NEWS The Hermiston Imagine the housewives in the sur­ rounding country were very, very busy Monday and Tuesday cleaning out the sand from the storm Sunday. Any­ way, we have to expect those things VOLUME XXX VII every so often. Guess at that we’re lucky. Some of the new housing pro­ jects are knee deep in mud. It’s a matter of opinion and taste. Which do you prefer? /etald OFFICIAL UMATILLA COUNTY PAPER HERMISTON, FOUR-H FAIR TO INCOME AND VICTORY TAX FILINGS MUST BE The new cafeteria should be opened MADE BY SEPT. IS this week or next. According to Mr. UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SEPT. 2. 1943. PVT. LINDNER IS TIE BALL GAME HOME ON VISIT PLAYED SUNDAY ----- ON LOCAL FIELD A Hermiston youth who has seen ’ NUMBER 3 SCHOOLS TO OPEN HEBE NEXT TUESDAY; considerable war area since he enlist- ---- The annual Umatilla county Four- ed December 11, 1942, is Pvt. Bill The first tie ball game in many H fair will be held in Hermiston Sat­ Lindner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lamber, who is manager of the res- I years was played on the local diamond urday, September 25. The date was Lindner. taurant at the Depot now, the new Pvt. Lindner is home on a Sunday afternoon when the Pendleton set last Friday night at a meeting of month’s furlough following many place will be a regular cafeteria. No airbase and Hermiston tangled in a the fair board in the office of the as­ months of active war work. He has freak contest. Although the visitors more dinners and lunches but just sistant county agent, Frank Hackler, been in Ireland, England, Australia left with an impression that they had the regular “help yourself” style with Also present was Mrs. Myrtle Carter, and other war zones. orders running much cheaper. The won the contest 9-8, a late decision in­ Guy T. Helvering. Commissioner of home demonstration agent, of Pendle­ During a short talk before the Her­ dicated that the real score was 8-8. walk to where the Cafe is now should The Hermiston schools will open the ton. miston Rotary club Thursday, Bill be good for a lot of us but we all agree Internal Revenue, recently announced current session Tuesday, September 7. It all happened this way — The Due to the busy war times, it was stated that on his return trip to the score was tied at 8-all in the last half All school buildings have been thor­ that we’ll be much happier when the that forms and printed instructions voted at the meeting to curtail this United States he acted as a prisoner of the seventh inning. The umpires oughly renovated. Custodians have new building is occupied and running for the filing of estimated income and Victory tax declarations on or before year’s show to one day instead of the guard. He told about a visit to Lon­ had ruled that it would be the last in- been slinging a paint brush with con­ “full blast”. next September 15, as required by the usual two. It was thought that bet- don where he saw some of the dam- ning due to rainfall. There were two siderable abandon all during the sum­ new Current Tax Payment Act, are ter cooperation would be available age done there. He also visited his- outs but a Pendleton player reached mer. Floors and walls gleam with a Miss Marian Gaines, who is in now being distributed to individual with this arrangement. Prizes will toric points of interest. first base on an error. The next bat­ new coat of paint and varnish. Con­ charge of the Bond Department at taxpayers by the Collectors of Inter­ be generally higher than last year ter connected for a line drive which siderable repairs and improvements Ordnance, was married to Vernon with the same number of divisions as nal Revenue. apparently went for a home run. scor­ have been added to the shop building Bye at Vancouver, Wash., on Thurs­ heretofore. Filing of the declarations will be ing the runner ahead of him. In his and additional lockers have been day, August 26th. Mr. Bye is fore­ Final arrangements for the fair will the second major step under the Cur­ haste, however, the hitter failed to placed in the high school. man of the electrical division of the be made soon. Judges and superin ­ rent Tax Payment Act in converting A full corps of teachers is under touch first base. Max Kuney Construction company, the Federal individual income tax tendents are now being appointed and contract and unless enrollment con- When the ball was relayed back to which is a large construction company Word was received in Hermiston frim the old delayed payment method will be announced next week. Mr. siderably exceeds estimates the school the infield the runner was declared working out of Portland. Marian says Hackler will be in general charge of today (Thursday) of the death of to a “pay-as-you-go” basis. The first will begin with an adequate supply of she’ll probably be leading a gypsy’s Mrs. Thos. Campbell of Ontario. The out at first. The general feeling was step was the inauguration July 1 of the show. that the runner that