The Herald Keeps Close to the Heart and Mind of the Umatilla Project. VITAL CHANGES A SX nr course of being REALIZED HEBE. ARE TOD ALIVE TO THEM? VOL. XX (Hœ f e r m ia te f e r a li HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 20. 1926 & DAIRY CATTLE AND LAYING HENS AXX PAYROLL FOR PROJECT NO. 37 FRIDAY, MAY 21, DATS Nine Dollar. A r W Q IB O A Y NIGHT Voters Urged to BUILDER OF DAM AID FOR MERCHANT FOR PRIMARY ELECTIONS HERMISTON MAKES to n for Hay Paid1 Support Steiwer The primary elections are to be ACCORDED HONOR For Senator Job held Friday, May 21, and prospecte MARINE IS URGED are IT SIX VICTORIES Farmers for Crop IS COMMENCEMENT that a heavier vote than usual RALPH CONNOR CHIEF QUEST AT BERT E. HANEY SPEAKS BEFORE Pendleton Attorneys Ask That Uma BIG DINNER LOCAL CLUB tilla County Man Be Experience in Late War Should Backed Here. Proposed Celebration Talked And Teach U. S. Necessity of Merits of W est End Explained H aving Fleet*. j Support Fred Steiwer for the re At Pendleton « ill be cast, due to the Interest that prevails in the race tor the republi LOCALS COME FROM BEHIND AND can nomination for senator. Both BEAT UMATILLA parties also have contests for the nomination for governor, and several Railroaders Start Fireworks In The other offices are being contested for. First of Game but Yield The voting place for precinct 53 7 to 3. will be ln the lobby of the Hotel Cor- lis. In 54 the voting place will be Tri-Connty League Standing W. J. Warner’s law office, and in Columbia precinct, 5 5, votes will be W Pet. Hermiston ................... 6 cast at Columbia school. 1.000 Ione .............................. 5 .833 Umatilla ........................ 2 .333 .333 CALL OF OLD HOME PROVES TOO Boardman ....................... 2 Arlington ..................... 2 .333 Echo .............................. 1 .167 STRONG FOR HORSE TO RESIST CLASS OF 16 TO BE GIVEN Few Contracts Entered In to N ow DIPLOMAS For Limited Volume; Harvest Under Way. Class Play Saturday N ight, and Baccalaureate Sunday at With the alfaira hay harvest al M. E. Church. ready started on a small scale locally and with cutting about ready to be publican nomination for United A plea that the United States done by big hay growers up Butter The Hermiston schools will bring States senator and have a chance maintain the American merchant creek, some contracting for the sale the year's work to a conclusion next A t,a monthly membership meeting to win in November, or vote fof marine and make provisions for re of the crop has already been done, Wednesday evening, May 26. when of the Pendleton Commercial asocia. any of the other seven republican placing present vessels when they according to farmers and hay buyers. commencement exerclBea for the tion last Thursday night when Ralph candidates and count the vote as have to be junked was made by Contracts already entered into are graduating class will be held ln the Connor, construction engineer in having been thrown away. The Bert E. Haney of Portland, candi said to call for a price of nine dol- high school auditorium. The chief charge of work at McKay dam, was foregoing was the gist of the message date for the democratic nomination lars per ton to growers, hay to be , address of the evening will be given the guest of honor as a mark of the left in Hermiston Saturday night for United States senator, in a talk deliver“d by the farmer to the baler by E. W. Warrington. association's appreciation for ht8 when talks were made here by Alger Tuesday before the Eern iston Corn- This price is said to be in force on A number of activities have been work, a delegation of Hermiston men Fee and A. C. McIntyre of Pendleton, iniercial club I those farms w hich are within a rad- planned In the days preceding com and F. A. Baker of Stanfield who The talks here were a part of the Tbe future of Oregon and the SO SHE HOBOED TRIP 38 MILES Sunday’s Result». ! ius of >1.25 haul of Hermiston. Only mencement. The senior class play were guests of the association told campaign work that has been done otber paclflc coast states is depend- Hermiston 7, Umatilla 3. < the better quality first cutting and will be given Saturday night. May something of the development