m w w f t y n w A T J k 'BBBiÉBnOVa O U M O V . BJpWmntatan WmilB Pilot Rock— G rovers hare 1233 turkey hens to raise Id OSrloads e t Published every Thursday at Her holiday turkeys. miston. U m atilla County, Oregon by Newport—-Fish being shipped "In Joseph a. Harvey, editor and man arload lots to San Francisco. ner. Entered a« second class mattei Deeember, 190«. at the poetofftce ai Hermiston, Um atilla County, Oregon Subscription Kates One Tear ..... ................. .............. |2 .0 ( Six Months .........—................ fl.O t (Payable In Advance) Value of 1925 spring and fall sal. non pack on Columbia rive Is 3«»- 000,000. Bandon— CaHfornla capital w ill levelop black beach sands for gold, platinum and chromium. Into a contract w ith the United Staton under th* provisions of tho Act of Congreos approved December i , 1334, known as the Fast Finders' Act, by the terms of which contract the maximum amount of money payable to the United States for construction purposes shall be *1,- 100,000.00. Tbs polls w ill be opeM from t o'clock In the forenoon un til 5 o'clock In the afternoon of said day. J7-5c C. E. GLASCOW, Secretary. d* The " BULL’S EYE "Editor and Q t> tr » I M l» » M r WILL R O M M NOTICE Weat Linn Is spending *32,000 on To Westland Irrigation District and new sew« system. WE’RE GLAD WE’RE HERE to all freeholders, legal voters and assessment payers within said dis Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. agents en W ith this Issue of the Herald the trict: active management- has passed In courage sugar beet planting In Polk Notice is hereby given and dir county. to my hands, and since it Is the ected to West'and Irrigation District customary thing on such an occa and to all freeholders, Tegal voters Springfield— Large shipments of sion for some formal announcement and assessment payers w ithin the, maple knots and burls sent to lndl- of policy and purpose to bo given W estland Irrigation district In Uma-1 A n o th e r "B o U " I am publishing this statem ent for auaplis, Ind. tllla and Morrow Counties, Oregon, tú e m c n tb r W ill n R w os . Z t ln d o K M d Ï a e r , n u the perusal of the people of Hermis Roeebug— Uinpqua”'valley broccoli and to aH p€rTOns "’“ »’ested In said j i u l l t o . r i d »cree ton and those who live in the weRt District, that H. J. Bean. Lee Save com ing. W e lc h fo r I end of Umatilla county and the north will be shipped in solid train lots. ly and J. M. Prlndle, directors of! ' Pacific Fruit Express already has end of Morrow county. said District, have by petition com-! I purchased the Hermiston Herald 500 refrigerator cars on siding. menced a special proceeding In the, --------- as a business proposition in order Fall» City— Enterprise plant will Circuit Court of the State of O regon, to publish a newspaper and to con I move to St. Helens but paper con ¡for Umatilla County for the purpose' duct a printing business. I propose ■ of having a judicial examination and tlnues. to devote my time nd energy and A headline in the paper says “In ( judgment of the Court as to the what talent I possess to make the their war China won’t fight on regularity of the proceedinyi in Cascade Rocks— Wind River Lum, work as successful as may be and rainy days.” They don’t mind get connection w ith the election of as fruitful as possible both to me ter Co. mill being repaired for new ¡directors In said District for th e 1 ting shot, but they won’t get w e t personally and to thia community. 1 operation. ______ 'years 1924 and 1925; as to the re- a s » During my term of stewardship as Columbla river wheat shipments (Hilarity and legality of (he assess« Imagine a sign as you start to en publisher of the community new s •for January totaled 2,534,731 b u sh -,ment ** lrr*K®b1« lan<’ in B» ld DIs- ter China: “R A IN . N O W A R paper, my own private fortunes j trlct In the year 1925 for the en- T O D A Y .” If that was the custom and well being are and w ill con . els. i su in g year, together w ith the pro- in this country, we could prevent tlnue to be Irrevocably tied up to all wars by announcing that all the Medford— New hlgr school w tll cesdlngs of said Board of Director« and Intertwined with those of the bunding with four and 8ald DlBtrlc‘ >» tha elec“ °" ®»i fighting