THURSDAY, JANUARY 2», 1931 PAGE TWO Slyr ^rrmtainn Errali) Published every Thursday at Hermis­ ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, by Pauline M. Stoop and Alfred Qulrlng, Publishers. OREGONIAN HEADS MOHAIR INSTITUTE Entered as Second Class Matter December, 190«, Umatilla County, Oregon. Subscription Rates: One Y ea r................ ................... ... »2.00 j Six Mouths ......._........- ............... »100 Three Months .......................--............ 60 Mast America Resort To The Dole? (Autocaster Service) Two million able-bodied English­ men are "on the dole.” That is, they are living at the expense of the taxpayers of CTeat Britain, being allowed enough money from the pub­ lic treasury every week to keep them A. C. Gnge, of Portland, Ore., edi­ and their families in idleness. That the dole has produced a new- tor of the Angora Journal, nnd Inter­ nationally known mohair authority, class of paupers is the testimony of who has been named director of the every impartial observer. Once a man newly-established Institute at Chi­ goes "on the dole” he becomes un­ cago that will carry on researches in willing to work, even if work Is of­ the uses of fabrics made from the fleeces of mohair goats. fered. The excuse for the dole which is offored by the Labor government of England is that the government must uses for the fabric that goes back to support these unemployed men or Bible times, according to Mr. Gage. face a revolution. That may be true Turkey is the original home of the in England, but It is certainly not Angora goat, but the United States the case in America. now has more mohair producing ani­ That there is much sufferinr mals than any other country in the among the people of certain parts world. There are Angora goats in of Arkansas and other regions which each of the 4 8 states with Texas by were ruined by the drought of last far the largest producing state. Im­ year is undeniable. Every good proved range practices in recent American wants to do what he can years have resulted In a finished pro- to help relieve this distress . And luct superior to that produced In fortunately, we have a great national the old world. organisation already set up and Mohair has been found by the U. S. trained In the work of relieving hn 'enartment of Agriculture to be the man suffering, already actively oi ongest wearing fibre known. The the Job of providing food, clothing ihyslcal nature of the fibre Is such and shelter for those In the strlken is to lend itself to colorings of every regions who are unable to care for hue. It is widely used In the up- themselves at the present time. holstry of motor and railroad cars, That organization Is the American good furniture, In the making of Red Cross. Its officials have sur­ quality rugs, robes, draperies, cloth­ veyed the need and report that ter ing and many other articles, million dollars Is needed at once for this work of mercy. President Hoov­ er has appointed a distinguished com­ mittee of private citizens, headed by Calvin Coolidge and Alfred E. Smith, to help raise the money. The Amer­ ican people will give the Red Cros: the ten million dollars, and as muc) more as may Ire needed. If the poll tlciuns In Congress who are trying tr make political ranltnl o«t of human misery will keep their hands off. What is being proposed In Con gress is that the United States Gov eminent— that Is to soy, the taxpay ars of the United States— shall con tribute the money with which to fee' those who need It this Winter an< Spring. In other words, those mem ters of Congroas who advocate thli would establish the British dole ays tern In this country. That Is a Bri tlsh system, but It Is not, as Presl dent Hoover points out, an Amerlcai system. The American principle o government Is to give to every man so far as possible, the opportunlt; to work out his own salvation, to pro tect him In hts rights ss an indlvl dual, but not to feed or clothe hlr at public expense except as payment for services performed. Never In our history has the Fed era! government assessed the taxpay ers for such a purpose. It has, how ever, authorized the Red Cross tc carry out the American method o! poor relief, by means of voluntar; contributions. If Congress vote; money for this purpose, either dl rictly or ns a gift to the Red Cross It will he more than an imposltloi upon the taxpayers. It will he thi beginning of the breakdown of th« American system of government, re during us to the level of Great Brl tain and our cltl-ees to the pauper level of the hr tieflrisrles of the dole Moreover, It will denrlve millions of generous-hearted Americans of the prlvele e of contributing t> the r lief o f tholr suffering fellow-clttzenr ture, or to you who say we need more ♦ ♦ effort along that line at home, we » CHURCH NOTES ♦ -¿specially invite you to the morning services. Conic at 10:00 o’clock and ♦ • enjoy tha Sunday school le so n with us. Men have you visited the Brother­ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES hood elans? Get in on it and also the tv p ru th ” was the subject of the ladies have an opportunity to entir A 'Lesson-Sermon in all Churches a bible study class. of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Epworth League and intermediate Jan. 26. League at 6:30. No evening worship The Golden Text was, "O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; tor thou BAPTIST-CHRISTIAN CHURCH hast done wonderful things; thy Wallace Jones, Minister counsels of old are faithfulness and 10:00 A. M.. Bible school. Contest truth” (Isa. 26:1). eport: Pine City 3280; llermt ton Among the citations which com­ prised the Lesson-Sermon was the 3310. following from the Bible; “Shew 11:00 A. M.. Church services, con- me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy regational singing and choir spec- paths. Lead me in thy truth, and als. Sermon, "Living