the big by the Umatlla county Steiwer-for- ent OB control of water transporta- Ione 2, Boardman 0. Some of the things a horse will do I second harvest hay is being contract 22. Baccalourate services will be construction Job will mean t0 the Senator club. The two men were in tlon by tbe government so that bulk Arlington 6, Echo 3. to get back to her old home were ed for on this basis, local dealers held Sunday morning at 11 o’clock west end of the county. ¡Umatilla Saturday afternoon. The products such as lumber, wheat. done Tuesday by a mare that Pat ■ stated. It still remains to be seen at the Methodist Episcopal church, The dam proper will be complet- talks by the Pendleton attorneys were Hour, wool, et cetera may be moved Sullivan recently purchased. She After Umatilla had led out with whether hay In which the cheat con- with the pastor. Rev. Henry Young, ed about the middle of July, Mr. preceded by a number of songs by ln competition with the products of got away from the Sullivan place, the first scoring and seemed deter- tent lg high will command a sufflc-1 delivering a special sermon for the Connor said in his brief talk. The the Pendleton Round-Up trio, Bert other countries that la v e a part of and her trail was picked up by Mr. mined to break Hermiston's winning iently high prlce to create for it a occasion. A school picnic had ten task of facing the upstream slope of Jerard, Ed Olson and Brook Dick- the Pacific trade, Mr Haney declar- Sullivan and his neighbor, C. R. streak the Irrigators stiffened and shipping market tatively been planned for Friday af tf! dam with concrete is now going son. ? ed Peugh. The trail went across the grabbed off Sunday's game at Uma On Butter creek alfalfa has been ternoon, but a decision was made to forward as well as the lining of the Political observers have almost He predicted that in the not dis- river west of town and led down the tilla by a score of 7 to 3. In bloom for several days and grow play a baseball game with Helix for spillways. After these phases of the unanimously conceded that the in-1 tant future the big part of the trade The railroaders started their scor rlad. In a car they decided to fol construction have been completed cumbent senator will not be able to o( the world is bound to be moved low l»er, never taxpecting what a ing in the second when they put ers who have heavy acreages are a l the county championship instead. ready lining up harvest crews and The graduating class has 16 mem there will remain the task of clean- be elected ln November, even if he jn the pacific, Th. blg shipping one over on singles by G. Kendler getting their outfits ready to go. bers this year and Includes the fol long trail they were on. Ing up. Needle valves will have to should get the nomination, it was companies in addition to their actlv- The mare bore to the south until and Hanson. Again in the third Harvest help is gald to be plentiful. lowing: Florence Skinner, Anita be installed, and these are not ex- stated by Mr. Fee. A close study of ity in regard to shipping also sell the she came to the railroad cutoff and they chalked up a score by virtue of _________________ j Paulsen, Georgianna Briggs. Edith pected to arrive before September or Senator Stanfield's record has been1 products they haul, he stated, and followed it down to where the Board- an error on Woodard and one on Horse Market Stronger j Mlkesell, Howard Reid, Earl Ben- possibly in October, but the dam is made by the democrats, and the rec- pointed out that it i3 natural for man ditch and the right of way con Todd and a hit by Fetzer. One error The demand for horses, particular-j sel, Lee Christian, Ernest Parrish, ready to function, in holding back ord furnishes such material for the tbjem to give preference to the pro verge. Then she followed the right in the fifth and a hit by Fetzer were Jy ex(ra heavy stock that is suitable i Caryll Newell, Orrel Campbell, Nancy water as soon as the fail flow of democratic press that the election of dUcts that are produced in their own of way to Messner and took the tesponsible for their third and final for heavy hauling in big cities, isj McNaught, Ruth Ward, Edna Bokish, McKay creek comes. I