must be done in Portland, people of this city and the sgricul- ,,ave ® uuo 1&rm » « " « ‘ng witn r o u r ...................... .......................................... I thorizing the District to issue bonds J Oregon. . . . tural territory that surrounds It. I class rooms. In the sum of 387,500.00 for " the Since that condition prevails, it Another paper asks, “W here does from the Medford— Owen - Oregon Lumber purpose of purchasing Is my pledge loathe Heral l^ family work Qn |5 0 0 0 0 0 |W estern Irrigation Company all its a Florida Real Estate man go in of subscrlbers the summer ?” He goes to Cali water rights except for lands re- men of the west end of the county, «-nwmlll. New electric mill w ill cut fornia to his all-the-year-round , talned by It. water delivery con wheter they live on the farm and 165-°00 feet a sift, . . . I tracts, rlghts-of-way, irrigation sya- home. sell the products of the soil, or Catsknnlne -—A llen - Hendrickson tem and lands for use in connection A newspaper asks “W hy does a whether they live Co. will double canning plant d u t-i“ ,er*w “_h; nec“ ,a 7 to be acqured President of a concern always talk merchandise, by the D istrict, and as to the valid at the Company’s banquets?” It's high a plane Put this year be conducted on as high a ity of said election and of said bonds an incentive to the workers, who and In as prudent a manner as my j 1 when and If Issued, and whether, or say, “If that’s all he knows I may ability and the cooperation I re-j Hood Rive— City plans to pave |n o t bonds to the amount of 387,- be President some day,” Oak street and lay water mains on celve from you permits. 500.00 may be legally executed, is • » * I want the Herald to become In Uo'umbU street sued and sold or used by the District vital ever Increasing measure a Another paper suggests, “T he Redmond— Hollow tile warehouse for said purposes, and the Honorable cheapest way to enforce Prohibition force In this community. It Is my Gilbert W. Phe'ps, Judge a t said ambition that it shall record th e '^ I n g built to store 40 cars of pota- is to have everyone that drinks Court, has entered an order herein news happenings, both Important j toes, watched.” W ho is going to do the settin g Wednsday, the 14th dny of and trivial, fairly, honestly and watching? . . . W arrenton— Sanborn-Cutting Co, *PrH, 1926. ,at the hour of 10:00 faithfully so that all the members An article in a Business M an’s of the fam ily may learn what Is w i.l lnciease capacity of vegetable,1 o’clock A. M. as the time and the Circuit Court -room In the Court magazine inquire?, “W hat business cannery. transpiring here at home. 1 hope ! Tiouhe at Pendlleton, UmatlUnt in this country has the largest turn to be able to help through editor I County, Oregon, as the place for over ?” Cucumbers for supper have ials to interpret In at least some! Tillamook— Coats Lumber Co. an hearing, said petition. the largest turnover, with Fords a being electrified slight degree the bigger movements opens after This notice Is Issued pursuant to close second. . . . and some of the trends of thought , remodeled, an order of the above entitled Court and action that are In motion about T he Congressional Record speak Beaverton— McCready Lumber Co. made and entered on the 10th day ing editorially, says, “ ‘Bull’ Dur us. In Its advertising clumns I of March, 1926, and said notice shall ■want It to Impart to the people oil improves plant an w ill double the ham is the best Tobacco that ever be served upon all parties in Inter our community Information thht stock. entered these Stately Halls,” est by publication thereof once each w ill help them In their efforts to Gold Bench— Gaunt lees block to week for three succsslve weeks In tu y wisely and well, both for their the Hermiston Herald, a weekly own bsnefltt and for the benefit of be erected tilts year. newspaper of general circulation, the community. P.S. There will be another piece in printed and published at Hermiston, Gnrahnldi — Contract let for In a nutshell, I want the Her thia paper soon. Watch for it Umatilla County, Oregon, and the ald to bo the best newspaper that graveling Netarts road for 317,736. first publication thereof shall be all of you In the community In co-j made In the Issue of said newsppoper operation w ith u» who put It out| Tillamook dairymen foresee dated March 11. 