A10 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 2015 SPORTS Bulldogs shock Bombers in OT Dawgs net five goals in fourth to come away with overtime victory BY SAM BARBEE HERMISTON HERALD The Hermiston lacrosse team was the dead in the wa- ter. The visiting Richland Bombers scored eight of the JDPH¶V¿UVWJRDOV:HGQHV- day and led 8-2 after three TXDUWHUV$VZLWFKÀLSSHGLQWKH fourth quarter, however, when AJ Schoonover found the back RIWKHQHWVKRUWO\LQWRWKH¿QDO SHULRG IROORZHG E\ JRDOV E\ *HRUJH :HVWIDOO 1RDK 'DYLV scored and Fidel Contreras. Just like that, Hermiston was down just 8-6 and Richland was back on its heels. Then, with a little over a PLQXWH WR SOD\ LQ UHJXODWLRQ with Hermiston down 8-7, goalie Chris Jones turned DZD\ 5LFKODQG IRU WKH WK time and found Schoonover at PLG¿HOGZKRFKDUJHGWRZDUG the net and beat the Richland NHHSHUIRUWKHHTXDOL]HU “(I was thinking) I need WRSXOOWKLVRII´6FKRRQRYHU said after the game. “Pull it RXWIRUWKHWHDP´ He did, and he scored again SAM BARBEE PHOTO SAM BARBEE PHOTO +HUPLVWRQ·V$-6FKRRQRYHUGLYHVDQGVKRRWVGXULQJWKHIRXUWKTXDUWHURI+HUPLVWRQ·V RYHUWLPHZLQRYHU5LFKODQG:HGQHVGD\6FKRRQRYHUVFRUHGWKHÀQDOWZRJRDOVRIWKHJDPH WKHHTXDOL]HUDWWKHHQGRIUHJXODWLRQDQGWKHJDPHZLQQHULQWKHH[WUDSHULRG with only a minute remaining in overtime to give Hermiston DQ LPSUREDEOH RYHUWLPH ZLQ:HGQHVGD\QLJKWDW6XQ- set Elementary School. The win marks the second straight game Hermiston (2- 2) found itself down in the fourth quarter before rallying WRWLHWKHRWKHUEHLQJWKH ORVVWR&DQE\6XQGD\7KLV time, though, the Bulldogs found a way to win, though head coach Scott Hammond ZDVQ¶WMXPSLQJIRUMR\ ³,I ZH KDG SOD\HG WKH ZKROH JDPH OLNH ZH SOD\HG the fourth quarter, then it would be a much different game because, really, I feel like Richland dominated that game, and we didn’t deserve WRZLQLW´KHVDLG “Our team never gives XS´6FKRRQRYHUDGGHG³7KH ¿JKWZHKDYHLVMXVWVRVWURQJ :HGRQ¶WZDQWWRJLYHXS´ Tensions rose about midway through the fourth quarter when a minor scuf- ÀH EURNH RXW %RWK %UDGOHH *LXVWL DQG D 5LFKODQG SOD\- er were ejected, which gave Hermiston the momentum it needed. Hammond said he does not FRQGRQH ¿JKWLQJ EXW KH DF- NQRZOHGJHGLWKHOSHGEULQJKLV WHDPWRJHWKHUZKHQVSOLQWHULQJ ZDVDGLVWLQFWSRVVLELOLW\ ³,QQRZD\VKDSHRUIRUP LV ¿JKWLQJ 2. EXW RQ WKH other note, that did bring us WRJHWKHU DQG LW GLG DPS RXU DGUHQDOLQHXSDQGJRWWKHNLGV FRPSHWLQJ DW D GLIIHUHQW OHY- el, a much different level, and WKDW¶VSDUWRIXVEHLQJ\RXQJ DJDLQ \RX NQRZ"´ KH VDLG ³:HVKRXOGKDYHWKDWOHYHOWR EHJLQ ZLWK 1RW WR DGYRFDWH WKDWEXWLWGLGKHOS´ Hermiston also received KHOS IURP -RQHV ZKR GH- ÀHFWHGDQXPEHURI5LFKODQG