tra n A T .n , H E R M IS TO N « OMCQOX. sheriff takes the Herald la not so concerned, other than to let It be known that the statem en ts were Published every Thursday a t H er. made In good faith. But there Is an Balaton, Umatilla County, Oregon by angle of the m atter In w hich this Jeeeyh 8. Harvey, editor and man- newspaper is concerned, nam ely, the fact th at supervision over prisoners ager. at sig h t is lacking. In last w eek’s editorial no effort Entered aa second elans m atter December, 1901, at the poetofftce at w as made to "put a shirt" on any in­ H erm iston, U m atilla County, Oregon. dividual, or o fficia l, back, but the fact rem ains th a t responsibility rests w ith som eone for this condition of Subscription Rates affaire. The sh eriff refuses to ac­ »2.0« cept responsibility for the situation, One T e a r -------------------------- COPYRIGHT in the UNITED STATES »1.00 adm its it has caused him no little Six M o n th s.......... ....................... concern and worry, and states that be asked for the extra help that would A LETTER FROM THE SHERIFF make nigh t attendance at the Jail fortune." He smiled at his daughter “1 have, and that's a fact. Site ha! possible and was refused by the been living with her aunt In 'Eng The Herald Is In receipt of the f o l- . county court. land." low in g letter from R. T. Cooking-1 W ith the sh eriff firm ly, almost “Till 1 couldn’t stand It any longer," ham, sheriff, in w hich he comm ents angrily, refusing the shirt, and the Nlta informed then.. Her • father was greatly troubled. on an ed itorial carried by th is paper county court undoubtedly pleading In its issu e of July 7. The letter in against having its Individual and Ctre.imslunces, us be would presently fu ll lg as follow s: | collective shoulders draped w ith the explain to Mr. Milnian, had compelled him to bring Ilia long-lost duughte. July 8, 1927 garm ent on the grounds that it has here. But wliat be had to say could In the E. O. of th is date I discover been m aking every effort to keep not be said in tier presence. under caption "W hat Others Say" down expenses that taxpayers must “I wonder,’’ he said ingenuously, taken from the H erm iston Herald meet, Isn't It about tim e for that "whether Mr. Mulct would mind show- w hat I am considering an In ju stice1 powerful force, public opinion, to be teg you the Japanese garden. You’ll to me as sh eriff of th is c o u n ty .' introduced as a factor In th is matter. be simply crazy over it, especially the W hether you Intfhded ft as directed , g jt r|Kht or Just to have men •Stone of the Unfortunate Burglar.' at me or not I do not know, but I locked in ja il over night w ithout an Ur. Mulet understands these tilings so much better than I do.” He winked am not a litU e surprised at the mis- attendant in easy reach In case of representations w hich m ight refle c t! , (re, fights, sickndss or attempted ponderously al the sculptor, lie tried to convey the Impression that he must som ewhat again st me most unjust- ja nbreaks? Furthermore, lg it good speak privately with his host. ly. business? One fire resu ltin g in the ! ; “A Japanese garden?” she cried. In the first place you quote a prls>! cremation of a dozen or 15 prisoners “How delightful. Please, Mr, Mulet, oner of the Jail as sayin g the jail Is undoubtedly would result in one or Chow me Its wonders.’’ "Look here,” said her father when locked at 5 o'clock P. M. and no one 1 geverai civil actions for dam- is around u n til 7 : SO A. M. Now, I ag,,g that m ight set the county back she had gone. "1 couldn't help this. am surprised that you would print financially enough to amount to a I They made things so hard for her that such a statem en t w ithout Inquiry, hundred years’ pay for a nigh t Jailer. She ran away. Slie had an idea 1 was sick and in ueed of her. She actually The fact is th at 1 m yself or some | The fact that U m atilla county earned her passage money. The tirsi of the deputies are around the office n g prisoners up at night, and ' e f my breed to earn money! She was u n til ten or eleven o ’clock nearly for a |, pract|cal purposes forgets