1926, and the last from the office and sh ip cun m ?. k- , 1,108 * prosperous year in thstr publication thereof shall be made dustry. It. In the Issue of said newspaper dated That Is one whale' of a job, and Salem— Pacific Frutt Canning and April 1, 192«. neither you as member» of the Her Dated at Pendleton. Oregon, this ald family nor me us Its editor and Packing company reorgnlzed and 10th day of March, 1926. will add 325.000 capital. publisher are going to see this am (Seal) R. T. BROWN. bition realized with this number or Salem— Oregon Pulp and Paper Co. Clerk of the Circuit Court of th- the next number or for several nttm. State of Oregon for Umatills ■bers. We may expect to keep grow 'eta entraci for |9 0 0 ,0 0 0 plant addi, County. <27-4tc) ing, however, and some of these ton. News Taken from the Daily Papers days In the not distant future wc Federal authorities w ill Mil 118,- may reasonably expect to look back end say that we have made pro- 000,000 feet Klamath Indian tim greos. A gradual, healthy growth ber. la all that human beings and com Baker— Syndicate, p ay. 330,000 munities can stand. The morning sun scorchrs the tender mushroom for three copper claims In mother lode district. that sprung up during the night. More than a year Intervened be Astoria spent 341.443 In 1926 In tween the lime when I made n first tentative offer for this newspaper repalrng and enlarging port facili and when I purchased It. I de ties. ........ ... a cided to make the move only after I hnd given It a lot of thought and Ledge of rock In Columbia river fully decided that the time was at Wauna w ill be moved to make I pportune for the fortune« of me 35-foot channel. and mine t0 be joined with those of you who were here before we came. Coo county w ill have all private The treatment that has be»» ac- tlmbe re-eruled at cost of 326,000. porded i^s during ithe short tim e we have been here leads us to be Marshfield— Coos and Curry Tel- lieve that we were right in out phons Co. w ill spend 375.000 for judgment. 1926 Improvements. Mrs. Harvey s"d I n . , delighted to be In Heim'st n. We’re glad Ft. Johns— Purdy Brush Co. rnnkes we're here. \\ e expect to be glad der. There are problems facing the : uhber-set brushes for whole Pacl- community that must he solved, Ic const. and they will he solved. Of that 1 Burns-- W oik suspended on Her am culte oonfiueni. This statement Is longer than It rick Lumber Co. railroad until Apr. m ight have been, maybe longer than 1. It should he, hut nobody .but an Bandon— Business ecllon, now Indian or a genius In expressing thought through the medium of the built on piles, to be filled In by printed word could greet a family dredging and streets macadamized. as big as the Herald family without I Grants Pass— Local bankers will using more than a few words. 1 have used more than a few, but I back growers to plant big straw want to get acquainted, and to get berry acreage. acquainted one must speak one’! mind. WEST EXTENSION IRRIGATION JOSEPH a. HARVEY. DISTRICT Notice of Election. ♦ ♦ ♦ OP TOON WT.F.KTY INDUSTRIAL REVIEW < < < Oregon wilt ship up to lOO.OOt Isrrels beirle- to the Eastern mar. ket this year. Eugene - New Lighthouse Temple opened for public services, N otice In hereby given that an -lection w ill be bald at the M. F. Wadsworth ball In Irrigon, Morrow "•ounty, O rg a n for Irrigon Precinct md at tbe school house In Bcard- nan. Morrow County, Oregon for 'oardman Precinct w ithin the West •vt -rslon Irrigation District, on 'aturday. the lo th day of April, '92« for the purpose of determining rhethor the hoard of directora of he West Extension iPrtgatlon Dts-j trlct sh all he authorised to enter B ill E n d ic o tt’s Other R e a s o n eat at the rate at annum front %pd after June 1, 111*; 311.30 w ith Interest at the rate at els per cent per annum from and after. June 1, K g » : t i l 33 w ith In terest at the rate of six per cent per annum from and after June 1, 1921; 311-00 w ith Interest at the rat« of six per cent per aaaum from June 1, 1922; 811.00 w ith Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from and after June 1, 1023; and 311.33 with Interest at th« rate of six per cent per annum from