, 2015 M. Marjorie Crow, 94, of Hermiston died Wednes- day, April 22, 2015, at her home. She was born Dec. 22, 1920, in Baker City. A celebration of life will be held Monday, May 4 at 10 a.m. at Pendleton Pioneer Chapel, Folsom-Bishop. A reception will follow the service at the Pendleton Eagles Lodge. Arrangements are with Pendleton Pioneer Chapel, Folsom-Bishop. Sidney O. Van Schoiack Hermiston July 12, 1926-April 22, 2015 Sidney O. Van Schoiack, 88, of Hermiston died Wednesday, April 22, 2015, in Hermiston. He was born July 12, 1926, in Heppner. Graveside services will be held Saturday, April 25 at 1 p.m. at the Heppner Mason- ic Cemetery. Burns Mortuary of Hermiston is in care of arrangements. Mildred Lucille Sisco Umatilla May 16, 1921-April 21, 2015 Mildred Lucille Sisco, 93, of Umatilla died Tuesday, April 21, 2015, in Hermiston. She was born May 16, 1921, in Idabel, Oklahoma. A family memorial will be held at a later date. Disposition was by cremation. A burial will be held in Rainier, Ore., at a later date. Burns Mortuary of Hermiston is in care of arrangements. Richard C. Haynes Hermiston May 15, 1941-April 21, 2015 Richard C. Haynes, 73, of Hermiston died Tuesday, April 21, 2015, at his home. He was born May 15, 1941, in Portland, Ore. Funeral arrangements are pending at Burns Mortuary of Hermiston. We treat all of you. PUBLIC SAFETY LOG THURSDAY, APRIL 23 • A caller reported his stolen vehicle was spotted on South First Place. • A cell phone was reportedly stolen at Harrison Park on West Madrona Avenue. • An empty 53-foot rail trailer was reportedly stolen on Highway 395. • A caller reported a male was trying to get into a vehicle on North First Street. • A caller reported someone fraudulently used his pay card on North First Street. • A caller reported her son’s medication was missing on Southwest 11th Street. • Someone reportedly tried to break into the concessions stand at Butte Park on Northwest Seventh Street. • A caller reported he shot a yellow Lab and a black dog that killed a calf on his property on Wolfe Lane. • A caller reported someone stole a winning lottery ticket on North First Street. • A female reportedly assaulted another female on Sixth Street in Umatilla. ‡*UDI¿WLZDVUHSRUWHGRQ-6WUHHWLQ8PDWLOOD WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22 • The unauthorized use of a motor vehicle was reported at an automobile dealership on Highway 395. • A caller reported prescription medication had been stolen from a residence on Southwest 11th Street. ‡*UDI¿WLZDVUHSRUWHGLQDFROOHJHEDWKURRPRQ6RXWKHDVW Columbia Drive. • A caller reported a male and a female were possibly smoking marijuana in a vehicle on East Wilshire Avenue. • A cell phone was reportedly stolen from a vehicle on Northwest 11th Street. • A male reportedly assaulted a female on Northwest Fifth Street. TUESDAY, APRIL 21 • A theft was reported at a business on North First Street. • A female reported a male against whom she had a re- straining order was trying to open the door of a residence on West Ridgeway Avenue. • A $400 cell phone was reportedly stolen and destroyed at Armand Larive Middle School on Southwest Ninth Street. • A caller reported a suspicious older female had been driving slowly on East Hurlburt Avenue and looking around the area for a week. • A caller reported a male subject on a bicycle was harass- ing her family on West Halstead Street in Echo. ARRESTS ‡-DPHV5ROO\5HHGIDLOXUHWRDSSHDU ‡-XVWLQ5LFKDUG:DGGHOOSXQLWLYHFRQWHPSWRIFRXUW ‡5REHUW:D\QH3ULFH¿UVWGHJUHHVH[XDODEXVH ‡-RKQ$OH[DQGHU%URZQUHVWUDLQLQJRUGHUYLRODWLRQ second-degree criminal mischief. ‡-RVHSK&UX]$OPDJXHUWKLUGGHJUHHVH[XDODEXVH ‡.LPEHUO\.D\.RHQLJWKLUGGHJUHHWKHIW Whether you’re nine days old or ninety-nine years young, our network of clinics provides comprehensive medical, dental and social services for all members of your family. Mirasol Family Health Center forall.org