THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. 0 IMPROVED ............. UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL S.CE Jinks aboiit National Topics Interpreted by William Bruckart SUNDAY I CHOOL Lesson By REV. HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST, Dean of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. © Western Newspaper Union. Lesson for March 7 Streamlined Grandmothers. Washington. — I suppose most ministration. I refer to the so-called ANTA MONICA, CALIF — members of congress will deny it, Walsh-Healey law. AND HEREAFTER All along I’ve been wonder­ LIFE HERE ... but there certainly In order to refresh memories, let THROUGH CHRIST Political is . every evidence me explain that the Walsh-Healey ing what has vanished from the Dynamite of an agreement, law prohibits the federal govern­ city landscape. LESSON TEXT—John 14:1-15. GOLDEN TEXT - I am the way. the an understanding, ment from buying products of mills I ’ d grown reconciled to service truth, and the life: no man cometh unto to let President Roosevelt’s radical or factories, or any fruit of labor, stations where blacksmith shops the Father, but by me. John 14:6. court reform legislation stew until unless the supplying contractor has used PRIMARY TOPIC—In the Heavenly to be and a Father ’ s House. the country is heard from. There is complied with the same minimum beauty parlor where JUNIOR TOPIC — Many Mansions. no doubt in my mind nor in the hours and wages that were a part once the livery sta­ INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC— minds of other observers here that of the old NRA codes. Unless the ble spread its fasci­ Why We Need Christ Always. representatives and senators are contractor agrees to produce the nating YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC— perfumes. Life Here and Hereafter through Christ. anxiously awaiting word from their material which the federal govern­ So it couldn ’t be constituents because if any issue ment is buying in accordance with that. It was the night before the darkest ever was loaded with political dyna­ those terms, his bid must be re­ All of a sudden day in the world’s history. On the mite, the plan to pack the Supreme jected under the law. on me. morrow the Son of man was to court of the United States with six When the Walsh-Healey law was ! it dawned coming here hang on Calvary’s tree for the sins additional judges surely contains passed, there were comments heard Since I’ve seen mighty of the world—for your sins, and for highly explosive elements. in several quarters that the time few 1912 - model mine. But for the moment he was The facts I have mentioned in the would come when the government | grandmothers b ar- alone with his disciples. The last above paragraph explain largely itself would regret the legislation. ring in the movies, Passover had been eaten together, why there are so many senators and That time has arrived. Irvin S. Cobb the the betrayer had been discovered, house members who remain non- Everyone is aware, of course, that and then, with of dear and the Lord has told them that he committal on the issue. They want Great Britain has started on a naval | exception was soon to go where they could to know which way to jump. Actu­ building program under which it May Robson, they had to wear not follow. Peter had, by his bold ally, I believe as many as half of will expend approximately seven makeup. We don’t so much mind the young self-assurance, brought forth the them are going to try to determine and a half billion dollars in the next of his denial. The disciples which band wagon they ought to five years. American policy always girl who has gone prematurely old prophecy ride—whether they ought to go has called for matching the British —we’re accustomed to her—but the were disturbed. Then came from the the words of comfort, as­ against the President or for him. navy ship by ship. Fifteen years old woman who has gone prema­ Saviour In other words, the spot they are ago when the Harding disarmament turely young, so young that she surance, and power which have been strength and solace of his peo­ now on is not nearly so hot as the program was written into treaty seems to be advertising the ap­ the ple through all the centuries. Our one upon which they may find them­ form, we destroyed ships so that our proach of second childhood by life both here and hereafter is in selves if they guess wrong at this tonnage was the same as that of dressing to match it—well, that's His mighty hands. time. No politician will ever jump Great Britain. Now, with the world different. I. Comfort (vv. 1-3). So now I know what I miss. It’s from the frying pan into the fire in a turmoil, with Great Britain an­ Troubled hearts are everywhere— the old-fashioned lady who was knowingly. nouncing an unprecedented building neither in the palace and in the cottage, on streamlined nor a four-col ­ In the meantime, the debate program in order to protect its vast land and sea. There is a place of rages. Out and out supporters of colonies and dominion from aggres­ or process. rest, thank