TOB S a tu rd a y a n d S u n d a y LEATRICE JOY in “The Wedding '' Song” A South Sea Island Comedy 10-30c FIRST SHOW 7:45 P. M. “Racing For Life” A Real Thriller FIRST SHOW 7:45 P. M. COMING!! “T h e V o lg a B o a tm a n ” The picture that took Portland by storm, playing houses for four weeks. to packed A T IP C O N C E R N IN G Y O U R C H IC K E N H O U S E IT E K A L D , IL E E M IS T O N , O B E ttO V , Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Phipps and daughter. Mise Laura Phipps. left LOCAL ANO PERSONAL Wedneeday for a vacation trip. They went from here to Portland and from ■ BREVITIES - ther6 will go to Seattle, Bellingham Oeeuraacaa o f U taraat U laaaad Her* attd Thai« A bout the Cit» and and other pointy on Puget Sound. Neighborhood They expect to be gun# far (#9. . - —e »Vi.,.' r>wu;MW l J. M. Richards was in town from N W. Broome, foreman Of the his Butter creek ranch Saturday. t»l(T Blalock Island farm thetas being developed, was a visitor hjere Wed Mrs. A. Kopacz was here from Stan, nesday. Two big pumps In use on field Tuesday. the island farm are being used to lift water from the rtver for use on Mrs. J. B. Knight was here from the land, he said. Irrigon Tuesday shopping. ______ Dr. F. V. Prime left Sunday for H. L. Dexter was a Hermiston vis Salem to Join Mrs Prime and their it oi Tuesday from Umatilla. children. From there they plan to go to the beach for a vacation of C. M. McCall transacted business about three weeks. Dr. C. M. Dale here Tuesday. will have charge of Dr. Prime’s office Mrs. C. T. Sating of Irrigon was during the period of the latter’s ab sence. 1 .1 here Monday. When Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Norton lived in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, which was their home before they Mr. and Mrs. Walter Knauff was came to Hermiston, they knew K. M. Halbritter. Sunday Mr. Halbrltter, here Tuesday from Boardman. accompanied by his young eon Ted Carrol of Umatilla was here and a nephew, spent the day with the Nortons. The trio are on a trip .Monday. over the northwest. Mrs. George Kendlar was here from Umatilla Monday. Mrs. S. M. Campbell and daughter Barbara, and Mrs. O. C Pierce and N. C. Robertson of Echo was a sons, Eugene and Floyd, and daugh Hermiston visitor Monday. ter Marian, are in camp near Camp Sherman on the Metolius river. Mr. Mrs. Perry Arthur was here front and Mrs. Campbell left Saturday Echo Saturday. night, and Mr. and Mrs. Pierce left Sunday morning. Mr. Campbell and W, Parks of Umatilla transacted Mr. Pierce returned home early in business here Monday. the week. Gaylord Madison was here Echo Monday on business. Wednesday Only 10-30C IL E B M IS T O H front J. W. Connell of Umatilla was here Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Watson and son Wednesday. Earl returned Wednesday afternoon from a motor trip Into Idaho where T. O. Krause was a Hermiston vis- they spent 10 days. They were In I Itor Wednesday from Stanfield. Caldwell, Nampa and Boise and also stopped at their old home near L. T. Kenison was here from Stan Weiser, Idaho. Last Sunday they field Wednesday. enjoyed the Odd Fellows annual pic nic at Eagle Island below Boise. A. McFarland was in Hermiston They also went over the Skyline trail Tuesday. near Boise where a scenic view of the whole valley is afforded. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Nugent of Umatilla were here Tuesday. No. 9281. Ota». No. 12 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Miss Matilda Wearhood of Fort THE TOST NATIONAL BANK Wayne, Ind., is spending the summer with her cousin, Mrs. N. W. Bloom. at H erm iston. in the S tate o f Oregon, a t th e close Marcus May was here Tuesday from his ranch on Butter creek. He Is harvesting bis second crop of hay on the Butter creek ranch, and wheat harvest Is under way on his ranch In the Hoidman country. James D Todd left Tuesday for Corvallis to attend the state con vention of the poultry growers' or ganization. The