the present senator, if he should be countries. highway. The men in the car had score- materially keener now than for a Clara Hedwali, Arthur Schmidt and The dam has been built for less nominated, would be a practical im- In the Pacific the most difficult to double back at one place for two 1 he Irrigators did not draw blood jong time, according to Marcvs May, ¡Graham Young. A number of the than the estimated cost as prepared possibility. competition is that of the Japanese miles to a railroad crossing. When until the fourth when they shoved gutter creek farmer, who was a graduates have expressed their inten by reclamation engineers in the Den- The natural ability of Mr. Steiwer, whose coolies receive wages of about they reached the highway they found two around. The scores were made Hermiston visitor Saturday. Several tion of going to college or university ver office, Mr. Connor said. T h e s a v -h is sta.iding in his profession, his geVen dollars per month Their that the mare was ahead of them on one error and a couple of bingles, buyers have recently been up Butter to continue their educational work. ing made will mean just that much knowledge of the problems of Oregon. crew8 are smaller than the crews one by Mittlesdorf being a double. creek looking for horses weighing and going right along. The senior class play which will that settlers on the land under Me- b o » in the eastern and western parts that have to be canied by Ameri- They finally found her four miles Again in the fifth on hits by Smith from 1700 to 1800 pounds at prices, be presented Saturday night, is an Kay waters will not have to pay, he of the state, were praised by the can boats under American law, he explained. He expressed apprecia- speakers. Both men urged that ir. stated, and their costs as a conse- below Castle Rock at 3:15 after a and Blakely, assisted by an error by around $250 per team, he said. Mules Irish comedy in three acts, “My Irish search that started at 10 o’clock. O. Hanson, they scored twice. Three are ai8o jn greater demand, Mr. May Rose.” The play is said to abound tion, both for himself and in behalf ; lespective of what candidates loters Though heavy with foal, she bore no hita in the eighth by Blakely, M it-'sajd in funny situations which afford of the big force of workers that have (might support that every one go to te impossible for private capital to _________________ marks of her 38 mile jaunt. When tlesdorf and Todd resulted ln another, plenty of opportunity for laughs on betn under his direction, for the co the polls Friday to cast a ballot. earn any returns under present con found she was within two miles of duet of markers, and they added one 0 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ,hc part of an audience. The per- operation that has been given during ditions. more in the ninth. a ranch on Willow creek where she •WHO INVITED ME TO DINNER T” ! sonnel of the cast is as follows: the time the construction has been <. The development of the merchant waa raised. The men left her at ¡4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Box score and summary: Arthur Schmidt, Howard Reid, under way. Hermiston AB R H PO ROSELLA MATOT TO DANCE A t 'Ï 1\.< Î 1- * ^ can b? brought T about «J«»-1*. Boardman to rest from her hard trip. N QUESTION THAT PROVES HARD Ernest Purrish, Graham Young, LJonA xr T — —— — I — -X -J Connor Is Thanked. Mr. Haney declared. Ho reminded Smith, 2d ........ 4 2 1 4 ! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Caryll Newell, Herbert Swarner, Something of the development that + ♦ « ♦ « + + + + + + + ♦ * his audience that the United States IDAHO MEN PLANNING BIG Shesely, c ............ 5 0 0 12 the west end of the county may ex DAYS OF »62 CELEBRATION O f! FOR LOCAL MAN TO REMEMBER Anita Paulsen, Edith Mlkesell, Flor was without a merchant marine from 2 ence Skinner, Orrel Campbell, Edna FARMING UNIT ON ISLAND Blakely, ss ......... 4 1 1 2 pect as a result of the dam’s con PTTV TTTW m 11, 11 IZ io tbe time of the Civil war . until Shcok, cf .............. 5 1 struction was related by Mr. Baker CANYftW tA n iu n b i l l , JU NE F IU, . . the Bokish and Nancy Mcf^aught. Charles Taylor, known by almost, .... . , „ „ „ t . late war when it was revived under Crofton Bros., formerly in the Mittlesdorf, If .... 