Knowledge 1» power only when It can be made available, practical.— O. S. Marden. VOLUME X XV NUMBER 51 EXCHANGE OF IDEAS SEEN IN TURKEY TOUR Jbrmtfiiatt iftetlii HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1931 NO FREE TEXT BOOKS FOR HERMISTON THIS YEAR •’S K I T ? Y ” 4-H CLUB GIRLS SELECTED TO COMPETE IN DEMONSTRATIONS Because of lack of funds and no provision having been made in the budget for this expense the local grade school cannot provide any free text books before September, 1932. In view of this the patrons of the school will furnish all books for their children throughout this school year. Plans for next year will be announced after the first of tbc year. *The State Text Book Commission meets every two years and adopts one third of the books used in the schools. Books so adopted must be used for six years. This accounts for the changes in this year’s book list. What folks alnt up on. they’r down on. Wise ’em up—Advertise. SUBSCRIPTION, $2.00 PER YEAR 16 CABS OF ROAMING GYPSIES INFEST HERMISTON At a meeting of the We-Can Can ning club held at the J. S. Burn­ ham home Wednesday afternoon, the girls decided to hold a demonstration contest soon. Five demonstrations will he given with two girls on each GROWERS INSPECT BIRDS ON F IV E FARMS AND AT EXPERIMENT team. HELD HERE UNTIL WOMAN WHO FRISKED TILL AT RIVERVIEW STATION; EQUIPMENT SHOWN AND METHOD USED BY IN ­ Nina Rae McCulley and Mary SERVICE STATION WAS ID ENTIFIED; $30 GLEANED FROM Kodda will demonstrate the equip­ DIVIDUAL GROWERS EX PL A IN E D ; FINE BIRDS SEEN ment used In canning; Mary Skovbo THE TRIBE AND RETU RN ED TO THE OWNERS. and Marjorie Burnham, the canning 98 SERVED AT PICNIC LUNCH AT of fruit; Grace Rodda and Jannie Caravan Is Patroled to P atterson’s respond to the usual dates of killing NOON. Shockey, fruit desserts; Jane and street near the hotel 34 children for the various markets. On Nov. 17 Ferry N ear U m atilla. Lois Barnard, fruit salads; and Cath­ swarmed out like bees from a hive. the feed cost was 11.2c; on Dec. Unusual interest was shown by erine McMullen and Grace Rodda, Shouting and chattering could be participtants in the tour of turkey 11.7c and on Jan. 12, 13.6c per the judging of fruits. Hermiston was thrown into a heard for blocks a3 the dirty, pound. The overhead cost, which in raisers farms last Saturday when The girls practiced their demon­ state of excitement Monday, shortly slightly clothed youngsters romped fifteen cars filled with people gath' eluded the original outlay for stock strations at this meeting. The two after the noon hour by the arrival and played while their mothers ered at the Umatilla Experiment the brooder fuel, and 10 per cent of This picture will be shown at the high scoring girls will go to Pilot of sixteen cars filled to overflowing squatted unconcernedly on the lawn farm where inspection of turkeys the investment in equipment, a Oasis theatre Thursday, Friday, and Rock to compete for the county with Gypsies. The license plates in tharpxrlijng space. The dirty 4-H CLUB MEMBERS ATTEND was held. From there the group mounted to 4.9c per pound. The la Saturday, of this week. It Is con­ championship. showed that most of the cars were (aces and the chattering of the Journeyed to the farms owned by bor spent in care of the flock for the CLUB DAY IN PENDLETON sidered one of the best of the sea­ from Ohio and Colorado and they children did not seem to bother the whole season was 578 hours Merl Potter, Emerold Tilden, Walter son and features Jackie Cooper, Bob­ were headed toward Portland. mothers and they looked with dis­ SPECIAL ROUND TRIP At the Merl Potter farm the group Sanders, August Dindner, and John Approximately thirty-five 4-H by Coogan. Fifteen of the cars were held dain upon v spectators, whom the inspected a flock of 900 fine turkeys Jendrzejewski. When the group ter FARES TO ROUND-UP club members in the livestock div­ hers after Sheriff Gurdane had tele­ children, continually asked for nick­ minated at the Jendrzejewski home that had been hatched in two groups ision from Hermiston and Stanfield HERMISTON SOCIETY PICNIC phoned Deputy Bert Nation that pas- els and trinkets. It was evident with