SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2015 HERMISTONHERALD.COM • A3 COMMUNITY Artists who met in Hermiston return for display appreciative I am of Herm- iston and how they support- ed me as an artist and how proud I am that the arts com- munity is growing.” Dayton said she also par- ticipates in the annual art walk, which is now called BY SEAN HART the Hermiston Arts Festival, HERMISTON HERALD but she has never displayed After meeting at the Sat- her work at a library before. urday market in Hermiston, “I think it’s a wonderful two artists forged a friend- opportunity,” she said of the ship that eventually led to a library displaying artists’ joint display of their work work. “I think what (Li- at the Hermiston Public Li- brary Assistant Jodi Hansen brary. is) doing for the Hermiston Jewelry artist Tina Mur- community and the arts is phy and mixed-media artist a great thing. I think that Brandi Dayton, who both Hermiston needs more plac- now reside in Kennewick, es to show art, and I think met several years ago while for her to coordinate that displaying their work to and organize that is a won- shoppers in Hermiston. derful thing for artists that Throughout the month of are coming out in Hermiston February their work can be and a great thing for artists seen at the library. that are already established “Tina and I met at the to come back and support Hermiston farmers mar- Hermiston. I think that ket quite a few years ago,” Hermiston is a wonderful Dayton said. “We were both community, and I think the WKHUHRXU¿UVWWLPHWRJHWKHU arts are very important for a and now we’re good friends. community.” We’ve been friends ever As a mixed-media artist, since. We keep in contact do- Dayton uses different types ing shows together.” of paints and media, includ- Dayton lived in Hermis- ing acrylic and watercolor ton for several years before paint and vintage paper. She moving to Washington a cou- said she usually creates art ple years ago, and she still based on nature that is “very enjoys showing her work at colorful and bright and hap- the Hermiston market during py.” the summer. She said Herm- Dayton said she has been iston residents have helped selling art for the last 17 her accomplish her dream years, but she has always of becoming a professional been artistic. artist. “Since I was a little kid, “I just try to get involved I was always drawing and in as many of the Hermis- sketching pictures out of ton art events as possible,” magazines or anything I she said. “I think the biggest could get ahold of,” she said. thing that I would say is how “I paint because it’s my pas- February library display features art and jewelry sion. I love art history. I love everything about art. I love design and color.” Murphy has also had a lifelong interest in her art: creating jewelry using rare rocks and gems. “I’ve always loved rocks and gems, and I’ve always gone to gem and mineral shows since I was a kid,” she said. “When you would have a book club in elemen- tary school, they would have a fossil kit and a gem stone kit that I would get. I’ve been into rocks and gems my whole life, and I’ve always said I wanted to be a silver- smith when I grow up.” Murphy said she and her husband cut and polish the stones, and then she wraps them in sterling silver to cre- ate a wearable piece of art. “A lot of people do wire wrapping and it covers up the stone, and I hear the com- ment, ‘Oh, you really show the stone off’ because that’s the star of the show,” she said. “I never have a design in mind ahead of time. I look at the stone, and it just comes to mind what it needs to be. I have drawn out some things, but, for the most part, the stone and the colors inspire me when I see them.” Murphy started work- ing full time as an industrial hygiene technician at Han- ford 15 years ago, and the well-paying job allowed her to begin her expensive hob- by making jewelry. Murphy said she was happy to display her work in Hermiston and remembers meeting Dayton at the mar- ket here. “We were next to each SEAN HART PHOTO Jewelry artist Tina Murphy shows a piece she created that is on display at the Hermiston Public Library this month. SUBMITTED PHOTO Artist Brandi Dayton is one of two artists whose work is on display this month at the Hermiston Public Library. other and loved each oth- er’s things and traded art for jewelry,” she said. “We still do that. My whole house is full of Brandi’s art- work. We do a lot of shows together. We’re a great mix. We complement