PAOB TWO THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON THUR8DAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1931 Board, which has more ships on J U :(,o A. M., Morning worship. Qlyr tyrtnisfon $»rslö 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 jsaaoHECE-’X’j; r hand than It can use. to lend some Sermon Subject, "Testimony Under ♦ ♦ * O of those ships to take wheat to 'Difficulty." Published every Thursday at Hermis­ IRRIGON NEWS ♦ * PINE CITY NEWS ♦ China, where the people are starv- g;00 P, M., Evening worship * ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, by * ♦ * O Ing but will be able to pay for the 8ermon by the Pastor. Pauline M. Stoop and Alfred Qulrlng, wheat, in time, if the wheat gets to O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Miss Shirley Fredrickson left Fri­ Publishers. The Pine City school opened Mon­ them in time to save their lives. day of last week for Salem, Oregon, day morning at 9 o'clock. There CHRISTIAH SCIENCE CHURCHES That sounds like good sense to us. Entered as Second Class Matter where she will live with her aunt are four teachers In the school again the subject ot the December, 1909, Umatilla County, especially If the wheat is packed in and attend school. this year: Miss Marie Young, lower 4 4 !\ Î w as cotton sacks, which will help the Lesson - Sermon in al' Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Williams and grades. Miss Nancy Konanou, upper cotton growers some. Churches of Christ. Scientist, ot family visited relatives at Walla grades. Mr. Stan. Atkin, high school Subscription Rates: Governor Roosevelt of New York Sunday, September 6. principal and Miss Helen Heath, as­ Walla Sunday. The Golden Text was, “Lo, this One Year ................................. ..... 32.00 has got his Legislature to agree to Mr. and Mrs. Merton Douald ar sistant high school teacher. Fifteen Six Mouths ......................... .......... 91.00 appropriating twenty million dollars only have I found, that God hath mado man upright” (Eccl. 7:29). rived Monday night of last week students enrolled In the high school Three M onths.....................„..... .... .60 to aid the unemployed. The money Among the citations which com ; and have again established their and more freshmen are expected to will be raised by Increasing the prised the Lesson-Sermon was the : residence in the Frank Leicht cabins. enroll at a later date. state income tax fifty percent. That The Outlook following from the Bible: "Know Miss Naomi Moore is now working is one good way to help. Another Is Miss Abrahamson, fifth and sixth ye that the Lord he Is God: it is he for Mrs. Charley Morehead. We notice that the President'.» to increase the inheritance taxes on erade teacher, and Miss Reufro who that hath made us, and not we our­ A Heppner road crew Is beginning Emergency Committee on Employ­ dead men’s estates. has the first four grades, arrived RUN YOUR HOUSEHOLD LIKE A selves; we are-his people, and the to work the road on little Butter ment is telling people over the radio Henry Ford is putting 50,000 men sheep of his pasture” (Ps. 100:3). Sunday evening. They will both stay BUSINESS, FOR CONVENIENCE. Creek. The men are boarding with to keep all the young people in back at work at once and says he The Lesson-Sermon also included at the Emmett McCoy home. ECONOMY AND ACCURACY. Mrs. Ollie Neill. school this coming winter insteal of will be running to full capacity in the following passages from the EVERYBODY LIKES TO BE Mr. and Mrs. Don Brooks who Miss Elsie Strain, sister of Mrs letting them go to work and take a few weeks. The New England tex­ Christian Science textbook, “Sci­ PAID BY CHECK. | have been living on the George Has­ Burl Wattenburger, came from Wei­ lobs which might otherwise go to tile mills are increasing their out­ ence and Health with Key to the START A CHECKING ACCOUNT kell place for the past year moved ser, Idaho. Saturday, where she has Scriptures”, by Mary Baker Eddy: men and women who have family put and hiring more help. The auto­ WITH US AND ENJOY ALL THE to Plymouth. Wn„ this week where “The Scriptures Inform us that man been spending the summer at the responsibilities. We think that is mobile tire business is picking up FACILITIES OF THIS FRIENDLY Mr. Brooks is now employed by Mr home of her parents. Her grand­ is made in the image and likeness sound advice, unless the head of the strongly. Electric refrigerators are BANK. Haskell. of God. . . Man is spiritual and per­ father, Mr. Lambing, who accompan­ family is out of a job and the boy selling well. People are beginning to fect; and because be is spiiituai Mrs. R. L. Santer and family of ied her here spent a few days visit or girl can get one where the old buy new clothes everywhere. We've and perfect, he must be so under Lyhie, Wn„ have rented the George ing at the Wattenburger home. He re man can't. noticed a ’ot of house painting and stood in Christian Science. Man is Haskell place for the coming year turned to Twin Falls, Idaho, Tues­ Governor Huey Long of Louisiana building repairing going on, and so idea, the image, of Love; he is and took possession this week. Mrs. day. Elsie will attend the Pine City has got his law passed making it many roads being improved that not physique” (p.476). of Hermiston Santer is a sister of Mr. Ollie Coryell. school where she will be a senior. illegal to grow cotton in that state you have to ride the detours to go Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $50,000. Her husband was killed In an auto Mrs. Creigle and daughter, Miss next year if three-quarters of the anywhere, almost. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON F. B. Swayze, Pres. - R. Alexander, Viee-Pres. - A. H. Norton, Cashier accident recently. Maxine Vincent and friend. Miss An other cotton states will do the same. There’s no doubt that we'll all be International Sunday School Lesson sœ æ nabel Records, all of Umapine, visit­ That ought to help. If somebody will called on to help the unlucky ones Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom motored for September 20. show how the cotton growers who this coming winter, but we seem to to Heppner Friday and attended the ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Char­ depend upon that crop for their sole notice that as fast as they do get THE COUNCIL IN JERUSALEM. Rodeo, returning late Saturday eve­ ley Bartholomew Friday afternoon. Creek route, Marlon Finch on the Miss Lenna Neill visited Miss Ber- Acts 15:22-19 ning. cash income are going to get along Jobs they fasten themselves to them. Three of the Pine City teachers little Butter Creek route, Lila Bar­ dena Bowman Tuesday afternoon. during the cotton “vacation." Galatians 2:1,2.9,10 We would guess that more people Mrs. Jones of Eight Mile, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leicht and are boarding at the home of Mrs. tholomew to the Moore ranch and The Farm Hoard, which has more are doing real honest work for their Rev. Samuel D. Price, D.D, family and Mr. and Mrs. Jones and Ollie Neill. Miss Marie Young is Lau Wattenburger on the lower But­ Hattie High of Condon and Mr. and wheat on hand than It knows what money now than nny time since the Mrs. Perry Warn of Condon visited ter Creek route. Spiritual growth of converts wa3 family attended the Rodeo at Hepp­ staying at her home. to do with, Is asking the Shipping war, and that's the most encourag­ always in Paul's thinking. Derbe was ner Saturday. Lee Vinson, L. D. Vinson and Ma­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Char­ Harvey Meyers of Echo had the ing sign for the future that we’ve visited after the stoning at Lystra. A school meeting was held Satur­ misfortune of having his car wrecked ry Cunha, all formerly of the Plea­ ley Morehead, Sunday. Mrs. Warn seen yet. Without hesitation return was made day and Frank Brace was again em­ Thursday night while coming to sant Point school are attending the and Mrs. High are both cousins of Mr. Morehead and Mr. Lloyd Bald­ through all the cities where awful ployed as Janitor for the coming band practice. O. F. Bartholomew, Pine City school. « ' ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ « « . ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ e persecutions had befallen Paul and year. who was on his way to Echo in a Those attending the Rodeo from ridge. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Watten­ • ♦ Barnabas on the outward journey. burger and Earle and Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leicht wero Dodge truck, was stopped fixing a Pine City were: Mr. and Mrs. Tom * CHURCH NOTES * The purpose was to strengthen the flat tire when another car'drove up O’Brien and children. Mrs. John and Roy Neill and Alma also took Sun­ dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. ♦ • brethern in their new-found and beside the truck and stopped. The children, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neill, Al­ day dinner at the Morehead home. Rodeo-Buckeroo - 3 days Wells of Heppner Saturday. lights of the other car blinded Mr. ma Neill, Lila Bartholomew, Mr. and most precious faith. Return was A meeting for the 4-H club lead­ HEPPNER— McMillan Brothers of METHODIHT CllUItCII Fireworks - Canoe Canal made to the leaders who had sent ers was held at the home of Mrs. O. Meyers and he ran into the truck, Mrs. Burl Wattenburger and child­ O. W. Payne, Pastor. them forth. which caused some damage to his ren, Mrs. J. S. Moore, Audrey and Lexington have obtained a truck Coryell, Monday. Those present were ear. load of Hybrid 128 wheat seed from Boys and Girls Free Day NextTSunday morning the regular Problems of procedure arose as John Moore, Margaret Howard, Mr. H. H. Huron of Imbler. They plan Sunday school program, but the full account of this first missionary Chits. Smith and Mrs. Lucy Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Neill and and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger, Earle $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 Prizes Purses church service of the morning will Journey was narrated. The older of Heppner, Mrs. W. C. Isom, Mrs. children. Hugh. Harold, Bernice and Wattenburger, Oscar McCarty, Char­ to sow it on the same field with lo­ cally grown wheat to see if an in­ be of an Interesting nature. Special Jewish Christians insisted that in 1* red Markham, Florence Brace and Ralph, returned home Monday, Aug­ ley Lee and O. F. Bartholomew. Night Horse Shows crease in yield can be obtained by numbers of music as well as a very order to he a convert the rite of cir­ Belle and Josephine Fredrickson. ust 31, from a visit at the home of The Misses Oleta Neill, Lila Bar­ use of imported seed grown on hea­ special and interesting subject, will cumcision must bo administered to a Several new ideas on the handling Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Neill at New O regon Products be discussed. If you are in doubt Gentile. The returned missionaries of the club work In the county were Bridge, Oregon. During their ab­ tholomew and Alma Neill cleaned vier soils. This plan was tried out the laboratory in the school build­ by Harry Turner last year, accord in ~ Horse racing concerning the "Sabbath” it’s place and many others insisted that this discussed and some new rulings sence from home they also visited at ing Tuesday afternoon. to C. W. Smith, county agent, and adopted that will be a great help to In our religious lives. Come! form was not necessary and the out­ Jerome, Idaho, their former home. Band contest Tom O’Brien who has beeq in it was found that the imported Epworth League at 6:30. ward act was not essential to in­ both leaders and members of 4-H Bos drivers this year are Burl Chicago for some time with his sheep wheat gave a heavier yield than the Farmers' day ward faith. When agreement could clubs. Wattenburger on the big Butter returned home Thursday. BAPTIST-CHRISTIAN CHURCH locally grown seed. not be obtained after long and even Wallace E. Jones, Pastor. heated discussion it was decided to 10:20 A. M., Communion. lay the whole matter before the mo­ G 'G rs ■ S j TAA. t .- c 10:30 A. M., Song Service. ther church in Jerusalem. 10:55 A. M., Sermon. Subject, It is interesting to note that as "Second Childhood." Paul and Barnabas advanced to Jer- 11:20 A. M., Teaching service. isalem they evangelized all the way. 7:00 P. M„ Christian Endeavor. hey were out to win souls for 8:00 P. M., Preaching service brist and argument about proce­ Sermon subject, "Spiritual Person­ dure was only incidental alities, The Holy Spirit.” Follow the debate in ,the Council HERMISTON BAPTIST CHURCH at Jerusalem as you read chapter W. L, Wilson, Pastor. 15. Though circumcision Is not men 10:00 A. M., Sunday school, Mrs. tioned the Paul party won. Findings Serrell, Superintendent. were prepared which were taken to the church at large. There were ' 9 * * * * . • - • • ~• t. ,O.,"»0..'.vO ••••’/! iO?'.tO*'[tP/j concessions on both sides. Manner of life was to be taken Into account rather than any mere form. Some of HOT LUNCHES the details are rehearsed when Paul wrote the special letter to the Gal- REFRESHING DRINKS atlnns. Read the entire epistle and note the Golden text in Galatians | 5:13. Councils have their place but SPORTING GOODS rrsl value Is in the constructive work that follows. PAY BY CHECK! FIRST NATIONAL BANK \^ ts GD? ■ t SÄKS The Baker Furniture Co. PENDLETON, OREGON Offer their entire $50,000 high quality — Furniture and Rug Stock — — Hitt’s Confectionery HERMISTON, OREGON OREGONS CONTINUED DEPENDENT UPON ITS When Janies R. Bridwell and Myrtle Coker of Amarillo, Tex., elop­ ed, the bride wore bright green pa­ jamas and the bridegroom wore I neither bat not tie. PROGRESS ’ IS R A IL R O A D S • TO be sold piece by piece to the highest bidder at PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday Afternoon, September 12 ------------- at 2:00 P.M. ------------- Sales Daily at 2:00 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. I $1,361,196.49 IN TAXES CONTRIBUTED IN TO THE 1930 PRO SPERITY AND PROGRESS OF OREGON E7 N ADDITION to thb large sum. paid out from its earnings for taxes in Oregon, the Union Pacific distributes an immense turn for salaries and wages. During 1930 alone over nine million dollars paid to 4,968 Union Pacific employees found ita way into circulation through the avenuci of Trade and Commerce within the State. Over 20,000 Oregon people derive their support from Union Pacific. Oregon’s progress began with the coming of the railroads. Her fntnre growth is dependent npon adequate railroad trans­ portation. The kind of transportation service that Oregon needs can be pro­ vided only if Oregon people support tho railroads. Everything for Sale * Nothing Reserved Select any article in our entire stock — I t w ill he offered for sale IMMEDIATELY. THREE VALUABLE PRIZES A t Each and Every Sale. RAKER FURNITURE COMPANY Pendleton, Oregon |