only 14 days difference In their attended club day held in' Pendleton for ia picnic dinner there was Low round-trip fares to the Pea tengers In one car had frisked a cash that their eyes had been trained ages. Mr. Potter kept 75 laying hens total number of 98 present. Monday. During the day different VOTED FOR N EX T YEAR dleton Round-Up will be put In ef register nt the Riverview Service sta­ I'fotu babyhood to spot every detach­ H. K. Dean, farm superintendent last season to furnish eggs for this breeds were shown and explained to feet August 27 and 28 from Port tion this side of Pendleton, obtain­ able artlclo upon the persons to Former residents of Hermiston of the Umatilla field station, con year's flock. The turkeys range over the boys and girls. They went to land, Hood River and The Dalles ing 830.00 in cash. Nation Immedi­ whom they wero talking. three acres of clean ground, part of ducted the group from one flock to the Eastern Oregon State Hospital who now live in or near Portland and August 28 and 29 from Biggs ately summoned City Chief of Police One or two of the children In another and explained the experi­ which Is in alfalfa. The four brooder where they judged cows in the dairy held their annual picnic in Laurel- and Arlington. The fares also ap H. A. Pankow, and all but one car the group could have been white houses, 8x16, are arranged with the hurst park, Portland. Sunday. Aug­ ments being made and the results. herd and witnessed a demonstration ply from Eastern Oregon and Spo was stopped here, and It escaped children from their fair complexions ust 16. About 126 people were pres­ The flock that was given no green hovers and oil burners at one end; In trowing a cow. kane territory. inly by going around by the Farm and their attitude toward their ent, coming from Bingen, Washing­ feed made a gain of 3.74 pounds in this allows the turks to range and County Agent Holt and Assistant The Portland rate of 85.00 for the Bureau and on to Umatilla, where it ompanipns. They wore long flow­ adjust themselves to the tempera ton, Ilwaco, Washington, Salem, one month; the flock fed 10 per County Agent Best showed the dele­ round trip is the top fare and the wbb held. ing skirts made of bright colored cent leaf blossom meal made a gain ture. A stream of water runs stead­ gates of boys and girls how to tie Hood River, Oregon, and many other fares for intermediate points are After Sheriff Gurdane and his naterials. They spoke in English ily from a pressure tank, into foun­ nearly towns, as well as from Her­ of 2.95 pounds in one month; those hog, and also judged a class of graded down accordingly. The tick deputies arrived with the owne nd Spanish. miston. fed chopped green alfalfa gained tains set on top of the ground with pigs. ets are good in coaches on regular > f the service station, the woman From her* the cars wffre patroled cavaty underneath to allow drain­ It was voted unaniomusly to have 3.38 pounds in one month; and A picnic lunch was held at noon Union Pacific trains but do not ap who took the money was idntifled. to Umatilla by state police and from age. Mr. Potter plans to feed his a picnic again next year at about those ranged in alfalfa pasture and later in the day swimming was 'poll threatening to take her to Pen- .here to Patterson's ferry. It had this time of the year. All who en­ ply to Union Pacific stages. gained 3.47 pounds in one month. turkeys all the grain and mash they indulged in and contests held. lleton where she would be held for been planned to patrol them out of joy meeting old friends may plan Mr. Dean explained that the feather will eat. PURCHASE PUREBRED RAMS rial, the king of the tribe ordered the state but they were cunning their vacations in order to attend. Next the group Inspected Emerold BLUEPRINTS ARE OUT FOR , picking habit was formed by the k collection to be taken from their inough to leave the state police and AT SALE IN PENDLETON birds in the attempt to free their Tilden’s brooder hopse which is on nidRt for the amount. •/oss over into Washington. The BIDS ON EXPERIMENT STATION “FARM DOLLAR” ARTICLES the same order as J. H. Reids', with beaks of the sticky mash, and that Such a