2, 50 feet, L. A. H u n t.... 95.00 L ot 10, 25 feet, F. P. Adams.. 22.50 L ot 3 ,5 0 feet, L. A. H u n t.... 95.00 L o t 1 1 25 feet, F. P. Adams.. 22.60 B lock B— L ot 4, 47 H feet. E. E. M cM illan L ot 12, 32 feet, F ir s t N a tio n a l Bnk E s t.................................. .............. 24.75 $3.20 Ix>t 18, 25 feet, H. R. N ew port $2.50 L ot 5, 47 H feet, E. E. M cM illan E e t.................................................. 24.75 B lock 7— NOTICE OF SALE Lot 7, 35 feet, C. C. D urfey $3.50 'L ot 6, 47 !4 feet, E. E. M cM illan E n te re d as second class m a tte r N otice is hereby g iven th a t by v ir D ecem ber, 1906, a t th e postofftce at tu e of th e a u th o rity of th e C ity C h a r Lot 8. 25 feet, C C. D urfey.. $2.50 • E s t.................................................. 24.75 H erm isto n , U m atilla C ounty, Oregon te r of th e C ity of H erm isto n an d th e L ot 9, 25 feet, C. c . D urfey.. $2.50 L ot 10,4714 feet, E. E. M cM illan fcst.................................................. 24.75 Lot 10, 25 feet, O. G. S ap p er.. $2.50 directio n of th e C ity C ouncil a u th o r Subscription Rates • Lot 11,4714 feet, E. E. M cM illan Block. 8— One T e a r ................ ..................... 92.0« izing and d ire c tin g th e T re a s u r e r of Lot 9. 25 feet. E W. M ack.... $2.50 E st. .................. ........................ 24 75 Six M onths — ............................... 21.00 th e City of H erm isto n to collect th e Lot 10. 25 feet, E. W. Mack.— $2.50 L ot 12,4714 feet, E. E. M cM illan unpaid assessm ents for th e city Ir E st. .............................................. 24.75 Lot 13. 25 feet, E. w. M ack.... $2.50 W a lte r P ierce seem s to have at rig atio n w ater for th e y e a r 1926, lev Lot 12, 25 feet, E. w. M ack.... $2.50 F irst A ddition to H erm isto n , P la t ied and imposed u n d e r th e pro v isio n s least one tr a it common to new s paper filed M arch 8, 1907. Lot 13, 25 feet, G eorgia H en d er- men w ith whom he so o ften differed j f O rdinance No. 76 passed by the Feet N am e Amt. son ............................................... 22.50 Block L ot w hile governor. He said In a sw an City C ouncil an d ap proved by th e Lot 16, 25 feet, E. W. M ack. . $2.50 B lock A— Mayor on Ju ly 2, 1913, as am ended song in terv iew pub lish ed in th e Ore L ot 1, 47*4 feet, O tto G. S apper Ix,t 17, 2 5 feei.M . W. S h a rra rd gonian la st S unady th a t he had been by O rdinance No. 122 an d o rd in an ce ...................................................... 23.56 $2.50 No. 96 passed by th e C ity C ouncil offered enough m oney to re tire tin Lot 18, 25 feet, F. B Swayze. $2.50 Lot 2, 4 T 14 feet, O tto G. S apper m ortgages on h is farm by special in and approved by th e M ayor on A pril Block 9— ...................................................... 23.56 terest« seek in g h is in terv en tio n 17, 1918. Lot 6, 50 feet, E. M um m a... $5.00 L ot 3, 47*4 feet, O tto G. S apper I w ill on th e 15 th day of J a n u a ry , w h ile he w as go v ern o r. A ny n ew s ..... ................................................ 23.56 Lot 7. 50 feet, E. M um m a... $5.00 p ap er m a n w ith ex p erien ce enough 1927, a t th e h o u r of 19 o ’clock in th e L ot 8, 50 feet, E. M um m a... $5.00 Lot 4, 4 7*4 feet, O tto O. S apper forenoon of said day a t th e City to know h is w ay ab o u t h as been o f Lot 9, 50 feet, E. W. Mack.. $5.00 .............. .......