A8 • HERMISTONHERALD.COM SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 2015 COMMUNITY SPACE: continued from page A1 struction. Many of the people were surprised to see the number of im- provements being made to the facility. When finished, the expansion will feature the addition of two new 750-square-foot surgical suites and the partial con- struction of two addition- al suites, which will be completed and outfitted in the coming years. The new suites will connect to a hallway that includes 15 additional day-surgery patient rooms. Kricket Nicholson, executive director of the Umatilla-Morrow United Way, said she was thrilled to see that, by adding those two extra surgical suites, the hospital was preparing for its future. “It’s smart to plan ahead so when you ex- pand in the future, you will already have all of this in place,” she said. The expansion also in- cludes the construction of a central utility plant be- hind the hospital, which will house state-of-the- art vacuum pumps, cen- tral air, water softeners and more. The building will be connected to the main hospital via an un- derground tunnel, which has pipelines for electric- ity, medical gases, steam for sterilization and data lines for the hospital computer system. “This is really neat,” Karen Hutchinson-Talas- ki, executive director of the Umatilla Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center, said. Giles said the vacu- um system is just one of 3LSHVWKDWDOORZÁRZRIVWHDPHOHFWULFLW\R[\JHQDQGRWKHU surgical gases will run through a tunnel under ground that will ÁRZIURPWKHKRVSLWDO·VQHZVXUJLFDOVXSSO\EXLOGLQJWRWKH VXUJLFDOZLQJDQGWKHUHVWRIWKHKRVSLWDO many advanced features the hospital will have once the expansion is complete. He said, addi- tionally, the hospital will have a sterilization cen- ter, where hospital carts and gurneys will be au- tomatically sanitized. He said those tasks are cur- rently done by hand. The expansion also in- cludes a fan wall system, which now sits atop the surgical wing of the hospi- tal and provides all of the heating and air condition- ing for the facility, which can be controlled digitally. “It is a pretty cool unit,” Giles said. “It fea- tures 64 fan units, and it monitors the fresh air in- take to the hospital.” In the operating rooms, doctors and hospital staff will also have more than 350 extra square feet per operating room in which to work, as well as a place to store advanced robot- ics operating equipment. “This has been a long time coming,” Sanders said. “It is going to be re- ally nice.” Giles said the project should be complete and move-in ready by mid- June. “The hospital is mak- ing some great improve- ments and is updating to some fantastic equip- ment,” he said. MAEGAN MURRAY PHOTOS The new surgical suite is expected to be completed in June. Pictured, new patient rooms sit QHDUO\ÀQLVKHG Get Unlimited Everything. Plus $50 back. Switch to a Simple Connect Prepaid Plan for just $45/mo. with Unlimited Data, Talk and Text, including 1GB of high-speed data. Plus, for a limited time, get a $50 U.S. Cellular® Promotional Card to use toward the latest accessories or your next month of service. 7KHVXUJLFDOH[SDQVLRQDW*RRG6KHSKHUG0HGLFDO&HQWHU IHDWXUHVKLJKWHFKHTXLSPHQWLQFOXGLQJWKLVYDFXXPFRQWURO XQLWWKDWVHQVHVZKHQDSHUVRQFRPHVQHDUWKHGHYLFH &KULV*LOHVULJKWSURMHFWVXSHULQWHQGHQWIURP0F&RUPDFN &RQVWUXFWLRQ&RPSDQ\WDVNHGZLWKFRPSOHWLQJWKHVXUJLFDO H[SDQVLRQDW*RRG6KHSKHUG0HGLFDO&HQWHUWDONVZLWKFRP- PXQLW\PHPEHUVDQG.HOO\6DQGHUV*60&YLFHSUHVLGHQWRI KXPDQUHVRXUFHVVHFRQGIURPOHIWDERXWWKHLPSURYHPHQWV *60&·VVXUJLFDOZLQJZLOOKDYH You’re invited to a Medicare Birthday Party! If you are turning 65 in the next 6 months... 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