wnitlng at Peekskill for me. Llppsky every nigh t, and th is custom has pre- them and trusts to chance that they Saw his chance and made the most of vailed ever since I have been sheriff, wm be safe and alive the next moru- tt. 1 had to pay everything. You see and no irresponsible bootlegger , ng me now penniless again. She thinks should be permitted to make a state- Thg co,|n ty hag no business doing I am staying here overnight and will ment like that go unchallenged, much guch a th ln g undoubtedly It Is take an apartment on Central park tomorrow." He looked appealing at less believed, by any one. violating the established law of the .tie two men. “Could I help it? i It Is true we have no night guard state in so doing. There can be no had to bring her here. She has noth and I w ill take no blame for that | qmiestlon but that It violates the ac- Ing left. The Barnes breed of cattle's There never has been In the history eepte contest, as ig also a clergyman of la some promotion concerning oil.” He lutely not true. I have the same those parts. There is no purpose put his hand on Barnes’ shoulder with number of deputies as were employed here In m entonlng the parson, ex­ a friendly gesture. “I envy you. I th irty years ago, and the work has cept to show that the senator is in am going to see that a room is pre­ more than trebled. Only one office good company and that the contest pared for her.” Barnes looked at Bradney when the clerk to care for the civil desk has Is patronized by the elect. As a door was closed. been added since my Incumbency. matter of fact, we think the clergy­ ’’Outside here,” he sold, “in the So it is em inently unfair aiftl unjust man's falsehood to be unw orthy of world which calls Itself society, Peter for you to publish such a statem ent. the cloth; that Is to say, we believe Mllman has the name of being a I cannot understand your attitude. that the parson could do a great soured old grouch and a disgrace to I am carrying on the work of sher­ deal better If he really tried, for his name. 1 ask you, as man to man, iff w ith tw o regular deputies Just parsons are mrn of fire and fancy If you’ve ever run across anyone more as Mr. Taylor and Mr. Houser did and fervor. But we are speaking considerate? My Ood, Bradney, if you before me, and none of them ever of Senator Steiwer, and his entry, knew the sort of life I’ve led since had tfielr hofue in the epurt hoiise with which we are equally disap that trouble nt Saratoga trying to keep my end up when my people had except the last few months of Hous- po, ntef, The t88entialg of the gen- dropped me and my old pals f u t me • r ’a term when he lived in the has*-! tor>g gtory gre t h w ; dead, you'd understand Just what this ment and so far as being able to __ , ... . .v Near Hermiston some years ago means, l'in going the limit for Peter hear an yth in g goin g on in the J a il, „„„ j the carp, alw ays inclined to graze, Mllman. You've Just seen how he | became avid for alfalfa and grad­ saved me from another humiliation. 1 should have hud to tell my girl her m ight as w ell have been in Helix. u a lly deserted th« stream s and As for fire and Jail breaks I ns - d|tcheg to deva8tate the fields, father was such au utter failure he sure you I have spent many sleep less! Th, ngg came tQ ft ger,oug pggg The couldn’t even get her a roam In a cheap hotel.’’ nights about th at and would be KUd genator wag urged t0 come and lend “1 know how you must feel,” Brad­ to put a man on as night guard but I bW tQ whlch p]ea hg rf8pondedi ney commented. you know as w ell a* I do that it Is brlng)ng hlg dogg In th9 „ V8,y "We’ve got to get the money out of a m atter o f economy alw ays, and the hunt w h,ch en8Ugd aU U g Raxon,” Barnes went on, “even If county o ffic ia l, are all trying to keep foraglng ll8h were ila ln except one Pro the goat and end up In Sing down the expenses of the taxpayer. | hug# bu„ carp pf a mogt gv„ Sing. Frnnkly, Bradney, I'm not I have fel.t the need of another dep- fellow eluded th# dogg much of an original thinker. 