Published every Thursday at Hermis­ Tuesday. ton. Umatilla County, Oregon, by International debts are Just like Pauline M. Stoop and Alfred Quirlng, Miss Marie Young returned home I other public debts, in that the Publishers, promises of politicians to pay them IlAPTIST-CHItlSTIAN CHURCH M. and Mrs. Hodge of Islin g to n . Wednesday morning from LaGrandc Ore., were Sunday guests of Mr. and where she has been having medical are not always based upon the abil­ Wallace E. Jones. Minister. attention. Mrs. Frank Steves. Entered as Second Class Mattai ity of the town, county, state or na 10:20, Communion. Mrs. Myrtle Grablel and Mrs. J. E. December, 1906, Umatilla County, tion to pay. That seems to be Ger­ Miss Isobella O’Brien and sister, 10:30, Devotional song service. Grabiei left Friday for Imbler, Ore., and two brothers, visited at the Oregon. many’s case. She owes more than for a visit with relatives. 10:55, Preaching service. she can pay, but she has given very Cha». Beneflel and daughters. Mrs. home of Miss Lenna Neill Thursday. 7:00 P. M., Christian Endeavor. Roy Neill, who has been in Mon­ Subscription Rates: Leola Beavert and Mrs. Joe Puckett good evidence of desire and willing­ 8:00 P. M., Preaching service. were, called to Walia Walla ^ednes- tana - for the past ten days, returned One Year .................... . 1 2 or i ness to pay. All reports from Qer da? ’to attend the funeral of Mrs. , home > Monday evening. He reported Six Months ........... ................. E. W. Beneflel, sister of Mrs. Chas. » »1.01 1 many are that the people there are METHODIST CHURCH that the country was very dry when working harder and longer hours Beneflel. Three Months ............... Oscar Payne. Pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stevers are he went, but that there was a gen­ than anywhere else in the world and Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. but the proud parents of a baby boy born eral rain, which will benefit the are living on next to nothing in the ____ ________ _ Those European Debts. Wednesday. Mrs. Stevers is in the country wonderfully. effort to pay the heavy taxes which no morning worship service. UNLOCK THE GATE TO YOUR The Epworth League and church ! hospital at Portland, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. John Healy motored the national debt requires. Even The principal Impression which OWN FUTURE SECURITY BY to Heppner Friday evening. service will take the form of an Mrs. Ollie Coryell returned from the International financial confer doing the best they can the country STARTING A SAVINGS ACCOUNT. A surprise birthday party was ences make upon us is that the Uni­ cannot meet Its obligations. The old- "Institute Echo Service." You will The Dalles Tuesday. She was accom- IT WILL SURPRISE YOU HOW given Mrs. C. II. Bartholomew Tues­ want to be present at this service panied by her mother and uncle, tashioned way of meeting a situation ted States is for the first time since QUICKLY YOUR SAVINGS GROW. day evening. Delicious Tefreshments and see the beautiful prizes won by Ralph Beneflel is home from Sun- the war taking the part in Interna like that was for the creditor na­ EVERY DOLLAR YOU DEPOSIT, tlonal affairs which our country’s tions to send an army into the coun the I-eague at the institute. It will nyside for a short visit with his fam- of ice cream and cake were served. EVERY TIME YOU DEPOSIT IT IS be an open air service and of course ! lly. Those present were: Mr. and. Mrs. try to take possession of it. The mo­ position as the world's wealthiest ANOTHER MILESTONE PASSED and most prosperous nation demands dern way is for all of the nations to of a worshipful nature. Evoryone is | Mrs. Edith Markham went to Wal- Sloan Thompson. Mrs. O. F. Thomp­ ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS. cordially invited. son. Mrs. Ollie Neill, Mr. and Mrs. la Walla on business Wednesday. whom Germany owes money to get of us. It is announced from Wash­ »1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT. Joe Foley, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neill, Mrs. Frank Leicht returned from ington that in officially represent­ together, as they are doing In Lon­ Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and ing the United States in the Confer­ don, and try to figure a way out, HERMISTON BAPTIST CHURCH Carson, Wn., Saturday, very