atilla County, Oregon, by virtue of an order duly made and entered herein by the County Court of Umatilla County. Oregon, on the 10th day of September, 1941, will, on the 21st day of October, 1941, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the Umatilla County Court House. Pendleton. Oregon, subject to a minimum price of $25.00 therefor, I to be paid in cash, at the time of sale: the following described parcel of land, heretofore by Umatilla County, Ore­ | gon acquired for delinquent taxes, to- 1 wit: NH NW SW NE. Section 32. Township 5, North Range 29, E.W.M. R. E. GOAD, Sheriff of Umatilla County. Sept. 18-Oct. 16 0 LAND SALE NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned. Sheriff of Um­ atilla County, Oregon, by virtue of an order duly made and entered herein by the County Court of Umatilla County, Oregon, on the 27th day of September, 1941, will, on the 5th day of November, 1941, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the Umatilla County Court House, Pendleton, Oregon, subject to a minimum price of $60.00 therefor, to be paid in cash, at the time of sale: the following described parcel of land, heretofore by Umatilla County, Ore­ gon, acquired for delinquent taxes, to-wit: Lots 4, 5. and 6, Block 13, Hermis­ ton in NE SE, Section 10, Township 4, North Range 28, E.W.M. R E. GOAD, Sheriff of Umatilla County. -Oct. 2-30 CAMS o j) C PRINTED WITH YOUR NAME NOTICE OF LAND SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned, Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon, by virtue of an order duly made and entered herein by the County Court of Uma­ tilla County, Oregon, on the 22nd day of September, 1941, will, on the 28th day of October, 1941, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the Umatilla County Court House. Pendleton, Oregon, subject to a minimum price of $51.00 therefor, to be paid in cash, at the time of sale; the following described parcel of land, heretofore by Umatilla County, Ore­ gon, acquired for delinquent taxes, to-wit: Lots 1 and 5 and 7, Block 92, Ward- well’s Addition to the City of Uma­ tilla, Umatilla County, Oregon. R. E. GOAD, Sheriff of Umatilla County. Sept. 25-Oct. 23 c OJiDtfi NOW/j. LAND SALE NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, | That the undersigned, Sheriff of Um­ atilla County, Oregon, by virtue of an order duly made and entered herein by the County Court of Umatilla County, Oregon, on the 27th day of September, 1941, will, on the 5th day | of November, 1941, at the hour of 10 | o’clock in the forenoon, sell to the therefor, to be paid in cash, at the highest bidder for cash at the front time of sale; the following described | door of the Umatilla County Court parcel of land, heretofore by Uma­ House, Pendleton, Oregon, subject to tilla County, Oregon, acquired for de­ a minimum price of $61.75 therefor linquent taxes, to-wit: to be paid in cash, at the time of sale; Lots 4. 5 and 6, Block 6. Hermis­ the following described parcel of ton in NE SE, Section lo. Township land, heretofore by Umatilla County, 1, North Range 28, E.W.M. Oregon, acquired for delinquent taxes, R. E. GOAD, Sheriff of Umatilla to-wit: County.____ Sept. 4-Oct. 2 SE NE SE, South of Diagonal Road & NE SE SE, South of Diag­ LAND SALE NOTICE onal Road, Section 1, Township 4 North Range 28, E.W.M. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN R. E. GOAD, Sheriff of Umatilla That the undersigned, Sheriff of Um­ County. -Oct. 2-30 Herald Office NOTICE OF LAND SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned, Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon by virtue of an order duly made and entered herein by the County Court of Uma­ tilla County, Oregon, on the 3rd day of September, 1941, will, on the 14th day of October, 1941, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the Umatilla Countj Court House, Pendleton, Oregon, sub­ ject to a minimum price of $60.00 Defense Steel Erected in Half of Normal Time This building at Curt ist-Wright Buffalo plant ac­ counted for 10,000 of the 60.000 tons of steel for de­ fense industries erected by Bethle­ hem up to July 15th. F L -•* is - - T" • X Do _ mm" Chrysler Tank Arsenal at Detroit, for which erection of steel was commenced on November 20th, 1940, Is now in operation. re Seven thousand tons of steel for the Westinghouse naval ordnance plant at Canton were erected at a pace of 122 tons for each working day. ri, As Assembly build­ ing for Republic Aviation Corpora­ tion, Farmingdale, N. V. Steel was erected In two months and two days. TEEL framework comes first normally have been erected in 18 when a modern factory building months was erected in nine months. is born Industrial construction for A single group of buildings for national defense Is now being ac­ long-range bombers covered 1.356,000 square feet, enough area for 27 full- complished In some instances in sized baseball fields A naval gun half as much time as under normal plant calling for 7.000 tons of steel conditions, it is indicated In a re­ construction was erected in 60 work­ port made public by Bethlehem ing days. The