1 can u ty and have asked for one but have for gome bour# dodglng hlther and carry out another man's conception never had my request granted. When yon about the field, and when cor­ absolutely end add a few Improve­ th e sh eriff and his tw o deputies work nered turned and gave battle. In ments of my own, but I look to peo­ ple like you and Malet to dope out from eig h t In the morning to eleven fine, he whipped the pack, and the plans first." at n igh t every day they need some they were tested bear dogs, every Bradney stirred a little uneasily. rest and sleep and cannot be at the one. The bull carp m ight have He saw that the man of action was court house tw enty-four hours. roamed the a lfa lfa to thlg day. an looking to him for guidance. The As for the Hermiston man who embittered and dangerous outlaw , more ardently Brndney desired to pull died In the Jail w ill say it is my had he but avoided running water. down Paul liaxon, the more the task seemed. This move of the firm conviction that he would have However, w hile crossing an Irriga- financier to Great Rock had nullified died Just the same If there had been . . . . tlon ditch by means of a footing most of the laborious details garnered a dozen deputies there and all the thp rtdf)ubtable fe„ in and wa8 by Peter Mllman concerning tlie va dorters In U m atilla county for that drowned, to the high satisfaction of ented home in Short HlUt. In New m atter. I am satisfied that he took] I the alfalfa growers. Jersey (lie domestic arrangements had the poison before he entered the been on a simple plan und the serv­ Thig b1 Senator Stetw er’s story jail. He made the remark that he and he w ill stick to it. But w e pro- ants few. In the Long Island man was sick when he first entered, but sion much greater style wus kept up. th„ prisoners thought that a common Bs“ ln8t “ "" weak and ,nade- There were extensive grounds und expresslon ns nearly all make th e , f", , t * - * nd d,crP’>,t- t ° ° _ J u e t as, many outdoor servants. same remark on entering. He w n s! we protPBt aKalnst the ">•»‘’’»•’’1»» “I'm afraid you must not look for put ia Jail a little after eleven P. M. Iea try ’ and o n ""” i,ar »rounds much help from me," Bradney said. and made no disturbance until about ‘ Wh' n plaln Mr 8 t*>lwer ',ou* ht th e { "Mili.ian lias assured me absolutely tw o o’clock A. M. According to th. , vot# of ' h,R ',,ectorat’ - * hlrh “ «I I lull It Is to ltnxon I owe my downfall. testln x n y of the physician at the in- -'b req u en lly received. he said, He I n i s liter .lly rt den my existence. quest a man m ight take poison and '"’th ,n * about ‘he Her...-! Yours, too. and (»• nr Malet's also. If I had accepted a bribe disguised ns a live th irty-six hours and for several i!,lon rarp’ and W,M,y’ t0° ’ h e i usual form of -en wliat tlie world ¡facts. The truth is that the etory is terms a great today. If you lied or bad effect. I verily believe this man took the a l‘ rl« ht as far a . It goes. The big not beeu afraid your aged unlit would poison before leaving his home and bull carp did devastate the alfalfa. ; see you In an ultereatlou concerning by th,, tim e he began to complain it It la of record that he fought and | a roof-garden actress, you would not And the vrry have beeu disgraced. Hud Malet pus was too late to have saved him as whipped the pack. »eased a less generous nature, lie the poison had gone through his footlog on which the fish crossed 1 would have been tslked of In a breath the deep, treacherous ditch may be system. with Rodin. Raxon. Raxon every Now Joe, 1 wanted you to know Hoen to thla day’ Th« P°‘nt tk * where. Let me t e l l you I’m Just a» these things as I do not believe you farp *ot a( r0"a safe,y •««««>»- H * 1 ready to go the limit ns you are. As wish to do me an Injustice or reflect " M not drowned' A far d‘fferent, a matter of simple fact, we were look any discredit o„ thia office when we nwr® / ‘’ mal «nd Ironic fate awaited Ing to you lo make I lie first concrete him. The dew being quit,, heavy that i Miggeetlmi." are tryin g to do our best. evening, It follow ed that the alfalfa "Thai scoundrel I Ip psky drove e v e rt Yours truly, It, and Idea from my lii.inl,” Iturnes con R. T. Cookingham, Sheriff. fairly was drenched with P. 8 .