meetings started Wednesday and will be concluded Friday. F. H. Blake of Portland spent seveial days here this week looking after a couple of ranches he owns. He wag accompanied by Mrs. Blake L. D. Neill of Echo was here Tues day. DON’T FORGET --------US--------- This gives you a stock that will build an absolutely tight chick en house at the »nine price as green lumber would cost. You cannot afford to tske n chance on using green lumber for a chicken house when we will guarantee the stock that we furnish not to shrink. • t - ' MATERIALLY YOURS 1 ,r , . T U M -A -L U M L U M B E R C O . R. A. Brownson, Mgr. Charles Hango who lives In the Boardman district was in Hermiston Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Pankow and family are spending two weeks at Wallowa Lake on a vacation. Mrs. W. W. Felthouse left Tues day for a visit of a week in Port- land. I O. T. Lockridge farms in the Stan field district. He was here last Saturday. Phone 111 J. M. Doyle of Plymouth, Wash ington, transacted business In Her miston Saturday. Claude Finley was here Saturday from his wheat ranch near Lexing ton. S u b sc rib e F or T h e H era ld ■ ■ S Cedar Flume Lumber I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ : Mr. and Mrs. Herb Shesely left Tuesday on a motor trip to Seattle. They will return the latter part of this week. Mrs. II. E. Pasewalk and daughter Laura and son Hubert of Provo, Utah, are here as guests at the home of her sister. Mrs. C. W. Kellogg. A new stock on hand for your flumes and repairs F. W. Boynton of Pendleton was here and at Umatilla Friday and Saturday on business. Earl and Vane Boynton ar< hts nephews. No. 2 Common Mrs, H. T. Fraser and son, Tom Jr., and Miss Clara Bryant left Tues day for Portland and Seaside where they will spend a vacation. Ask us to show you our stock of No. 2 Common Good serviceable material for cheap construction. May be used in a surprising number places in your building operations, at a substant ial saving. ~ Pay the Butcher less <~Pay the Grocer less — Pay the Icemanless Home Cooking IS OUR SPECIALTY HOME MADE PASTRY WE SERVE 40c LUNCH FROM 11:30 TILL 3:00 P. M. Fried Chicken, home style, 50c Oregon Hardware & Implt. Co. the TY/MCffttTfR a tore SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURi Open 5:30 to 9:30. REX CAFE WE ARE SHOWING A PRETTY GOOD ILKE OF W H O ’S W H O T O D A Y Trunks, Suit Cases and Hand Bags Just the thing you will need if you plan an outing or vaca tion trip. All priced to meet present day needs. A New Gordon Cap Will be In order, and we have th a very newest fall models in light cloths. Just the kind shown in the large city sores for early fall. Priced $2.00 to $3.50. o f b usiness on June 30, 1928, Anticipating chicken house busln'ss for the late summer and fall, we secured a complete stock of material for this business early In the spring. This stock has been In the yard for the last five months and Is now thoroughly dry. [owifeuCaS W hen you need any thing in the line ot n ea t and a ttractive Printing. RESOURCES Loans and discounts 1175,140 57 175,140.57 Overdrafts, secured ........... f ..... U nsecured 166.51 . 166.51 U. S. bonds to secure circulation (par v a lu e ) ...........................................6.260.00 6.250.00 Other bonds, stocks, necuritiea. e t c ........ 77,466 69 Banking» house ....................... 8,000 00 Furniture, flxtu r»»s ...................... 1,764.90 9,764.90 Real es ta te owned other than banking house ..................................... — 6,010.54 Lawful reserve with Federal R eserve bank .... .... _ 17,136.30 Cash in v a u lt and am ount due from Nat* ional bank-; 28,416.30 Total o f item s 9. 10. 11, and 13. 26,416.30 M isceM aneouscashitem s ..................... 24.09 Redemption fu nd w ith U. S. Treasurer and d ue from U . S. T re a su re r............. 812.B0 Æ . . 3318,688 30 Total _____ LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in .................. 