FEATURES SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 BIZ BY DAVE BLAZEK HERMISTONHERALD.COM • A15 POP CULTURE SHOCK THERAPY BY DOUG BRATTON SPECTICKLES BY BILL ABBOTT SALOME’S STARS HOROSCOPE R.F.D. BY MIKE MARLAND ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Disappointed about something that didn’t go your way? Cheer up. Look at the reasons it happened, and you could fi nd a valuable lesson about what to do (or not do!) the next time. AMBER WAVES BY DAVE T. PHIPPS TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) It’s a good time to do some reassessing of plans and goals -- even how you considered redoing your bathroom. Th e point is to be open to change if change can improve things. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Take some time to learn who is the right person (or persons) to approach and discuss your ideas with for your new project. Also, reserve time to prepare for an upcoming family event. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Dealing with a demanding situation, as you recently did, could drain much of your own emotional re- serves. Take time to relax and indulge yourself in some well-earned pampering. THE SPATS BY JEFF PICKERING LEO (July 23 to August 22) Th e regal Lion might feel that she or he is above emotional displays. But showing your feelings can be liberating for you, and reassuring for someone who has been waiting for you to do so. A WING & A PRAYER BY BILL ABBOTT VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) An emotionally needy person might make more demands than you can cope with. Best to ask for some breathing space NOW, before resentment sets in and makes communication diffi cult. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) An unexpected spate of mixed signals could cause serious schedule setbacks. Best to focus on straightening everything out as soon as possi- ble and get everyone back on track. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Be aware that someone in the workplace could try to use a disagreement with a colleague against you. If so, be prepared to off er your side of the story with the facts to back you up. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to De- cember 21) An unexpected challenge to a previous decision can be unsettling. But your reservoir of self-confi dence -- plus your loyal supporters -- should help carry the day for you. Good luck. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) While the idea of making some sort of major move in the near future continues to interest you, don’t overlook a new possibility that could be emerging closer to home. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Be careful not to base an upcoming decision on gossip or anything you might hear if it can’t meet provable standards. Th at’s true regard- less of whom the source might be. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) You might still need to do some solid reassessing early in the week before you can close that sensi- tive situation. A new job-related opportunity could present itself later in the week. BORN THIS WEEK: You are extraordinarily sensitive to people’s feelings, and you’re always ready to off er comfort if necessary. FLASHBACK BY MICK HARPER 1. Name the group that released “Dance Yourself Dizzy.” 2. Which one-name artist had a surprise hit with “Jean”? 3. Name the singer who released a 1962 cover of “Th e Th ings We Did Last Summer.” 4. What instrument did Junior Walker play? 5. Name the song that contains this lyric: “Now you play the loving woman, I’ll play the faith- ful man, But just don’t look too close into the palm of my hand, We stood at the altar, Th e gypsy swore our future was right.” POKEWEED BY DREW POCZA 5. “BRILLIANT DISGUISE,” BY BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN IN 1987. THE SONG TOUCHES ON SELF-DOUBT, ANXIETY AND JEALOUSY, WITH THE SINGER NOT TRUSTING EITHER HIS WIFE OR HIMSELF. IT HAS MADE MULTIPLE “BEST OF” LISTS. 4. THE SAXOPHONE. JUNIOR WALKER & THE ALL STARS SAW THEIR FIRST NO. 1 HIT WITH “SHOTGUN” IN 1965. SUDOKU 3. SHELLEY FABARES. THE SONG WAS ORIGINALLY RECORDED IN 1946 BY JO STAFFORD. FABARES HAD A LONG FILM CAREER, INCLUDING THREE MOVIES WITH ELVIS PRESLEY. 2. OLIVER. THE SONG WAS THE THEME FOR “THE PRIME OF MISS JEAN BRODIE,” A 1969 BRITISH FILM. OLIVER ALSO HAD A HIT WITH “GOOD MORNING STARSHINE,” FROM THE MUSICAL “HAIR.” 1. LIQUID GOLD, A U.K. DISCO GROUP, IN 1980. ANSWERS MAZE DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: 