— I forgot to add that the frtMn th ‘8 e »poaure “ >• fl,h « » - | r e s e e d , " b i l l we have plen ty o f lim e. He stopiied short as his daiicblei Janitor Is a special deputy and lives tracted • W ™ * co,d of ">»»«* * • ' earoe In with Floytl Malet. Whm i. In the court house a . has been the "'■b« ”Uiently perished, alone and beauty she was, lie I hough! affection uneared for. It were quite aa w e ll, custom for years. ately, and how glacefully »lie cairiel for the senator, when he tells th is ; herself. Breeding in every line ol tale hereafter, to stick by the text her I Then the thought of his tinan WHOSE SHIRT! and not rely on hearsay. elal Inadequacies came to him like s dell |»aIn. What had he to offer'. Thia issue or the Herald contains Nothing A few months’ respite and the lett»r w ritten by R, T. Cooking- Tss Refund Claims Near tsttlsm ant a new life would offer Itself. What ham. sh eriff. In reply to the editorial W a s h in g to n , D. C.—Claims totaling would that be? He did not like t< carried last week. "It Happened In «4.027.29« 4( already have been cert I thlak. To live for the day was s 1927" In which he disclaim s respon­ fled for payment to 17 conatlea la Ore Barnes motto. He ho,ted l*eter Mil sib ility for the condition that pre-i goo. and Clark connty in Washington man had. Indeed, some definite work vails la reaped to a lark of a night under the Oregon * California land Ing plan. If It were only a matter ot Jailer. The official also takes sx- ; grant tax refund act by l he secretary wading through the Raxon men serv ceptlon to other statem ents mads In of Interior. The only claim not yet ants and beating their blaster It woald ha »lnu>te. He bail not In his pns’ the editorial. approved la that of Clapkamss rnqpty been noted for subtleties, and labor! A> to th ese exceptions which the for »52.081 1». 91p irrmiaton WrraH» ^RECLUSE yriFTH 7 AVENUE B/WYNDHAM MARTYN W.N-U SERVICE “No, tfflta; Tt is m work for women." NOTICE OF HEARING UPON FINAL “You mean there's danger In It?” REPORT He was afraid to say too much. He dreaded ts tie entrapped by her seem­ In the County Court of the State of ingly innocent questions. He knew Oregon for Umatilla County. she was mentally much quicker than he. The Fessendons again. In the Matter of the Estate “It’s not my secret,” he returned, of “and 1 ought not to say any more. I Joseph Craik, Deceased. can only assure yon tliat Malet and Bradney are splendid fellows, both far N otice Is hereby given that the superior to me. Very high types. They undersigned administrator of the believe that what we intend to do Is estate of Joseph W. Craik. deceased, the only right and logical thing. You has filed his final report with the must let It go at that.” Clerk of the above entitled Court and “And because there’s danger In It that the Judge of said Court has you think I’d better keep out of It?” "Exactly,” he exclaimed, gratified at designated Saturday, the 6th day oi A ugust, 1927 at 2 o’clock in the af­ this attitude of obedience. "Then it Is dangerous,” she cried. ternoon as the time, and the rooms Barnes saw he had made a damaging of the above entitled Court in the admission. She had trapped him. County Court House at Pendleton, “Daddy, wliat makes yon think I’m Um atilla County, Oregon as the place afraid of anything that’s dangerous?” j when and where hearing is to be , "Oh,. Nlta,” he said reproachfully, had thereon. All person8 lnterest- i “that's scarcely playing the game to ' ed are hereby notified to then and ' there appear and show cause, if any j they have, why said report should not be approved, the administrator [ discharged and the estate closed. Dated this 7th day of July, 1927. RAY C. GOODE, 44-5tcv Administrator. siow processes »oon wearied him. Nlta slipiied her arm Into that ot her tall, htiudsome father. “Don't look so gluui.” she chided She w ss In very good spirits. Tlir shock of the Llppsky episode hud heei forgotten when she entered this uniqu» home. She could associate ueithei failure nor poverty with any of tht men beneath Its roof. She