--- THUBSDAT, FEBRUARY », 1930 TH E H E B M lS T O iy C ro w d e d V illa g e So nanny places eiuiiii to be the smullesi village or purlsli in England that It Is dlffieuli to make a choice, but Northliolme, near Wuinfleet, with an area of only 25 acres and 20 perches, and a population of about VOX SA LI 200, must at least be the most pop­ ulous for Its tiny size. FOR SALE—Ten acres, more or less, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ < ■ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ formerly owned by W. M. Hubbe. « Tax value »2500. Will sell for ♦ CHURCH NEWS »1250. Water rights and taxes * paid LIHlan P. Hubbe, Trustee, ♦ Hubbs Planing Mill, Silverton, Ore. 20-tfc CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES WANT ADS FOR SALE— One four wheeler trail­ er; one stock trailer. A few good used cars for sale cheap. Used parts for all cars. Hermiston Auto Wrecking House. E. P. Pierson, owner. 19tfc Burk’s Por Bargains. MISCELLANEOUS /f WANTED— To rent place on project suitable for dairying. John Pax­ ton, Irrigon, Oregon. 22-2tp Burk’s Por Bargains. STRAYED— Sorrel mare with striped face. Please notify H. H. Chris­ tensen on Roy Sullivan place or the Herald office. H. H. Chris­ tensen. 12-tfc Burk’s Por Bargains. Hermiston Second Hand Store.—Tree puller, also 250 ft. in. cable. Fur­ niture, hardware and stoves. lOtfc Burk’s for Bargains. INSURANCE— Fire, Life, Auto— "In- aure In sure insurance.” J, M. Rises. FOUND—One tire chain; owner may have same by calling at the Herald ■office and paying for this ad. 23-3tc FOR SALE— Electric waffle Iron, good as new and cost »12.50; pric­ ed at »5.00 for quick sale. II. E. Hanby. 23-tfc Burk’s For Bargains. WT ovo" was the subject of the Lesson-Sermon In all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, February 2. The Golden Text was, "The Lord will command his loving kindness In the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life” (Psalms 42:8). Among the citations which com­ prised the Lesson-Sermon was the the following from the Bible: “One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell In the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire In his temple” (Psalms 27:4). The Lesson-Sermon also included the following passage from the Christian Science textbook, "Sci­ ence and Health with Key to the Scriptures”, by Mary Baker Eddy; "When we fully understand our re­ lation to the Divine, we can have no other Mind but His,—no other Love, wisdom, or Truth, no other sense of Life, and no conscious­ ness of the existence of matter or error” (p. 205-206), Seventh Day Adventist Church There will be regular services at the usual hours Sabbath, February 8. At 10 o'clock the Sabbath school will convene with classes for all ages. The subjects studied are as follows: Children’s division, "The Temptation of Jesus;” young people and adults division, "The Experience of the Children of Israel Immediately After Entering the Promised Land;" Bible study at 11 by the local elder. A Bible Study League Is being formed to meet regularly each week HERALD, • l ju , E . OREGON. PAGE FIVE for the purpose of becoming better acquainted with the word of the Lord and a standard text will be used in each class. We Invite the public to any and all of these studies and we are sure that you will be glad that you attended. The hour of these meetings will be announced in the next issue of the Herald. You are invited to all of our services. Corlis Hotel building. proaehlng and we are all rejoicing In In the Matter of the Estate ducted in this county the cow testing LODGE DIRECTORY the fact. The Methodist church ex­ of association is an organization of 54 tends to you a cordial Invitation to William Graham Root. Deceased. dairymen who co-operatively employ VINEYARD LODGE NO. 20«, L O. a join it In next Sunday morning's ser­ Notice is hereby given that the it tester to keep production, feed, P. meets each Monday evening la Odd vices In showing our appreciation by undersigned has been appoiuted exe­ their Income on their dairy cows Fellows’ hall. Visiting members cor­ giving one or two hours to the wor­ cutrix of the last will and testament known. With the actual production dially Invited. ship (A the Lord, the Giver