and after June 1, 1924; and that the Court w ill by Its decre© declare said judgm ent to be a lien against the follow ing des cribed property, to-w lt: Al] that portion of the South Half of th« South H alf of the Southwest Quarter of the North- west Quarter of Section 80, Township 4 North, Range 33 East of tbe W illam ette Meridian lying East of the canal of the W estern Land A Irrigation Com pany, the said tract of land con taining seven and three-puar- ters acres, more or less, and w ill decree th« same to be a lien upon said premises to secure tbe payment w ith Interest as afore said of all the amounts hereinabove named, and that the Court w ill u further decree that said lien la first and prior Hen upon said prem ises and superior In time and right to any right, title, lntereet or claim of any of the defendants heiMin, and that the Court w ill further de cree and order said lien foreclosed and the said premises sold by the Heriff of Umatilla* Coutny, Oregon, in the manner prescribed by law, and for such other and further re lief as may be meet in equity. Thlg summons is published pursu- •nt to the order of the Honorable C. H. McOolloch, Judge of tbe above entitled Court duly made and enter- d on the 25th day of January, 1923 directing that publication herein be made once a week for a period of six consecutive weeks in the Her miston Herald, a newspaper publish ed In Hermiston, Um atilla County, Oregon, and that the first publica tion herein iR mad« pursuant to said order on the 28th day of January 1926. Raley, Raley & Stelwer and H. J. ■■■■■I ■ ! . fan e wofle fig v e they cannot afford to o v a • ■ tkay wltt h n tp poy taxm aa tnaoraaea. J Y ou Pay for | W hy Not j Own Your Home? ■ ■ * RENT INCLUDES TAXES AND IBS’JRANCE AND INTEREST on the money invested. You pay it all only you on’t aee i t ■ j If another person can m ake ■ a p rofit by ren tin g y o u a j h ou se, surely you can m ake ■ a profit by ow n in g your S hom e. a •s Warner, Attorneys for P lain tiff. Postofflce address, Pendleton, Ore gon. 21-7t| IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR UMATILLA COUNTY You -will find every beauty, every convenience, every comfort you have dreamed about In our book of designs. On view at our offlee or w« w ill take it to you on request. As Professional Building M aterial Merchants, we offer our ser vices in aiding you to secure your IDEAL HOME. 1 Inland Empire Lumber ■ Phone 331 ■ ■ M The Yard of Best Q IH' uk g E ■ M. -=TI»AW MG» ■ E x clu iré Representatives of Natiova1 THIS IS THE PLACE If you want your Auto To . or Recovered A New Set of Side Curt A Tent Made to Ord OR ANYTHING IN T H E - HARKi • Ralph Atchison, P lain tiff, vs. Alexander Bosley and ________Boo- ley, his w ife, and Mason J. Hew itt and-------- -----------n e w itt, his WE AUE G 'OWTEG wife, the Oregon, W ashington Railroad & N avigation Company, day by day. That Is „,rsu -' a corporation, and also all other please our custoinei■, ... it.)-. the persons or parties unknown claim kind of vulcanizing work ive rto. ing any right, title, estate, lien, Our up-to-date vulcanizing mschin»» together v/lth good s' i or interest In and to the real es tate described In the complaint,* workmanship turns out s f it ' > job. Defendants. SUMMONS Equity No. 4170. PA' To Alexander Bosley a n d -------------- 3C6% E. Alta St. Pc-ntUetor.. 0 Bosley, his w ife. Mason J. H ew itt e n d '-----------— H ew itt, his w ife, and also all other" persons or parties un known claim ing any right, title, es tate, lien or Interest In and to the real estate described 1 nthe com plaint herein, Defendants. IN TH E NAME OF THE STATF ABRAM METHOD > OF OREGON you -and each of yoi OF BLOOD TESTING A I’D TREATTTT’” are hereby summoned an d . require-' lo nppear and answer the complaint Hied agalpst you tn the above en tlfled sp it on or before six week from the date o? the first publlcn PENDLETON, OREGON Hon of this summons, to-wit, on or before the 12th day of March. 