5 3 Following Is the program for the of Stanfield, and by F. B. Swayze, F. ; national necessity. To build the everyone on the project as “Scotty” 4 0 C. McKenzie, E P. Dodd and J. S Little Miss Rosella Matott. daugh- pre8ent fleeta cogt more money thftn shieep business in Idaho, have ac Todd, rf .......... Tnylor, has been on the defensive for baccalaureate services: quired a big island near Plymouth, Woodward, p ...... 4 0 Processional, Ruth Seyler; invoca Harvey of Hermiston. I ter of M. T. Matott of Hermiston. lt 8bould and the marine ahould several days as a result of an inci Washington, across the Columbia Hiatt, 1st.............. 4 1 tion, Rev. G. F. Watson; chorus, The Stanfield district expects im -• -.has received an invitation from the i aevieiopen, v lie contended, „ , . . dent that happened last week. from Umatilla, and are making plans Shake, 3rd ......... 3 0 provements to be made to its canal 'management of the Days of '82 cele-; During the day he received an In "Send Out Thy Light,” Gounod; Mr. Haney received the undivided for developing a big headquarters system which will make possible the, bration to dance at Canyon City all vitation to dinner for himself and prayer and scripture reading, Rev. C. attention of his audience during his for a sheep business. Totals.............38 realization of hopes long held for a three days of the big show, June 10, Mrs. Taylor. Being busy, he did F Watson: vocal solo, Jean Watson; talk and created an excellent im They texpect to experiment with a Umatilla— better water supply over a longer 11 and 12. The invitation has been pression. not mention the fact to his wife for nddress, Rev. Henry Young; benedic * pumping plant to secure water for Jones, 2nd.......... 4 period during the irrigating season,; accepted. a day or two, and on the evening of tion, Rev. Young. irrigation purposes. Alfalfa will be Fetzer, 1st .......... 3 Mr. Baker said. He expressed the Rosella has performed for home Wednesday will be the last day of the dinner date he and Mrs.. Taylor O. Hanson, 3rd.... 4 seeded on a part of the land. belief that negotiations between the audiences, and her talent is recog- HELIX HIGH TO BE ITERE school. Final tests w ill be given drove to the home of the friends FRIDAY FOR BALL CONTEST Their holdings aggregate about G. Kendler, cf e,. 4 district and the government have nized by a large group of admirers, where Mr. Taylor had said the invi on Monday and Tuesday. 2,000 acres of land, atld their tenta F. Hanson, p ...... 1 The program for commencement reached such a stage that the im- she danced last year at the Dairy tation canm from. provements will soon be a reality. and Hog show. She studied for Visitor» Undefeated This Year And tive plans call for some big develop Thompson, cf .... 0 But when they arrived at the exercises will be as follows: Hurly, c ............. 3 ment work. Invocation, Rev. C. W. Durston: Claim the Championship Land of Opportunity. ■ some time under Mrs. F. D. Callahan. home of their friends the discovery One of the Crofton brothers work Hanson, rf ........ 4 He gave voice to appreciation of . Her specialty is acrobatic dancing. of County. was made that Mr. Taylor attached "Wayside Roses," glee club; address, the excellent record made by Mr J The Hermiston girl also had an ed at Foster, now Stanfield, 44 years Peck, ss .............. 4 the wrong name to the invitation. He E. W. Warrington; presentation of Rickard, If ........ 4 Connor and his associates ln build invitation to dance at thle Union 1 A base ba,l game to determine the ago, could not recall Just where the Invi diplomas; singing, "Alma Mater.” R. Kendler, p cf.. 4 ing the dam for less than the esti stock show, but the invitation had championship of Umatilla county will tation came iBrorn. Then followed be played on the locel s ounds Fri mate. to be declined. R. Alexander Has Birthday _ . . . . . . the business of trying to remember SCOUT TROOP RECEIVES day afternoon at 3 o'clock when "We are convinced that we have otals........35 3 7 27 11 7 jU8t wblcb fr)end ft was that had R. Alexander, well known pioneer