Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1926)
THE HEBXISTON HJRAXD, gBBlOgTOy, ORBGOX Th« Altar society will hav, bazaar Saturday, December 11. a Mr. and Mr». R. O. Horning de parted thia wet* for their ranch in Union county near La Orande for which they recently traded. They resided here many years and h»d many friends who regretted their departure. .9 ’ I 9 » > W. W. Felthouse and son Billy, J. M. Biggs, W. J. Warner and Frank Little were among those from Her mlton who saw the game of football at Walla Walla Saturday when the Whitman team played Washington university. Governor Walter M. Pierce was a Hermiston visitor Monday morning on his trip through the county. He talked informally and met a number of local people, lie was accompan ied by W. W. Harrah and Guy John son of Pendleton. i The Ladles’ Aid of the Methodist i Episcopal church will hold a cooked I food aale on Saturday, November 20. The next meeting of the society will be held next Wednesday at the church and will be an all day ses sion. SCHOOL NEWS A change is being made in the SUnday school and church services at the Methodist Episcopal church which will he explained Sunday morning. Sunday school at 10: IS A. M. Morning worship at 11:10 A. M. Epworth League at 0:30 P. M. Preaching by the pastor at 7:30 P. M. 8. Uamrlch, pastor. Hermiston was well represented at the reception which was extended Queen Marie of Roumania at Mary hill Wednesday. Among those from here were Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Mc- Naught, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Dodd, iBabelle and Ruth Dodd and Eliza beth Straw, Dr. and Mrs. F. V. Prime, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mitchell, Mrs. F. B. Swayze, Mrs. C. E. Baker and Mrs. C. W. Kellogg. Pendleton also had a large delegation In at tendance. local people stated. ELECTION NOTICE H erm iston Irrig a tio n D istrict. Notice Is hereby given that an election will be held within the Her miston Irrigation District at the of fice of W. J. Warner, secretary, on Main street in the City of Hermiston, Umatilla County, Oregon, on Tues day. the 9th day of November, 1926, for the purpose of electing one direc tor to serve for three years. The polls will be open from 8 o’clock A. M. until 5 o'clock P. M. of said day. W. J. WARNER, 9-lc Secretary, Thursday afternoon the civic» class attended the State vs. Norquist trial. AND S E R V IC E ” Frank Silvey was h»re from Con don the first of the weg*. SEE THE HERALD’S LINE OF CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS Transparent and Metallic painting classes Wednesdays and Saturdays. Mrs. J. S. Dyer 9-tfc Stated communlcatloa of Queen Es ther chapter O. E. S., next Tuesday night. By order W. M. : The Ladles' Aid society of the Bap tist church will hold a cooked food sale Saturday In the Hermiston mar ket. WINTER Is Coming for a Long Stay W ILL BE H E R E W ITH A NICE L IN E OF Ready-to-Wear Garments for the Ladies TO SEE W IN T E R MERCHANDISE OF H IGH EST CLASP, IN T i n s L IN E AND A T REASONABLE PRICES. YOU CAN H A V E AM PL E TIM E TO LOOK THEM OVER, AND NO E X P E N S E OF TRAVEL OR HOTEL BILL W HICH YOU WOULD H A V E TO TVTF.'F.T SHOULD YOU GO TO T H E N EA R ES T CITY, AND A MUCH B ET T E R ASSORTMENT TO CHOOSE FROM. The Parent-Teacher association held its first meeting this year in the high school auditorium Thursday af ternoon. It was decided that the meetings would continue to be held the third Thursday in each month. Mrs. Duff of Adams, chairman of Umatilla county public health asso ciation, explained the association’s plan for community health work, and made a plea for members. Superin tendent Cherty also spoke In favor of the bill for an Eastern Oregon normal school. THE JERSEY DAIRY WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10 Hermiston Produce and Supply Company Milk and Cream, for sale at all times. Both mornin and even- nlng deliveries. Route» In H e r miston and Umatilla. BURKY & JENKINS YES W E H AVE Choice Silver Smelt REX CAFE NECESSITY Mr. and Mr». Lcvoy Coyner of La Grande who visited friends in Wood- bum during tho past week were here the first of this week en route home. They formerly lived here. We can give you satisfaction in our Fuel Supply of both Wood and Coal. A number of cars driven by Pen dleton owners passed through Her miston Wednesday morning headed west toward Maryhill where Queen Marie of Koumanla was entertained nt the big Hill place. Dr. and Mrs F. V. Prime and child ren and Mr. and Mr». F. B. Swayxe went to Irrigon Saturday night to at tend the annual earnival. The crowd In attendance was a large one, the local people reported. ■ ■ ' ■ ■ 8 1 ■ ■ PROMPT SERVICE Inland Empire Lumber Company PboaOai “ The Yard of Best Quality ” MUNGER & McKI ' LEY Home Cooking W e A r e Sure ! — OF— Miss Eva Randall and Mrs. J. S. The masquerade party given In the Harvey and children were In Pendkr city auditorium Saturday night by ton Sunday as guests at the Randall the students of Hermiston high home. school was a great success. The IS OUR SPECIALTY music was fin'nlshed by the Briggs’ J. n. Moll who works for the orchestra. During the evening there HOME MADE PASTRY Standard OH company here returned was a specialty dance by the two io work Monday morning after a va "scariest scarecrows” in Hermiston, WE SERVE 40c LUNCH FROM 1 1 :3 0 TILL 3 :0 0 P. M. cation of two weeks. Maklne Avery and Marian Hender Fried Chicken, home style, 50c son. Three prizes for costumes were Roy Sullivan and Allen Von Beh given— the prettiest costume, Shirley ren left the first of the week for) llrownson; the most original, Miss SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOUR! Open 5 :30 to 9 :30. Portland to attend the Pacific In Scylcr; the runniest, Howard Reld.