average elapsed Steel Company's Division of Fabri­ time, including holidays and Sun­ cated Steel Construction. days required to complete each one The report reveals that up to July of more than twenty major defense 15th this company alone completed industry projects was 66 days. The the erection of 60.000 tons of steel longest time required on any one construction for defense manufac­ job waa 122 calender days, and the turing Industries. Steel that might shortest time 12 days. S PAGE FIVE HERMISTON HERALD HERMISTON. OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1941 The steel is up. the report indi­ cates, and in some cases has since been roofed over and is now in pro­ duction. for new units for the Douglas bomber factory at Long Beach. Calif. for the Westinghouse naval gun factory at Canton, for new buildings for the Curtiss-Wright airplane factory at Buffalo, for an armor plate machine shop for the Midvale Steel Company, buildings for the Vultee Aircraft Company, the Republic Aviation Company, the Chrysler Tank Arsenal and a sub- marine-runway for the Electric Boat Company of New London. PINE CITY NEWS By Mr». Bernice W’attenburger Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hiemuller and son of Portland and Miss Minnie Moore of Corvallis are visiting their sister, Mrs. Russell Moore. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger spent Saturday and Sunday with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watenburger of Pasco. Mrs. Margaret McGreen is spend­ ing a week with Mrs. Lila Myers and Mrs. Bernice Wattenburger. Mrs. Bill Daugherty visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Daly and Mrs. Bernice Wattenburger and Mar­ garet McGreen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Robinson of Klam­ ath Falls are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bartholo­ mew. The parties left Saturday eve­ ning for Lewiston and Spokane for a few days’ visit. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and family and Margaret McGreen spent Saturday evening in Echo at the Walter Wiggleworth home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rice, Barney Daugherty and Bill Killkenny spent the week-end in Seattle at the Wash­ ington-Minnesota football game. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayres and daughter spent Sunday in Stanfield and Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and Mrs. Margaret McGreen spent Sunday evening at the Russell Moore home. Mrs. Marion Finch and daughters spent Sunday afternoon in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Higgins spent Sunday at the John Healy home. Mrs. Jarass, teacher of Pine City school, spent the week-end in Port­ land and valley points. HERMISTON BAPTIST CHURCH Grayden D. Loree, Pastor With other Christians of various denominations, and of various races and colors, we shall this Sunday par­ ticipate in World Wide Communion observance. Our text for the morn­ ing will be “What mean ye by this service?” Ex. 12:26. Why, when, and how should the Lord's Supper be ob­ served? We shall endeavor to answer these questions from the scriptures. Services for the day are as follows: Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning wor­ ship, 11 a. m. B.Y.P.U. 7 p. m. Eve­ ning Worship, 8 p. m. We welcome you ! PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE S. E. Graves, Pastor Revival service will continue at the Pentecostal Tabernacle every night at 7:45 p. m., also street meeting every night at 7:15 p. m. There are wholesome things in the whole Bible for the whole man. We pray for the sick. 10 a. m.—Bible school—classes for all. 11 a. m.—Worship service. A time of refreshing. 7:45 p. m.—-Revival hour. A welcome to all. CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST C. Warner, Pastor God never made a promise that He hasn't kept or will keep. In Isaiah 42: 6 and 7 He has made four great promises. We shall consider them Sunday morning at the eleven o’clock service, “The Four Wheels of Divine Promise” and for the Sunday eve- | ning service “Christ Seeking The Lost.” Three Endeavor societies meet at seven o’clock, Junior, Senior and Adult. Bible school 10 a. m. with classes for all ages. The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Council will be held Wednesday, October 8. That includes all members of all groups. $9-3$$3$$3$9**$**$*3*$99****90 0999999999* 1 Ai", Aeta, - $J is FAST, DEPENDABLE SERVICE BETWEEN Portland — Hermiston — Pendleton LaGrande and Baker — BRICK BUILDING WEST OF CREAMERY — I. W. GEER Agent Telephone 2391 Hermiston, Ore. I PORTLAND-PENDLETON MOTOR TRANSPORT CO. | 00900090$1$98$0*9*• *********** LAND SALE NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned, Sheriff of Um­ atilla County, Oregon, by virtue of an order duly made and entered herein by the County Court of Umatilla County, Oregon, on the 27th day of September, 1941, will, on the 5th day of November, 1941, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the Umatilla County Court House, Pendleton, Oregon, subject to a minimum price of $60.00 therefore, to be paid