crossed home teachers. There will be teachers’ life as her husband moves quite fre­ tentative funeral arrangements have the new withholding plan, under which meetings held Monday, September 6th. quently. Our best wishes to Mr. and been set for Monday at the Portland plate ahead of the home run had scor­ the Victory tax. normal income tax ed a run. However, it was ruled lat­ The elementary teachers’ meeting will Mrs. Bye. Crematorium. and first bracket surtax are paid by be at 10:30 a. m. and the high school Mrs. Campbell, whose husband er that no run can be scored on a third milliins of persons through deductions out when a batsman fails to reach teachers’ meeting at 1:30 in the af­ The UOD Employees Association passed away about four years ago, from their wages and salaries. , ternoon. At this meeting the general first base safely. will hold another picnic Sunday, Sep­ Harry Kessler, foreman at the was one of the early settlers of this The purpose of the declarations is policy of the school will be discussed Wildcat Henry was on the mound tember 12th, at 2 p. m., at the park in to make current in their tax payments | Williams & Hart hop ranch east of project. Her son. John W. Campbell, for the locals and got along nicely af­ and specific assignments made to the Hermiston. The last one was well at­ all those individuals whose income and Hermiston, stated Wednesday night passed away Friday, August 20, in ter the first inning when the soldiers faculty members. tended but the weather prevented a Victory tax liability will not be fully that he would need quite a number Portland. She is survived by one scored seven runs before being retir- On Tuesday all elementary students few of the more conservative ones covered by collections through with­ more pickers to be able to harvest the daughter Mrs. M. D. Scroggs of On­ ed. will report to the elementary school from getting out. This time the food crop in a proper manner. Mr. Kess­ tario, and one son. Thomas Campbell holding and ether credits. for registration. High school students is to be prepared and served by Mr. Experts of the Bureau of Internal ler stated that he is paying the high­ Jr., New York City. have been registering all of the past Lambert of the UOD restaurant. Mrs. Campbell is well known among Revenue have greatly simplified for est price in many years for picking, week, but a number are working and There will be someone at the picnic to ! , - -------- old timers in Hermiston, having lived the average taxpayer the task of fil- 4c per pound with Vic bonus. could not get into register so these take your August membership dues. ing the declarations. A truck comes to town every morn­ here for many years. Since the death students will be registered Tuesday. As usual, your membership card will A form and set of instructions for ing at 7:00 to provide free transpor­ of her husband, she has lived with her Books will be issued and class as­ be your admission. Be sure and come. The past week has seemed more like signments made the first day. In the use in estimating the tax on incomes tation for pickers. It returns home at relatives in Portland and Ontario. Her Let’s see if we can’t make this one up to $10,000 rival for simplicity, rev­ 5:30. The truck stops first at the death came as a result of a sudden the approach of fall than late August elementary schools book deposits are grand affair as the days are getting weather. The hottest day of the past required. In grades 1, 2 and 3 the enue officials pointed out, the fami­ Texaco station east of town, goes heart attack. shorter and cooler, and picnic weath­ week was last Saturday when the deposit is 50c, grades 4 and 5, '75c, liar “five minute income tax return” south to the next intersection, thence er is about a thing of the past. We’ll thermometer hit 95. On Sunday it grades 6, 7 and 8, $1.25. These de­ which made its debut in 1942. The west to Pendleton highway, north to see you there. hay day dnz was —ag posits are returned at the end of the reached 92 but every other computations and entries which this Gladys Avenue, thence west again to in the low 80’s. Some old time resi- year if books are returned showing simplified declaration method re- the Tum-A-Lum and then to the Shell Miss Betty Baltrusch has been quires should be matters of about five Service station at the west end of dents were heard to say, “This sum- evidence of normal usage. The high transferred to Hamilton Field, Cal. minutes for a large portion of the tax­ Main street. Pickers who wish to ride Echo, the winner of the second half, mer has been the coolest I can remem- school does not furnish text books, but Betty, as you all know, is the little payers by whom declarations will the truck can stop it at any point will play the Ordnance baseball team, ber.” the associated students have a supply gal who was head of Mail and Record. have to be submitted, the officials along this line. A large sign is post­ winner of the first half, Sunday af­ The readings follow: of text books which are rented at the Mrs. Grace Thomas is to take Betty’s said. For those who desire to make ed on the truck for identification. Max. Min. rate of 40c per book. Students may Date ternoon on the local diamond to decide place.. Good luck to you both. 49 . 