” *PA»NYHRKE «HS KBBMISTOB HXBAia), ¿¿ftUAilSTÖ-ff, QKBGQW; OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENEjUUNTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. Notwithstanding Eugene has a rep­ utation (or rain, the month of Novem­ ber was the driest 11th month on record. The fourth annual harvest jubilee sponsored by the business men of Lebanon was held recently. Attrac­ tive displays were made by the mer­ chants. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Dow of Toungs River Meadows, Clatsop coun­ ty, recently celebrated their 64th an­ niversary on the homestead they took up in 187». Building activity In La Grande In 1930 that will total more than »415,000 and a continuous operation of all local Industries Indicates a big year for that community. The population of the state peni­ tentiary at Salem has passed the 800 mark for the first time In the history of the state, according to Henry L. Meyers, superintendent. Portland postoffice receipts moved up 7.24 per cent in November as com­ pared with November a year ago, the postoffice department announces. Thu total for the month Is »249,000. Sheep being hauled in a truck by Ernest Schmidt of Shaniko were singed when the motor of the truck exploded a few miles north of Red mond and set fire to the vehicle. Approximately 130 miles of im proved market road and at least five miles of paving will bo completed by the Marlon county court In 1930 ac­ cording to announcement made re­ cently. George Fleming, contractor, reports excellent progress In clearance work for the Glenada sector of the Rooso- velt highway. The grading crew has started one of the heaviest fills of the project. Pierce Wilson of Talent, Jackson county, Is the owner of a guitar that was brought to America in 1626 on the Mayflower. It is In a state of perfect preservation and has a clear, true tone. Business men of Sutherlin have do elded to make an Immediate canvass (or fundB to complete the Leeper dome oil well. It la estimated that »4000 is needed to sink the well to the 3500 foot level. Seven prlse.i have been offered In the form of merchandise by the Al­ bany Ad club to the winners of an ornamental lighting contest. Contes- tants Include private cltlxens, schools and churches. Trustees of the Umpqua highway Improvement district met with the county court at Roseburg In an effort to adopt a program for work to be done between Drain and Scottsburg during the coming year. One pie sold for »42.75 at an enter­ tainment put on by the senior class at the high school building at Hub­ bard. It went to Hy Everding, presi­ dent of the Portland Gun club, who is spending a vacation there. A new Industry for Washington county has been established near Beaverton with the planting of five acres to holly trees by F. J. Does. This is thought to be the first coin merclal planting of holly in Oregon. Boys from all parts of southern Ore­ gon were in Medford for tho older boys’ two-day conference, which was held at tho high school under the aus­ pices of tho northwest council of the Young Men's Christian association. Automobiles registered with the secretary of state for the first time may use license stickers, covering the first six months of 1930, on and after December 10. Thia was announced by Hal E. Hoss, secretary of state. followed by distribution of treatsHol the Bible scbool. Study of personal evangelism and prayer meeting is * Thursday night at 7:30. We cordially ♦ invite any Christians to attend this class. W. H. Dtonnor, pasor. ♦ CHURCH NOTES ♦ ♦ Baptist-Christian Church Every boy and girl knows what to expect as a lesson in Bible school on the Sunday before Christmas. Thi time honored custom of studying the birth of Jesus has not been changed, though the lesson title is somewhat different this year. May this great j fact of his birth be faithfully pre­ sented by every teacher and so stud­ ied by every scholar. The message oi the morning will be on ‘‘Emanuel.’’ The significance of this title of Jesut must not be overlooked. The truth it conveys is most fundamental to our faith and needB to be strongly em­ phasized. Christian Endeavor meets at 6 o’clock and a number of songi will be practiced for carols befor« the regular service at 6:30. Even­ ing worship is at 7:30. Song ser vice will be in keeping with the sea­ son. The message will be on "Jesus, the Savior of Sinners." Paul says, "This is a faithful saying and wor­ thy of all acceptation that Chris' Jesus came Into the world to save sinners.” A Christmas program will be given on December 24 at 7:30, mas Tree"... Primary, Jnu. Depts. The Sunday school at 10 o'clock In the morning. There will be no Recitation ................. Dayton Blelman «reaching service In the morning. In A story cantata— “The Word That Came True” ..................... The Choir the evening you are cordially Invit­ ed to attend the Christmas program with Morris Pierson reader and a tableaux by seven membbers of at our church. The following pro­ gram will be given at 7:30 promptly: Invocation ................................... Pastor “Away In a Manger”....Prim. Dept. Playlet, “Trimming the Christ- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES t l f i od The Preserver of Man” was ^ t h e subject of the Lesson-Ser- mon In all Churches of Christ. Scientist, on Sunday, Dec. 16. The Golden Text was. “The Lord preserveth all them that love him” (Ps. 145:20). Amoug the citations which com­ prised the Lesson-Sermon was the following from the Bible: “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer” (11 Sam. 22:2). The Lesson-Sermon also Included the following p a s s a g e fr o m tha Christian Science textbook. "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures", by Mary Baker Eddy: “The history of