shots. ,Q WKH ¿UVW KDOI 5LFKODQG +HUPLVWRQ·V)LGHO&RQWHUDVVKRRWVSDVW5LFKODQG·VNHHSHU GXULQJWKHIRXUWKTXDUWHURIWKH%XOOGRJV·RYHUWLPHZLQ RYHUWKH%RPEHUV:HGQHVGD\7KHJRDOZDV&RQWUHUDV·RQO\ RQHRIWKHGD\DQGEURXJKWWKH%XOOGRJVZLWKLQWZRDW was getting free runs to the net, and there wasn’t much Jones could do. In the second KDOI²DQGHVSHFLDOO\LQWKH fourth quarter — the Hermis- ton defense gave Jones some KHOS 7KH\ IRUFHG VKRRWHUV to either left or right of the crease, giving Jones better DQJOHV7KH\VWRSSHGUXQVE\ forcing the ball to the ground DQG RIWHQ VFRRSHG WKHP XS DQG FUHDWHG RIIHQVLYH RSSRU- tunities for themselves. Of -RQHV¶ VDYHV VL[ FDPH in the second half, but none were bigger than his save-out- OHW SDVVJRDO VHTXHQFH ZLWK Schoonover that tied things XSDWHLJKW “He’s one of our best athletes and one of our best SOD\HUV´ +DPPRQG VDLG RI Jones. “Really, we’d like him WRSOD\VRPHZKHUHHOVHWREH honest, but he’s just so tough LQJRDOWKDWDWWKLVSRLQWWKDW gives us the best chance to be VXFFHVVIXO+H¶VWRXJK:KHQ ZHSOD\DOLWWOHELWRIGHIHQVH in front of him and give him VRPHVXSSRUW²,GRQ¶WZDQW WR VD\ KH¶V XQVWRSSDEOH ² EXWKH¶VWRXJK´ ——— RHS 5 1 2 0 0 8 HHS 2 0 0 6 1 9 Goals: N. Davis 4, A. Schoonover 3, G. Westfall 1, F. Contreras 1. Echo softball ends week on high note Cougars shut down Colton 9-4 Thursday BY SAM BARBEE HERMISTON HERALD (FKR VRIWEDOO SLWFKHU 0DF.HQ]LH*RQ]DOHVGLGQ¶W hang her head Thursday af- WHUWKH¿UVWWKUHH&ROWRQ9L- kings reached base and two VFRUHGSXWWLQJWKH&RXJDUV GRZQHDUO\LQWKHJDPH Instead, she retired the VLGHDQGKHOGGRZQWKH9L- kings the rest of the way in WKH &RXJDUV YLFWRU\ LQ Echo. The win gave Echo (3- 2) its second straight after LW GURSSHG WZR RI LWV ¿UVW WKUHH *RQ]DOHV WRVVHG DOO seven innings, allowing the four runs, with only two of WKHP HDUQHG RQ ¿YH KLWV and she struck out nine and ZDONHG VL[ ³, WKRXJKW VKH GLG JUHDW´ &RXJDUV KHDG coach Bryan Bailey said. ³6KHZHQWDORWRISLWFK- es to a lot of hitters, but, all in all, her defense backed KHU XS DQG VKH ZDV SLWFK- ing well. She was throwing KDUG´ 2IIHQVLYHO\ VL[ &RX- gars had two hits, with Beth Midlbrodt going 2-for-2, two runs scored and an 5%, -DPLH &KULVWRSKHU went 2-for-3 with two RBIs and a run scored. 7KHZHHNHQGHGDVSULQJ EUHDNZKHUH(FKRZHQW 7KH&RXJDUVFRPPLWWHGVL[ errors and allowed three XQHDUQHGUXQVLQDORVV WR.QDSSD:HGQHVGD\ Bailey called it a suc- cessful week. ³2YHUDOOWKH\FRPSHWHG LQHYHU\JDPHWKH\SOD\HG´ he said. “You eliminate some of the errors against .QDSSDDQG,WKLQNZHJR ,¶P YHU\ SOHDVHG ZLWK WKH ZD\ ZH SOD\HG WKLV VSULQJEUHDN´ Echo’s nine runs Thurs- day were the most the team KDV VFRUHG VLQFH LW SXW