CHARTER AND BIG FLAG Helix high school will invade the merchant of Pendleton, celebrated n land of opportunity," said F. B. FUNERAL SERVICES HELD First on balls, off Woodward 1, off glven tfk illVltation. By a system Hermiston lot. Swayze, in his talk. "Now that the ellmlnatIon and conjecture the his 76th birthday Thursday, May F Hanson 1; left on bases, Hermis-' FOR J. M. STUBBLEFIELD The charter granted Hermiston Helix has not Buffered a defeat 13. With Mrs. Alexander he was ton 7, Umatilla 5 ,wild pitch. Wood- rlgbt olace wag p erta in ed , and din. dam is practically completed, the Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts of America scene of labor shifts to the lands J. M. Stubblefield, resident of the this year, and the team claims the Invited to the home of his daughter, ward: first on errors, Hermiston 4, ne wa„ gerved was formally presented to the troop that are to receive the Impounded west end of the county, died Sunday championship. The wheat country Mrs, H. W. Collins and when he arriv-1 Umatilla 2; two base hits, Mittles An unauthenticated report has lt water, and we accept the responsi afternoon at the home of hie son near i Uam gRV* Herml«‘°n a drubbing on ed found that a surprise dim er I:.d dorf 2; struck out by Woodward 12, that Mr. Taylor has a new book ln at the big meeting held in the base ment of the church Tuesday night. bility of doing our part in seeing Umatilla. He was almost 70 years the Hellx «rounds, but the locals ex- been arranged In his honor. few by Kendler 4, by Hanson 1. Umpires; wblch he writes the names of that these new fertile acres are set old. For some time he lived on the, bect to even UP t°r the licking F ri-. oj bj8 friends of log standln w ere1 Walpole and Matott. Scorer, War friends who extend him dinner in The presentation was made by P. H. Yearout of Pendleton, executive tled and harnessed to production.” E. I. Davis place north of Hermiston. day afternoon. Woodward did not present and Joined in congratulat I vitations. leader. In the Westland district 10,000! Funeral services were held at Pen-Lp,tch at Hellx' due to a sore finger- ing Mr. Alexander. The big flag given to the troop by acres of new land will receive water, dkton Tueaday John and j am, s ; but he will be in the box in the Baby Girl Born FLOYD WILLIAMS DROWNS Bert Mullins was also presented. The he said, and other lands, principally _______ stubblefle)d> 8On8 ___ of ____ the __________-__________ deceased, 1game here- Helix is expected to Mr. and Mrs. Clay Embry of Clark- ___ . ___ ^ r' and Mrs. Jack Stfcvens of IN ACCIDENT NEAR RIVER Iroop now has 28 members, and a in the Stanfield district, will receive reslde at Umatilla, and another so n ,|brlng doy n a delegation of rooters; „ton, Washington, were here a couple near Stanfield are the parents of an waiting list will soon have to be es supplementary water. Elmer Stubblefield, lives north oj for the fray, and a big turnout o f 1 of days visiting his parents, Mr. and, 8 3-4 pound baby daughter Jborn Rider Loses Horse in Slough on tablished. Of the members, 20 have Mrs. J. T. Embry. "Our new land offers an excellent Herm,8ton. Mrs. E. E Morgan, of local fans is anticipated. | Tuesday morning about 5 o’clock. already passed the tenderfoot tests, Columbia and Succumbs; Jory opportunity for settlement.” Mr. ; Ih.rmlBton, i8 a daughter. and a number of the boys are now Narrowly Escapes Swayze told his audience. “The land preparing to lake the second class la cheap in price, and settlers can Up To Freiident scout tests. A big feed was given not and will not be exploited. We Floyd Williams, 27, employed by now have on our old project a fine A telegram received Tuesday by Ben Jory, was drowned In a slough after the business session. ____________ _____ ____ _ W. J. Warner, secretary of the Her- net of seasoned farmers who through along the Columbia river on the — . . . . . l experience and study have evolved miston Irrigation district, from Con- Washington side opposite the ferry REV. YOUNG TO DELIVER a program of farming that is proving gressman N. J. Slnnott was as fol- Tuesday afternoon about 2 o’clock. MEMO R IA L DAY A D D X IH lts worth, and this program wUl lows: “House today agreed to sen- A group of men swam their horse«I ■ ■ ■— have a big cash value to the settlers s'e amendments on charge off bill, into the slough to cool off early In Memorial Day services In Hermls- who reclaim the new land. Bill now goes to president for slg- tbe afternoon, and the horses Start- ton will be held Sunday, May 30, In "Any healthy man, even with a nature.” ed to mill around. In some way Mr.