q a h suo stos mbbajip . hebmistok , orbqojl ADDITIONAL LOCALS LODGE DIRECTORY J. A. Murray, district manager of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company, was a business visitor in Hermiston Tuesday. Herbert Boylen, pioneer resident of the Pilot Rock district, was a guest of his son Robert 'Boylen Tues­ day night and Wednesday. “This country looks mighty good to me, said Mr. Boylen. "It Is my impress­ ion that this Is a good country for dairy cows and chickens. We have been giving more attention to these two lines out In our country during past years, and It Is surprising the amount of money farmers take in from butter, cream, milk and eggs. IT’S 216 DATS UNTIL CHRISTMAS! Savins twenty-five cents per day will give you more than Fifty Dollars with which to do your Christmas shopping. It’s the pennies and dimes laid aside REGULARLY that really count up In the end. With Bert E. Haney from Pendle­ ton Tuesday were Guy II. Johnson, democratic war horse* of the county seat, and Joseph N. Scott, unopposed candidate for the democratic nomina­ tion for Joint representative. F ir s t N a t i o n a l B a n k of Hermiston C ap ital, Surplus and U ndivided P ro fits O v e r $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 ie B Swayze, Pres. R. Alexader, Vlce-Prea. A. H. Norton. Cashier W. L. Hamm, Asst. Cashier Miss Frieda Campbell of Hermiston • was chosen by the Delta Zeta sorority ity and Delta Tau Delta fraternity as oriental queen to ride in the plana- quin In the university of Oregon canoe fete, held recently. FOR SALE PIANO MUST BE SOLD We have a fine piano and player FIRST CUTTING HAY FOR SALE Piano in storage near here that we cheap. Harry Pelky. 37-ltp wl*i 8eH at ridiculous prices to sell ----- ,-------- them at once. We will give easy FOR SALE — Fresh cows. B. M. terms like rent and we would ac- Hammer. 37-tfc cept phonograph or used piano ---- — --------------------- I Part payment. For full particulars FOR SALE—Sweet potato plants at and where they may be seen, ad the PTindle place. S. T. Davis, ltp dress. Portland Music Co., 227 6th 36-2tc TOR SALE—Adding machine rolls St., Portland, Ore. at the Herald office. KEBMIST0N-PENDLET0N STAGE FOR SALE—Two Ford sedans at a SCHEDULE A. M Kellogg Motor Co. 34-4c Leave: Hermiston ..................................... 3:06 FOR SALE—Two Big six McCormick Stanfield ................................... 8:20 mowers, one rake, In good condi- Echo .............................................. 3:30 tion. W. A. Leathers. 34-tfs Nolin1 ............................................ 8:50 Barnhart ..................................... 9:10 W. A. Leathers buys and sells al­ Rieth .............................................. 9;2o falfa hay. Office In building for­ Pendleton ..................................... 9:30 merly occupied by Western Land Leave: , p. M Co. and Hay Growers’ Assn. Phone Pendleton ..................................... 4:30 31. 1-tfc Rieth .............................................. 4:40 Barnhart ....................................... 4:50 FOR SALE—A 7 room strictly mod. Nolin .............................................. 5:10 ern house, full basement an dgood Echo .............................................. 5:30 lawn. Close to school. Might trade. Stanfield ....................................... 6:40 See C. H. Skinner. 46-tfc Hermiston ..................................... 6:00 Sunday schedule— Leave Hermls- FOR SALE— 750 pound Primrose sep­ arator. Enquire Inland Empire toni 10:30 A. M. Leave Pendle­ Lumber Co. 43 tfe ton, 4:30 P. M. bargain. FOR SALE or trade 15 acres, part alfalfa, part orchard, and some In asparagus. For partculara call at Herald offee. 7-tfc LOOK OUT FOR SELF POISONING Sweet potato plants from hill-select­ Neglect of the liver results In self ed seed. 100 $1.10. A. D. Smith. poisoning! Not so quickly, perhaps, 32-8tp but just as surely as If you drank poison out of a hottie .If your liver Is not doing its work of heplng diges­ MISCELLANEOUS tion, eliminating waste from the bowels and purifying the blood, you FOR RENT— Modern four room house will always be troubled with sick with bath, nice lawn, $15. Call headaches, nausea, biliousness, bad Inland Empire Lum. Co. 3 7-tfc breath, gas, sour stomach or constipa­ tion. Pasture for horses, $2 per month, Cleanse and tone your liver! Put cattle, $1.50. Gulllford ft Hamp­ your system In condition so you feel ton, Echo, Oregon. 36-3tp your very best again! Try Just a spoonful of Dr. H. S. Thacher’s ex­ WANTED— Calves, beeves,, hogs and cellent Liver and Blood Syrup after ooultry. Phone or write Her­ the next few meals and notice the miston Market. 