1926 and If you fail go to appear and answer said complaint on or befor' G uaranteed by said date, for want thereof the plain tiff w ill apply to the above entitled court for the relief demanded lr iNcessmwvs. said complaint, to-w lt: ■3 1 , N ew York City I l l Fifth Aw For a decree determ ining and • » •' / If you w ant money for your cream send It to us, as the more decreeing that the p lain tiff Is the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE owner In fee simple of the follow ing we get the mor« we can pay. STATE OF OREGON FOR («scribed real property aituated In UMATILLA COUNTY Umatilla County, Oregon, to-vrit: OUR SUTTER ORDERS ARE PICKING UP NOW AND WE Western Irrigation Co., a corpora Commencing at a point 148.« WOULD LIKE TO MAKE MORE BUTTER IN ORDER TO SUP tion, P lain tiff. feet South of the Quarter Cor vs. PLY THE TRADE. ner between Sections N ine (9 ) Mrs. Lizzie A. Ross, and John Dos and Sixteen (1 8 ) In Township Ross, and also all other persona B'lve (5 ) North of Range Twenty- or p a r tie s u n k n o eight (2 8 ), thence West along claim ing any right, tilts, estate •he North line of th« O. VT R. A lien or Interest,-!!! the real estate M Co's, right of w ay «62 feet, described In tb s com plaint hrein thence North 662 feet, thence Defendants. Easterly 662 feet parallel w ith SUMMONS i; said right of w ay th en ce South 662 feet to place of beginning: Equity No. 3333. To Mrs. Ltzsie A Rose and John •11 east 6 fth e W illam ette Merid A. N. SUNSTRUF C " ' Doe Ross and also all other persons ian. In the County of U m atilla or parties unknown klalm lng any nnd State- of Oregon: excepting OUR FRIGS TODAY, 46c right, title, estats, lien or interest a right of wajr reeerred for » In tb s real eetat described In tb s s, public highw ay for road pur- -om plalnt herein: peees In th e deed o f John B. [ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Swftzler, • widower, to the title a t the p lain tiff of all such of said summons mads and enterad OF OREGON: you and each of you n lalotirr here!In aa grants*, are hereby required to appear and nd further decreeing that the claim*. Intarevt and e*tate* of every In the above, entitled su it by the answer th* com plaint In tbe at M nlntlfra said fee sim ple title he kind and character, and for*such Honorable C. H. McColloeh, presid »ntltlrd matter w ith in six weeks 'orevcr quieted o f all adverse and farther and other relief as shall In ing Judge of the above entitled Court, from (be first publication o fthla -onfllettng claim s of you and each of equity b* meet, and t* Justice apper said order being dated thia 2«th day tain. nmmnas and you w ill take notice of January. 132«. nnd thnt you and each o f you, that If yon fsll to appear and ans he m id defendant*, and all elalm - T his summon* served upon you Dated thie 27th day o f January, wer or p'ead w ithin that time that qg kv. Oremteh and under you or by publication thereof In the Her- 112«. plaintiff for want thereof w ill ap any of you. he hy m id mlston Herald, a weekly newspaper W illiam J. Warner. ply to tbe above en titled Oour, for onrred *"d entolned publtehed la Um atilla County^ Ore P. O. Her let oa. Oregoi I the relief prayed for In Its com verting sn y claim . Interest or aetata gon for atx consecutive weeks be Lowell, Clark A McIntyre. • plaint herein to-w ft: for personal s u e kind or n store adverse to or ginning w ith tho tesue of January Residence and P. O. address. Fra dll I iudgment against tho defendants on fllctln g w ith the said fee simple 23. 133« to and laelod ln g the Issue ♦oa, Oregon. Mrs. L in t« A. Ross for tho follow ing Itle oT th e plafntlff therein, and » 1 . 1»33. parannat to the A ttorney, for PiainMfr. amounts, to-w it: 111.33 w ith Intsr- hereto, antk generally q ttetto g th * o f an order for publication tl-7te W .L G A D W A , Pend’eto i VULCANIZING CANCER SPECIAL* <1 Dr. B. B. Brunda e ■ B ull ! D urham Good NewsDairyFo Bill says he wants his hom e •nd garage lo have a kept- up look because th ey ’re A» j . But the m ore vital reason he gives for k eep ing them u p —-painted— is one that involves property value. A cm e Quality Paint serves both interests—and m orel It prevents deteri o r a tio n , r e d u c e s repair n eeds, beautifies, and en hances value. ACMEQUA u t Y Paint »^Varnish A special A cm e Q uality Product for ev ery indoor and s»ut door painting and v a r n ish in g job —at th is A cm e Quality Paint and V arnish S erv ice Station. - S ec us. W. L. BLESSING HARDWARE Bring us your next can of cream please H erm iston C ream ery Co* I s.