THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1»<®. THE H E R M IS TO N HERALD. HERMISTON. OREGON. OASIS THEATRE L o c a l H a p p e n in g s HERMISTON, OREGON Phone 2121 $ FRIDAY - SATURDAY April 12 - 13 PA L N IG H T S Double Feature SAM UEL G O LD W Y N JpAFHES uarnng DAVID OLIVIA HIVEH-deHAVIELAHD In Old Monterey with GENE AUTRY PLUS SHORTS SUN. - MON. - TUES. April 14 - 15 - 16 Continuous Show Sunday Color Cartoon — Fresh Fish Color Parade — Mechanix No. WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY April 17 - 18 JOHN GARFIELD ANN SHERIDAN PAT O’BRIEN Comedy—One For the Book Vote Trouble H erm iston B a rb e r Shop THE OLD RELIABLE EXPERIENCED BARBERS BEST OF SERVICE BILL SHAAR, Prop. Hermiston County Homemakers are looking forward with great interest to the i 4th Annual Homemakers' Day to be 1 held next Wednesday, April 17 at the Mrs. Farris has moved into Dr. F. B. Belt returned home Wed­ nesday noon after a short business Frank Waller house which is now Vert Memorial in Pendleton from 10:30 to 3:30. owned by M. L. Watson. trip to Portland. Exhibits and demonstrations, a A. A. “Red” Estle, salesman at Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Felthouse had as their dinner guests Tuesday night Rohrman’s Motor Co., has been con­ feature of the morning program, will fined to his home since Tuesday with be educational as well as interesting. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Prindle. Nutrition exhibits will include meth­ Father Alban Cullen, pastor of the illness. tylarvip Rankin and Bill Gorrell re­ ods for preparing foods for the froz­ Hermiston Catholic church, is ill in The Dalles hospital with sore throat. turned Tuesday morning from a week en locker, vegetable cookery methods, Dr. L. C. Richey, optometrist of end trip to Corvallis, Forrest Grove, spring salads, and interesting table Pendleton, Oregon, will be in his new Seattle and way points. They visit­ decorations. Homemade rugs, curtaining the location, Monday, April 8th, 1940, ed Marvin’s brothers at Oregon State home, a 4-H girl’s room, better home and Pacific university. above the Pendleton Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. Stearns Cushing and lighting, Indian arts and crafts, 33-2c Nineteen members of the Christian daughter attended an all day meet­ clothing buymanship, and pattern Endeavor society of the Union church ing at Weston at the Methodist P ar­ fitting are among the other exhibits attended a union rally in Milton last sonage club which was an all day af­ to be shown. The Parent Education Study club fair with pot luck dinner at noon. Friday. Melvin Lawrence of Stanfield, 14 leaders are arranging an exhibit of Mrs. G. R. O’Daniels has been ill the past week at the home of her years of age, had the misfortune of homemade game equipment, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. McKen- breaking his arm while playing Sat­ training correct habits in children. urday and is being treated at the Miss Jane Olsen, Umatilla county librarian, is preparing an exhibit of Mrs. Rena Waterman returned last Hermiston General hospital. Miss Maxine Faust and Miss Lu­ interesting new books for leisure week end from visiting her children and relatives at Bend, Portland and cille Forsythe spent the week end in time reading. Pendleton visiting with relatives. Walla Walla. PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ritchie of Salem Charlie Corliss is building a new Alice Norris, Pastor came Saturday evening to visit at house on his place joining the Jess We are again extending the invi­ Prindle residence in the Westland the home of her brother, Mr. and tation to meet with us as a people to Mrs. Guy Shaw. The Ritchies had district. worship in Sunday School, church Miss Dorothy Pierson is confined been visiting in Heppner and brought and mid week prayer meeting. We her mother, Mrs. Casha Shaw, to to her home this week due to illness are grieved that so many are not in but is expected to be able to attend Hermiston. They returned to Salem services anywhere. Sunday. school soon. There is coming a reckoning day Measles have played havoc in the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Van Patten for Hermiston. Only two classes of