much children, Betty, Francis and Patty, improved in health. ence on International Debts our based upon German’s proved and | W. L. Wilson. Pastor. Emil Helmic left Friday for a trip Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Neill, O. F. Bar­ Secretary of State, Mr. Stlmson, and actual ability to pay, just as in pri­ Sunday School 10:00 a. m., Mrs. tholomew, John McCarty, R u t h through California. our Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. vate business a committee of credit Serell, superintendent. of Hermiston Thompson. Wilma McCarty, Alma Dorothy Dill who has been visit ors might work out a plan to enable Mellon, will take no part in the po­ Morning worship, subject, "Some­ Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over »50,000. litical aspects of the European situa­ a debtor to meet his obligations thing Different." Come and hear it lug at the Brace home for some timi Neill, Lika Bartholomew, Neva Neill, F. B. Swayze, Pres. - R. Alexander, Vice-Pres. - A. H. Horton, Cashier gradually. left Wednesday for her home at Se­ Mary Thompson, Lenna Neill, Ber­ tion. at 11:00 o’clock. nice Neill, Murray Potts, and Ralph attle. Wn. It is very difficult to see how thej Evening service at 8: p. m. Ser­ Mrs. E. E. Isom was shopping In Neill. Theatre Attraction. can keep out of it. International Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helms called That rollicking team of comic ma­ mon subject, "The Undisputed Lead­ Pendleton Tuesday. Debts are necessarily involved in rines, Victor McLaglen and Edmund ers of Jesus.” A cordial welcome to at the Chas. Bartholomew home Sat­ house. Mrs. Nettle Flower of Heppner honor of Mrs. H. E. Sewell, who is politics. When a nation owes money Lowe are at the Oasis theatre Friday strangers and visitors in our city.’ Mrs. Musgrave and Misses Veda returning home Thursday. Cards Ore., is visiting with her niece Mrs urday afternoon. the method whereby that debt is to and Saturday in "Women of All Na­ Charley Melville and niece, Miss and Belva Bundy, and Earl Bundy were the diversion of the evening, W. C. Isom this week. She will leave be paid has to be decided in the long tions.” Greta Nissen, as a Swedish Gertrude Tichenor of Alpine, visit­ of Lexington visited at the Stockard with light refreshments served at a CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES for Bonita, Ore., Friday to spend the run by the politicians of that nation, loreli Is responsible for most of the ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dee home Tuesday. Other visitors were late hour to the twenty guests. winter with Mrs. May Humphry “ • I ove” was the subject of the precisely as the method of paying the rivals’ battles and hair-raising es­ Mrs. Barlow and Mrs. Whltaet. A shower was given Mr. and Mrs Neill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lynch and Lesson-Sermon in all Churches interest on town or school district capes. Charley Bartholomew, who hag Mrs. Bellscamper spent Tuesday Mrs. H. E. Sewell and 0. O. Nicker­ Jess Oliver and family Thursday and of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, was attended by practically every been in Montana for some time, went visiting at the Stewart home. son and Mrs. W. P. Luttrell visited August 2. to Chicago with his sheep, and also Joe Udey visited in The Dalles in Boardman Thursday. one in the community. The Golden Text was, "The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is Mr. and Mrs. Lynch and daughter, All contributed liberally of both Roy N eill’s sheep. Johnny Brosman from Wednesday until Sunday. He mighty; he will save, he will re­ returned to Hermiston with his Dorcus, and Mrs. Sewell, were busi­ useful and beautiful presents for Mr. also went to Chicago with them. joice over thee with Joy; he will niece, Lourella Hurlng, and her ness visitors in Pendleton Wednes­ and Mrs. Oliver who lost their home rest in his love, he will Joy over friend, Joe Brown. They remained day. by fire last week. Refreshments of time with singing” (Zoph. 3:17). <• until Sunday evening before return­ Mr. and Mrs. Archie Conrad, Mr. ice cream and cake were served on * Among the citations which com­ COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES * ing. Mrs. Oliver’s lawn. and Mrs. John Conrad and family, prised the Lesson-Sermon was the Mr. and Mrs. John Jenderjewski, and