26,000.00 Surplus fund ................................................. 10.000.00 Undivided p r o fits ......................... 19.311.58 19.311 58 Circulating notea o u tstan d in g . ................... 6,250.00 Certified checks outstanding ................... 7019 Cashier's checks outstanding. 6.160 87 Total o f item s 31, 22. 23,24 and 25 6.230 86 Demand deposits: Individual d eposits subject to check . —161,720.93 C ertiticateeof deposit due in lees than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) 37.122.99 j S tate, county or oth er m unicipal d eposits 22,687.12 , Other dem and depot l ‘S ......................... — 210.25 Total item s 28. 29, 30. 81 and 32 221.741.29 Time Depoaita: C ertificates o f depoaita (other than for money borrowed) ............................. — 29.050.87 Other tim e depoaita ............... - ................ 1,103.70 Total tim e depoaita .............. 30.(54.57 Total ......... - w - s ....... ............................. »318,688 30 State o f Oregon I . - County o f U m atilla I I. A. H N orton, cashier o f the above named bank, do solem nly sw ear th a t th e above statem ent is true to the b est o f my know ledge and belief. A . H. NORTON. Cashier Sabscribed and sworn to before me thia 6th day o f July. 1926. W. J. W arner. N otary Public for Oregon. My com m ission ex p ires Jan. 9. 1929. Correct—A ttest: F. B. 8W A Y ZE. J . R. RALEY. R. A L E X A N D E R . D irectors ? - - For the Ladies -V New models Warner Corselettes. Just what you will be look ing for for the heated summer season. Light and comfortable. T*'? - Voile and Silk Ladies’ Undergarments 22^ GOV. A VICTOR D0NAHEY In the wanted shades andweights and riced right. “In most ‘bumper crops’ it’s the price that bumps the farmer.” THERE IS NOTHING SO EXASPERATING To the busy housewife as to have to wait and wait for the Meat to be de livered, then whehn it does come find it so tough that you Can't cook tt. We pride ourselves on the Choice Meats we sell, prompt delivery and orders carefully filled. City Meat Market Holeproof Silk Hosiery In the proper shades. Priced from $1.00 to $2.50 In pure silk. This line of hosiery are very superior merchandise as all users will tell you. Hermiston Produce and Supply Company PHONE 131 WE MAKS A SPECIALTY OF CREAM BUSINESS Whipping Cream........... 30c Pint Coffee Cream ............. 30c Pint Night and Morning Deliveries You can't get better food than milk and cream. The quality of our products is excellent. We solicit your business. L IV E S T O C K JERSEY DAIRY Jenkins Bros., Props. Hermiston Umatilla W ANTED GREAT SESQUI STADIUM OPENED AT PHILADELPHIA Phone 411 HERMISTON MARKET J FUEL j Slab Wood for summer use. The 5 best range fuel for the warmer 5 days. S Nut Coal in stock at all times. s — 2 Inland Empire Lumber Company ■ ■ F hooo'ttl 1 Tbe Yard of Best Qnality ” H. M. STRAW. MCA. I Exdosive Representatives of National Bailders Barano H e r m isto n H o sp ita l PAofe Sy J RFtO Bcvu-t Corporation, The giant arena In the centre of the SusqnlCent«*- cleea on May 1 which formally opeued the structure, la nlal International Exposition sKe In Philadelphia waa the stands are seated 10.000 persons watching the pro ball» in approximately $00 working days. It was com gram. a group of 10.000 persona is a large crowd but pleted and In use a month before the opening of the big they »re only a "drop la the tracker” tn the big Phlladel- exposition which cetobratet the 150th anniversary ot thojphla stadium The boys paraded oato the Reid to the signing of the Declaration of Independence. This photo aceamppalment of fourteen bands and there went through graph, made from the air, ahowe nearly $.000 hoy a on their drills end athletic exercises tor the bene at of city the playing Retd, maaaed there for the dedicatory oxer- officiala end purenta. We can care for yon cheaper and give yoa better »ervice than yon can receive at home. Minor Operations Can Be Perfornmd H e n . M aternity Cases Especially Solicited IM HERMISTON. OREGON