V. R. Wilkes home the past week. were over night guests at the home people will be there, saint and sin­ of her sister and family in Pendleton, Just after the little son had recover­ ner, clean and unclean, sheep and ed from an attack, Mrs. Wilkes was Mr. and Mrs. Dale Emory, Saturday. goats. On which side of the fence Mrs. E. L. Neff, mother of Mrs. stricken, and Mr. Wilkes is ill with are you? You can know now. Re­ septic sore throat. Alton Kingsbury, and Doris Davis of Little Billy Hensel, son of Mr. and member there are lots of goats in the Walla Walla are spending ten days Mrs. Fred Hensel, has been ill with sheep fold, but there is coming a day with Mr. and Mrs. Alton Kingsbury. of separation. • Mrs. Ermal Sater entertained at a a case of measles the past week. A welcome awaits you. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. McReynolds galloping silver tea Friday afternoon. ------------ o » ■> --------------- Those enjoying the afternoon sewing went to Spokane over the week end HERMISTON BAPTIST CHURCH were Mrs. Gertrude Sanders, Mrs. and were accompanied home by her Grayden D. Loree, Pastor Claude Wilcox, Mrs. O. O. Felthouse, sister, Mrs. Morris Pearson and Our Sunday morning text will be Mrs. Leander Quiring, Miss Omega daughter Dianna. They will here But my God shall supply all your Sater, Mrs. Paul Van Patten, Miss here for a week. need according to His riches in glory Joyce Sater and Mrs. A1 Quiring. by Christ Jesus.” Phil. 4:19. The Mother-Daughter Party Held Mrs. A. F. Rohrman and son lilies and the sparrows are objects of Mrs. B. Haneline entertained at a Charles- left Tuesday afternoon to God’s love and care; how much more spend a few days in Portland on bus­ dessert bridge party Thursday after­ man was created in His own image! noon of last week with two tables of Why worry? God’s supply is not iness. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McAtee of bridge, featuring a mother and imited. daughter party. Present were Mrs. Prineville were week end guests at Our evening message will be con- the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Felt­ F. C. McKenzie and her mother, Mrs. •erned with Daniel, chapter 6, where­ O’Daniels, Mrs. Frank Guiwitz and house. They were en route home in we find the old yet ever new story from attending the Inland Empire her mother, Mrs. Roderick, Mrs. Enos f Daniel in the lions den. Martin and her mother, Mrs. Ray, Teachers’ convention at Spokane and METHODIST CHURCH visiting with their daughter and fam­ Mrs. E. P. Dodd and her mothdr, Stearns Cushing Jr., Pastor ily, Mr. and Mrs. O. Wideman. Cov Mrs. Alexander. Prizes were won by The sermon theme for the morn­ ers placed Sunday at the Felthouse Mrs. Martin and her mother, Mrs. ing worship service will be, “Losing home were Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Me- One’s Life.” The key-note of Jesus’ Atee, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Watson and Church Conference Scheduled. preaching was life. Is your life all children, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Payne, The Christian churches of Eastern you desire it to be? If it isn’t you and the host and hostess. Oregon will hold their annual con­ are invited to unite with us in our vention in the Hermiston Union services. The messages which you church April 25 and 26. A fine pro­ will hear are fundamental in doc­ • P. A. gram is being planned and the entire trine yet using modern methods and • VELVET convention will be open to the public. techniques of approach. The demand • HALF & HALF TH O M PSO N 'S DRUG Specials for April 12, 13 ancl 15., Home Ee. Club To Meet. The Home Economics club will meet at the home of Mrs. Dixson in Columbia district Friday afternoon. A business and social afternoon is anticipated. Columbia Grange lad­ ies are asked to especially keep this meeting in mind. We O 1 i f°r One Doz. Eggs, if they are the lai gest pay brought into our store before April 27th. BEANS, small white, reds or baby limas .. 3 lbs. 19tf GRAPEFRUIT, Sunny Mist No. 300 can .. 6 for 57tf SPICES, Red & White 2 oz.......................3 for 2 5 t CAKE FLOUR, Red & White K( VANILLA EXTRACT, Pheasant.......both for TABLE SALT, R. & W. 2 lb.....................2 for 17tf BISCUIT FLOUR, Red & White 29< HUSKIES .......................................... 