TOB HEBMISTOK HERALD, HEIIMISTON, OB KG OK. 1 LOCAL NEW S ITE M S FIGHT FOR FREIGHT IS KEENEST ON COAST ere From Umatilla. [only adoptions of this kind that are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones of Um»-Jlo be Introduced for the first time at ■la were in Hermiston Saturday eve the opening of schools In Septembei ‘ng. Mr. Jones is an engineer with of this year are the language tests ne Union Pacific system. The outgoing books In this subject ---------- are Potter-Jeschke-Gillett’s Oral and Yardman Merchant Here. i Written English Book I and Book * Jack Gorham, prominent merchant. 1917 edition. The incoming books ( Boardman, was in Hermiston; are revisions of the old ones. They esday on business. ¡are Potter-Jeschke-Gillette's Orai ---------- and Written English. 1»28 edition a Hew Car and Upper Book- 1928 edition. Book O. O. Fel'thouse.. proprletor-ln-i1 ol the outKolng series and the lower lef of the Meadowbrook Ice com- i *M>ok of the Incoming series are de gCA RULES RA IL R A T E »—J. T. Saunders, freight traffic manager for. *ny, is driving a new Bufck sedan H*sned for use in the fourth, fifth Southern Pacific, who saye three steamship, lines handling two-thlrda round town. ¡and slxtth grades. Book 2 of the out of north and south freight, tramp steamers and truck lines, as Indicated ______ going series and the upper book of on map, maks coastwise competition tho most difficult faced by railways ¡the incoming series are designed for ;t Sullivan Home. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Sullivan and ORE than a million tqna of freight that met by Southern Pacific. Five Pupils who were in the fourth and baby of Lewiston, Idaho, were vlslt- annually borne in the bolds of major , transcontinental railways, air on ,,tth Krad' s during the school year coastwise steamships between ports of routes, four coastwise steamship lines, 'ng at the P. P. Sullivan home ¡1928-1929 own the old Potter-J'esch California and the 'Pacific Northwest many tramp steamers and traffic mot­ *the project for a few days. ' ke-Glllett'g Oral and Written English ports exceeds north and south rail­ or-borne upon the highways all com­ ,, * « ¡iv w «.* Book *’ The8e PttPfls should contln- way Waffle by a margin In excess of pete with our lines. 1 .. ” Milkin'* Machine. ue to use this old book in the fifth 100 per cent, according to J. T. Saun­ "In four »representative month: • P. P. Sul Ivan prominent project ¡an„ gradeH d |h< ders, Freight Traffic Manager for January, April, July and October of farmer, is Installing a new Surge year 192, . 193O. They Rhould not Southern Pacific company. 1927—three steamship lines alone m ng mac ne now at his d airy, discard tb)g book Mnd bdy the revised Not only do three steamship lines moved 319,685 tons of freight between a C ' edition. Pupils who were In the handle twice as much freight as la California and Portland and tbe Puget rail-borne between California and the Sound ports. In the same period rail fourth grade last year should con­ northwest. but the railway also faces traffic north and south between Cali­ At Mullins Home. tinue to use the language books they competition of numerous motor truck fornia and Oregon was only 151,453 "More than ten per cent of this Guests at the Bert Mullins horn now own until they have finished amount has been spent since 1-92'S for carTle'fa operating upon the"*public tons. now are. Mrs. Mullins' mother, Mrs.! the sixth. "An average of 75,000 pounds a the construction and rchabilltatibn of highway. These truck lines now radi-' J. B. Stanley and her niece. Miss Pupils who enter the fourth grade ate to almost every community upon week is moving by steamer from Cali­ 521 miles of mainline in northern Irene Stanley, both of