in cash, at the time of sale: the following described parcel of land, heretofore by Umatilla County, Ore­ gon, acquired for delinquent taxes, to-wit: Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Hermiston in | NF SE Section 10, Township 4, North Range 28. E.W.M. R. E. GOAD, Sheriff of Umatilla County. -Oct. 2-30 ---- -----• e---------- ---- LAND SALE NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned, Sheriff of Um­ atilla County, Oregon, by virtue of an order duly made and entered herein by the County Court of Umatilla County, Oregon, on the 27th day of September, 1941, will, on the 5th day of November, 1941, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the Umatilla County Court House, Pendleton, Oregon, subject to a minimum price of $60.00 therefor, to be paid in cash at the time of sale; the following described parcel of land, heretofore by Umatilla County, Ore­ gon, acquired for delinquent taxes, to-wit: Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 97, Ward- | well’s Addition to the City of Uma- | tilla, Umatilla County, Oregon. R. E. GOAD, Sheriff of Umatilla County. -Oct. 2-30 , TAKEN UP NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have taken up and have kept for about 5 days at my ranch about 3 miles east of Hermiston the following described | animals: one light bay horse about 12 years old, weight 1200 lbs, brand­ ed J in left stifle: one dark bay about 12 years, no visible brands, said an­ imals will be sold, unless redeemed, at public auction to the highest bid- der for cash in hand on the 3rd day of October, 1941, at the above de­ scribed ranch at 10 o’clock a. m. Dated at Hermiston this 18th day of September, 1941. Signed, R. C. SCOTT. Sept 18-25-Oct. 2 Rolls Developed. 4c per print. — 24-hr. Service. PORTRAITS of Family Groups, Wed­ dings, or Graduation. TYSON STUDIO Hermiston, Oregon PACIFIC TERIATIOIAL ^LIVESTOCK FeexPOSiTion "Annual with HORSE SHOW and RODEO PORTLAND, OREGON October 4 to 1 1 19 Shows in One Eleven acres under one roof. Exhibits of pure-bred Livestock. Dogi, Poultry, Pet Stock, Wild Life, Man­ ufactured and Land Producta, 4-H Club and Smith Hughes Vocational Education Work; also Combined Horse Show and thrill­ ing Indoor Rodeo. large Premium Lists LOW FRRE5-nLL LIRES Sau Francisco Mounted Posse and “Canine Police" Revue- to Show at Pacific International Livestock Exposition Portland, October 4 to II CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES EALITY” was the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ. Scientist, on Sunday. September 28. The Golden Text was, “Behold. I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind” (Isa. 65:17». Among the citations which com­ prised the Lesson-Sermon was the following from the Bible: "Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the vic- | lory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head i bove all. Now therefore, our God. we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name" (II Chronicles 29:11. 13». The Lesson-Sermon also included the following correlative passages from the Christian Science text- ook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: The Scriptures imply that God is All-in-all. From this it follows that nothing possesses re­ ality nor existence except the divine Mind and His ideas .... He fills all space. and It Is impassible to conceive of such omnipresence and individuality except as infinite Spirit or Mind. Hence all is Spirit and spiritual’’ (p. 331). R Above illustration shows members of San Francisco Mounted also "Canine Police' going through their paces. According to T. B Wilcox. Jr., President of Pacific International Livestock Exposition, this year’s program of entertainment will equal any held in the past from a stand­ point ot quality and variety. A teature attraction—the San Francisco Mounted Posse This posse—famous for Its smart appear­ ance and spectacular drill—is com­ prised of 21 men whose saddle out­ fits alone cost from $1000 to $1,500 apiece Another main event—the "Canine Police" Revue—presents Doberman Pinschers trained to the highest degree of efficiency in Police work —accomplishing amazing feats—such as hurdling a 9-foot wall without assistance—guarding any given ob­ ject against theft, and many others An event of special interest to many will be the thrilling driving Posse competition by 6-Horse Draft Teams In addition to these special tea­ ture numbers at each performance in the big arena, plenty of thrills can be expected from the Rodeo un­ der direction ot that well known veteran producer. Verne Elliott, ana his associate Don Nesbit, assisted by Abe Letton as announce: and with Lomer Holcomb, clown of clowns, adding the comedy touch Entries in the Horse Show supply contrast with brilliant exhibitions of skilled norsemen and women and their mounts. Exhibits at the Pacific Interna­ tional Livestock Exposition will in­ clude Beef and Dairy Cattle. Sheep and Goats, Hogs. Horses. Poultry. Pet Stock. Dogs, Land Products, and Industrial Exhibits. An outstand­ ing exhibit will be one supplied by he United States War Department.