¡the theatre at 10:30. Rev. Henry small amount of capital, who is will-; ----------------------- Williams wag unseated. He called Young, pastor of the Methodist Ing to work intelligently can win' for help and Mr. Jory went to his; Epiecopal ehtirth, will deliver the Celebration Talked success in our country. I am con- E Dodd, after reviewing some- aid. Mr. Jory was grasped So firmly address, and a part of the rltuallstla vinced that our district offers the tb| ng of fbe history of the work by Williams that the other men pres-; services of the American Legion will biggedt opportunity for immediate done make the building of McKay ent had great difficulty In extricating; be used. development not only In Umatilla dam a suggested that plans The hrur for Sunday school ser him, and Mr. Williams disappeared county but in the whole state of be started to celebrate ln a fitting and his body was not recovered for vices has been changed so tbat there Oregon.” j manner the completion of the big will be no conflict between relig several minutes. Farming Program Praised structure. Mr. Williams Is said to have had ious services and the Memorial day F. C. McKenzie, president of the He pmp^cd that a part of the heart disease which is held to have exerci is. The prr.gram will open Hermiston Commercial club, said celebration be held at the dam and been partially responsible for his with a prayer *>y ,he chaplain and that J>efore he left Pendleton for that a visit then be made by the will be followed by scripture read death. Hermiston he had the impression celebrants to Herlnlston and the new The men who were working with ing. a song by a quartet, then the that sagebrush, sand and rabbits only iandg that are to be irrigated from, horses at the time besides Mr. Wil address by Rev. Young. The names were to be found in the west end of the water that will be impounded be- liams and Mr. Jory Intruded Art of the veterans whose graves are ln the cmsnty. hind McKay dam. He stressed the ; Beals, Russell and Leslie Wtlmert the Hermiston cemetery will then be "I learned the error of my im- ^ „ t that settlers will be wanted and a Mr. Clark. Mr. Williams only read. pression," said be. ‘'but I believe too for the Westland district by this fall recently had started working for Mr. After the program the crowd will many of you Pendleton men still and tbat steps should be taken with-| Jory, though he had been ln the 70 to the cemetery where grave» need to know more definitely the ol,t delay to Interest prospective set- tatter's employe at Intervals tor two'; will be decorated and the salute to development that has been worked tiers in the possibilities of the new j or three years. He was aif ex-service the dead will be fired. The Boy during these past few years. A sys- district. ¡man. The body was taken to Prosser Scouts will aid In the pogrsm, and tem of dlverslflcatton in farming is j . 3 Harvey expressed his faith veterans of all wars have been In- firmly established. Asparagus pro- |„ the possibilities of the west end "It’s getting about the time of vlted to participate. duction. poultry growing, dairying of the county and said that for the I year for us to have a big rain, and * and other activities that promise to amount of capital needed he believed, I we are looking for It now almost any Mr. and Mrs Merrill Potter re return real profits to our farms are ,he west end of the eounty offers the, t im e ," said Bob Kirkpatrick, well, turned Sunday from the Deschutes merely In the Infancy of their poe- gneatest possibilities to seekers of 1 known wheat rancher of Pendleton, river where they succeeded In me’.lng elble expansion. small tract» In the whole northwest. | Iwhq was a Hermiston visitor Monday, I a fin** <'at‘'h °( trout. fier< '1 “ A l l ’s R i g h t W i t h t h e W o r l d ”