sight as the Gypsies made sheriff at Prosser was notified that 6 inch tile set 10 inches under no particular damage was done. A number of people from this end las never been witnessed by resi­ they were coming his way. Blueprints are ready for bids on DISCONTINUED FOR PRESENT Mr. Dean warned growers against ground through the centeh of the of the county attended the ram sale dents of Hermiston before. The fif­ Special Deputy Sheriff Nation was raising more turkeys than could building. Mr. Tilden plans to put in the new Experiment Station which The “Farm Dollar" articles which in Pendleton held Monday, August teen cars were brim full of men, commended by Sheriff Gurdano for is to be located on a 180-acre tract reach maturity in time for the mar­ another tile next spring. He burned have been appearing in the Hermis­ .17, at which time New Madden, of women, children and luggage. When his work in holding all but one of keting season. Growers should be 60 gallons of Deisel oil a month of land, one mile south of Hermis­ ton Herald regularly for the past Hermiston, and Stanley GTeen, of he cars came to a halt on the side the sixteen cars here. content to feed well and let the birds last season, at 8%c a gallon, besides ton, just above the A line canal, two months, under the heading of Stanfield, purchased a purebred reach maturity and prime condttion the ferry charge, and he says it will south of what is known as the old O. I. Paulson, v.ill be discontinued Hampshire stud ram. The number W eather Report" for W eek. before they kill, they will realize take no more to heat I wo pipes. The David Sorrell ranch. The latest date for the present. No definite Infor­ of sales were not ns numerous as in NATION ARRESTS MAN IN ECHO Date Max Min more profit than selling on an early brooder house has three divisioni, for acceptance of bids will be Thurs­ mation has been received from Mr. previous years but was average )N BAD CHECK CHARGE August 13 ........ .......... Q8- ...45 with capacity for 200 forks. The day, August 27. Construction will Paulson regarding the time they will Some fine sheep classes were shown market in poor condition. August 14 ...... .................92. ...44 Lloyd Pearson was arrested In August 15 ....... ................. 93... In an experiment made last year hover consists of small frames with probably be pushed rapidly after be renewed. The Editor would be ...58 bids are let. Echo Thursday (today) on a bad August 16 ........ the following conclusions were sacks thrown over them. The house glad to hear from readers expres­ Abortion T estin g Continues .................96. . .58 •heck charge after Special Deputy, drawn: Raising birds under semi­ is lighted from a battery. sing their views on the benefits of According to Assistant County lert Nation received a wire from August 18 ......... ................. 91... ...62 Arretsed For R eckless Driving Mr. Tilden has 750 turkeys, from confinement did not have a deter­ such articles. Agent Best, who has been working ifficials at Oregon City authorizing August 19 ....... .................90.... ...50 mined effect on the quality or three hatchings, one month differ­ John King of Portland .vas arrest, with Dr. Thistlewaite on the abor­ tils arrest. He was out on 81OOo bail­ ♦ ♦ * « « 0 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ence, that are a week older than Mr. weights. The station flock grown in M rs . Kelly’s Sister Dies, ed Monday on a charge of r eckless tion and tuberculosis testing on the ie is being held in Pendleton. * « limited quarters had 71.2 per cent Potter’s birds. The birds have a wide driving by Special Deputy Bert Nat­ Mrs. W. Eisenbels of Aloah, Or., Hermiston Project, only one cow out ♦ ALONG THE CONCRETE ♦ prime birds; while the local flocks, range and feed from alfalfa. Water ion. He pleaded guilty before Jus­ sister of Mrs. W. 3. Kelley of Her­ of 2500 tested was tubercular. Test­ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ a greater proportion of which w’ere is furnished them in troughs. tice West and was fined $19.50 and ♦ Walter Sanders has a flock of costs. He did not p ay his fine and miston, passed away Tuesday at her ing so far has been