- .............................. 23.56 fered money more th a n once to hood Council C ham ber in th e C ity of H e r Lilt 10 50 feet, E. W. M ack.. $5.00 L ot 5, 47*4 feet, O tto O. S apper w ink the public, b u t to th e ir credit m iston, O regon, sell th e follow ing L ot 11, 50 feet, E. M um m a ... $5.00 ...................................................... 23 56 It may be said th a t an o verw helm ing described lots, pieces an d p arcels of I-ot 12,25 feet, E M um m a.... $2.50 Lot 6, 47*4 feet, O tto G. S apper m ajo rity of them can an d do say no. !and a t public au ctio n to th e h ig h est Lot 12, 25 feet, J. Skovbo...... $2.50 ...................................................... 23.56 even w ith o u t rem em b erin g th e m o rt bidder for cash In h an d , th e proceeds Lot 13, 50 feet, J. S kovbo...... $5.00 L ot 7, 4714 feet, E. E. M cM illan from th e sa le of each lo t, piece or gage on the p lan t. E s t.................................................. 23.56 B lock 10— parcel of lan d to be ap p lied in sa tis Lot 17, 25 feet, E. W . Mack ... $2.50 L ot 8, 47*4 feet, E. E. M cM illan faction of th e assessm ent upon said Oregon Is le g isla tin g ag ain . Gov E st. . .................................. 92.56 Lot, 18, 25 feet, E. W . M ack. .. $2.50 ern o r P atterso n assum es th e re in s of lot, piece o r parcel of la n d w ith in Lot 27, 25 feet, J. Skovbo ... $2.50 Lot 9, 47*4 feet E. E. M cM illan office in a m an n er th a t prom ises w el' terest th ereo n from M arch 1, 1926, L ot 28, 25 feet, J. S kovbo...... $2.50 E st. .................... r........................ 23.56 to th e state, and th e legislature it th e ra te of 6 p er cen t p er an n u m Block 11— L ot 10, 47*4 feet. E. E. M cM illan seem s bent on serio u s w ork. A little .ogether w ith a p en a lty of 15 per Lot 1 25 feet, F. B. Sw ayze.. $2.50 E s t................................................. 23.56 m ore of d ig n ity an d business w ltl •ent of each of said assessm en ts and Lot 2, 25 feet, F. B. Sw ayze.. $2.50 L ot 15, 4 7*4 feet, E. E. M cM illan less of hand w aving and h y steria m a; all costs. E s t.................................................. 23.56 Lot 3, 25 feet, F. B. Sw ayze.. $2.50 Follow ing Is a d escrip tio n of each prove of real b en efit. H ere’s to the Lot 4, 25 feet, F. B. Sw ayze.. $2.50 Lot 12, 50 feet, E. E. M cM illan of said lots, pieces o r p arcels of land best for Oregon! E st. ............................................... 23.75 Lot 5, 25 feet, F. B. Sw ayze.. $2.50 w ith th e n u m b er of feet fro n tag e, Lot 6, 25 feet, F. B. Sw ayze.. $2.50 D istrict No. 2— A ccording to plat nam e of o w n er o r re p u te d ow ner, One of th e best ad v ertise m en ts of filed M arch 21, 1908. A ccording to P lat filed A p ril 5, a co u n try 's clim ate is th e discussion and am o u n t of said assessm ent. Block 1— City of H erm isto n acco rd in g to 1905. by golfers In J a n u a ry of th e score Feet N am e A m t. Lot 14, 84.8 feet, Geo. B n cro ft 25.94 m ade th e (Jay previous. Such dis p lat filed w ith C ounty R eco rd er Nov. Block L ot B lock 2— Block 1— cussions are ju s t as fre q u e n t in H e r 23. 1904. L ot 16, 45 feet, R. C row der.... 23.15 F eet N am e A m t L pt 1. 30 feet, L ow m an & P elly m iston in Ja n u a ry as they were In Block L ot Block 4— .................................................................... 