80 August 25 the championship of this year’s base­ a more precise computation, or who either buy or rent their high school 55 84 August 26 ball league. This will be the last have an income of more than $10,000, text books. 83 53 Speaking of sand and dust, Casey, detailed worksheets may be secured August 27 league contest of the year. _ Residents ________Ordnance will find the of 58 95 August 28 head if Time and Payroll (Mrs. Don It is thought that a picked team will (Continued on Last Page) buses in front of the Commercial 53 92 August 29 Case to you), and her mother return­ go to Walla Walla Sunday, Septem­ building. The buses will leave Ord­ 55 80 ed from Portland Monday evening. nance at 7:30 a. m. and will leave The Project Farm Bureau will hold ber 12, to tangle with the prison team ■ August 30 58 84 August 31 They had stopped and purchased a Hermiston every day but the first its regular monthly meeting Friday, of that city. watermelon on the way home and nat­ day, at 3:10 p. m. On the first day, September 10, at the Columbia park urally ate it when they arrived at after completing distribution of books, hall. There will be a pot luck supper Ordnance. Casey’s mother was just registration and other preliminary served at 7:30. Aviation Cadet Tom Fraser, son of that disgusted that she sat on the matters, school will be dismissed at A program for the meeting will be Mrs. Margaret Fraser of Hermiston, davenport and threw the seeds on the about 12:00 o’clock and buses will re­ announced next week. floor. What’s a little more dirt, said has recently graduated from a Pre­ Chas. Hodge, owner of the Hermis- turn students to their homes some A notice to the Herald office from Flight School at Santa Ana, Calif., Mre. Jordan Is Contributor she? the Collector of Internal Revenue in ton Auto Co., this week completed ar­ time between 12:00 and 1:00 o’clock. with high grades. He has now been Stanford University, Calif.—Chan­ Portland stated that although no con­ rangements whereby he obtains the Beginning Wednesday the regular bus transferred ‘ Visalia. Calif., for fur­ According to Mr, Bliss’ office, the cellor Ray Lyman Wilbur announced sultant would be in Hermiston, a dep­ former Sterr grocery building west of schedule will be enforced. ther training. Aviation Cadet Fraser recently that Stanford University had uty collector will be in Pendleton un­ the tracks. Mr- Hodge plans to use new store at Ordnance will open to- has been classified as a pilot and is the building for display of cars when morrow. that is, the grocery depart­ received one million dollars in gifts til September 15 inclusive. taking training in that field. ment. The meat market will be open­ during the fiscal year ending August Taxpayers will be assisted in the they again come on the market. Although the training period has For the present he has leased the 31, 1943. Among the contributors was filing of Declarations of Estimated ed to the public in the very near fu­ been quite rigid and exacting, Avia­ Mrs. Lambert W. Jordan of Hermis­ Income and Victory Tax for the cal­ building to Interstate Homes Inc. for ture. As yet the drug store, beauty tion Cadet Fraser is thriving on the use during the construction of 40 new ton. endar year 1943, on Form 1040ES. parlor, etc., have not been let. Mr. As is usually the case when a writer work and states that he greatly en- houses in Hermiston. Foster of Pendleton will have the gro­ attempts to name a specified group, a joys the training opportunities. cery and meat departments. The number of names were left off the building is lovely and when every­ proposed Hermiston bomber crew in thing gets going we should have a last week’s issue. Included in this group were Fred Hensel, Elbert “Eg" grand store. Moore, John Dunning, Ralph Marble. L. L. Boynton, formerly of Hermis­ Bernard Jendrzejewski, Tommy Lot­ The recreation hall at Ordnance is Funeral services for Earl E. Shaw ton, has opened a “Fixit Shop” at the speich. Phil Emert and still possibly to open Wednesday, September 1. A were held Sunday at the Presbyter­ Harry Kelly farm, phone Hermiston more. show is being held there tomorrow ian church in Stanfield with Rev. C. 2452. Mr. Boynton, who has had If the list incrases a few more, it night. Won’t be long until the little Warner in charge. Burial was in the many years of experience in this line, will be possible to man several bomb­ town of Ordnance is really on the Echo cemetery. will do cabinet work, fixing and re­ ers with Hermiston boys. map- Mr. Shaw was born in Nebraska in modeling furniture and other small 1883 and passed away in The Dalles jobs. a letter The following is from