almost 100 per ♦ given free range, shipped through An attempt to break all long dlst- IRRIGON NEW S ♦ the Hermiston association had 52.5 5 00 fine birds that range over a was taken to Pendleton by Sheriff home after a prolonged Illness. Mrs. cent, with only two herds not tested. > Kelley has teen visiting her sister It Is the Intention of thoee testing ♦ ♦ int walking records was thwarted per cent prime birds. The average large area. The roosts were the only Gurdane. for some time Rnd was with her to take In all cows, no matter how Tuesday when Mr. and Mrs. J. H. dressed weight of the station toms ones of their type seen on the tour. during her last hours. Funeral ser­ smnll the herd Is, and if the owners R. V. Jones was a Heppner visit­ Reid were picked up by passing was 20.8 pounds and hens 12.2 They are made of wire to prevent Dr. and Mrs. F. V. Prime and two motorists while trudging along the pounds while all the association the younger birds from getting un­ sons returned home Wednesday af­ vices were held Wednesday. Mr. and will notify Mr. Best he will see that or Monday. Mrs. Cecil Kelley joined Mrs. Kel­ the herd Is arranged for. Mrs. Leola Beavert purchased a highway toward Hermiston, between toms averaged 16.4 pounds and the der the roosts. ter spending a month at their sum­ Ford roadster from Stater Motor Co. Pendleton and the State Hospital. August Lindner has 250 one and mer home at Neskowin, Oregon ley at Aloah Wednesday morning. hens 10.5 pounds. Roger Morse, dairy extension at Pendleton Saturday. Apparently they had not been use The turkeys used in this experi­ two month old turkeys ranging near Devil's lake, on the coast. Mrs. J. W. McMullen and son Floyd specialist, was In Hermiston several A group of 4-H club bo’ys and to catching stages and were aided ment cost, for feed, at the end of around two small brooder houses and Gladys Smith and Mrs. Frances made a hurried business trip to Jo­ days this week conferring with as­ girls from Irrigon accompanied Mr. In their attempt to reach home be­ the growing period when they were the older birds, 250 in all, are rang­ Householder have been living in seph Sunday, returning the same sistant County Agent Best. He left Conley of Boardman, with the club fore dark by Assistant County Agent taken off of alfalfa on September 20, ing on alfafla. It was necessary to their house during their absence. day. Thursday. members from his vicinity, to the Best, who picked up the hitch­ 9.4c per pound. The finishing period hatch the birds only as the small County Institution at Pendleton for hikers. The cows must be milked and (Continued on last page) was divided into three parts to cor­ the chickens fed—after the fun of in inspection of the live stock. Elmer Beneflel, who has been in the day Is over. MISS STANWYCK COMES SUNDAY hospital at San Francisco, Calif., Mrs. Fred Barker Is holding «> ♦ (or several months recovering Iron) 'grounds for divorce” In reserve un­ AS STAR OF “NIGHT NURSE” MINNEHAHA NEW S NOTES an auto accident, returned home this til such time when she will need ❖ ❖ week. He was accompanied by a them. Fred declares that the scrat­ Barbara Stanwyck, vividly re­ rlend, Alfred Zelbarth, who will re- ches and bruises on hlg wife's face Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Oari and grand­ membered for her performance in were accidental, but we will wait naln for some time. son, Vance Matott, returned to Hin­ "Illicit” comes to the Oasis theatre Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fredrickson and see what statement Mrs. Barker kle Friday after vacationing along Sunday as the star of ‘‘Night Nurse,” makes. vere Hermiston visitors Tuesday. the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Oari went Warner Bros, screen adaption of the Mrs. Jendrzejewski and Mrs. Lin­ Mrs. Chas. Stewart la visiting her sensational novel by Dora Macy. on to La Grande. daughter, Mra. Lyhle Seaman at dner declare that the turkey tour Alton Sisson visited at the W. A. was a success, but Mrs. Jendrejews- Madras. Ora., this week. The stirring sequences of “Night Kryger home Tuesday and Wednes­ Nures” follow the life of a girl who. Mrs. Amy Collins and Mra. Beav- ki