of Spring. of William Graham Root, deceased, of his cows the dairyman can with W. R. Longhorn, Secretary. Sunday school at 10 A. M. and and has qualified as the luw directs. Baxter Hutchison, N. G. certainty eliminate the unprofitable preaching services at 11 A. M. All persons having claims against ones and feed the remainder accord­ The Epworth League will meet at said estate art required to present HERMISTON POST NO. 37 ing to known production. The most Meets first and third Thurs­ 6:30 P. M. There will be no even­ the same to me at the office of W. useful cow testing association also} day. Legion Auxiliary meet« ing service here. The evening wor­ J. Warner, my ’attorney, in Hermis­ compares the records of dams and , second and fourth Thursday, Baptut-Chrutian Church ship service will be held In Echo. ton, Oregon with proper vouchers, daughters, promotes the use of better ILegiijn Hall. Bible school is gradually on the O. W Payne, Pkstor. within six months from the date sires and shows the advantage of Increase since the storm and we are hereof. feeding satisfactory rations. Rec­ glad. We hope the attendance will W. L. MORGAN, D. M. D. Dated this 6th day of February, ords kept In this association are prov­ soon reach that of the past month. 1930. now associated with / ing more valuable each year to the ♦ May every boy and girl, man and ADALINE R. P. CARLYLE, Hermiston Jersey Rrccders associa­ Dr. F. V. PRIME HERMISTON MEDICAL « woman feel It la their privilege to ♦ 23-5tc Executrix. tion in determining the value of dif­ ♦ HOSPITAL NOTES ♦ General Dentistry come and study God’s warnings and ferent sires used. Records kept on ♦ ♦ X-Ray and Diagnosis promises next Sunday morning. the cows will add several dollars to Bank Building Phon« Connections HIGH AWARDS GIVEN The message of the morning will the price received for offspring when Sundays and Evenings by apslat- be "The Gifts of God's Righteous­ P. Caldwell of Irrigon Is the first sold. To get anything out of cow raent. (Continued From Page One. ness.” Since man had no righteous­ patient at the Hermiston medical tised<(sting work the dairyman ness God provided one for him and and surgical hospital opened recent­ must make use of the information ALFRED W. CHRISTOPHERSON gave It to him. This righteousness ly under the supervision of Miss Ber­ butterfat. Ace Wagner, 19 cows, 350.9 pounds gotten by a careful study of the rec­ Physician and Surgeon is Christ. tha Hanks, R. N. Mr. Caldwell was ords. From his knowledge of rec­ Office Phone 733. butterfat. Ren. Phone 71S Christian Endeavor is at 8:30 P. brought to the hospital with flu W. A. Hlnellne. 9 cows, 347.5 ords, of dams and daughters he can Office in First National Bank Bldg. M. Evening message will be on pneumonia. He Is reported as doing determine definitely what progress pounds butterfat. "Patching Old Clothes.” Evangelism well. Geo. W. Winn, 9 cows, 34 6.8 his herd Is making due to breeding. study and prayer on Thursday night The hospital Is situated In the h s. M c K enzie , m . d - From his knowledge of production at 7:30. Waterman home. Just one block from pounds butterfat. Eye. Ear- Nose and Throat and feed cost records he can eliminate F. H. Relks, 9 cows, 340.5 pounds Rom. 3:21-22. But now a right­ the center of town. The hospital Is all cows that do not produce a prof­ Office; 1-2-3 Inland Empire Bldg. eousness of God without the law is now undergoing considerable re-sr- butterfat. Pendleion, Oregon W. G. Graham, 18 cows, 334.5 it and can feed the remainder ac­ manifested, being witnessed by the ranging. In one or two weeks cording to their production. As the pounds butterfat. law and the prophets; even the grand opening Is planned In which W. J. W ARNER Mrs. Bertha Cool, 11 cows, 33.8 years pass he can eliminate all those righteousness of God which Is by everyone will be invited to go thru Attorney-at-Law who do not yield a good profit and pounds butterfat. faith of Jesus Christ unto all and the hospital. > • • • • Oregoa P. P. Sullivan, 14 cows, 332.8 can gradually build up a high pro­ Henniiton upon all them that that believe. ducing herd. pounds butterfat. