Thursday, A ugust 5, 1937 THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON IMPROVED............... UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL S UNDAY chool I Lesson B y REV. HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST. Dean of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. ® W estern Newspaper Union. Fun for the W h o le Family Lesson for August 8 GOD FEEDS A PEOPLE. LESSON TEXT—Exodus 18:11-20: 17:2-8. GOLDEN TEXT—Every good gift and ev­ ery perfect gift is from above, and cometh from the Father. Jam es 1:17. PRIMARY TOPIC—When G o d s People Were Hungry. JUNIOR TOPIC—God Feeding His Peo­ ple. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC— How God Provides for Our Needs. YOUNG PEO PLE AND ADULT TOPIC— G od's Supply Adequate for a Nation's Need. Israel, led by God, is on a jour­ n ey to the prom ised land. But to reach their goal they m ust pass through the w ilderness. Not only are there w eary m iles to travel, but there are privations to be en­ dured. Life is like that. “P eople m ay be strong and hope­ ful at the beginning of a project, and m ost effusively and devoutly thankful at its close, but the diffi­ cu lty is to go m anfully through the p rocess. Israel w as in the desert, and never were spoiled children m ore peevish, suspicious, and al­ together ill-behaved. If they could h ave stepped out of Egypt into Ca­ naan at once, probably they would have been as pious a s m ost of us; but there w as the w eary interval, the inhospitable wilderness! So it is in our life. A ccept it as a solem n and instructive fact that life is a process . . . m ore than a beginning and an ending” (Joseph P ark er), t N ote how elem en tal are m an’s n eed s in the final analysis—bread and w ater. The very things w e take alm ost for granted as w e concern ou rselves with life’s w eighty inter­ e sts and profound problem s becom e, if lacking, the only things that have an y real m eaning. And who is it that can provide them? No one but God H im self. I. Bread from Heaven. (Exod. 16:11-20). O bserve first of all that this w as a divine provision. There are re­ sponsibilities in life which w e m ay bear—and m ust bear, but in the ultim ate m eeting of our real needs w e m ust look to God. Secondly, w e note that it w as a d aily provision. What forehanded folk m any of us are, and no doubt rightly so, for God puts no prem ium on im providence. But once again w e m ust recognize, as did Israel in receivin g the daily m anna in the w ilderness that ours is indeed a m om ent by m om ent existence. We plan b ravely for the next decade or the next generation, but as a m atter of fa ct it can only com e to pass “ if the Lord w ill.” Read Jam es 5:13-17. F in ally, it w as a lim ited pro­ v isio n -e n o u g h for the day and no m ore, excep t for a double portion on the sixth day, and none at all on the Sabbath. T hese provisions w ere m ade clear to Israel, and yet there w ere those who attem pted to la y up for the morrow, and som e even w ent out to seek m anna on the Sabbath day. We m arvel at their stubborn ob­ tuseness, but are w e not often just lik e them . Som e there are who are alw ays expecting that the law s of both God and m an should be set a sid e for them , but, m ark it well, they ultim ately com e to grief. The spiritual application is obvious, and m ost serious. God has provided a w a y of redem ption, and has m ade clea r how m an should and m ust relate h im self to it. F olly it is to ignore God’s plan. II. A Bock in the W ilderness. (E xod. 17:3-6). “ And the people thirsted”—for the d aily m anna w as not enough—they m ust have w ater. N eedy, yes, con­ stantly needy are God's children. God alw ays provides. There is a rock in the w ilderness. But what pleasu re does a m urmuring people find in a rock when they fam ish for w ater? It is God’s delightful custom to m eet our needs in unexpected w ays and by m ean s which w e do not understand. E ven our physical n ecessities com e from unthought of sources. III. The Bread and the Water of Life. Let us m ake certain that w e do not m iss the spiritual truth of our lesson which is revealed by Scrip­ ture itself. P aul speak s in I Corinth­ ian s 10:1-4 of this very incident in the experience of Israel, and says that they "did all eat the sam e spiritual m eat and did all drink th e sa m e spiritual drink; for they drank of that spiritual Rock that follow ed them : and that Rock w as C hrist.” See also John 4:14. Hungry and thirsty soul, you who a re still unsatisfied after tasting all that life apart from Christ has to offer, w ill you not, just now, take h im who is the living bread, and co m e to the Rock which flows with livin g water? THE FEATHERHEADS Doze Daze . '•joa HAVE -TO K E E P COOL Ip ITS Snooli S ol ÏR .£ AFT&Z- r-T By C. M. PAYNE S’MAT'l'ER POP—Aha! Look Out for a New Kind of Salesman MESCAL IKE By s. l . The Local Volunteers huntley Point ot View FINNEY OF TH E FORCE XbnuoqJ/ J THE LON