Mis3 Robertson visited at the Ben and Chas. McCoy of Imbler following from the Bible: "For ye O ❖ ❖ Helen and Fern Linder, and Chas. Dave Conrad home Tuesday. are visiting with their uncle Em­ shall go out with Joy, and be led Paul Stockard of Bend, Oregon, Lynch w efe business visitors in Pen­ mett McCoy and family this week Mr. and Mrs. Lynch and Mrs. forth with peace: the mountains visited this week with his parents, dleton Wednesday. Sevell, Mr. Nickerson, Miss Dorcas and the hills shall break forth be­ Mr. and Mrs. Hays Stockard. Mrs. Tillford Stillings was a dinner Throop, and Miss Maxine Moore were fore you Into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their ♦ Rockard returned home with her guest at the Stewart home Sunday. dinner guests at the Luttrell home hands” (Isa. 55:12). August Linder has been sick for Saturday. ’> PINE CITY NEWS ♦ son where she will spend some time. A pleasant surprise was given by the past week. He strained the lega- The Lesson-Sermon also Included * <• Edwin Throop returned from a number of friends at the Luttrell tnents in his neck while lifting a the following passages from the short vacation trip in Portland this Christian Science textbook, "Sci­ home to wish Mr. Luttrell a happy shock of hay. week. Charley Morehead and Lloyd Bal- birthday on the first day of August. ence and Health with Key to the Tommie Stewart has been suffer­ Mr. Sewell visited at the Jasper ridge made a business trip to Hep­ Those who gathered were: Mr. and Scriptures”, by Mary Baker Eddy: ing with an abscess on his hand this Templeton home Monday. ‘‘Happiness is spiritual, born of pner Saturday. Mrs. Dave Conrad and son John, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lynch visited Truth and Love. It is unselfish; Mrs. Ollie _NeIll and daughter ind Mrs. Joseph Templeton, Mr. and week, and found it necessary to The Goodyear Double Eogle- have it lanced. Monday and Tuesday at the Luttrell therefore it cannot exist alone, but Lenna made a business trip to Her- Jrs. L. H. Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. C. A farewell party was given in home this week. requires ail mankind to share it . . . nislon Saturday. V Lynch, Mrs. H. E. Sewell, O. O. Love enriches the nature, enlarg­ imitated but never equaled—is the Floe Crltzer and some friends from Nickerson, Johnnie Thom, Miss Max ing, purifying, and elevating it” Fortland, visited at the home of Mr. ine Moore and Miss Dorcas Throop. (p 57). e finest tire the world's largest rubber and Mrs. E. P. Jarmon Sunday after­ The evening was spent playing cards noon. They are on their way to the with ice cream and cake served as company can build without a cost Yellowstone National Park where refreshments. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON . restriction of any kind ' 1 t t t Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lynch and Mrs utornational Sunday School Lesson they will spend their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Wattenburger Sewelland, and Miss Dorcas Throop for August 16 The Quality of our Merchandise I went to John Day Saturday where were visitors in Pendleton Thursday. SOWING AND REAPING they will visit their daughter, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray of Ione Galatians 6:1-10 is Best. W e lead with new Reid Buslck and family. While there Oregon, visited the Stockard home Rev. Samuel D. Price, D.D. they will go to the Greenhorn Moun­ over Saturday and Sunday. low prices. Give us a trial This quarterly temperance lesson tain. Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. David Lee JPhone (571 Hermiston, Oregon also suggests a profitable study for Sirs. William McCarty visited at Davidson were visitors at the Stock­ today and know that it pays these summer days. One of the epis­ the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. ard home Thursday. tles of Paul furnishes the lesson text, Young Sunday afternoon. k t o pay cash at Mac Marrs. Mr. end Mrs. Bill Jones are visit­ carch out all the thirteen or four- S rs. Lucy O’Brien and sons, James ing at the John Conrad home. They oen letters that I.o wrote and relate and Gordon made a business- trip to are from Baker. be-t to (he historical account in the Hermiston Thursday, where she can- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sucgar and Acta. led some string beans at the Co-cp