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Virgil Wagner, 14 cows, 33ft I DR. A. E. MARBLE JMethodist Church IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE pounds butterfat. Chiropractor STATE OF OREGON FOR UMA­ I Treat both Acute and Chronic Die­ Cleve Clark, 11 cows, 329.1 pounds Winter Is over and spring is ap- TILLA COUNTY. butterfat. eases. Office: Two doors west of postoffice R. V. Jones, 6 cows, 323.4 pounds butterfat. Phone 481 Office Hours, 10 to 12; 1:30 to ». A. T. Haun, 13 cows, 321.3 pounds butterfat. Hermiston, Oregon. Paul Smith, 10 cows, 315.5 pounds — Complete Line of Sporting Goods— | i '' butterfat. HERMISTON BARBER SHOP AND L. C. Dyer, 8 cows, 305.2 pounds BEAUTY PARLOR butterfat. Mr. and Mrs. Shaar, Prop. Phone 461 W. G. Webber, 18 cows, 302.4 pounds butterfat. PRANN FUNERAL SERVICE 1 £28 ESSEX COACH.........»395.00 Ingard Skovbo, 10 ccwo, 300.5 Telephone 801 Night or Daay pounds butterfat. 1927 STAR DURANT 4, good in­ CHAPEL, FUNERAL COACH AND side and out..................... »200.00 The Umatilla Dairy I: p.-ovement SANITARY PREPARATION ROOM association was organized in Decem­ Ambulance Service 1928 MOD. A FORD ROADSTERS, HERMISTON ber, 1927. With this organization Hermiston Avenue Two of them being thorough­ of 52 dairymen it became one of sev­ ly reconditioned and will have eral 100 such associations In the a new car guarantee......»425.00 United States working for the better­ ment of the dairy Industry. The ini- DODGE Panel Delivery......»150.00 porvement association or cow testing association as it is more commonly a 206 East Court St. J AND OTHERS AS LOW AS $25 called is designed to pierce the a ANY AND " EXTRA SPECIAL!! darkness that prevails so generally regarding the production of our dairy cows. Production and feed record costs stand out clearly and only the cow with scant production need fear them. The record of a large produc­ FOR YOU er makes her value known and gi^es her tha place In the herd to which she Is entitled. As the yeai=i roll ■ Phone 139 Pendleton, Ora. g around this cow may become the SATISFACTION & SERVICE (■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a mother of a string of high producers and she may remain for many yoars Burk's for Bargains. the honored member of the herd— honored beoause profitable. A3 con Burk's For Bargains. S P O R T IN G G O O D S Rohrman Motor Company F ishing T ack le, A m m u n itio n , G uns USED_ CARS C igars, C andies, S an d w ich es H IT T ’S C O N FE C T IO N E R Y ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I 1 J. L. V A U G H A N ! G enuine Ford 1 3 - 2 « P la te B attery 2 are n o w -$ 7 .7 5 E verthing E lectrical STOP! HERE W E A R E SPRING IS SOON HERE. DON’T FORGET THAT YOU CAN DO MORE WORK IF YOU EAT MORE MT AT. AN ENGINE HAS TO HAVE FUEL, SO DOES A MAN. WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS TO SELECT FROM. COME IN AND LOOK US OVER. My Motto: “ Q U A L I T Y and S E R V I C E ’’ HERMISTON MEAT MARKET A. W. TURNBLAD PHONE 411 It will urprine< you how much wc can save you during the year on your shoe bill. All we ask In that you bring your shoes to us for repairing in ample time so we can do a good Job. A Full lane Of SHOE OILS BOW M AN SH O E SH O P ♦ > KIWANDA HEALTH CENTER ♦ > No. 3 NEWS ♦ > •> •> ♦ ❖ '• <• <• ❖ •: Correction; Last week g paper car­ ried the nev.s ite: :n that J. Tabor Mr. Dick’sou and Mr. Gamble receiv­ ed m dirat treatment at the Kermis- on hospital. It ahoul'l have read re­ ceived treatment at Kiwanda Health Center No. 8. Miss Ellis is at Kiwanda Health Center No. 8 receiving treatment. ing qralitiee of the wheat— stren^li- ening and nourishing, it in tasteful too. In addition we carry a full line of the finest cakes and pies, baked on the premise!, everything prepared with the purest ingredients ®n l mode to represent the utmost in d elid ajs- ness and food ralue. Hermiston Bakery Foreifn-Born io Csbiiet A foreign-Ixim ctCxen Is eligible to sit In tlte President's enldneL Many cabinet officials have liven foreign hone, among them Alexander Hamil­ ton, Alb-rt liallntin, Carl Seliurs, Franklin K. I.nne. James Wilson, Os- ear Solomon Strauss am) William Bauehop Wilson. Air Is Still Cheap Hint for motorists: It Is economy to nap ns much str and as little gaso­ line ne p o sd h le In yonr mrhqretor.— Woman's Home Comnanlon. ■ I