for Christ.” teach me; for thou art the God of 6:30 P. M., Christian Endeavor; my salvation” (Ps. 25:4, 6). \d ult study class, “Faith Healing." The Lesson-Sermon also included 7:30 P. M. Church service. Begin­ the following passage from the ning with the evening of February Christian Science textbook, "Sci­ 1, will Introduce a new feature ence and Health with Key to the which we believe will prove of great Scriptures", by Mary Baker Eddy: "The spiritual sense of truth must interest to all. Various groups will be gained before Truth can be un­ derstood. This sense is assimilated only as we are honest, unselfish, loving, and meek” (p.272). at the nature of teaching. In the What we call charity was to be dis­ Such past they had been urged to take an pensed with real kindness. "eye for an eye” and if strength per­ teachiugs have an application todav mitted they would probably seek as we are importuned by the needy to give bark with added Interest and worthy who are hungry because when an injury had been done. Now I of lack of employment. Some profound truths are hard to this Positivist says "love your ene­ mies.” Such direction must have ! understand. Jesus, however, made caused about as much amazement as j His meaning clear in our Golden the miracles which held the people | Text. We call it the Golden Rule. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON spellbound. In fact no limit is set Note that it is positively stated and International Sunday School Lesson upon the kindly attitude nnd active not in a negative form as presented help for all who had sought to in­ by the philosopher Confucious. AS for February 8 YE WOULD THAT MEN SHOULD JESUS. THE WORLD’S TEACHER jure them. After doing all they could, they were advised to "pray DO TO-YOU, DO YE ALSO TO THEM Luke 6, 27-42 for them that despitefully use you.” ! LIKEWISE. Rev. Samuel D. Price, D.D. A new term had been used when Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom of God. He set forth the principles of that Kingdom In all of His addresses but especially in the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5. 6, 7. It is thought that this great message was repeated in briefer statements in the Sermon on the plain, from which this lesson study is taken. Give careful attention to all the items in Luke 6 for they have much to say about daily living. Listeners must have been amazed have charge of tha opening exerciser. The choir will have charge of the first service. The male quartet and duct, a women's duet and specials by the choir will feature the evening service. Sermon "Why did Jesus Come to Earth.” WEBBER’S CLEANERS HERMISTON BAPTIST CHURCH W. L. Wilson, Pastor 10:00 A. M., Sunday school, Mrs. Jessie Serell superintendent. 11:00 A. M.., Communion service, The Lord's Supper. 3:00 to 4:00 P. M., An address to women only. Women’s place in the political, social and religious world. 7:30 P. M., Song service. 8:00 P. M., Sermon subject, "The Loneliness of Sin.” A cordial Invi­ tation Is extended to all our services and especially the women’s meeting from three to four o’clock Sunday af­ ternoon when Mrs. J. S. Burnham and Mrs. Follett will sing a duet. METHODIST CHURCH O. W. Payne, Minister. Next Sunday will be observed as missionary day at the Methodist church. You who believe in mission­ ary program of Jesus need no invi­ tation but to those.of a skeptical na­ THE D A L L E S, OREGON WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER Feb. 3-4 C all and L eave A r tic les a t H itt’s C o n fectio n ery . M A IL O RDERS PROM PTLY F IL L E D GUARDIANS OF YOUR VALUABLES WEST SIDE BARGAINS! PRICE CUTS RANGING FROM 20 TO 50 PER CENT FOR CASH ON LADIES’ RAYON 50c HOSE for.............................. ............................ 25c LADIES’ SHOES, 33 1-3 PER CENT OFF. MEN’S »7.00 VELOUR COWBOY HATS, *28 per cent off ...... »5.00 MEN’S »5.00 DRESS HATS, 28 per cent off ................................ »3.75 MEN’S »3.50 DRESS HATS, 35 par cent off ............................... »2.25 BOY’S SHOES— 30 PER CENT OFF. SWEATERS— 20 TO 30 PER CENT OFF. WOMEN’S GAYTEES, REGULAR »3.75, AT ............................... »1.50 CHAS. G. BURK’S, INC. Why Take a Chance? When you can keep your valuable papers, curios, and jewelry protected in our burgulary-proof, fire-protected vault, in a Safety Desposit box at lets than one-half cent a day. Why not rent one today? First National Bank of Hermiston C a p ita l, S u rp lu . and U n d iv id e d P r o f it . O v e r » 5 0 ,0 0 0 F. B. Swayze, Pres. Hermiston, R. Alexander, Vice-President A. H. Norton, Cashier PRICES SLASHED for this Great One - Week Event! Y o u ’ve N ever Seen Suck Tremenious Valuest in Housewares! WE URGE YOU TO BE HERE J3R THE OPENING HOUR AS QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED . . . . NONE RESERVED! Pre-WarPrices! Underselling,theStrongestSyndicates! OREGON A LEADER IN MOHAIR 4 PRODUCTION; NEW USES SOUGIT Chlca'-o, Jnn. 19— Be-nnan of It ' hl, h r.nk among the mohalr-produc ' ing states, Oregon should benefit ma- ’ terlally from the establishment of the Mohair Institute, which has Just beer. ; announced. Headquarters for th' I Institute will be maintained In Chi ' enga under the direction of A, C Cage, editor of the Angora Journs | and Internationally known mohaii , authority. Imst year Oregon'a 120,000 Angora s goats produced 468.000 pounds of mohair. Only Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico exceed this state In mo-1 hair production, according to the U. 8. Department of Agriculture. The Institute will conduct Investi­ gations and researches In various fields of the Industry from the breed­ ing of the Angora goat to the finish­ ed product, with the Idea of Improv­ ing the quality of the American mo­ hair goate and In developing new Quality Sale starts Monday, February 2 - - Hermiston, Oregon BLESSING HARDWARE CO. ,1 -