FEATURES A16 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM BIZ BY DAVE BLAZEK POP CULTURE SHOCK THERAPY SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 2015 SPECTICKLES BY DOUG BRATTON BY BILL ABBOTT SALOME’S STARS HOROSCOPE R.F.D. BY MIKE MARLAND ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You still might have to deal with some lingering confu- sion that marked a recent workplace situation. But for the most part, you should now be well on your way to your next project. AMBER WAVES BY DAVE T. PHIPPS TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) A new com- mitment might demand more time than you’d expected to have to give it. But rely on that special Bovine gift for patience, and stick with it. You’ll be glad you did. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You’re earning the admiration of a lot of people who like the way you handle yourself when your views are on the line. Even one or two of your detrac- tors are being won over. THE SPATS BY JEFF PICKERING A WING & A PRAYER BY BILL ABBOTT someone you both respect if he or she would act as an impartial arbitrator for both of you. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) A recent workplace accomplishment hasn’t been overlooked by those who watch these things. Meanwhile, start making travel plans for that much-too-long-deferred trip with someone special. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to Decem- ber 21) Th ose money matters continue to move in your favor. Now would be a good time to start putting some money back into the house, both for esthetic as well as econom- ic reasons. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Taking your responsibilities seriously is what you do. But ease up on the pressure gauge, and make time for much needed R & R. Start by making this weekend a “just for fun” time zone. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) A changing workplace environment can create job pressures. But, once again, follow the example of your birth sign and take things a step at a time, like the sure-footed Goat you are. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Some recent- ly uncovered information might make a change of plans inevitable. If so, deal with it as quickly as possible, and then fi nd out what went wrong and why. What you learn might surprise you. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Cheer up. You could soon have the funds you need for your worthy project. Your generous gift s of time and eff ort are well known, and someone might decide it’s time to join with you. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) As- pects favor moving carefully and deliberately when making any signifi cant changes. Could be there are more facts you need to know, which you might overlook if you rush things. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Your in- ner scam-catcher is right on target, and you’re absolutely right to reject that “too good to be true” off er. Meanwhile, something positive should be making its way to you. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A problem neighbor might be looking to goad you into an action you don’t want to take. Ask BORN THIS WEEK: You are generous, and also sympathetic to people who fi nd they need the help of others. FLASHBACK BY MICK HARPER 1. What were the last names of the British duo that had a hit with “A World Without Love”? 2. What year did “Love Is Here and Now You’re Gone” hit No. 1 on the charts, and who released it? 3. Name the rock group whose fi ft h album was titled “Selling England by the Pound.” 4. Who released “New York Groove” in 1975? 5. What is the American name of the song whose lyrics mostly consist of: “Wee-ooh wim-o- weh, wee-ooh wim-o-weh.” POKEWEED BY DREW POCZA 5. “THE LION SLEEPS TONIGHT,” RELEASED IN 1961 BY THE TOKENS. ALTERNATELY KNOWN AS “WIMBA WAY,” “AWIMBAWE,” “WIMOWEH” AND “MBUBE,” THE SONG WAS ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN ZULU. NUMEROUS FOLK ARTISTS PUT THEIR OWN SPIN ON IT OVER THE YEARS, INCLUDING THE WEAVERS AND THE KINGSTON TRIO. SUDOKU 4. BRITISH GROUP HELLO. 3. GENESIS, IN 1973. 2. THE SUPREMES IN 1967. THEY PERFORMED THE SONG ON THE ANDY WILLIAMS SHOW, WHICH LAUNCHED THE SONG UP THE CHARTS IN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS. 1. ASHER AND WALLER ... AKA PETER & GORDON. ASHER’S SISTER ONCE DATED PAUL MCCARTNEY, WHO WROTE A FEW OF P&G’S HITS, SUCH AS “NOBODY I KNOW.” THE SONGS WERE CREDITED AS WRITTEN BY LENNONÐMCCARTNEY, HOWEVER. ANSWERS MAZE BY SHEILA ANDERSON DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: 