says that someone got away with day. comes to a great city hospital as s irt were shopping In Hermiston the plate she had served for herself during the picnic. Anyway, she Monday. E. P. Jarmon and daughter Laura probationer, and becomes an ac­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Markham left made up for It when the dessert was were guests, one day last week at credited nurse. She meets tempta­ Sunday for a few days visit at Ta- served. the C. M. Jackson home. They are tions in many guises— and also love Our friend and neighbor, C. M. ;oma, Wn. —and is instrumental in saving the Butter creek residents. Mrs. W. C. Isom and son Don were Jump of Stanfield Irrigation dist­ Mrs. M. T. Matott and daughters lives of two ill-fated children. Night Hermiston business visitors Mon- rict, upholds the negative In the dis­ Rosella and Janice returned Sunday. Nurse is unusual and altogether ab­ cussion for and against federal aid lay. While on their vacation they visited sorbing in its transcription of an Calvin Allen, who has been work- to farmers, hut he reaps the bene­ with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McFall and actual phase of the life of today. ng at Eddyville, Or., the past two fits from turkey tours and the like, In support of Miss Stanwyck are daughter Roeene of Bay City, for­ vears. returned Friday for a visit sponsored by County Agents. I’e is merly of this district. Mrs. Nellie Ben Lyon, Joan Blondell, Charles vtth his mother, Mrs. Hugh Grimm. "Johnnie on the spot,” when turkey Hamer, also a former resident, re­ Winninger, Charlotte Merriam. Ed­ Wayne Caldwell returned Sunday Is served end there Is r>-oof that no turned with Mrs. Matott as far as ward Nugent, Allen Lane, Blanche rom Outlook, Or., where he has oleomargarine was served. Frlderica, Vera Lewie, Ralf Harolde, Portland. T. II. Fraser lnionning A. F. >een the past week. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jackson and Clark Gable, Walter McGrall and Chas. Wilson Is working near Out­ Rohrman that his girls had dropped sons Billy and Bobby and Donald Betty May. Oliver H. P. Garrett did In to soe him Monday. Fifteen car look, Or. and Jimmy Jackson, attended the the screen play. Dialogue is by load of them. Mrs. Chaney returned home from club meeting at Pendleton Monday. Charles Kenyon. William A. Well­ A1 Clayton nearly lost his new he Hermiston Medical hospital Fri- J. W. McMullen, Floyd McMullen man directed, white cap Monday while promena­ lay. and I. C. Cox were business visitors Mrs. L. A. Salvage and daughter ding among the Gypsies. Those black «kJoseph Sunday. E. P. Dodd motored to Rosedale. xila, of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. L. eyed Susans do not mis« an Item, Dr. Madge and Dr. Harold Schlott- Wn„ last Friday where his wife and xurtx and son of Portland, visited let alone a white cap among all isnuer of Bakersfield, California, ar­ daughter have been visiting for the srlth Mr. and Mrs. Bert Deeter and those dark skins. rived Friday for a visit at the W. past three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. It Is about time Grace Jaekson smlly Thursday. H. Quick home. Dr. Madge has com­ A. C. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Craw­ Vallls Dexter was a Wallowa via­ moved the County Court house to mitted her year of interne work at ford are old pioneer residents of Hermiston. We saw Herb Hedwall tor a few days last week. Bakersfield and is now assistant Hermiston and Mr. Crawford was Chas. Smith, county agent (or looking the Gypsies over Monday. health officer of the schools at one of the first real estate men Our City Chief of Police H. A. Morrow rounty, was calling on far- Bakersfield. The doctors Madge and located here when the project was Pankow being addressed as "Four- ners In this vicinity Wednesday, Sehlatthauer left Monday for Spo­ new. The Dodds plan to return this The premium list for the North eyes" by the driver of the car of kane where they plan to visit for a week and will make their home here Morrow County Fair are obtainable reaming Gypsies, last to arrive in this w inter. fe* days. at the post office. C all **A « el on*. town Monday. • — *