27-tfc quick Improvement In the way you Watch, clock and jewelry repairing. eat, sleep, look and feel— the return See Newell, next door to Sappers. of strength, vigor and energy. You 18-tfe will be completely satisfied; other­ wise there will be no cost. BURK is headquarters for Army FREE! This Coupon is Good for Shoes. Burk's for bargains. Polands for Profits. Stillings. 37tf Try Burk’s for bargains. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS, RE­ ALTOR. 26-tfc Want Ads Bring Results STRAYED— Dark bay saddle horse, weight about 1000 pounds; brand B left shoulder and JS left hip. Hold and notify Tom Boylen Jr., Echo, Ore. Reward. 35-3tc Pasture for Cattle— Plenty shade and water. Call R. W. Buhman, Tel. 21-W-2. 35-tfc Hermiston Second Hand 8tore.— Furniture and Hardware, Bee Sup­ plies. Harness, Saddles, Wagons. 35-3fc WANTED — Setting hens. Phone 33F11 or write State Game Farm. Pendleton, Oregon. 33-10tc — T I T THE HERALD WANT ADS— Good blue grass pasture, shade and water, for cattle, price $3 per bead per month. This will be a good pasture to fatten cattle as we do not overstock these pastures. W. A. Leathers. 29-tfc PASTURE for horses or cattle. E. P. Dodd. 34-tfc ADDINO machine rolls at the Herald BenM Want Adi Bring Toi R»ralt$ Mrs. J. M. Biggs and Mrs. W. L. Hamm were hostesses, at bridge Sat­ urday and Monday aiternoons at the Biggs home. Five tt hies were In play each afternoon, and the parties proved delightful. The rooms were effectively decorated with cut flow­ ers. At Saturday’s party prizes were won by Mrs. Joe Ralph and Mrs. W. J. Warner. Monday’s prize winners were Mrs. E. P. Dodd and Mrs. Cur- tls Simons. D o m e s t ic L a u n d r y With the approach of hot weather our service in taking care of your laundry worries has an added appeal that can hardly be resisted by the family in which the health and well being of the housewife receives consideration. For a nominal charge all the drudgery of wash day and Ironing day can be banished from your home and done b.v us with the most modern machiuery possible to buy. That— i | > O u r S e r v ic e is S a tisfa c to r y Is proven by the large Hat of satisfied customers we serve every week In this territory. We welcome new customers. Whether It Is finishing work, rough dry work or Thrlf-T- Ser­ vice you seek, you are bound to be satisfied If the old reliable Domestic Laundry handles it. Domestic Laundry Inc. W m . Shaar, A gen t Penland Bros. T R A N SFE R CO. Our big closed van has electric Hunt-Tharo’dson Henry O. Tharo’dson of Pendleton lights and sleeping quarters over the and Mabel Inez Hunt of Hermiston driver’s seat, and on long runs we May 16, at the home of the bride’s can drive day and night. were united in marriage Sunday, parents, three and oi^e-lialf miles1 Let us give you a price on mov­ northeast of town. The ceremony ing your goods. was performed by Rev. Charles Dur- Phone 339 ston. Following the qeremony a Pendleton, Oregon wedding dinner was served for the bride and groom nnd the) guests. Mr. and Mrs. Tharold3on will reside NOTICE TO CREDITORS In Pendleton. In the County Court o f the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. The commencement exercises of the graduating class c i the Umatilla high school will be held tonight. The salutatory will be given by Zennle Stauffer and the valedictory by Gladys Thompson. Professor V. P. Morris will give the address to the class, and J. W. Connell will pres­ ent the diplomas to the class. In the Matter of the Estate of John W. McDermed, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed ad­ ministrator of the estate of John W. McDermed, deceased, and has quali­ fied as the law directs. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same to me Phone 461 RECLAMATION LODGE Me. lSLik. or I* . meets eat h Thursday •»eniak la Mack's Hall, at 7:»> P.JI. Vlajtlas brothers cordially intdtaft W. H. McMillan R. A. Bmraaaa, K. R. and S. C. C. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4* IF IT’S ♦ 4 ❖ PROFESSIONAL CARDS S E R V IC E 4« 4* ■0 YOU WANT CALL 25-J » ❖ COUNTRY HAULS S0LICITEI ❖ ♦ Dr. F. V. PRIME DENTISTRY Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis Hermiston, Oregon Bank Bldg. Phone Conneotima W. J. W ARNER T. H. G aither 4* TRANSFER AND DRAY $ 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A ttom ey-at-Law Hermiston LAUNDRY We Wash Everything But the Baby. FOUR TIMES A WEEK SERVICE Oregon i : : s. M c K enzie , m . d Eye. Ear- Nose and Throat Office: 1-2-3 Inland Empire Bldg. Pendleton, Oregon JAMES L. SEARS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office phone 733 Res. phone 902 Office in First National Bank Bldg. at the office of W. J. Warner, my attorney, in Hermiston, Oregon, with proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 13th day of May, 1926 JOHN S. WEST. 36 5tc Administrator, LESS LAWS T roy L aundry C om pany AUCTION SALES! ECONOMY IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS A FEW IFS AND WHY! IF you Intend having an Auction and J. S . N o r v e ll FOR REPUBLICAN NOMINATION DR. THEO. BELETSKI, Veterinarian Treats all Domestic Animals. Inter­ state Stock Inspector Pendleton, Oregon QUALITY SERVICE LOWER TAXES Residence second house west of Catholic church. Phone. 