PAGE THREW HERMISTON HERALD HERMISTON. OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1945. is the doctrine cf Christian and daughter Jean McKenzie, and being paid by revenue from the Ion the school lawn Friday after- passed away. Glenn Ostrom spent Monday in two state income taxes, personal I noon. Exhibits from craft classes A farewell potluck dinner will Science: that divine Love cannot Pendleton. and corporate. Umatilla county were shown. The P-T-A furnished be given for the Lilleys Thursday be deprived of its manifestation, Medical Cops— Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warnstrom will receive $366,390 from these ice cream and the teachers gave a evening at the Grange hall. or object; that joy cannot be Capt. Bonniwell is improving at and daughters spent Sunday vis­ sources during the coming 1945- show "Sooky” for entertainment Jack Rinehart has been spand- McCaw hospital. He received a ing several days in Portland with turned into sorrow, for sorrow iting his parents in Pendleton. 46 school year, while the state to­ in the afternoon. A large crowd is not the master of joy; that good leg injury playing softball. Older friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bullard tal is roughly $13,000,000 of in­ attended. men, "Beware!” Word was received last week Audree Wilson left Wednesday can never produce evil; that mat­ and children left Tuesday for a come tax revenue based on the The air conditioning system in by bus for Portland to spend the ter can never produce mind nor vacation visiting his mother in 1944-45 figures. This amount of through the Red Cross that Lt. the hospital works fine and the life result in death. The perfect Portland. income tax proceeds goes to pub­ Ralph Skoubo and Jack Miles, hospital staff dread returning to summer. Mrs. Lucy French of Grants man—governed by God, his per­ Mrs. Mary Wurster left Tuesday lic schools throughout Oregon both prisoners of war in Germany their homes on "off-shift hours.” Pass and Mrs. Neeley Burkitt of fect Principle — is sinless and for a few days visiting at the Bill partly as result of laws enacted have been liberated from the Ger­ Miss Oda Moore will be return­ Portland have been guests of the eternal.” (p. 304). mans. No word has been received by the 1945 state legislature. Roberts home in Walla Walla. ing to her apartment at Ordnance A. E. McFarland home the past personally by the boys parents, Mrs. June Goings and daughters in a few days, as well as ever. Her week. Mr. and Mrs. I. Skoubo and Mr. left Monday for Grants Pass mother, Mrs. John Morre from and Mrs. Frank Miles. Dagmar Skoubo accompanied where they will make their future Aplin, Arkansas, will spend sev­ her parents home Friday night. home. By Mrt. Glmn Ostrom CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Fransces Skoubo participated in eral weeks with her twin daugh­ Dagmar has been residing with Mrs. Merle Martin and daugh­ the McDonald school of music re­ ters and Mrs. Hyla Kensler. Christian Science services will Bishop and Mrs. Remington the ter Susan left Sunday to visit a Tax Apportionment Increased cital in Pendleton Monday night be held at the Legion hall Sunday Mrs. Erma Bennett is now a past school year. few days in Portland with friends. at the Vert club room. Almost one-half of the cost of nurses aide at the Station hospital. at 11:00 a. m. Miss Dorothy Roach returned Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKenzie public schools in Oregon is now A community picnic was held Magazine Area— The public is cordially invited. home Sunday after attending The Magazine Area Men’s Soft- school in Berlington, Washington ball team defeated the Adminis­ | while living with her aunt. trative Area Men’s Team by a The deadline for Skoubo a- To the People score of 11-6 in a game played a sparagus will be June 5th when | week last Wednesday. they will quit cutting. of this Community Kathleen Poulson and Opal Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen Even if the war ended this Wilson are new employees of the went to Tacoma to attend gradu ' very moment you still would be Magazine Area Office. ation exercises of their son, Clay­ doing the best thing for yourself "My, oh my-Wish someone ton. and your family by investing would get promoted every day.” the biggest Richard and Jackie Mulligan amount in That candy was really good ‘Stew’ accompanied their grandmother to War Bonds to- and Lucille. Portland this week where they day you have Russell McCoy has been on sick plan to spend the summer. ever saved leave, and you should see his mus­ A copy of a letter from Ralph for future t ai tache. spending. 