23.00 Block 2— O ctober. Lot 1 ,4 0 feet, R ay M cC arroll 22.80 Lot 1, 50 feet, M innie B row n 95.00 Lot 2, 25 feet, L ow m an & P elly Lot 2, 50 feet, R ay M cC arroll $3.50 ................................................................... $2.50 2, 50 fte t, M innie B row n 95.00 I t th e business of ste a lin g ch ick Lot 3, 50 feet, M innie B row n 25.00 L ot 5, 25 feet, Tom M arxen.. 22.50 Lot 9, 50 feet, W . L. B lessing $3.50 e n s should Increase h ere a little of Lot th e tre a tm e n t th a t used to be handed Lot 1 1 ,5 0 feet, R. B easley...... 25.00 Lot 6, 25 feet, Tom M arxen.. 22.50 L ot 10, 50 feet, W. L. B lessing $3 50 Lot 11, 50 feet, W . L- B lessing $3.50 Block 2— horse thieves In th e m iddle w estern Slock 3— Lot 13, 50 feet, J. McCoy....... 25.00 L ot 6, 10 feet, H. R. N ew port 2 1 0 0 Block 5— s ta te s m ig h t serve ns a cure. Lot 7, 25 feet, H. R. N ew p ort 22.50 Lot 1, 45 feet, C. S. S anderson $3.15 Slock 4— Lot 2, 45 feet C. S. S anderson $3.15 Lot 1 1 .5 0 feet, F P, AdaniB.. 25.00 Block 7— FARM REMINDERS ,ot 16, 50 feet, E. W. Mack ..... 25.00 L ot 7, 50 feet, A. A. L ittle .. 25.00 Lot 3, 45 feet, C. S. S anderson $3.15 Lot 13, 45 feet. W . E. Goodwin $3.15 Block 8— O regon grow n red clover see l has 31ock 5— h an .. 23.00 Block 6— heen In good dem and for several Lot 1, 25 fi*L‘t, F. P. A dam s.. 22.50 Lot 1, 30 feet. F. D. Lot 1, 84 feet, W. L. Sam pson $5.95 years, rep o rts th e ex p erim en t s t a Lot 2, 25 feet, F. P. A dam s.. 92.50 Lot 2, 25 feet, F, D. Lot 8. 50 feet, J. B. S haw ...... $3 50 tion. Its high color and p lu n ip n er Lot 8, 25 feet. H. R. N ew p o rt 22.50 Lot 3, 25 feet, F. D. Lot 9. 50 feet, J. B. Shaw . .. $3.50 mid freedom from dodder have mail« Lot 9, 25 feet, E. W. M ack.. 22.50 Lot 16, 25 feet. J S est.... 23.00 Lot 12, 50 feet, F. L. Sam pson $3.50 It especially desirable. A lthough 1 Lot 12, 25 feet, Dick H ard iso n 22.50 Lot 17, 30 feet, J s rfey.. 22.50 Lot 14 ,85.7 feet, F red C. Stone $6.00 has som etim es had too much buck Lot 13, 25 fte t, H. R. N ew port 22.50 Lot 21, 25 feet. C. c. rfey.. 22.50 Block 8— ,ot 14, 25 feet, H. R. N ew p o it 22.50 Lot 22, 25 feet, c. c. h o rn , dock and wild c a rro t, Ils de Lot 3, 45 feet, G. A. B easley.. $3.15 m and In eastern m a rk e ts has c o n tin Lot 16, 25 feet, Cole & Sw ayze 22.50 Block 10—- ued good, w ith co n d itio n s favorable Lot 16, 25 feet, Cole & Sw ayze 22.50 Lot 1, 15 feet, R C. T odd. .. 21-50 Lot 4, 45 feet, G. A. B easley.. $3.15 ,ot 19. 50 feet.H . R. N ew p o rt 25.00 L ot 2 25 feet, R. C. Todd. .. 22.50 Lot 5 ,4 5 feet, G. A. easley.. $3.15 a t th is lime. jo t 23, 50 feet, F. B. Sw ayze.. 25.00 Lot 3, 25 feet, R. C. Todd.... 22.50 Block 9- C lim atic con d itio n s for grow ing Lot 24, 50 feet, F. B. Sw ayze.. 25.00 L ot 18, 30 feet, Geo. B riggs.... 23.00 Lot 4, 50 feet, P. B. D oherty.. $3.50 Lot 19, 25 feet, Geo. B rig g s.... 22.50 Lot 5, 50 feet, P. B. D oherty. $3.50 sw eet ch erries in O regon a re ideal, llock 6— Lot 6, 50 fe t, P. B. D oherty. $3.50 Block 12— says a re p o rt from th e exp erim en t Lot 1, 25 feet, F ir s t N atio n al B nk D ated a t H erm isto n , Oregon, this. ...................................................... $2.50 L ot 24, 25 feet, L. H . B erry .... 22.50 s ta tio n . A lthough m any fine crops Lot 2, 25 feet, F. B. Sw ayze 22.50 L ot 25, 25 feet, L. II. B erry .... 