XS DJDLQVW +HSSQHU LQ WKH VHDVRQRSHQHU6L[&RXJDUV FURVVHG KRPH SODWH DQG three of them did it twice. All but one starter had a hit. ³:H¶UH VHHLQJ WKH EDOO ZHOO ULJKW QRZ´ %DLOH\ said. “I thought we hit well against Clatskanie (in a 6-2 ZLQ XS DW +HSSQHU DQG they brought it over to this JDPH2XUWRS¿YHVL[KLW- ters are seeing the ball well DQGKLWWLQJLWKDUG´ :LWK KRZ ZHOO *RQ]D- OHVSLWFKHGKRZHYHU(FKR didn’t need to score much. 7KH VRSKRPRUH ZDV lights out from the second WR WKH VL[WK LQQLQJV 7KH ¿UVW WKUHH9LNLQJV WR UHDFK ZHUHDOOSXWRQEDVHE\*RQ- ]DOHV 6KH EHDQHG -DQH\ Ethington and walked Cat- LO\Q:HLQEDUJHUDQG%HFN\ 3DWWHUVRQ &DVVRQGUD 1HII rocketed a single through the glove of Hannah McCa- rty at third, scoring Ething- ton, and Shelby Marshall GURYH LQ :HLQEDUJHU ZLWK D EDVH RQ EDOOV *RQ]DOHV beared down, however, and VHWXSDVOLFNGRXEOH SOD\ WR ERWK VOLS RXW RI D MDP DQG JDLQ VRPH FRQ¿- dence. ³7KDW GRXEOH SOD\ ZLWK WKHEDVHVORDGHGZDVKXJH´ Bailey said. “That was our ¿UVWRQHRIWKHVHDVRQDQG it looked like they’ve been doing it all season. Those DUHWKHNLQGVRISOD\VZH¶UH gonna need to be success- IXO´ “She has faith in her de- IHQVH WRR´ VHQLRU %DLOH\ Srofe added. “She knows it’s not all on her. She knows that we’re there to EDFNKHUXS´ Echo came right back in WKH ERWWRP KDOI RI WKH ¿UVW and got two runs of its own, all with two outs. McCarty GRXEOHGGRZQWKHOHIW¿HOG OLQHRQKHUVHFRQGSLWFKRI the day. Erika Parks fol- ORZHG ZLWK D GRXEOH SODW- ing McCarty, and Srofe sin- gled to drive in Parks. The Cougars did most of their work in the third. $IWHU &KULVWRSKHU¶V VLQJOH SODWHG 0LOEURGW LQ WKH VHF- ond inning, Parks walked to start the third, and Srofe reached base when she tried WRVDFUL¿FH3DUNVWRVHFRQG EXWZDVFDOOHGVDIHDW¿UVW *RQ]DOHV WKHQ KHOSHG KHU- self, singling home Parks and moving Srofe to third. 6URIH VFRUHG RQ D SDVVHG EDOO GXULQJ WKH QH[W DWEDW and Milbrodt added her second RBI with a single to ULJKW VFRULQJ *RQ]DOHV WR give Echo a 6-2 lead. Chris- WRSKHU DQG .HQ]LH %ODQ- NHQVKLS KDG EDFNWREDFN two-out singles to give Echo an 8-2 lead after three LQQLQJV%ODQNHQVKLS¶VVLQ- gle stood out because the MXQLRUIRXOHGRIIVL[SLWFKHV with two strikes to single DIWHUDSLWFKDWEDW (FKR¶V QLQWK DQG ¿QDO run came in the fourth in- QLQJ ZKHQ *RQ]DOHV VLQ- gled with two outs, stole second,and scored on a throwing error at third base DVVKHWULHGWRVZLSHLW Colton got two more UXQVLQWKHVL[WKDQGWKUHDW- ened more in the seventh. :KHQ *RQ]DOHV¶ HQHUJ\ started to lag, Bailey called time and went to talk to his VRSKRPRUHKXUOHU ³, SUHWW\ PXFK WROG KHU ‘I just want strikes. Use your defense. Pitch with a OHDG