1 Skoubo received by his parents ! ■ Alice Frosh and Captain Miller Tuesday and written May 19th. From a strictly self­ both had birthdays on May 25th. Have been moved from Barth interest view­ Alice is the rips old age of 21 and Germany and am in France near point you can­ Capt. Miller is spry at ? ? ? La Havre, which is our staging WAR LOAN not afford to Sarah Ross and Olga Hicks area prior to going home. We left fritter away were on sick list week ago. war wages in a market of scarce Barth via B-17’s and went over goods. New autos, new homes, The Mag Area Girls’ Softball Rostock, Hamburg, and various new appliances, new radios, will team defeated the West Area Girls other famous targets. It was really not be coming off production team Monday night by a score of a sight. Guess they are processing lines instantly the last shot is 25-19. them fast as possible and we will fired by one of your tired rela­ Alice, who was the nice looking have to wait our turn to get home tives or friends. War Bonds will Lt. you were with Friday night? which I have hopes of being with­ make wonderful peace-time am­ munition when they mature $4 Captain Miller, what on earth in the next two weeks. Haven’t for every $3 you store away now. were those aspirins doing on your been staged but have promises. P. S. Just to bring you out of desk ? We have been laying around that postwar dream, take an­ What was Charlotte Nelson knocking ourselves out, eating other look at the headlines. ) doing at the time clock at 6.30 good army chow, running through There’s still a war on. You and Saturday morning? We know you the Red Cross lines for eggnogg, your money are needed to beat ... to the rescue of "picnic pack­ the Japs. The bonds you buy to­ like to get up early but why Sat- and going to every show, and U ing" mamas, with hosts of sugges­ day are WAR bonds. There'll be urday. tions. easy-to-serve foods, and pri­ S O that we can find. We are try­ time 10 years hence for you to West Area— ces that are definitely easy on the ing to make up for lost time. Met think of them as PEACE BONPS. Hazel Bosquet visited relatives Avery my x-copilot, also all my family budget. Enjoy life—go on and friends in La Grande Satur­ crew, just like home week. Even a picnic. Save money—shop at day and Sunday. STONE’S! several of my cadet class mates. If we see Norma Getchell blos­ Tell Ed to arrange a leave if at all soming out in a new bonnet, we’ll possible. Give everyone my re­ know where she got the idea, eh, gards, love Ralph. Snowflake Crackers Norma? Good with any summer CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES beverage. Lipton's individual bags—it’s delicious hot or cold—relaxing and economical. U.O.D^NEWS UMATILLA NEWS BOARDMAN NEWS Stone's BOARDMAN NEWS «(IOD the Only Cause and Cre- U ator” was the subject of the By Frances Skoubo Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Telegrams from Secretary of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, June War were received concerning 10. Jack Miles and Ralph Skoubo by The Golden Text was, “Thou their parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miles and Mr. and Mrs. I. Skoubo art worthy, O Lord, to receive this week stating that the boys glory and honour and power: for were now under military control. thou hast created 'all things, and Letters were also received from for thy pleasure they are and the boys who were at that time were created.” (Rev. 4:11). in France. Among the citations which com­ Helen Ekker, former resident | prised the Lesson-Sermon was of Boardman visited friends on | the following from the Bible; the project en route to San Fran­ “For, behold, I create new cisco. Miss Doris Wilson now em­ heavens and a new earth: and the ployed by the REA moved to former shall not be remembered, Hermiston Sunday. nor come into mind. But be ye Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Skoubo glad and rejoice for ever in that and children Erna. Gunnar and which I create: for, behold, I cre­ Leo, Helen Ekker, Elizabeth Trar- ate Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her baugh and Frances Skoubo at­ people a joy.” (Isa. 65: 17,18). tended Commenecement exercises The Lesson-Sermon also in­ at the Vert Auditorium in Pendle­ ton Friday night. Dagmar Skoubo | cluded the following correlative being a member of the Senior passages from the Christian graduating class. Science textbook, “Science and Mr. and Mrs. Wm Lilly and Health with Key to the Script­ sons, Mr. and Mrs. I. Skoubo and ures” by Mary Baker Eddy: “This Fransces were dinner guests at the R. S. Wilson home Wednes­ day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Black have moved into the Burger apartment across from the post office, vacated by the Chas. Fai-1 coner family. