A2 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 2015 LOCAL WEATHER Hermiston man jailed for sex abuse EO MEDIA GROUP Robert Wayne Price, IDFHV ¿YH FRXQWV RI ¿UVWGHJUHH VH[ DEXVH Hermiston Police Chief -DVRQ (GPLVWRQ VDLG GH WHFWLYHV DUUHVWHG 3ULFH DW KLVKRPH7XHVGD\HYHQLQJ DIWHU DQ LQYHVWLJDWLRQ EH JDQ1RY (GPLVWRQ VDLG 3ULFH¶V UHODWLYHV LQ :DVKLQJWRQ VWDWH QRWL¿HG the Yakima &RXQW\ 6KHU LII¶V 2I¿FH DERXW D SRVVL EOH VH[ FULPH DQG WKH VKHU Price LII¶V RI¿FH F R Q W D F W H G +HUPLVWRQ SROLFH (GPLV WRQVDLGWKHDOOHJDWLRQVRF FXUUHGLQ+HUPLVWRQVRKLV GHSDUWPHQWWRRNWKHFDVH 3ULFH SOHDGHG QRW JXLOW\ WR DOO FKDUJHV :HGQHVGD\ LQ FLUFXLW FRXUW LQ +HUP LVWRQ &RXUW UHFRUGV VKRZ WKHUH ZHUH WKUHH YLFWLPV (GPLVWRQ VDLG WKH\ DUH DOO FKLOGUHQ DQG DSSHDU WR EH UHODWHGWR3ULFH Price remains in the 8PDWLOOD&RXQW\-DLO3HQG OHWRQLQOLHXRID ERQG +LV QH[W KHDULQJ LV 0D\ Wastewater treatment plant grand opening Today's Weather Local 5-Day Forecast Sat Sun 4/25 Mon 4/26 65/36 Tue 4/27 Wed 4/28 4/29 69/42 79/46 82/48 74/45 Cloudy skies early, followed by partial clearing. High near 65F. Mainly sunny. Highs in the upper 60s and lows in the low 40s. Partly cloudy. Highs in the upper 70s and lows in the mid 40s. Plenty of sun. Highs in the low 80s and lows in the upper 40s. Mainly sunny. Highs in the mid 70s and lows in the mid 40s. Sunrise Sunset 5:54 AM 7:56 PM Sunrise Sunset 5:52 AM 7:58 PM Sunrise Sunset 5:50 AM 7:59 PM Sunrise Sunset 5:49 AM 8:00 PM Sunrise Sunset 5:47 AM 8:01 PM Oregon At A Glance Portland 61/43 Salem 61/42 Eugene 58/41 Medford 61/37 Pendleton 60/35 Hermiston 65/36 La Grande 54/31 Bend 46/22 Ontario 61/35 Burns 53/31 Klamath Falls 54/28 Area Cities CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Hermiston Mayor Dave Drotzmann, center, prepares to cut the ribbon at the grand opening and open house for the completed wastewater treatment facility Thursday as city staff, City Council members and representatives from the Chamber of Commerce, project general contractor Slayden Construction, Kennedy-Jenks Engineering and Tetra-Tech Engineering watch. +HUPLVWRQ6FKRRO'LVWULFWERQGVUHLVVXHG 7KH +HUPLVWRQ 6FKRRO 'LVWULFW UH¿ QDQFHG DERXW PLOOLRQ LQ JHQHUDO RE OLJDWLRQ ERQGV RQ 7KXUVGD\ UHGXFLQJ WKH GLVWULFW¶VLQWHUHVWUDWHE\DERXWSHUFHQWWR DERXWSHUFHQW 7KH GLVWULFW HVWLPDWHV WKH UH¿QDQFLQJ ZLOOVDYHWD[SD\HUVDERXWPLOOLRQRYHU WKHWHUPRIWKHERQG ,QDERXWPLQXWHVQHDUO\DOORIWKHGLV WULFW¶VRIIHULQJVZHUHVROG7KXUVGD\ ³:HWRRNDGYDQWDJHRIWKHGLVWULFW¶VUH DI¿UPHG VWURQJ FUHGLW UDWLQJ DQG PDUNHW FRQGLWLRQV WR UH¿QDQFH VRPH RI RXU ORQJ WHUP GHEW´ 'HSXW\ 6XSHULQWHQGHQW :DGH 6PLWKVDLGLQDVWDWHPHQWIURPWKHGLVWULFW ³:H DUH YHU\ H[FLWHG WR EH DEOH WR VKDUH WKHVHVDYLQJVZLWKWD[SD\HUVZKRDUHOLNHO\ WRVHHUHGXFHGUDWHVLQDERXW¿YH\HDUVDV WKHUH¿QDQFHGGHEWEHJLQVWRPDWXUH´ 7KH GLVWULFW UHFHQWO\ UHFHLYHG D UHDI ¿UPHG$$GRXEOH$PLQXVFUHGLWUDWLQJ IURP6WDQGDUGDQG3RRU¶V&RUSRUDWLRQ WHEN PUBLIC NOTICES REACH THE PUBLIC, EVERYONE BENEFITS SOME GOVERNMENT AGENCIES WANT TO TAKE OFFICIAL NOTICES OUT OF LOCAL NEWSPAPERS AND BURY THEM ON GOVERNMENT-RUN WEB- SITES. THIS IS LIKE PUTTING THE FOX IN CHARGE OF THE HEN HOUSE. KEEP PUBLIC NOTICES IN NEWSPAPERS City Albany Ashland Astoria Baker City Bend Brookings Burns Coos Bay Corvallis Eugene Hi 60 59 55 52 46 56 53 56 60 58 Lo 42 36 40 27 22 42 31 44 38 41 Cond. rain rain mst sunny rain mixed rain mixed rain rain rain City Florence Grants Pass Hermiston John Day Klamath Falls La Grande Lakeview Lincoln City Mcminnville Medford Hi 57 63 65 51 54 54 51 56 60 61 Lo 42 37 36 30 28 31 23 43 40 37 Cond. rain rain pt sunny rain mixed rain mixed mst sunny rain rain City Newport Pendleton Portland Redmond Roseburg Salem Springfield The Dalles Tillamook Vale Hi 54 60 61 55 61 61 57 64 58 60 Lo 42 35 43 27 41 42 38 40 40 37 Cond. rain pt sunny rain pt sunny rain rain rain rain pt sunny pt sunny Cond. rain mst sunny rain sunny cloudy City Houston Los Angeles Miami Minneapolis New York Hi 90 67 86 58 61 Lo 69 54 76 34 46 Cond. t-storm pt sunny pt sunny cloudy sunny City Phoenix San Francisco Seattle St. Louis Washington, DC Hi 77 60 60 74 61 Lo 53 49 43 47 48 Cond. pt sunny rain rain t-storm cloudy National Cities City Atlanta Boston Chicago Dallas Denver Hi 78 57 47 90 68 Lo 64 40 36 61 43 Moon Phases UV Index Sat New First Full Last Apr 18 Apr 25 May 4 May 11 ©2010 American Profile Hometown Content Service Sun Mon Tue Wed 4/25 4/26 4/27 4/28 4/29 6 High 6 High 6 High 6 High 6 High The UV Index is measured on a 0 - 11 number scale, with a higher UV Index showing the need for greater skin protection. 0 11