82-R. IF you want to sell at good prices, and IF you want an auctioneer who can speak German as well as English, WHY the man you are looking for For R epresentative Umatilla County Colonel W M . F. Y O H N K A Subject to the voters at the Primary Election May 21st, “The an Who Cries Sales Everywhere” (Paid Adv.) STEIWER For Senator Frederick Steiwer of Umatilla county, candidate for United States senator, delivered a radio address in Portland on the evening of May 11 In which he discussod the problems o f the farmers. It seems to be generally conceded throughout the state that the con test at this time In the republican primary election lies between Steiw­ er and Stanfield. A vote for any other candidate bids fair to be a vote wasted. It is surely for the interest of every fruit grower, every hay grower, every wheat grower and every dairyman to support Mr. Steiw­ er at this time Ho has lived In Umatilla county for about seventeen years, and was born and reared In the Willamette valley. He knows the needs of every branch of agriculture, both by observation and experience. The following Is reprinted from the report of the radio address above referred to: One great subject confronting Ore­ gon and the west Is that of relief for agriculture. In order that you may know that It is net presumpu- ous for me to distuss this subject, I will begin by saying it Is one in which I bare long been interested. I was born, raised and partially edu­ cated upon a farm in Oregon. Since hare lived in Pendleton I have en­ gaged In a substartti 1 way In raising wheat. I bare had seme experience In the livestock business. As an attorney many fanners and livestock men are numbered among my cli­ ents. I sided in the organization of the Oregon Co-operative Hay Grow­ ers. Upon behalf of this association I conducted a fight for lower rail rates on hay from Eastern Oregon to the dairy section c*n the coast Bert Mullins \71N E Y A R D LODGE NO. IO». L Oi p .F . V m eet. each Monday n a n la v ia (MS hall. Vitkina membara cordially tnrfcd. W. R. Loajrhoru. Sec. Jaaper Templatoa. M. O. Cigars, Tobacco h Hermiston will have a number of representatives in Salem next week to attend the grand lodge session of I. O . O. F. and the Rebekahs. Rev. Henry Young, grand master, will at­ tend. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Young, Ina Gilbert and Mrs. J. M. Prindle. William Logan and O. C. Pierce will be delegates from the Hermiston lodge. Mrs. Pierce and You do not have to crate your children will go es far as Portland furniture when moving In our closed where they expect to visit while Mr.’ padded van a we have furniture pads Pierce Is attending the sessions. for all kinds of furniture. Exercises Are Tonight Barber Shop QUEEN ESTHER CHAPTER No. 101, O. B. S.. meets second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 8:00 sharp in Masonic hall. Visiting members welcome. Euthemla Jackson, W. M. Kathryn L. Garner, Secretary. FO U N T A IN ences and by this training I have home— our products must find free learned something of the farmers’ movement and cheap transportation problems. The greatest Is that of Io points within the state. Oregon marketing farm crops. Oregon and will not go forward as we are en­ the whole nation must realize that titled to go forward until the whole this problem Is real and not fancied. state recognizes this fact. Port de­ In the case of wheat and other pro­ velopment and the improvement of ducts of this state the domestic shipping facilities is Just as lmpor- price is vitally affected by foreign I tant to the producer who lives far Sample Bottle market conditions, and Is largely gov­ j from the port as it Is to those en- Dr. Thacher's Liver & Blood Syrup erned by the price paid by outsiders i gaged in shipping. We must not If presented before the supply for for the exportable surplus. Agricul­ concede a divine right In favor of free distribtion Is already given ture as well as Industry ought to I ports of neighboring states to en- away. Read the fall dealls above, share in the benefits of the protect­ I joy services furnished from Oregon then act at once, as this offer is ive tariff; but It does not fully en ports. Fast, cheap transportation limited. Get a trial size now by Joy these benefits while the domes­ and adbquat