Wednesday, August 25. Mr. Shaw Mr. Boynton states that he will from W. G. Kersbergen, superintend­ made his home in Umatilla for many make estimates on any kind of a job. ent of Hermiston High School and years, having been employed as a will be of interest to those having switchman by the Union Pacific rail­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bellinger and Mr. children starting to school September road at that point for 35 years. He and Mrs. G. E. Sturm were admitted moved to The Dalles about a year ago 7 and living in Ordnance: to membership of the Westland School buses will appear in front of where he was employed by the same Grange at its last meeting Friday, the store building at Ordnance Tues­ company. He was a member of the Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kowitz have August 27. The greater portion of day morning, September 7. These Masonic lodge for many years. sold their 40 A. farm south of Her- the evening was taken up by planning Mr. Shaw is survived by his widow buses will leave Ordnance at 7:50 a. miston to Mr. and Mrs. John Ford for the entertainment of Pomona m. and will leave Hermiston at 3:10 and three children: Mary Jane Jack- i who have recently disposed of their Grange which will be held at West­ p. m. The first day this routine will son of The Dalles, Laura Karneth of ranch four miles north of town, The land Thursday, September 9. be varied in that buses will leave Her­ The Dalles and Darwin Shaw, a mem­ Sunday a number of Grangers built transaction was a cash deal, accord- miston at some time between 12:00 ber of the armed forces in the South ing to Mr. Kowitz. Mr. and Mrs. a number of cupboards, varnished and 100 o’clock, but beginning Wed­ Pacific: also four sisters, Mrs. C. M. I Ford stated this week that their new woodwork and generally renovated nesday. September 8, a regular sched­ Berry, Hermiston, Mrs. Roy Attebu- home was one of the finest on the the hall. The H.E.C. will hold an ule will prevail. These buses make ry, Hermiston, Mrs. Ed Reimon, The all-day meeting Tuesday, September project. two runs and that accounts for the Dalles, and Mrs. Edna Shaughnessy, Mr. and Mrs. Kowitz and daughter 7, at the hall. early appearance at the depot. It was Seattle, Wash; two brothers, Dick plan to locate in the Willamette val­ thought that, considering your shift of Union, Ore., and Prior of Antioch, Mine Luehre Vivile Here ley somewhere south of Oregon City. schedule, this would fit better than Calif. Miss Constance Luehrs, who has the later trip. taught in the local schools for the past Defective Invulator Trouble» Children in grades 1. 2 and 3 will Two short “blackouts” were exper­ 21 years but is now with the Amer­ report at a place designated by Ord­ ienced in Hermiston and surrounding ican Red Cross at March Field, Calif., nance as the one at which primary territory Sunday evening. Upon in­ visited Wednesday and Thursday in school will be maintained. These child­ vestigation it was discovered that a Hermiston with friends. Miss Luehrs ren will report so that classes may be- Word has been received by local faulty insulator had shorted in the stated that her brother, Jack, who was gin at 9:00 a. m. They will be dis- friends from Gene Lear, former as­ pole, causing the trouble. It was nec­ reported lost in action some months missed at 3:00 p. m. There will be sistant county agent here, that he has essary to “throw” the switch in order ago, has returned home safely. She one hour at noon from 12:00 to 1:00. purchased a home in Redmond where is connected with recreational work to make the repairs. Children may return to their homes he is now county agent for Deschutes at March Field. for lunch or bring it to the school. county. He expects to come to Her- Cobitabia HEC To Meet Teachers will be on duty during the miston this week end to move his New Coach Arrive» Here The Home Economics club of the noon hour. Frank Davison, recently of Mon- family to Redmond. Columbia grange will meet at the Primary children will be dismissed Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hackler, who home of Mrs. Inez Conrad Friday, tana, arrived Thursday preparatory on the first day of school at 12 noon. have been transferred to Hermiston Sept. 3. An interesting time is be­ to assuming the duties as physical ed- lar schedule will be observed from Prineville, will live in the house ing planned for the members. All are ucation instructor at the high school with the start of the new fall term. invited to bp present. MANY ENROLLING TAX BLANKS ARE BUTDINGS ARE IN FINE SHAPE MRS. CAMPBEI PASSES AWAY PICKERS NEEDED FOR HOP HARVEST FALL WEATHER PREVAILS HERE ORDNANCE AND ECHO TO PLAY r PROJECT FARM TO HOLD MEETING TOM FRASER ENDS PRE-FLIGHT WORK FUNERAL RITES TAX CONSULTANT HODGE OBTAINS TO BE AVAILABLE STEHR BUILDING I This Soldier May Be Your Boy CARPENTRY SHOP OPENED HERE PLANS MADE FOR POMONA GRANGE FORDS PURCHASE KOWITZ PLACE LEAR BUTS HOME IN NEW LOCATION