-i ternational Livestoek Exposition. Much of the success of the evening was due to the efforts of a very able Mr. and Mrs. Roy Raley and Mr. committee. and Mrs. George Hartman of Pendle ton stopped for a few minutes in Hermiston Wednesday afternoon af ter having hern to' Maryhill. C O A L IS A ■ ■ ■ ■ Mrs. McKinley City Meat Market O ccarrnen of In tcre.1 te r « ! Cffegnÿd OTeanM H er. joua i tWA City an Mid Thera About libarli«»« N .lghb 8 Wednesday, November 1C There are two new pupils in the lower grudes, Marie Stevenson In O u r Custom ers A re O u r Best the third grade and Vivian Dyer in A d vertisem e n t. the second grade. Harold Patter If you are not already a Customer son and Roberta Horning, both In we want you to give us an order then third grade have moved away. Eva you will be. Skinner, a freshman, has also left. Highest Grade Meat, handled in a | sanitary, Modern Market, is the kind Hermiston high school will play we sell, and at lowest prices always. Heppner high echool on the football Let us fill your next MEAT order. field here on Friday afternoon at 2:30. The Hetppner team bent the Hermiston tenni last year, but this year we are out for revenge. The PH ON E 131 game promises to be Interesting and a large turnout fs exepected. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ■ BREVJTKS a a ■ ■ ■ ■ I t is m a d e e x p r e s s ly fo r b a r n s , c o r n c r ib s , s ilo s , fe n c e s, e tc . I t is a d u r a b le , w e a t h e r - r e s i s t i n g p a i n t f o r r o u g h o r s m o o t h l u m b e r . I t s in k s in s t i c k s t i g h t a n d s a v e s r e p a i r s . REM EM BER T H E DAY h atch e d .” KINGSLEY’S Q U A L IT Y COMMONWEAL TH B AflN BED V ' Monday afternoon there were three speeches given In the high school as sembly on election Issues. The speakers were, democratic, John A. E. HOUGHTON Pace; independent, Alice Dyer, and "H alf the fa n of ra isin g chickens republican, Joe McNaught. it, counting th em before th e y are W h y monkey w ith cheap stuff w hen this overall is • guaranteed to give you lots of wear, comfort and satisfaction? Just try on a pair. You’ll like it so well i you won’t want to take it off. A ll sizes in stock. OF S her win - W illiams \ 4 ¿til Y ou don’t save money buying a cheap overall. It goes wrong and you have no comeback H O U SE / All the grade rooms had parties last week and good times were re ported. At the first grade party the prize» were won by Bobby Prime, Frank Kimery, Bruce StlllingB, John McRoberts and Dan Biggs. Y ou can’t go wrong on this overall W e’re back of it and the factory is back of us. " H E R M IS T O N ’ S m o r e p r o t e c t i o n , b e c a u s e i t is n o t b u i i t a s s u b s t a n t i a l l y . Y o u c a n p o in t to y o u r b a r n w ith a s m u c h p rid e a s you d o to y o u r h o m e if i t is p a i n t e d v / it h Oregon Hardware & Implement Co. A mimeograph machine has been Installed in Hermiston high school and is proving very useful Just now. Individual copies of examination pap ers will be available for each pupil. gTE&SH A b a m n e e d s p r o t e c ti o n j u s t a s m u c h a s a h o u s e , in f a c t WHO’S WHO TODAY Visitors In gTade rooms this week were Mrs. Avery, Mrs. Peugh, Mrs. Udey, Mrs. Clarke. MrB. Agnew and Mrs. Quimby. T he overall we guarantee A Barn Worth Keeping Is A Barn Worth Painting ’ M. M. STRAW. MGR. Exclusive Rcpreirntîtives af National Builders Bnreaa •■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■BBBBBBBBBMBBI Kenzle. ■ Backbones, 10c lb. Sauerkraut Sweet Cream Brings 1 Cent Premium H e r m isto n M a r k e t AND WE HOPE TO INCREASE IT SOON. Phone Four-One-One Why not Take Advantage of this F re e D elivery AND BRING IN YOUR CREAM W HILE IT IS STILL SWEET. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE WE WOULD LIKE Mr«. C. M. Jackson and Mrs. E L Jackson were hostesses at two bridge parties last Wednesday and Saturday aft tr Boo ns at the home of i he former. Four table» were In Pfcj at the first party, and prises were won by Mr». F. B Swayxe and Mrs. Dorothy Briggs Rintoul. Five tables were In play Saturday after noon. and prize winner» were Mrs. B. B. Mitchell and Mr». F. C. M e- J Salmon Trout TO HAVE IT BROUGHT TUESDAY AND FRIDAY MORNINGS SO AS TO EN- ABLE US TO MAKE FULL CHURNINGS OF SWEET Hermiston Hospital CREAM We can care for you cheaper and f f v - yoa better service then you BUTTER THESE DAYS. can receive at home. HERMISTON CREAMERY A. M. So ns trap, Prop. * Prices $4 pee day including general care, board and room. “ Aek a patient who has been there” M aternity Cases Especially Solicited Ml HERMISTON, OREGON