each other really well.” SUBMITTED PHOTO Former Hermiston resident Brandi Dayton created this painting and has several pieces on display at the library in Hermiston. $UHDURERWLFVWHDPVDGYDQFHWRGLVWULFWVXSHUTXDOL¿HUVLQ+LOOVERUR when developing their ro- the competition has helped bot. KHUWHDPEXLOGFRQ¿GHQFH Team Robo Vikings “This experience has After spending months from CBMS will also been very fun,” she said. GUDZLQJUH¿QLQJWLQNHULQJ compete at the district su- “I will never forget, in our and building robots that can SHUTXDOL¿HUVIRUEHLQJWKH ¿UVW FRPSHWLWLRQ PDNLQJ maneuver by themselves next highest ranked team it into third place. It was and pick up objects to score that hadn’t yet received an special because we didn’t points, several area FIRST award. know what we were doing tech challenge robotics Overall, the teams felt as a beginner team. It gave teams have advanced to the they competed well and XV KXJH DPRXQW RI FRQ¿- next level of competition: are looking forward to the dence.” GLVWULFWVXSHUTXDOL¿HUV next level of competition. If the teams do well at Eight teams from Stan- “I feel (extremely) hap- WKH VXSHU TXDOL¿HUV WKH\ ¿HOG 8PDWLOOD 3HQGOHWRQ py because I didn’t think will advance to the state and Helix will compete in we would make it,” Robo championships, March WKH GLVWULFW VXSHU TXDOL¿HUV Vikings team member 7-8 at Benson Polytechnic Feb. 21-22 in Hillsboro and Mark Quinonez said. High School in Portland, at the Evergreen Aviation Smarties team member where they will compete and Space Museum in Mc- Andrea Hernandez said for the chance to advance Minnville. 'XULQJ WKH ¿QDO DUHD championships last month, WKUHH WHDPV IURP 8PDWLO- la performed well. Team Nerdy Girls, an all-female team from Clara Brownell Middle School, was hon- ored with the Innovate Award, given to a team that • Vapor Shop works outside the box and 541-667-4184 • Accessories makes their robot design Mon-Fri 10am-6pm • Sat 10am-5pm come to life. 1055 S. Hwy 395, Ste. 333 • Hermiston, OR 97838 “It’s amazing,” Nerdy Girls team member Mar- lene Jimenez said after competing. “We are glad to 36TH ANNUAL show that girls can do all of HERMISTON SPORTS BOOSTERS the same things boys can do. I hope we can inspire other girls to give engineer- Saturday, March 7th • 5:30pm ing and building a try.” Auction starts at 7:00pm Team Smarties, also from CBMS, will also com- Hermiston Community Center SHWH DW VXSHU TXDOL¿HUV DV For table reservations, part of a winning alliance call Paul 541-701-4518 or for with Grizwald High School more info., call Joe 541-567-5811 in Helix. $ Everyone 21 years & over welcome. Team Tiger Tech from on per pers All proceeds will assist Hermiston High 6WDQ¿HOG6HFRQGDU\6FKRRO School boys and girl athletic programs. was honored with the PTC This ad generously donated by Design Award, which hon- ors a team that incorporated ROGERS TOYOTA OF HERMISTON a proud community supporter industrial design and com- puter-aided design software HERMISTONSPORTSBOOSTERS . COM BY MAEGAN MURRAY HERMISTON HERALD to the super regionals competition in Oakland, California, March 27-28, followed by the world championships in St. Lou- is, Missouri. Last year, a team from Hermiston High School made it to the super re- gionals competition and hopes to repeat that suc- cess again this year. The WHDPKDVDOUHDG\TXDOL¿HG for the state competition this year because they vol- unteered to host each of the local tournaments at Armand Larive. MSRP: $32,215 STK# 15T178 MSRP: $34,220 STK# 14T341 STEAK FEED & AUCTION MSRP: $27,840 STK# 15T027 40 *MUST FINANCE WITH TOYOTA FINANCIAL SERVICES. 2.99% FINANCING FOR 72 MONTHS, PLUS TTD, ON APPROVED CREDIT. MSRP: $20,670. STK# 15T013 MSRP: $25,250 STK# 15T032 CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT CLASS Oregon - Utah - Valid 35 States PENDLETON Red Lion - 304 SE Nye Ave. February 18 th • 1:00 pm or 6:00 pm Walk-Ins Welcome! OR/Utah: (Valid in WA) $80.00 or Oregon only: $45 • 360-921-2071 *MUST FINANCE WITH TOYOTA FINANCIAL SERVICES. 2.99% FINANCING FOR 72 MONTHS, PLUS TTD, ON APPROVED CREDIT. MSRP: $21,080. STK# 14T538 ALL OFFERS EXPIRE 03-02-15. ON APPROVED CREDIT. ALL PRICES PLUS APPLICABLE TITLE, REGISTRATION AND $75 DEALER DOCUMENTATION FEE. VEHICLES SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. PRICES REFLECT CUSTOMER CASH OR LEASE REBATES BOTH PROVIDED BY TOYOTA FINANCIAL SERVICES, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE COLLEGE REBATE OR MILITARY REBATE. SEE DEALER FOR MORE DETAILS.