God! There is One who President Roosevelt, the kind of men sion, the need arises for a building still speaks the majestic words, Penalties of Old Age. who follow him blindly because he up of our navy again. At least “Let not your heart be troubled, is their leader, and the extreme op­ that is Mr. Roosevelt’s view and he TF, MENTALLY or physically, or ye believe in God, believe also in - both, a man of seventy has so position type who are against the has wide support for it. slowed down he no longer can func­ me.” • * • President regardless of his position His comfort is one which covers are battling for public attention. The To build up the navy requires vast tion usefully, v/hat are we going to the future life, for he says: do about Secretary of State Hull and radio is being used to an extent as amounts of steel and other products 1. “I go to prepare a place”(v.2). great, if not greater, than occurred .. , . of industry. Much Secretary Roper, and Senator Glass Concern about future destiny is set­ Unable to of the naval build- and Senator Norris, and both Cal­ tled at once when Christ Jesus be­ in the last campaign. Those who are committed for or against the Get Steel ing will be done in ifornia’s senators, and a sizable pro­ comes our Lord and Saviour. We President’s reform proposition are the navy’s own portion of the outstanding member­ need worry no longer. He has gone anxious to sustain their positions yards. Thus, it has come to pass ship of either branch of congress? on before to the Father’s house to And, to avoid cluttering up the and the remainder of the national that the navy has been unable to prepare a place for his own. When legislature is egging on the more obtain steel and other equipment words, so to speak, what disposition we come to that ever-peaceful shore bold members in order that those since the manufacturers of the should have been made, at seventy, we shall not come as strangers, but who have not made up their minds needed equipment are not willing to of Thomas A. Edison and John D. as sons and daughters to a prepared can take advantage of word from subject themselves to the terms of Rockefeller, Sr., and Henry Ford place in our Father’s house. back home. the Walsh-Healey law. In some in­ and Queen Victoria and Cardinal 2. “I will come again” (v.3) is In the meantime, as well, there stances where the navy has sought Gibbons and Von Hindenburg and the word that gives present mean­ are proposals and counter-proposals to buy material, the manufactur­ Clemenceau and Professor Eliot and ing to the future promise. He not seeking a compromise. Few of them ers have refused even to make an Carrie Chapman Catt and Mark only prepares the place, but he it have any definite merit. Most of offer or state a price at which they Twain and Elihu Root and Melville is who brings us there. The glorious them, I believe, are purely and would sell the required material and W. Fuller, just to mention a few hope of his coming again is the solely representative of floundering there is a very real possibility that names that come to mind? Christian’s greatest comfort and minds. Their sponsors entertain unless the Walsh-Healey law is re­ Going still further back, one gets mightiest incentive to useful, holy hopes that somehow, somewhere pealed or dodged, our navy build­ to thinking, among others of Henry living. they will gain a streak of light that ing program may have to come to a Clay and Ben Franklin and Glad­ II. Assurance (vv. 4-11). will guide them through to a proper halt. stone and Bismarck and Victor The doctrine of Christian assur­ answer politically. The reason for this condition is Hugo and Alexander Humboldt. ance is one of vital importance, • • • There has been only one plan for that the Walsh-Healey law, with its and should be taught in all its scrip­ giving the federal government more prescription on minimum hours of Open Season on Bears. tural power and beauty. Unfortun­ power that can possibly be de­ labor and wages would place a bur­ JEW Brunswick is granting free ately it has so suffered violence at scribed as sound. That is the origi­ den on industry that it cannot bear - ‘ licenses for sportsmen to kill the hands of some of its friends nal proposition by Senator Robinson and return its cost of production. bears this spring. I regard this as that others have not only come to of Arkansas, the Democratic leader The government, as a buyer, is a an error. It reduces bears, which fear it, but even openly to oppose of the senate, who announced early tough customer in any event. Its are picturesque features of forest it. This is most regrettable, for it in the session of congress that he specifications are always more diffi­ life, and increases amateur gunners is manifest that until one has as­ favored an amendment to the Con­ cult than is the practice in industry, i barging through the wilderness plug­ surance he will make but little prog­ stitution. While Senator Robinson Add to that, then, the requirement | ging away at every living object ress in Christian usefulness. did not then say so, nor has he said that men may work only 30 