was curious to know what had brought M em to gether here. It was difficult to con ceive of her father as a successful business man. Lady Horsham had oftenmdeelared few men had been of fered such opportunities und made lesi- of them than Neelund Barnes. By adroit questioning of the foui she leu med their secret. They were engaged in promoting a company to operate in the Torrance oil field in south California. “How Interesting!" she cried. “A> It happens, I know a lot about oil companies and their way of doing business. You see, my last position li London wus as secretary to Sir Join. Crowhurst, chairman of the Persian Bagdad Oilfields, Limited.” “You?” cried her astonished father and then suddenly remembered thc thousunds of words she could take a minute. “Yes. Me. Really It was tremen dous luck, but I wns the only girl in the business school that sent me there who could write ns well In French a.- in English. We had a great many stockholders In Baris. It was rather “Wliat Sort of a Comeback?” Jolly being his secretary. Sir John was one of those quiet, clever men. drag Information from me which Is like Mr. Mllman, who deal in millions nut mine to give. You are deliberate­ I may look like you, daddy, but I’ve ly trying to make me betray my the business brains of my mother’s frien ds.” people. Let me do your correspond He Imd risen to his feet. She could ence for you." see lie was not pleased with her. "Later, I see we shall have to taki “Indeed. I’m not,” she said earnest­ you Into our confidence,” Mr. Mllman ly. “Daddy. I came over here because said, smiling. “At present we do not something'told me you needed looking want anything known. You under after. It Isn't that I’m trying to make stand the need for caution?” you betray your friends. I want to “Oh, rather,” said the former sec be sure that they are being honest retary of Sir John Crowhurst. “ I l •vltli you.” was because of an overheard conver ”1 have never met sqnarer men,” he satfon that we lost the Bogotan fields, answered. which are tremendously valuable.' “Tlien Pin on their side, too. My But she did not leave the subject. To father and his friends, right or wrong.” the four men she seemed an eager, Barnes did not know what to say pretty girl who had been by accident But a daughter of ids could not be as near enough to oil to catch a little of soeiated with anything irregular. He Its Idiom. They were in love with liei shook his head. when she hade them good night. “ I cannot accept y o u r assistance,” “Well," said Bradney when she hud he told her. gone, “for Rmateurs you did prftty “Very well. I shall tell Mr. Mllman well. I envied you your (lights ol I ant leaving after luncheon tomorrow. fancy.” I came over here equipped, specially “A woman has not dined In this equipped, for n certain sort of post house for over ten years," said Petet tion. and I’m going to get it.” Mllman. “I might have had a dnugli "Skilled secretarial workers and ter of her age now. Barnes, there If another reason for our need to auc stenographers are drugs in the tnur- ket,” he assured her. cecd. She must nnirry well." “I am not going to he a stenogra Uneasily Barnes thought of the pos pher,” she retorted. “I did that to sihlllty of his daughter having for a father one who wore stripes it Ills earn money to come here. 1 shnil take tlie other position, so you won’t havp state's expense. “Yes,” t« agreed to live on a stranger's charity." soberly. "That Is a hard thing to say,"-he When he had lighted a cigarette and was sitting In a hlg chair in the answered, flushing; “and it’s not alto getlisr true. Mr. Milnian sought me girl's room, he thought there would lie many to offer themselves. She had out because he thought I was able to help him. I am not living on charity.' her mother's slim figure and unforget “Wliat Is It you are trying to do?" able eyes added to the vivacity and she asked. cheerfulness of the women of his own “You must not expect me to tell family. you. My dear, don’t be hasty and "Whnt Innocent plotters you all leave us y e t Promise me that?” were!" She laughed. “Did any ot She kissed him good night. you really think