A8 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 SPORTS MEMORIES: the clincher: That omen our coach mentioned? He was right. If you look at the bus ride as a metaphor for the game, it makes way too much sense to be a coincidence. We took off at the same time, they pulled away, we sort of came back, they pulled away further at the end, and then we somehow won. It was a game and a memory I’ll never forget, and when I’m with some of those guys, the conversation organically moves that direction. It was so rawly emotional and inescapably amazing that we still talk about it like it just happened. I can still see the throw to third and the look on the shortstop’s face when it went high. I can still see our guy popping up at third, trying WR¿QGWKHEDOODQGMXVW running home because why the heck not? The point of this column isn’t just to ramble about what I’ve seen, however. I want to know what you’ve seen. I want to know what sports experiences you’ve had that are similar to this story I just told: a moment you’ll never forget and a feeling you’ll never lose. Send me an email or post something on our Facebook page telling a story! I’m not quite sure yet where we’ll go with this project, but I want to hear your experiences. Were you on the winning football team? Write about it and tell us. Were you a fan of that Hermiston basketball team that played La Salle in Corvallis a few weeks ago? Tell us your experience. I’m hoping to get some different perspectives and see things from a different angle. — Sam Barbee is the sports reporter for the Hermiston Herald. He can be reached at sbarbee@ hermistonherald.com erfer’s time was four minutes, 31.75 seconds, and Castella- nos came in a distance second continued from page A7 in 4:31.04. Freshman Tyler Rohrman took the 110-meter high hur- dles in 17:77, two tenths of a The Umatilla baseball second faster than teammate team lost a non-league game Luis Media. The 4x100-me- to Irrigon 12-1 on Tuesday in ter relay team of Adams, Irrigon. Behrendt, Zumwalt and Ethan Snow took the event by two seconds over team- mates Peter Earl, Joey Guti- errez, Jonathan Hinkle and The Hermiston Bulldogs Rohrman. WUDFN DQG ¿HOG WHDP VSOLW D Behrendt, Snow, Guti- dual meet at The Dalles on errez and Alexis Mercado Tuesday with the boys earn- owned the 4x400, running ing 96 points to The Dalles’ away from The Dalles by 46, while The Dalles’ girls ¿YHVHFRQGV won 73.66-66.66. Trey Neal won the shot put Trey Neal, Melanie Solor- with a toss of 38 feet, 10.50 io, Aubrey Lincoln and Mad- inches, more than a foot lon- dy Juul each won multiple ger than second-place Riley events for the Bulldogs. Bardes of The Dalles. Neal Sheridan Zumwalt won also won the discus with a the 100-meter spring by throw of 132-00, about four seven hundredths of a sec- feet longer than second-place ond, Corey Adams won the Bardes. 200-meter spring by near- The Dalles took the jav- ly half a second and Chris elin, high jump and triple Behrendt won the 400-meter jump, but Hermiston’s Will spring by nearly a second. Sharkey (12-00.00) took the The Dalles placed two pole vault but nearly four runners in the top three of the feet, and Zumwalt won the 800-meter run, but Hermiston long jump by an inch (19.11- dominated the 1500-meter 00). run with Josiah Niederwerfer For the girls, Audrey DQG$QJHO&DVWHOODQRV¿QLVK- Lincoln continued her sol- LQJ¿UVWDQGVHFRQG1LHGHUZ- id year with a victory in the 200-meter sprint, win- ning in a time of 26.10, nearly three seconds faster than the runner-up. Lincoln also took the 400-meter sprint in 1:01.49, almost eight seconds faster than WKH VHFRQG SODFH ¿QLVKHU Freshman Melanie Solorio joined Neal, Lincoln and Juul as the only multiple event winners by taking the 800-meter (2:43.98) and 1500-meter (5:29.44) runs. She won the 1500-meter by more than 30 seconds. Freshman Lesley Risueno won the 300-meter hurdles in 57.32, the only time under a minute. The 4x100 team of Lincoln, Sidney Moore, Risueno and Keyla Gonza- lez-Garay won in 52.75, just two hundredths of a second faster than Aileen Luna-Lo- pez, Taylor Sugg, Ivorie Tay- lor and Payton Wojtecki. Hermiston placed the top three shot put throws, with Noa Ena winning with a toss of 35-01.25. Jazmin Guti- errez came in second with a throw of 33-10.00, and Mad- dy Juul came in third with a 32-03.00 toss. Juul also took the javelin, as well, with a toss of 94-07, nearly 30 feet better than the runner-up. Hermiston’s next meet is Saturday at the Willamette Falls Invitational in Oregon City, Oregon. Events begin at 10 a.m. continued from page A7 bounced off the dugout, it sort of disappeared in our scrum and nobody really knew what to do. We immediately went and greeted our hero and got on the bus in such a jovial state I don’t think we sat down the whole ride home. But here’s ROUNDUP: BASEBALL TRACK M RE 17th ANNUAL Check out our webpage at hƩps://www.bluecc.edu/AandC or Facebook page for current updates or changes BMCC is an equal opportunity educator and employer APRIL 2015 WINNERS. MORE OFTEN. FOUR O R VW ® BEETLES OUR OU SATURDAYS, S A T U R D AY A APRIL 11 & 25 5 MAY M A 16 & 30 E Earn a rn entries arn e nt trr i e s daily d a i ly with w every 100 points earned. ed. P luss , e earn a r n e extra x t r a entr Plus, entries by playing Monday and W dne Wedn n e s sd d a y i in n the ST Wednesday STAYING ALIVE SLOT TOURNAMENT. You Y o u could win 700 to 1,000 BONUS ENTRIES. 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