THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1938 THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. ........... IMPROVED............. UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL UNDAY I CHOOL Lesson S By REV. HAROLD L LUNDQUIST, Dean of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. © Western Newspaper Union. OUR COMIC SECTION Lesson for August 2 Evangelism is the work of every follower of Christ, and primarily the work of the layman. This duty cannot be delegated to the church as an organized body or to its offi­ cial servants. Philip was a layman, a deacon in the church by office, but an evan­ gelist by the gift and calling of the Holy Spirit. His experience in lead­ ing the Ethiopian eunuch to Christ 4 demonstrates that one who is yield­ ed to the Spirit— I. Will Find Opportunity for Soul Winning (v. 26). Most unexpected places will afford opportunities. Philip was in the midst of a great revival in Samaria when the angel of the Lord sent him to Gaza—a desert place. Who would he meet here? Remember that the great world-evangelist, Dwight L. Moody, was converted in a humble shoe store by the earnest approach of a Sunday school teacher. II. Will Respond Immediately to the Spirit’s Leading (vv. 29, 30). The Spirit said “go.” Philip “ran.” The fundamental of fundamentals in God’s children is obedience. The opportunity, the inquiring soul, the equipped personal worker, all were prepared by God for just that mo­ ment. All would have been lost had Philip failed to obey. III. Will Find That Men and Wom­ en Are Ready to Receive the Truth