you were deceiving “I won't go yet,” she said. “I can't me? Poor old dear, you don't know lose you as quickly as that." even the n b c of the thing. I've When she was alone her face took been living In an atmosphere of petrol on a worried aspect. She had suf­ —or gasoline, as you call It here—for fered many things In order to be with half a year. It fills the air in Europe. him, and she determined to find out People like Sir John Crosdmrst, who what the mystery was that enveloped are tlie hends off oil companies, have this strange household. Although ¡the political afiilliitlons everywhere. How wns not yet twenty-two, she had trav­ do I know? I wrote all Sir John's eled widely nisd met Iiyuimerahle peo­ tirivnte letters, of which he kept the ple. In Milnian and Ids associates carbon copies locked up I d his safe she recognized men of charm and cul­ I grew to know as much as an out ture who had made her father their alder could. That’s why It amused me firm admirer. And they were all bold­ to hear you four prnttling away like ing back from her any mention of mechanics talking weights and hand!- their real venture. In order to de­ aps to a steward «t the Jockey club." ceive her they had clumsily Invented “My denr Nlta,” he said, “was It nnd acted a falsehood. It could only fair to keep pumping os?" "Why not? I was qgytaln you knew be because they were plotting some­ thing of an illegal nature. nothing about oil, and I wanted to I make sure the rest didn't The only J They had played on her father's thing I could assume wns that they > emotions and earned his gratitude nnd were trying to swindle you. It was co-operation by a few hundred dol­ horrid to Imagine poor Mr. Milnian j lars. For so small a thing it had. been possible lo enlist his sympathy nnd us a swindler." “Most emphatically he Is not,” her ! aid. They had been clever enough to create the illusion that she wns wel father exclaimed. come when In truth they might be eni I- "Then whnt about the others?” Neeland Barnes groaned. It was | harrassed by her presence and alrpailv going lo be very difficult ts put Nlta planning to get rid of her. She decld ed she would not be driven o u t Her off tlie scent. She w ss half Fessen don, and the Fessendons Invariably I father needed ills daughter even if he sot c-'-at they went after. Pertinacity i did not yet know It. The thought that v 'is ilielrs In a large measure. The , three dangerous men might be plot­ Id. c of Imagining Brndney and Male:' ting some crime for which N’eelsn I trying lo swindle him brought a smile Raroes would nltlmately bear the (o l : : es’ face. Literally, he had not \ blame drove her to action. Her room was at the rear of the one ii t In the world. hdUse Four Iron bars protected Its •’ N i l a , " he began earnestly. “1 put windows. Almost five feet below she mu on vonr honor not to repeat whal • could see tlie Iron grating which 1 mil going to tell you to anyone on roofed In the Japanese garden. When any pretext whatsoever." she leaned down from her open win­ “All right,” she said. “Agreed. Go dow she could hear, faintly, th* sound on.” of voices. “I have not a nickel In »he world It was «hoot her they were speak­ Bradney and Malet have a hundred ; ing. Baines had come from her room dollars apiece, maybe a little more with th e . disquieting information that Peter Mllman will have to sell this their talk on oil had amused her very house and Its contents In three much. The news had been a blow. months' time. AH his money was tied : “Miss Barnes gives me the iraprc*. up In International Motors. We ar>; ; «Ion of being a very shrewd young four gentlemen from the churns of any lady.” Malet said, "and one not easily beggar»' opera. It's true we aren't ’ deceived. Yon all know th at when here on any oil promotion business hut we have come together for a very once we start. It will be almost Im­ serious business. We are trying 1« possible to keep one who Is already » little suspicions in ignorance.” stage » come-back.'