hours they see, including guides. A green­ The believers assurance rests so since, the truth is that he and a week and that their pay shall not horn might miss a sitting union fundamentally on Christ himself. many others would like to see the be reduced from the rate of their | depot—probably would—but he gar­ Two grounds are given in the text. people of the country have an op­ compensation when they were work­ ners him a guide nearly every time. 1. “I am the way, the truth, and portunity to pass upon any program ing 40 hours a week and you have On all counts, the black bear the life” (v. 6). These words are that would change the country’s ju­ burdened any manufacturing estab­ should have game protection. For their own best commentary. Read diciary. The President regards this lishment with a load that will break every shoat he steals, he eats thrice them again, slowly, weighing the method as too slow. Ke thinks that its back. his weight in grubs and ants and meaning of each word. If we are any changes which he desires ought Right now, the Navy department bugs; and he’s a fine scavenger, for in him who is the way, how safe to be made at once and holds that is trying to find a way to get around he likes his dead meat high. If we are! If we are not in him? Read the tremendous majority by which the provisions of the Walsh-Healey he were a veteran member of a his own solemn words in verse 6, he was re-elected gives him author­ law. President Roosevelt has said Maryland Duck club, he couldn’t “No man cometh unto the Father ity to do so. Yet, as the picture nothing publicly concerning his atti­ like it any higher. but by me.” (v. 11). now stands, there is every prospect tude but there are many who believe | Even so, he has been preyed on In Christ dwells all the fullness of of considerable delay and from the he himself feels the law is not work- ' until, in parts of our north woods, the Godhead. He is not only a super­ way I analyze the circumstances, ing out the way it was intended. he’s practically extinct. Yet, next to natural being, he is God. How can delay will provide the vast majority It is quite a distance, of course, a Vermont Democrat, he's prob­ anyone deny that and read his of voters with an opportunity for from the Walsh-Healey law to the ably the most inoffensive mammal | words in these verses? To do so determination of the question which present controversy under Mr. found in New England. is to make Jesus a liar and is vital in this case: Does the coun­ Roosevelt’s plan to pack the Su­ blasphemer. • • * try want to keep an independent preme court with six new judges if | III. Power (vv. 12-15). Tyranny of the Soviets. system of courts or does it want to one stops his examination of the His followers are not left in a EEPING through the Soviet em- establish a precedent by which two questions at the surface. It is world of sin and need as a little bargo on free speech and free this administration or any other ad­ not difficult, however, to see a di­ group of hymn-singing weaklings, • ministration can influence those rect connection. The Walsh-Healey press and even free thought, stories thinking only of the day when they courts to do the bidding of the na­ law was driven through congress in came out that the five-year plan shall be in a brighter land. Ah, yes, signs of utter collapse and tion’s Chief Executive? haste. The bad effects of it are shows also that, in their striving for ab- | they sing hymns and rejoice i n • • • coming now two years after its en- | solute despotism, Stalin and his— them; they look for a better land: Through many years and in every actment. If the Supreme court re- j for the moment—intimate lieuten­ their weapons of warfare are not year there has been constant criti- form proposal is driven through as ! ants are preparing “liquidate” by carnal—but weaklings? Oh. no! God _ , cism of congress quickly and with as little examina­ execution or remove to by a wholesale uses them to do great and mighty safety at. for delay in reach- tion as the Walsh-Healey law, we campaign of exile all such their | things for his glory. Speed ing conclusions. It will reap the reward sooner or later recent ruthless associates as of might, 1. “He that believeth” (v. 12). is fortunate, in my and probably for many years to through private ambitions, stand in This army of God carries the royal opinion, that these delays constitute come. the way of this latest desperate banner of faith. © Western Newspaper Union. a part of our governmental system. 