22.50 10 th day of D ecem ber, 1926. h av e been grow n w ith scan t atto n GEORGIA H EN DERSON , Block 13— tion to p ro tectio n from insects and ,ot 6, 26 feet, W in. G lasson E st. C ity T re a su re r. ...................................................... 22.50 Lot 1, 50 feet, L. A. H u n t.... 25.0C (1 5 -5 tc ) diseases, Inroads of these enem ies I a tte n tio n . Threw disease« h a re caua- - ed economic losses in w estern O regon P u b lish ed «very T h u rsd a y a t H e r The moet serio u s disease« u su ally a re m isto n , U m atilla C ounty, O regon by b a cte rial gumm oeis, cy lln d ro sp o rlu m Joseph 8, H arv ey , ed ito r and m an- leaf sp o t, an d brow n rot. a g a r. T h e W o r ld ’s B est DANCE ORCHESTRAS * Fill your home with their magic throb. W hat ever orchestra you want, you can select it easily, bring in the deep bass rhythms loud and clear— O n the Revolutionary NEW . FREED-EISEMANN ¿RADIO D ancing to radio takes on new enjoyment—the enjoyment of dan cing with the orchestra itself with die convenience of dancing in your own home, when you are- in the mood for it. Let us show you thest TERM S IF D ESIRf t. receivers that make this new plea sure possible. They bring in all programs with startling clarity and beauty. Enclosed in beautiful cabi nets, these new sets are shieiiied, built on chasses of pressed t t el for permanence. NST R A T IO N IN Y O U R O W N H O M E Prices, less Accessories, $65.00 and up A Model to suit every taste and pocketbook BLESSING HDW.CO. Call at T he H erald and see the N ew Com m unity Poultry Booster Envelope Backers. ■ J s ■ ■ w a B E G IN N IN G M O N D A Y , J A N U A R Y 17 Men’s Worsted Socks in Brown and Black, Reg. 65c —This Sale 39c Men’s Wool Blazers Shirt Style, Regular $5.50 -T H IS SALE, $3.47 -T H IS SALE $4.47 Men’s Jersey Cloth Sweater Coats . . . $1.37 DON’T OVERLOOK THESE Boy’s Sweaters, 24, 26, 28, Regular $2.50 arc! $3.00 . , $1.47 Odd Lot Children's Play Suits, Reg. $1.25 to $1.50, This Sale . 87c Men’s Collar attached Dress Shirts Reg. $2.50 to $3-This SalePrice$1.07 Telephone 171 -T H IS SALE PRICE 97c 17c C Men’s Leather Coats, to $14.50 3 value . . . This Sale $5.47 Light Colors, sizes 34, 36, 38, Regular $8.50 Boys’ Jersey Sweater Coats . 97c ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Values to $2.50 Ladies’ Corsets less than Half Price. Jantzsn Sweater Coats ■ ■ ■ É ■ ■ ■ B 27 Pairs Men’s Part Wool Socks 9 Ladies’Sweaters 175 Yards Gingham Values to 65 cents. 135 yards Wool Dress Material, val ues to $3.75 yd. —This Sale 39c yd. -T H IS SALE PRICE 13c 20 Pieces Stamped Goods 55 yards Ratine to go in this sale for 19c yd. You can afford to make Rugs of these materials at this price. 30 yards 42 inch Indian Head Tub ing . . . . . 20 yards Dotted Mull OF Q U A L IT Y 10c W adham’s Jell Dessert, all flavors . 6c 38c 112 Cans Standard Apricots . 12c 17c Gallon Berries ■ ■ . Blackberries, Loganberries, Huckle berries . . . 69c per can KINGSLEY’S INC. H E R M IS T 0 H ’ 3 H O U SE . Log Cabin Syr up- Pts., 29c; Qts, 59c; Half Gal., $1.09 $2.47 3 Skirt Patterns, each . Telephone 171 A IT S S E R V I C E aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaa*?iRBaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaa,aaaaa>aaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaBaaaaaBaaaBaaBBaBaBaaaBaaaaBaaaaaaBBBBaBaaaaaaBaKaBaBaaaaaaaBaataBaaaaS