Christianity furnishes sublime proofs of the sup­ porting Influence and protecting power bestowed on man by his heavenly Father, omnipotent Mind, who gives man faith and under­ standing whereby to defend himself, not only from temptation, but from bodily suffering” (p. 387). EH the Sunday school. Icyal support In the work of the church and from the very bottom of A V lst by Santa Claus. cur hearts wish you s. Very Merry Benediction. We desire to take this opportunity Christmas and a Happy New Year. to thank each and every one in his 0. W. Payne and family. community for yaur friendship and MOFEL FOR A FRIEZE M. E. Church A Gift instrnas MARTJU I for the d a picket fence o f ’ ___ iih d a snow y garden,^, A n d tiny f flames o f candle-light^^,. , S h o n id n t iie ’w ind ow ^ill^ ^tnigh t1] J O A s ¡ 0 6 / ask a pardon ' Entire Family TV 35T-3 a little boy who rang the bell, /(H e wore two bright red mittens,) candles’ shining seem ed to tell ^ T h a t all within was very well, t) s i? < f A n d several fuzzy kittens 3 Sergt. Walter B. Andrews, Company E, Thirtieth Infantry, stationed nt the Presidio In Sun Francisco, who bns been picked by the commanding of­ ficers of the Infantry In answer to a call from Maj. Gen. Stephen O. Fnqun, chief of Infantry, asking the picture of the "most soldierly” soldier In each Infantry regiment. -The photographs' will be placed In a frieze to be In­ stalled permanently at headquarters In Washington. W o m en and M o n ey e follow ing In the hearing of a divorce ense the other day tlie wife nsserted that she had received only 40 cents In money from her husbund In the ten years they lived together. But Just to show1 It Isn't safe to trust n woman with money It was proved that she spent 20 rent m i f this money for turnips. No wonder the men cling to their dough,— Los Angeles Times. (Som e friends o f his m ost like! T h eir tails w e r e S v a 4 in e plu: °fjo y A n d every kitten h a d a Wy^- A n d carried A* in k th at they had com e to call A n d bring a Christmas present; I saw a trum pet and a hall j A doll, a cart, ~ ’ ‘ BIELM A N MOTORS B Preserving Floors The forest service says that to prevent dry rot In floors the wood should lie treated with a preservative before It Is used and there should be air vents In the foundation so that the nlr would not be confined beneath the floor. Hermiston, Oregon Pnone 571 ■ ■ ■ ■'■ ■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■«« ’ It lp?ked TO YOU AND YOURS ¡ J that little f’ve w ished it H ow awfully jolly it wp uld be j. T o walk into that house “SCENIC OR SIGN-IC? ss MAY THIS INDEED BE A EASON OF JOY AND PROSPERITY FOR A I L OF OUR LOYAL FRIENDS OF THE COMMUNITY. ’ £ SWIFT & CO. ■■■■■■■■'■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■«■■■■Mr P o rtlan d ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■R lH B iW K M LB . ■ fif 2 which best portray defacement. The judges of the contest are: Hon. Horace M. Albright, Director, National Park Service. Kathleen Norris. Ex Senator James D. Phelan of Cali­ fornia. W. I* Valentine, Former President, Automobile Club of Southern Califor­ nia. H. B. Van Duxer, Chairman, Oregon State Highway Commission. Mrs. H. F. Alexander. Seattle Oar- den Club. David Whitcomb. Chairman. Execu- tlvs Committee. Pacific Empire Aseo- elation. Full text of conditions may be ob- talned from any Standard OII office or by writing to the Company at >25 Bush Street. San Francisco. ® 5 a ■ ■ ■ ■ 2 Mutual Creamery Co. F. B. BARKER, AGENT THE MARKETS Wheat—Big Bend bluestem, »1.36; soft white and western white, »1.24; hard winter, northern spring and western red, »1.22*4. Hay—Alfalfa. »23.50®24 per ton; valley timothy, »2O.5O®11; eastorn Oregon timothy, »22.50® 23; clover, »20; oat hay, »19; oats and vetch, The photograph, according to the »20.020.50. Standard Oil Itiilletln, illustrates “a Butterfat—39 0 43c. 1 motorist viewing California Mountain Scenery.” The Standard Oil Company Eggs—Ranch. 30 044c. of California Is now conducting four Cattle—Steers, good, »10 25011. Hogs—Good to choice, »? 35® 1C.25. prise contests with a view to finding a solution of the problem of the de­ Lambs—Good to choice, >10011. facement of the scenery of the Pacific Seattle Coast by objectionable advertising Wheat — Sofi white and wes'>rn signs. Cash prises of »1,000, »500 and white, »1.23; hard winter and wes rn »250 are being offered for the three red, »1.22; northern spring, »1 22; best 1500-word or less answers as to bluestem, »1.47. how the evil can be corrected; of (600. »360 and »¡»5 for the beat 500- Eggs—Ranch, 39® 13c. word or less statements on why it Butterfat— 46c. Cattle—Choice steers, »9 5001) 25. should be corrected; of (250, »115 and »75 for the three eight-word or less Hogs—Prime light, »10010 15 slogans which will most effectively Lambs—Choice, »10.50011. arouse public sentiment on the ques­ Spokane tion. and additional prises of (»00, Cattle— Steers, good, »936 910 23. »100. »75. »60 and »15 for the five best Hogs—Good and choice, (10. amateur photographs of actual signs Lambe—Medium to good, »3.50 if 9 OUR WARMEST CHRISTMAS GREETINGS. WITH UNBOUNDED ENERGY AND A RENEWED DESIRE TO BE OF SERVICE, WE PREPARE FOR NEXT YEAR, MINDFUL OF THE WONDERFUL COOPERATION AND FRIENDSHIP SHOWN US IN 1929. M E R R Y C H R IS T M A S ! WE SAY "MERRY CHRISTMAS” TO YOU WITH A PROMISE TO KEEP UP OUR HIGH STANDARD OF SERVICE AND COURTESY, AND TO STRIVE TO PLEASE OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS AT ALL TIMES. Knerr’s Repair Shop ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■I NO WORDS CAN CONVEY THE DEPTH AND SINCERITY OF OUR GREETING WHEN WE SAY "MERRY CHRISTMAS" TO ALL OF YOU. WE HOPE THAT ALL YOUR WISHES ARE FULFILL­ ED IN 1930. The Hermiston Hotel