family lfave moved in the Graham ’I.oral problems faced tho people in oat day and those letters deal very directly with human affairs. Since he same difficulties are with us to- ay we find even greater help in Irresistable Flavor, Blended from the World's* a T h a hose same writings for Paul. Read Finest Coffees. Quality, Price and Freshness. " 8 he entire letter and note how the race of God was superceding the inrd and fast la- s which the Old Testament of Hebrew sought to live. Everybody makes mistakes and the apostle tells that those who are mak- ng the fewest mistakes should be oost kindly disposed toward those packao . vho sin to a greater extent. There ire certain burdens that we mu3t hear for ourselves, such «3 tho kit DEL MONTE 14 ox. Bottle dial the traveler or soldier carries or his dally necessities. The Golden Text is lust plain com­ BALL MASON. ECONOMY per mon sense as well ns*snlrltual truth: or KERR MASON doz. IMS phantom v ie w shows the “Whatsoever a man soweth THAT highly simplified working unit shall he also reap.” That is certain Here’s nr. elec^io refrigerator permanently M a led and placed In the material world and not the that s wholly different from all Delightful in tho b a te o< the cabinet less positive in the spiritual realm. PINT the real—that Beta a new stand­ Beverage o Wild oats take nourishment from the ard of household refrigeration soil and produce their own crop. Al­ for years to come. READ THESE QUICK coholic liquor is habit-forming and FACTS The usw Serrai iôimkMtiu ù co death dealing, no matter how slowly the poison may work. A single glass simplified that it requirco fewer The Billion Bubble Hermetically lealed reM gerah has its effect on the brain cells and moving parts. A ll parts most Soap. ing wnlt • N o kitchen reg ain - lessens the power of self-direction. likely to cause trouble have fe w e r m oving p a rts ■ Costs Turn to the newspapers for this week been entirely eliminated. considerably lots to operate • to get more Illustrations than can be Ouiotntl electric refrigerator • I t ’s the quietest electric refri TRU BAKE 2 lb. Box presented during the class session. Handy Temperaturu Control • erator, and it requires consi l i d ­ Big business will have nothing to Mora, usablo shalt spacs fla t, erahly 1 c m electric current io do with it. Alcohol takes away per­ • • a b l e to p (v n lt in sld o tho operate. 25 ox sonal liberty and is destructive of basal- Beautiful, compart cubi- body and soul. CAN Now ia the tima to enjoy the nats • low prices— generous save The Key to HAPPINESS! FIRST NATIONAL BANK c^éeTIRE oftiteÔL W e Guarantee to Please YOU! ROHRMAN MOTOR CO. y BjLLililiB Saving Values — Sat. UMon, Mae M a rr COFFEE Special Ginger Snaps — 2 lbs. 25c E n tirely Shredded W heat NEW ioc Catsup E n tirely ¡Different J a r Caps Grape Julee Crystal W h ite Soap — 10 bars 3Oc Crackers B a k in g tremendous convenience ofeirc* tric refrigeration. There’s no in­ stallation problem. We simply set the cabinet in place and plug it into your wall . x keu term s • C o v ere d by broo d jJ A s Q»y (h«>OA II t ^ l O f e * ) U “ W M W V || INSTALLED COME IN AND SEE THE SERVEL HERMETIC BLESSING HARDWARE CO. H erm iston O regon TILLAMOOK—-Roscoe Harker who had been growing carrots as his principal root crop for his dairy herd last year changed to Bortfield tur­ nips, t. new crop Introduced hy the Astoria Branch experiment station, New crop wheat Is pouring Into and found that they outyielded ear- the crib elevator recently completed rota at least SOP per cent. "Ths Bortflolds enabled me to save at by Farmers National Grain Corpora­ least one-third of my usual annual tion at Milton-Freewater at the rate feed bill, and from the standpoint of of several thousand bushels a day. Increased production, they were The new elevator coot about »14,- worth a good deal more than that,” 600 and has a capacity of »0.000 , he told County Agent W. D. rine. , bushels. It being operated hy Fnr- 19c M4C Paneake Flour MARR . mem National for the benefit of the cooperative growers of northern Umatilla county. Farmers National now has 8,000.000 bushels of ter­ minal and sub-terminal storage In the Pacific northwest as well as more than 100 country warehouses sad elevators which have been built, bought or leased. W e are headquarters all Local Cantaloupe, SIZES priced RIGHT Hermiston, O re .—Phone 241