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen have moved into their home vacated by the Blacks. Sherran and Larry Watts left for Union, Oregon Saturday to spend several weeks with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Lilly motored to LaGrande Friday after receiving word that Mr. Lilly's sister had I Wanted! Hop Yard Workers Harry Kessler Phone Hermiston 3603 after 5:00 P. M. 2-lb. box .33 Ivory Soap Good for the baby’s skin, too. Bar, 3 for .29 Camay Toilet Soap Soap of beautiful women. Cake, 3 for .19 Ivory Soap As fine as soap can be. Cake .06 Palmolive Toilet Soap Helps keep that schoolgirl complexion. Bath Cake, 2 for .19 Peet's Granulated Lyon’s finest for making flavorful drinks and cool, refreshing punches of all kinds. Palmdale large, ripe, pitted olives—easy to eat as the pits have been removed. Silken bags are a must for every picnic—keep foods fresh and from drying out. Ideal for salads or any other occasion—good, also, with summertime beverages Lux Toilet Soap Swan Soap For washing or bath. Pkg. .26 Approved by Good House­ keeping Bureau. Cake .06 Cake, 3 for .19 i E T T U C E Hermiston, Oregon Mild, yet gives that extra clean feeling. Cake, 3 for .19 2 hds. .IS 3 6 lbs. .33 $ REUJ POTATOES California - Large White Shatters - Grade A D EIII PERS 2 lbs. 29s TOMATOES 2 lbs. .39 2 bu. .IS New crop, crisp and full of vitamins. FRESH VEGETABLES ARE PLENTIFUL—ROUND OUT YOUR MEALS BY SERVING MORE VEGETABLE DISHES AND SALADS. .22 .28 .23 .18 .22 .15 .08 PERRR MATCHES cin. of 10 .10 The handy, pocket-size package. LIBBY TOMATO JUICE (10 points) ................... 46-oz. PHILLIPS ORANGE JUICE ............................... 46-oz. OLD SOUTH GRAPEFRUIT JUICE (20 points) 46-oz. GOLD INN SPINACH (10 points) ............................ 18-oz. Old Yellowstone GOLDEN CORN (20 points) 20-os. DENNISON’S CHILI WITH BEANS (2 points) 15%-oz. HUNT'S WHOLE APRICOTS (30 points) ............... 30-os. tin tin tin tin tin tin tin 10 points ;> LAMB RIB CHOPS............................ 7 Points lb. .37 $ LAMB STEW.......................................... lb. .18 1 Point LEG LAMB............................................. lb. .35 7 Points OVRIiTIRE......... 14-oz. gl. .61 OXO BOUILLON CUBES ................................................ 10's PISMO SEA CLAMS ............................................... 712-oz. tin DUDE RANCH SYRUP .............................................. 32-oz. gl. CINCH CORN BREAD MIX .................................. 16-oz. pkg. NEW WEST APPLE JUICE ......................................... 32-oz. gl. BRODER S PUMPKIN ............................................... 28-os. tin HUNT'S HOT SAUCE ................ .................................. I-os. tin LAMB LOIN CHOPS............................. lb. .39 $ POTATO SALAD.................................. lb. .30 Plain or chocolate, costs so little yet is so good to drink, and economical, too. Brierley’s Variety Store Pkg. .23 Walla Walla, fresh cut, large solid heads - Make more salads! CARROTS • Made especially for washing clothes. Lifebuoy Toilet Soap hesh Seasonal Zzits Large firm slicers. Father's Day Cardasse & 10c Socks - Ties • Shaving Bowls and Other Gifts. Super Suds An economical washing machine soap. Fresh picked, sweet full pods. Sunday, June 17 TEH BAGS.................. IB’s .18 GRENADINE ... 24-az. boL .55 RIPE OLIVES............. pint .37 SHRDIUICH BAGS .... 100 .23 RI-RO CRACKERS . l-lb. box .20 .24 .43 .27 .13 .13 .21 .31 < • No Points PRESSED HAM.................................... lb. .50 8 points $ VEAL LOAF............................................ lb .35 4 Points $ ____ SKINLESS WIENERS............................. lb. .37 6 Points s All Prices and Points Subject to Changa with the Markat.