rax gxaxiTt» maojbP, mnanarox, obtoov . WA SELL PubUakaA avw y Thursday a t Har- Dilaloa, ümatUla County. Oregon by Joee>k B. Harvey, editor and man- Entered ad second class matter Deesesber, ISOS, at tb s yoetofflee at H erm iston. U m atilla County, Oregon Subscription Kates The day for e le ctin g som e m ore public officials has ju st about arriv ed, and voters who intend their ob li gation o f citizenship by exp ressin g their w ishes at th e polls ow e it to th em selves to be think ing about how th eir ballots shall be cast. In O regon this year, due to the action o t Rbert N . Stanfield in re pu diating the w ish es o f republican voters in the prim ary, party regu lar ity is more o f an issue than it has been fo r several years, and repub licans ow e it to th em selves to do a lot o f thinking b efore they sw erve from votin g a straigh t tick et. The men nom inated are o f high caliber, th e y have been through the prim aries and have the stam p o f approval o f th e party, and th ey should have the un ited support o f th e party in the gen eral election. The Herald recom m ends to repub licans that hey stick b f th e tick et in th e present em ergen cy. It w ill not presum e to advise dem ocrats, because the H erald’s editor is a re publican. The w hole republican tick et from top to bottom is good this year, and a republican need not apologize to anyon e fo r votin g straight. The H erald urges m em bers o f th e party particularly to v ote fo r S teiw er for U n ited S tates sen ator, for P atterson fo r govenor, and for Fred Kiddle for jo in t senator. The ability o f n either Mr. Steiw er nor Mr. Kiddle can be qu estioned. Both are men o f e x ce lle n t character, high ideals with enough exp erien ce behind them glean ed in their respec tiv e fields o f endeavor to recom m end them as to a b ility and cap acity to grow and to do th e public b u siness which election w ould require o f them . O f all the candid ates for whom v o te s can be cast th is year by local people, Steiw er and Kiddle alone are veteran s. Both w ere in France for lo n g periods, and both saw active service fo r their govern m en t at a tim e w hen such service m eant th at lif e it s e lf w as placed in jeopardy. M erely the fa c t that they are v eter ans would not be enough on which to ask voters to rem em ber them , but th e fa c t hat they did serve, coupled w ith he fa c t that both men are ou t stan d in g as to a b ility and fitess for th e offices th ey seek , m ake their claim to' preferen ce so stron g as to be unanswerable. R epublicans should vote a straight tick et N ovem ber 2. If for any per sonal reason nny “ scratch in g” s done, S teiw er and K iddle should n ot be fo r g o tte n . They rem em bered a few y ea rs ago when the world w as in agon y. The e lectorate o f U m atilla and M orrow cou n ties can in ju stice do no less than to rem em ber now. D on ’t fo rg et the tw o F reds— E. R- Berlin.— President Von Hindenburg aecepted the resignation of General Von Seerkt, com mander of the relchs- usen AS DAUGHERTY JURY DISAGREES Deliberation of 85 Hours Ends In a Disagreem ent. New York.—A "hung Jury” ended the five weeks' conspiracy trial of Harry M. Daugherty and Thom as W. Miller, governm ent officials under P resident Harding. The Jurors had been out more than «5 hours, longer than any other Jury In the history of tbe federal building. Rx Attorney-General Daugherty was the first man to be brought to trial on a charge of conspiracy to defraud the governm ent he served while a m em ber of the president’s cabinet. D augherty and Miller, ex-allen prop •r ty custodian, w ere Indicted for con spiring to defraud the governm ent of their best services In perm itting re lease la M il of 17,000, ooo w arlm - pounded assets of the A m ericas Metal car TH E is oepeNOABi_ only a s n e A L E -R WHO SELLS -and-- Dodge Brothers im proved Special Sedan Trade Builders Boots and Shoes for men and boys. All new stock and all rebuilding work guaranteed. American Shoe Shop Hermiston, Oregon IT as When In Pendleton— Call is and let ns tell you in person what we can do for yon nt this Beauty Shop. A satisfied customer is oar best advertise ment. Come and see for yourself. All the latest methods are used at this Beauty Shop and all work is done under sanitary conditions. Dodge Brothers Special Sedan, im p ressively b ettered during the past few months AND W EEK S, now awaits your inspection. SLOAN BONNET AND BEAUTY PARLORS Treatments are Our Specialties Marcelling, Facial and Scalp Treatm Smart and Exclusive M’llinery at \ Most Reasonable Prices. Telephone: 880 645 Main St., Pendleton, Ore. Touring Car Coupe - Sedan Special Sedan - - • - • - - - $958.00 $1010.00 $1072.00 $1130.00 Domestic Laundry W ith tha approach o f hot w eather our aervlce In ta k in g care of your laundry w orries hag an add'd appeal th a t can hardly be resisted by the fam ily in w h ich the h ea lth and w e ll b ein g o f the h ou sew ife receives con sid eration . For a nom inal ch arge a ll the drudgery o f w ash day and Ironing day can be banished from your hom e an d done by u , w ith the m ost modern m ach in ery possible to buy. T hat— Our Service is Satisfactory At M .r m l.t .n E. R. SCHILLER, P .n d l.lo n , O regoa CANCER SPECIALIST J'. G. PEARSON. Black A White Garage, Hermiston ABEAM METHOD OP BLOOD TESTING AMD TREATMENT Dr. B. B. Brundage MOTOR CARS PENDLETON, OREGON Is proven by th e la rg e ll»t o f sa tisfie d custom ers w e serve every w eek In th is territory. W e w elcom e new custom ers. W hether It is fin ish in g w ork, rough dry work or T hrtf-T - Ser vice you seek, you are bound to bo sa tisfie d If th e old reliab le D om estic Laundry h a n d les it. Domestic Laundry Inc. W e Carry a Stock of Pistons, Rings and Pins H as Y our Come * arK « ■ . .. renew il next Sabscnptioa time you an Expired? Wm. Shaar, Agent in town. Phone 461 Herald Want Ads Bring Tou Results KNERR’S REPAIR SHOP BONDS! BONDS! BONDS! Vote the Entire Republican Ticket Straight and Assure the Election of your Favorite = = Candidate = = = = = For U. S. Senator FREDERICK STEIWER Voter« are urged to read Section 4 of the Housewives’ Coun cil Constitutional Amendment authorizing the State of Oregon to go into irrigation schemes and into the business of manufactur ing and selling light and power. Rep. Congress Dist. 2 N. J. SINNOTT “ Bonds of th$ State of Oregon, not to exceed five per centum of the assessed valuation of the state, may be issued and sold from time to time to carry out the purpose of this Article and the full faith and credit as the State of Oregon is hereby pledged for the payment of the principal of said bonds as the same mature, and the interest ac cruing thereon as the same falls due.” Governor I. L. PATTERSON Justice Supreme Court-Vote for 3 HENRY J. BEAN GEO. M. BROWN THOMAS A. McBRIDE Supt. Public Instruction CHARLES A. HOWARD wehr. The acceptance of Von Secck t’s res ignation culm inated a political crisis growing out of tbe irregular service of the eld est son of the former Crown Prince W ilhelm In the relchsw ehr, contrary to the term s of the Ver sa illes treaty governing Germany's | land forces. The delay In the acceptance ot his resignation had caused considerable ’ resentm ent In republican, dem ocratic and socialistic ranks, the newspapers | of th ese parties pointing out that If the president allowed Von Seeckt to remain In the army, M inister of De fen se Gossler must resign, which would mean a victory for the m llltar 1st clique over the parliamentary regime. The president's acceptance of t h e ' resignation Is expected to avert a more serious political crisis. P .a d l.t.a , O rsgee A W ild . G a r, J. C. F ssr sse, Steiwer and Kiddle. REICHSWEHR CHIEF VON SEECKT RESIGNS Inspect W e never tried to I that all Used C a n w ere good B at w e do inaiat that the Used w e sell are good ca n . And the people who buy them know it. O n. Y ea r----- - V L Z ............. - Six M on th s__________________ |1 0 S REMEMBER THE TWO FREDS Nap-A-Tan NOT ALL 6 0 0 0 Every voter should know that the assessed valuation of Ore gon is $1,058,736, and that the Housewives’ Council °Water and Power” board could issue and sell bonds for $52,944,- 000. Your property would be a guarantee for the payment of this huge debt. Commissioner of Labor C. H. GRAM Com. Public Service THOMAS N. CAMPBELL Sen. 19th Sen. Dist. (Umatilla, Morrow, Union Co.) FRED E. KIDDLE Sen. 20th Sen. Dist. L. L. MANN. Rep. 22nd Rep. Dist ROY RITNER Rep. 23rd Rep. District (Umatilla and Morrow Counties) S. A. MILLER J. S. N0RVELL Oregon’s total bonded debt, including that of all political subdivisions, is now more than $166,000,000. Its State bond ed indebtedness alone per capita, $47.08, is the highest in the Union. As fast as this political board might retire bonds, it would have the power to issue more; and as the assessed valuations increasod the amount of bonds could also increase. County Judge I. M. SCHANNEP North Dakota Is Still Paying For Her Failures County Commissioner J. 0. HALES County Treasurer BETTYE F. DEHART VOTE 337 X NO. County Coroner RALPH FOLSOM Republican County Central Committee. C. C. Curl, E. C. Olsen, Chairman Secretary KKAD THE WART ADS PM4A4e.br »«Mel Atfv. ........ ............ M »aw . 1 1 ■■ 11 »■ ■" $ ..... ■ ■ ■ PabBc Utility Ceas. O wm H t. HeewwivM’ "Watw ao4 Peow" —424 Pacific B.iMiag. Pwfiaal, Ongw