Clarkston, In September, 1929, should buy the fhe Pacific slope, carrying annually fornia ports to Crescent City, Califor­ California and southern Oregon. With­ Wn. They arrived Monday and ex­ new language book. Potter-Je schke- thousands of tons of freight formerly nia, whence It is delivered to destin­ in a few weeks our new 97 mile line pect to make a two week’s visit. Glllett's Oral and Written English, handled by the railroads. ations'in Grants Pass, Medford and between Klamath Falls and Alturas will be opened, providing a new main­ They were accompanied by Mr. and Lower Book. 192S edition. Climate, much advertised as a tour­ other Oregon cities. ist attraction, adds to the competitive "Separately and jointly trucks and line route to the east 286 miles short­ Mrs. Charlie Maynard, an aunt and Pupils who were in the seventh difficulties of Pacific Coast railways. steamjdilps are moving* thousands of er than from Klamath Falls to Chi­ uncle of Mrs. Mullins, who motored grade during the school year 1928 Every day In the year Is a good travel tons ot freight which once moved by cago than any lino now existing or on to Corvallis for a visit of two proposed. 1929 own the Potter-Jeschke-Glllette day for/Pacific Coast motorists and rail. weeks. • "The competition of steamships Oral and Written English, Book 2 fine paved highways haye m ade^uto "In order to meet this competition 1917 edition. These pupils should moblllng so easy that railway passen­ Southern Paclfl fi at M Something Entirely New IN THE PAINT LINE 15089015 CHICKENS Leghorn Springers Heavy Hens .1 9 c . . . . . . SWIFT &. CO. 21c F.B. Barker, Agt. Constant wear of Pots an d Pans or a table top covered with 3-H Brush Lacquer will cause a brilliant polish instead of the wear and scratching customary to most enamels. MONARCH COCOA 1 Pound Tin 5 for 50c 38c TODDY W ith a Shaker FREE DEL MAIZ CORN No. 2 Tins CHAIN NORTON’S GROCERY Don’t Burden Yourself Under the Burning Son. No need to sacrifice the conven­ ience of Rgofte and delivery service to buy foods at lower prices. We give yop these swvicea with Charge Account Privileges. . ,B few more reason, why you can do bet­ ter at a Red * White Store. 2 for 35c 47c H. 0. OATS Reg. lib. 4 os. Pkg. WALNUTS Fancy, Pound 15c 30c 3 AMONDOL SOAP 3 Ice Tea Olassei Free 23c MARKIT DAY PRUNES 4 Pound Package July 27-29 You a color artist with— 29c T h e B - H Color H a rm o n y Selec- tor w ill show you how. For the paints indicated on the Selector, Satin Eggshell for walla and wood- a “V m h • ” a~n work and B - H Brush Lacquer tor £ . * • « ; • « . • * __ -J - _____ - ___- ____- furniture and ornaments, are easy m H u e ta 89c KINGSLEY’S M K W M Ç .T O H ’» M O U . X p r « X U A C IT V . N P . K y t V I C n ' p an io n b o o k le t on c o lo r. T h e n see us for your paints. for hoUrt c ty i t t m> Hu cttr Paste Company 124® Server, Sen Fraud»» 4banM»ee Afn Wairaer tndoeed ta toe (aeamp» ee coin) and ehe name e f my »ant 4*1«. pu -~ a » d me th . Color Harmony S i l lBW r and >Our book’« *T k e Key fat a Color Harmony Se- Color H arm ony KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES Xwe for .............................................. RED AND WHITE SHRIMP Two for .................... ............... ------ CERT0 Two for ... ... . _ to .H k .tfh , B A SS-H U E T E R | Thompson Chocolate MALTED MILK On. Pound ......................................... » c ^ . n — . r ’ rWuLuiT >«««*v fiar any o at to use. S aid oar name and ra tto le c to r a n a B e tty H o lm e s * corn- r SHREDDED WHEAT Two for ............................... S a t in E ggshell F inish Y o u can make your home the lovely exnreasion o f perfect color, MARKET DAY RAISINS 4 Pound Package 40c Specials Saturday-Mon. i- H CJor Vr/f_-fLl.r