2 PkKSi Buy Bulk Garden Seeds - Save Money- BRIMFUL, the best soap for this water .... pkg. 29 BROOMS, Boardman 4-tie .............................. 49tf — PRODUCE DEPARTMENT — NEW SPUDS, extra fancy...................... 4 lbs. 19< ASPARAGUS ................. 3 bunches 10«! — MEAT DEPARTMENT — BEEF ROASTS, grain fed b e e 17Vi< VEAL STEW, lean meaty l2Va< BACON BACK, lean .................................... lb. 18C SUGAR CURED BACON, delicious flavor lb. 18< BACON JOWLS, lean 9 1/a<£ PURE LARD, Armour’s S ta r............ 8 lb. pail 80< HERMISTON TRADING CO. THE RED A WHITE STORE HOM EM AKERS1 DA Y PLANS COMPLETED PHONE 3001 - HERMISTON H t n i l t t l U T * “ * ............ a i m H M H i m t H DR. STRAM Optometrist BIFOCAL SPECIALIST Need Glasses? with No Charge for Examination, and Prices Reasonable, There is No Need to Put Off Getting Your Glasses. I Give You My Personal Attention, and by my 20 Years of Optical Practice in Portland, I Guarantee You Sat­ isfaction. Strun Optical Co. Fuller Paints X W eek s O nly April 12 to 27 Inc. HOUSE PAINT Fuller Pure Prepared. For a beauti­ ful, protecting “all over” job. New Fuller Pure Prepared Primer on sale, too. Saves one coat of paint. Paint or primer reduced to 92c qt., or 55c pt. Also Special on Porch Paint & Enamel Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. PHONE 2791 Morning worship at 10 a. m. Ladies Aid Friday, April 12 at the home of Mrs. Slaughter. Umatilla— Ladies Aid meeting Thursday. April 11, at the home of Mrs. Sam­ son. A special feature of our even­ ing service will be a continuation of the pictures of the life of Martin Luther. The girls are very grateful to the people whq were so cooperative, and to Mrs. Burnham for the use of her store. SEW ING CLUB EARNS SCHOLARSHIP M ONEY A t S ta n fie ld is for something practical in relig ion. That is our specialty. You will find a cordial welcome. HERMISTON UNION CHURCH C. Warner, Pastor One hundred and thirty-eight were in our Sunday School last Sunday. If you are not attending anywhere, why not avail yourself of the oppor tunity? Edgar Hoover says, “There is one cure for the ills of our country and that is our people interested in the Sunday School.” The sermon for our Sunday morn­ ing worship service will be “The Ever Abiding Christ,” and for the evening service, “From Saul to Paul.” -------- — --------- SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST The topic of next Sunday evening’s lecture, April 14» delivered by Ivan Schaber, will be “The Apostalic Sab­ bath” or the New Testament Sab­ bath.” This subject is one which to many people has not been clearly presented. Eight texts will be taken up together with their contents and you may conclude as to what is meant by the First Day of the Week. So be sure and be there. All are invited to attend at 7:45. COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John K. Walpole, Pastor Sermon subject for April 14, “The Gift of the Holy Spirit.” Boardman— Ladies missionary meeting, April 17 at the home of Mrs. Baker. Pray­ er meeting Thursday evening at the pastor’s home. Irrigon— Sunday School at 10:45 a. m. Townsend Club Sponsors B en efit DANCE 226 So. Main St. Pendleton, Ore. We Carry Ray-Ban Goggles .Vffir COLUMBIA PARK HALL Satisfaction Guaranteed Admuotion 25c — Includes Lunch Dutch Auction — Card Playing Friday, April 12 $2 -8 8 Gal The Priscilla 4-H Sewing club cleared $18 at their food sale held last Saturday, it was reported at their regular meeting Monday evening. for your E N JO Y M E N T Saturday, Apr. 13 Stanfield Commercial Club Presents a Dance at Refvem Hall BRANSTETTER’S ORCHESTRA Admission 60c & 15c QUALITY & ECONOMY G0 H M I I H H M I. WHEN YOU BUY WELL KNOWN BRANDS — Friday, Saturday & Monday — Crystal White 11 SOAP Giant Bars Dromedary Ginger Bread Mix 14% pkg. oz. Cream White Pure Vegetable SHORTENING 3 Paradise Sweet Pickles 25 oz. Jar Bliss 1 COFFEE 49c Lb. Can 22c Lb. Can Emporium - Solid Pack TOMATOES 3 Tasty Salad Dressing or Sandwich Spread Reliance __ CRAB MEAT For All Tomato Juice 12-oz. can GARDEN FRESH VEGETABLES In Our Refrigerated Window Hermiston Food Store Phone 3781 Free Delivery