* “Yes," said Bradney, “I am afraid Nits was silent for a moment It she cannot stay here." wns no) vaay to readjust herself. "Her godmother lives In Philadel­ "What sort of a come-back t ’ phia,” said Barnes. “She can't refttw Her father hesitated a moment “I don’t think you’d understand.' ( (T o be continued ) T a n I help yog?” ous. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of th s Interior, U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June 17, 1927. Notice is hereby given ahat John B. Mason, of Hermiston, Oregon, who, on Jan. 29, 1924, made Homestead Entry under Act June 6, 1912, No. 024549. for N W *4 Section 20, Town­ ship 4 North, Range 29 East, W iliam , ette Meridian, has filed notice of in­ tention to make final Proof, to es­ tablish claim to the land above des­ cribed, before W. .J. Warner, United 'tates Commissioner, at Hermiston Oregon, on the 6th day of A vgu t 1927. Claim ant names a , wit tss s ’ames G. Pearson, of P e r n ’i t n, Ore ¿on, Jacob L. Stork, of Hermiston, Oregon, Charles E. Lewis, of Stan­ field, Oregon, Howard Avery, of Her­ miston, Oregon. J. W. DONNELLY, • Register. ADVERTISE YOUR POULTRY Testing Times N a levee a t a bend in the Mississippi a men were building with sand-bags O a thousand second-line defense against rising waters which threatened hundreds of miles of fertile cropland. Over a telephone, housed in a wooden box nailed to a tree, an engineer was talking to headquarters^ reporting on the progress of the work., asking for reinforcements and additional material, receiv­ ing W eathef Bureau forecasts which would be vitallv important to him in planning the strategy of thia grim battle for lives and property. The telephone had been put in service b u t a few minutes before, after a construction crew had worked from sunrise to sunset, often waist-deep in swamp water, to string fifteen miles of line to this isolated outpost. Such is telephone service in an emergency—serv­ ice in which telephone men and women do very- much the same things they do every day of their lives, but do them under conditions th at give vivid emphasis to the import of their efficiency, devo­ tion, and fidelity to public interests. In such crises, when even the most commonplace of calls may become a m atter of life or death, the public realizes its day-by-day dependence upon the telephone and upon the men and women who make of it an instrumentality of human service. T he P acific T elephone A nd T elegraph C ompì BELL SYSTEM One Policy - One System - Universal Service MILLION ACRES OF RICH MONTAN« LAND OPENED BY NEW RAILROAD /"rum a photograph of farm in Rtéualtr Valley Prices of Best Land only $10 to $20 an Acre NE million acres of rich, low O priced land in the great Red­ water Valley country of Southeast­ ern Montana will be opened to fanners this year by a new branch line of the Northern Pacific Rail­ way, running 63 miles fromGlcndive. Here the Northern Pacific will sell direct to fanners a half million acres at prices ranging from only $10 to $20 an acre, with 20 years to pay. Taxes are extremely low. Special advantages are available to neigh­ bors and colonies desiring to settle together. M ixed farm in g is successful throughout this area. Com has in­ creased by hundreds of thousands of acres in the last few years in South­ eastern Montana. Hog production has grown rapidly. All classes of livestock are raised. The dairy in­ dustry is getting a good start. Communities already are estab- tislied. Churches have been built. Schools are open. Rapid develop­ ment will come with the new rail­ road. Markets will be closer. More farmers will come in. Land values will increase. The Northern Pacific Railway will help farmers in getting started right. Settlers are wanted who seek a real chance for themselves and their families. The Northern Pa­ cific will send a representative to talk the matter over, if desired. In­ vestigate this opportunity. Let us send you booklets, prices and easy payment plan. All sent free. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! J. M. Hughes, Land Com. Northern Pacific Railway Co., St. Paul, Minn. Drawer its W ith o u t obligation on m v p?»rt nlrane •end all inform ation about Redw ater V a lley C o untry. Staton Subscribe for The Herald-$2.00