2. “Greater works . . . shall he tyranny. They allow time for cooling off. do” (v. 12). Jesus only began his Of course, we hear all sorts of “ Gnu ” of Hottentot Origin I think it will be generally agreed work on earth. Its greatest develop­ The name “gnu” is of Hottentot tales about the real inside of the ment was to be the joyous privilege that every time legislation is rushed Russian situation, some inspired by through congress ahead or as part origin, and was in use by na­ of his followers. of an emotional wave among citi­ tives when white settlers first went hostile prejudice and some by sym­ 3. “If ye ask ... I will do” zens, there has invariably resulted to South Africa. The name "wilde­ pathetic partisans. • • • (v. 14). Someone has called this a unworkable, if not entirely unsound, beest” is a Dutch word meaning wild signed blank check on all the re­ Women's New Freedom. statutes. Such is bound to be the ox, and probably originated on ac­ sources of God. Faith fills it in, un­ EVEN in olden days, before they count of the animal ’ s habit of pranc ­ result when men and women fail to der the guidance of the Holy Spirit. — broke loose, women envied us think things through—when they fail ing and capering in antics suggest­ Moody knew how to use it. So did | to examine all of the phases of any ing those of a bull enraged by tore­ every masculine perquisite we had, Mueller, Livingstone. J. Hudson | except the moustache cup and pos ­ problem. adors in a Spanish arena. It is Taylor—the list might go on indefi­ President Roosevelt moved quick­ said that the Boers, in early days, sibly chewing tobacco. Since eman­ nitely. Shall we dare to trust God I ly, and I believe sincerely, in pro­ found that a red cloth excited cipation, seems like they've taken and add our name as one of those I posing the NRA and the farm relief these antelopes and was frequent­ over practically everything we ever who ask in faith? plan under the agricultural adjust­ ly used in hunting them. In addi­ had. The bars are crowded with wom­ ment administration. Yet. neither tion to the white-tailed gnu, there The Man of Wisdom of these reform measures stood the is a species known as the brindled en, and the smoking rooms and the He is a wise man who does not barber shops and the gambling test of workability ; neither had been gnu or blue wildebeest, which is grieve for the things which he has drafted upon a proper knowledge of abundant in East-central Africa. clubs and the prize-fights and the not, but rejoices for those which he wrestling matches and the political the ends they were to serve and Gnus have disproportionately has.—Epictetus. neither did justice to all of the peo­ large heads which give them a gro­ caucuses. If it weren't for them, the ple. It was only natural, therefore, tesque appearance. They have race-tracks and the night spots Thoughts of Good People that they should fall by the way­ maned necks and distinctive tufts would languish and the cocktail The thoughts of some people live mixers might get an occasional rest. side. of hair on their faces. The bulls so near to God, that to ask them to These two laws are cited because stand about four feet tall at the Maybe, as a distinguished scientist think of us is to ask them to pray now arises to proclaim, they could they are the outstanding examples shoulders. The general color of the for us. of emotional legislation. There are white-tailed species is a deep brown. have excelled us in our then ex­ many others, most of them not as Their horns are formidable weapons clusive fields, only before this they Chief End of Education bad. But lately one offshoot of the and under certain conditions the didn't get a chance to prove it. Manhood, not scholarship, is the IRVIN S. COBB NRA has arisen to plague the ad- animals are dangerous. first aim of education.—E. T. Seton. • Western Newspaper Union. S 2 C Thursday, March 4, 1937 HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONS eq Items of Interest to the Housewife P% A tablespoonful of vinegar will soften glue that has become hard­ ened in a bottle. * • • A pinch of alum added to the water when washing blue or green articles of clothing will prevent the colors from running. • • • Two or three slices of bacon placed on top of a liver loaf dur­ ing baking adds to the flavor. • • • Don’t use any kind of artificial heat for drying stockings. Hang by the toes in an airy place to dry and don’t fold away damp. * * • The stock left from cooked spin­ ach makes a valuable addition to vegetable soup. • • • Press woolens the right side up with a woolen pressing cloth. Ap­ ply moisture to muslin cloth on top of wool and press with hot iron. * • • Oatmeal on a dampened cloth is excellent for cleaning white paint. Never fasten suspenders below the reinforced hems of stockings. Wash stockings with lukewarm lather and squeeze out gently— they’ll ladder if they are wrung. MY O-CEDAR MOP KEEPS MY FLOORS CLEAN AND POLISHED BEAUTIFULLY, AND I INSIST ON O-CEDAR POLISH,TOO. I COULDN’T KEEP HOUSE WITHOUT • THEM, we O-@dar POLISH * MOPS ___ ___ WAX tom cat MARK When your throat feels scratchy and hot, a Smith Brothers Menthol Cough Drop cools and soothes, checks the irritation. 54 Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the only drops containing VITAMIN A This is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat to cold and cough infections: Sometimes It’s Pleasure Essence of Genius In combining business with Genius does its best. The e» pleasure, one or the other suffers, sence of genius is not to shirk. PLEASE ACCEPT THIS Apjtan?" 4-PIECE SILVER SET for only 25c complete with your purchase of one can of B. T. 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